What are your favorite works of complete and utter fiction in visual media?
What are your favorite works of complete and utter fiction in visual media?
Pic unrelated?
Jesus Christ existing as a person is not a theory or a debate anymore by anyone with any history credentials
wtf I'm a christian now
it was literally invented by Josephus Flavius
has anyone tried adapting the bible?
like, the whole thing?
There's no overarching narrative and it's long as fuck so I don't think it would be a good idea
To suggest the Bible is fiction shows you know very little about it or how to read any type of literature.
The Bible contains many books which were intended as fiction by their authors. For books you may consider "literal", you must realise these concepts of "fiction/nonfiction" didn't exist the way they do for us now.
Nobody thinks of Psalms in terms of fiction/nonfiction. They're poems. The Book of Job was written as a long poem, but as a fictional story, starring God. The author didn't mean to tell a true story, just like Dante wasn't writing a divine testimony, but he wasn't lying either. God in Job is the same as God in the Divine Comedy: a character. That doesn't mean their authors didn't believe in an actual God.
Just get educated, there are enough resources out there.
His resurrection can still be questioned, besides there were probably multiple people calling themselves Jesus at the time
>Jesus Christ existing as a person is not a theory or a debate anymore by anyone with any history credentials
Actually, it is. Very hotly debated because there's not enough evidence for either side to have a conclusive case. At least that's what I concluded from reading about it, but if you have more sources for one side, I'm all ears.
Lego did. Have fun.
>dude there is no god
>morality is just a social construct
>lmfao seriously just do whatever you want dude
okay then why is racism bad?
leftists get real uncomfortable when you start illustrating that their morality has no structural framework
The problem is that most christians aren't as educated as you're implying they are. Most would have the exact retarded kneejerk reaction OP is hoping to get.
>The problem is that most christians aren't as educated as you're implying they are.
I implied no such thing. I didn't even mention Christians. Whether someone is educated or not was not part of my argument. I'm aware the appeal of religion is a mix of mental illness and good will, and lack of anchors, or beliefs from childhood and social pressure. None of that changes whether or not Christ existed or whether or not Christianity is true.
I agree that lack of education is a major problem, for any side of any issue, however.
Jesus was the friend we made along the way.
When are we getting the sequel to this absolute kino?
>leftists get real uncomfortable when you start illustrating that their morality has no structural framework
structure is subjective as is your argument
Daily reminder that cuckstianity is a beta religion
hello ahmed
>structure is subjective as is your argument
then by your own logic, there is absolutely nothing objectively immoral about racism
Pic unrelated I'm sure.
LotR is a simple one that I always enjoy.
I Luke the old legends of Baron Mjnchausen adapted into a Terry Gilliam movie. It's my favorite movie growing up.
>hotly debated
Actually it isn't. It's a extremely fringe view in academia and extremely popular in non-academic anti-theist circles. They like to argue and debate a lot.
Wow, I didn't realize Rome and many other historical cities never actually existed.
Sure buddy, enjoy being an incel social freak for espousing your views lol
Atheists getting more and more insecure
>loses argument
>engages blistering spergery
Maximum fedora.
Christians getting more and more butthurt over their ever-shrinking joke of a religion
Pic related is way better
>oh shit im experiencing cognitive dissonance
>better just call him an incel
whew that was a close one, you almost had to reconcile the fact that your beliefs were logically incongruent
my kids and I wish you a happy fathers day! Let me know when you get a moral foundation
>he thinks he was engaged in an argument
Keep going after those windmills, mr. Quixote
I don't give a flying fuck if you're a racist dude, I'm just saying to be prepared for how the social repercussions are gonna affect you and your non-existent family
New Atheism still doing its best to discredit its parent worldview, I see. It's like we're back in the early 2000s again.
You'll change your mind once your human body ceases to function and your soul is let free
See you on the other side my friend
cast this post into the nile, like everything else in the fucking bible
>animate piece of matter
>giving a shit about anyone else
Cute hobby.
And I'm just saying you have no moral foundation.
You have no authority for the things you say are good or bad.
You shit on religion for having a moral structure, and then you cannot figure out how to tell people things are bad, because you have no structure by which to define them.
Words like "good" and "bad" have no meaning when there is no standard.
That’s a nice passage.
Now post the genealogies at the beginnings of Matthew and Luke that totally contradict each other and imply the earth is only a few thousand years old.
The Holy Spirit has given us the gift of faith without needing first-hand evidence of Christ's person and work. Check mate, fedoratheists.
We both have the exact same kind of "moral foundation", my retarded friend, social pressure. Yours just comes from your weird archaic cult while mine comes from the rest of the actual world.
>if enough people want to kill Jews it's a-ok
And atheists wonder why people don't trust them.
The Law was placed into our hearts by God Himself upon our creation. That is why we yearned for His Law even before we knew Him.
>Jesus Christ existing as a person is not a theory or a debate anymore
Yes it is. You can't even say his real name, idiot.
It's Yeshua the Messiach
Yeah huh, I guess you're right.
>The Holy Spirit has given us the gift of faith without needing first-hand evidence
The gift of being a liar and a weak person.
>what is translation into Greek
Wouldn't throw academic shade if I were you.
When did manga surpass non illustrated fiction?
Anne Frank's Journal
Schindler's List
>Christians getting more and more butthurt over their ever-shrinking joke of a religion
It's literally like 4 guys from 8ch. They plan raids and their most brilliant move was to post an anime loli as a Christian girl to attack the youth.
>We both have the exact same kind of "moral foundation", my retarded friend, social pressure.
Sounds like you don't have the moral courage to stand up against the majority of people around you. You just do whatever's popular.
>what is translation into Greek
Do you speak Greek Zesus? Did Yeshau, nope.
>nb4 the gospels were written in Greek
Yeah a 100yr after Yeshua would of lived, lol
You still can't say his name and you worship Rabbi Yeshua.
Well I mean when there's literally nothing to be gained from doing so except for the empty promise of getting to see gram gram again when you die and go to heaven.... sure? lol
>Sounds like you don't have the moral courage to stand up against the majority of people around you
Says the cult member in the billions of low IQ subhumans. You're sooo indie
At least you have the wherewithal to admit you're a sociopath, most of your cohorts wont
>Jews are so afraid of Christ that they literally treat him like Voldemort and don't even say his name.
>establish officially atheist regimes
>redefine morality
>beat every historical kill count within a single century
>make your citizens' lives miserable
>crush all dissent under an iron boot
It takes true talent to create something worse than a theocracy.
>OMG my hate arguement
Such deep conviction
>The rulers over you accept a new religion based on your own
>It's entirely contrary to your own religion and explicitly entails the end and dissolution of your religion along with demonizing its followers
>But it praises your history
>conquest completed
>we don't know anything about what happened in 1919.
>Jews are so afraid of Christ that they literally treat him like Voldemort and don't even say his name.
Say his name then
Yashua, son of Yahway
Reminder that going onto Yea Forums and indulging in its sinful culture is a sin, and basically being a Yea Forums Christian is the highest in hypocrisy.
Hello, Yea Forums, I would like to take the time to preach the word of God to you.
Romans 3:23 KJV
>For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 6:23 KJV
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Revelation 20:14-15 KJV
>And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
>And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 21:8 KJV
>But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Romans 5:8 KJV
>But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Acts 16:31 KJV
>And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
John 3:16 KJV
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
>For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
>Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Romans 6:23 KJV
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
>We both have the exact same kind of "moral foundation", my retarded friend, social pressure.
So you agree that when slavery was socially accepted, it was morally right?
>moves the goalposts in the most unsubtle retarded way humanly possible
Why are christians so fucking dumb guys?
The gospels were written in Greek to begin with, you ill-read turbovirgin.
Peace and joy aren't good enough for you?
...continued from previous post.
Acknowledge that you're a sinner. Sinning of any form sends you straight to hell as a punishment and that you will never go to heaven with your own ability. HOWEVER, God loves you so much that he gave his Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for ALL (yes ALL) our sins - He payed for your sins already. Since he's already payed for ALL our sins, you only have to put all your faith in Jesus Christ - No good deeds/works required because it's a gift. Once you are saved, you can never lose it because you're already saved. Getting into heaven is as simple as trusting Jesus Christ - that's it!
Here's a video that goes in depth...
Reminder that "salvation is of the Jews"
>posts a pic of the pope and Hitler
>not moving goal posts
Why can't nuAtheists admit they're intellectual dwarves?
>believe in Christ and be joyful
>do not believe and take your SSRIs
choose one
Christcucks getting dunked on hard itt
I have a BA in history. While it is more likely than not that there was a historical Jesus of Nazareth, there are no surviving primary sources that make even the slightest mention of him. Indeed, Philo of Alexandria makes no mention of him at all in his extremely voluminous writings despite being a contemporary jew.
However the fact that Jesus spawned an entire movement around him suggests the likelihood that there was an actual founder.
>The gospels were written in Greek to begin with
Spoken in Aramaic
Written a 100yrs later in Greek
Still can't say his Rabbi god's name "Yeshua" or his father's name "Yehway"
>100 years ago Europeans outnumbered Africans
>Europeans evangelize and colonize Africa
>Now Africans outnumber Europeans and are mostly Christianized thanks to European colonization effort, and Euros are becoming more atheist
Atheist here, you're a retard kill yourself. Imagine not knowing even the past 100 years of history.
>actually believes the gospels were written that late
As I said, ill-read.
I think racism is bad because you should judge people for their actions, not based on an arbitrary factor of their physical appearance, which they only have due to an accident of birth.
>However the fact that Jesus spawned an entire movement around him suggests the likelihood that there was an actual founder.
No it suggests there was many Messianic movements and that it was written a 100years after he would of died based on the Judean wars. You idiot.
Not to mention it's all fiction based
>holocaust implied to have happened due to lack of christian moral structure
>immediately proven wrong with visual evidence
Seriously, does anybody have an answer yet?
>Europeans evangelize and colonize Africa
Thanks for that, christcucks. Can you breed more Mexicans for us too?
Wow, I didn't realize that The Avengers was true and Manhattan really did get invaded by aliens. I mean New York City is a real place, after all.
Autistic fedoras are hilarious
>that one retard with a "christcucks BTFO" folder spamming ITT
>Why can't nuAtheists admit they're intellectual dwarves?
You literally worship a Rabbi as the creator of the sun, the stars, and millions of galaxies. You're not only stupid and mentally ill but a pathological liar.
the gospel of Mark was written only 35-40 years after he died, Matthew and Luke about 20 years after that. That's not a century, not even close. And you call me an idiot?
That's far less likely than having a single charismatic leader, aka how every cult on the planet spawns. A Christianity based on a bunch of different messiahs (most of which would have been anti-Roman in message, let's be real) would never have formed into a coherent belief that had any legpower outside of Judea.
In 1910 the whole of Mexico had been Christianized for hundreds of years. Also,
>whining about colonizing and culturally dominating another culture
Cope historylet. Christian shitskins are a testament to western dominance.
>I think racism is bad because you should judge people for their actions, not based on an arbitrary factor of their physical appearance, which they only have due to an accident of birth.
Physical appearance is influenced by genes
Behavior is influenced by genes
Over the millennia of human history, it has been observed that people with certain appearances behave in certain ways
It would stand to be reasonable that if people of a certain appearance have a higher probability of stealing, for example, then you might want to avoid people who look like that if you don't want your shit stolen
Thomas Sowell calls this discrimination type 1B
as cringy as that poster is, posters like this are every bit as awful
Mexico is Catholic though.
>Actually it isn't.
So what's the consensus?
Post more stupid hats to win the argument "theologian".
>the gospel of Mark was written only 35-40 years after he died, Matthew and Luke about 20 years after that. That's not a century, not even close. And you call me an idiot
Who told you this? Mark, Matthew, Wikipedia lol?
There is no text from that era. Hell even the Pharasee Paul was writing stuff telling people not to listen to the actual followers of Yeshua because they didn't write anything and circulate it.
Where was their printing press?
Who was selling these books?
The Romans, lol?
>a work of complete and utter fiction
Use your words properly next time. It's more effective than whining after the fact.
Anthologies are all the rage
Actually, Mark may have been written as early as 80AD which is a mere 50 years after Jesus was crucified. That's within the lifetime of some of the people who were present
>That's far less likely than having a single charismatic leader, aka how every cult on the planet spawns.
No it's not. Most cults are spawned by mythical beings like the magic Rabbi Yeshua and people like Paul.
Yeshua's words alone are just a collection of memes and selective narratives from the Old Testement. There is nothing "real" about him. Everything is story structure. He's a fucking magical being you moron.
The person Jesus described (son of Mary and Joseph, etc) almost certainly existed.
All the extra shit (virgin birth, resurrection, etc) is almost certainly bullshit.
People are not the sum total of their genes.
Even siblings are drastically different from one another, yet you think you can predict behavior just by someone's skin color? Give me a fucking break.
Racism is nothing but a coping mechanism to try to justify humanity's innate need for primitive tribalism. But we can and should rise above that.
I was never able to express my own views on religion and God, but I'd say this Norm Macdonald compilation says it perfectly youtube.com
I know even Norm himself makes fun of dumb brainlets who think whenever some comedian says something half reasonable everyone thinks he's smart, but I unironically agree with that entire video.
>there is no text from that era
>Paul is writing letters
>no text
>me laughing at you being a braindead retard with a huge chip on your shoulder
Go away, Jew.
>Actually, Mark may have been written
May have.
Mark spoke Aramaic. Whatever was written in Greek would of been a long time after. You can just say "it may have been written in 33AD", same meaningless statement.
Paul was obviously first.
Show me the text from that era. Besides I said the gospels you little creepy jew worshiping freak
Catholicism is a branch of Christianity - one that dominated Europe for nearly two thousand years and practically all of Northern/Western Europe's written history, and played a huge part in colonization and western dominance. Its presence in Central/South America is a legacy of western dominance. If you're anti-Christian you are a dumb, retarded cuckold and I say this as an atheist. Have some pride in your heritage.
All accounts of Jesus pin him as a highly visible public figure. Unlike, say, the angel Moroni who conveniently only appeared to Joseph Smith, the actual charismatic figure at the head of the Mormon cult. Same with Muhammad, etc. and so forth. Jesus ever existing in any capacity would have been too easily disproven using the gospel approach.
No. I'm Christian. I'm anti-Catholicism because Catholicism is a false religion disguised as the true religion that is Christianity.
Cringe, go back to /pol/.
Stop replying to him.
>In 1910 the whole of Mexico had been Christianized for hundreds of years.
Thanks for breeding those goblins with white people, Jew worshiper.
>Catholicism is a branch of Christianity - one that dominated Europe for nearly two thousand years
It didn't even start until what, 350AD? And in 80yrs it destroyed the Roman Empire and split into two religions. It didn't even reach Western Europe fully until 1250AD
You said texts. Specifically that no texts from that era exist. Letters are texts. Your entire argument is lazy and wrong.
>People are not the sum total of their genes.
I never said they were
>you think you can predict behavior just by someone's skin color?
You can determine probability based on aggregate data.
If one population commits 90% of all theft, you're going to be more wary of theft around them.
It's not about disliking their appearance, it's about weighing the pros and cons, and then gambling the odds in your favor.
Life insurance companies do this type of risk assessment all the time.
If you're more prone to die soon, you're gonna pay more.
>But we can and should rise above that.
Let me see if I get this straight.
1. There's no such thing as morality.
2. But we need to all stop behaving in a certain way because you personally dislike it.
How do you reconcile your thoughts on how society "should" morally act, with the fact that there's no objective standard for a moral "should"
>Telling you how the Cosmos was made
>because muh feels
>Catholicism is a branch of Christianity
Catholicism is the main form of christianity, every other denomination is a branch FROM catholicism.
Catholicism existed before Portestantism, you can disagree with the doctrine but to call them not Christian is absolutely retarded. They were Christian before Protestantism was even a concept. I say this as someone whose family has been Protestant for generations and I'm an atheist.
>I have a BA
That's as far as I got before dismissing your entire existence.
>You said texts. Specifically that no texts from that era exist. Letters are texts
Roman Catholicism is a branch of Christianity formed when East and West split. Further branches split from those two branches. For a Roman Catholic to say theirs is the one true faith is patently false advertising.
>you can disagree with the doctrine but to call them not Christian is absolutely retarded.
Catholics were never followers of Rabbi Paul or Rabbi Yeshua.
They're just Roman pedos who were forced into service by the Cesar's conversion
have sex
I like Tim Allen's thoughts on it
It's not my fault you can't form a coherent argument. Or post any evidence of your own accusations.
Stop replying to the mongoloid.
>have sex
being gay isn't a sin, but having gay sex is, specifically because gays cannot be married and having unmarried sex is an adulterous, blasphemous act.
Shit, I was even wrong. It dates back to 66-70AD reliably. That's 30 years after Jesus was crucified. Most people who saw the resurrection would probably be alive still. Even John is pre-100 AD. And Paul is obviously one of the earliest sources, he died around 65AD and wrote most of his epistles way earlier. So he literally saw Jesus
Fair enough.
You've now ignored the challenge 3 times. The eternal chriscuck. All bark and no bite.
I think "Get Married" is more affective than "Find Love"
>being gay isn't a sin
>It dates back to 66-70AD reliably.
>Paul saw Yeshua
Do I really have to teach you christcuck frauds about your god damn books again? Fuck
>Norm believes in God
>doesn't believe cigarettes cause cancer
Norm is ridiculous.
Letting other anons tell you what to do. lol
>I think "Get Married" is more affective than "Find Love"
STFU christcuck, they can't love. That's the point of the Emcel. You want to marry a girl who can't love you? Of course you do, you love an imaginary Jew god who murders his own son as a Podesta sacrifice.
Paul specifically recounts being visited by the risen Lord on the road to Damascus. What do you have to tell me that is in the book that is different from that?
There are no surviving scraps of Plato's The Republic.
"Catholic" is just a word meaning "universal", y'know. Roman Catholic, the term itself, is an oxymoron.
Yup, as most christians at the time would tell you.
he's referring to this pic
How and why would the apostles do what they did without something pretty important inspiring them to do it?
Why did Christ say the end would happen before 100 years from when He spake?
Don't dodge.
Paul didn't write Acts.
>There are no surviving scraps of Plato's The Republic.
There are surviving references to Plato and big statues and shit you idiot.
Stop passing the buck. You made the claim of when it was written and now you have to show proof because it's not written in the langauge they spoke and Plato isn't a mythical creature like Rabbi Yeshua, son of Yahwey
idunno, ask them
Especially given they were a bunch of ill-tempered randos with no education until Paul showed up, busy persecuting a coherent non-anti-Roman movement they somehow cobbled together despite at least one of them being a zealot.
>Why did Christ say the end would happen before 100 years from when He spake?
>Don't dodge.
Not user, but he said this because "the end" was literally the destruction of Judea.
That's what Revelations is all about. And that's how we know the Gospels are written a 100 years after Yeshua the magical son of Yahwey would of lived.
>posts a true believer and asks a redundant question
Slavery can be both acceptable and morally right, it just depends on the person or persons making the rules.
There are also surviving references and "big statues" to just about anyone mentioned in both Old and New Testament. My advice is to continue on to graduate school at a different university and maybe they'll fix your addled mind.
>stupid, emotionally malleable people carrying out the will of a cult
Yeah it's a real fucking head scratcher. Guess I'll start going to church now.
>Not user, but he said this because "the end" was literally the destruction of Judea.
Well, no, He said He'd come back with a huge army and everything, and that hasn't happened, 2000 years later.
I'm not talking about Revelations, either, which is obviously a different type of text altogether.
>still replying to the mentally ill schizo
>Christian book gives a shit about Judea that late in history
I don't need to ask them. They told us. I just fail to see any other justification for becoming an itinerant church founder all over the ancient world for anything other than the stated reason. Like, why the fuck would you drop everything and walk from jerusalem to ethiopia to play a trick on them?
>Paul specifically recounts being visited by the risen Lord on the road to Damascus.
Paul (his real name was Saul and he was a Pharasee) said he saw Yeshua's ghost so he could take over the religion.
Then he went and faught with Peter and told people in his letters not to listen to anyone but him. His groups specifically were the "christians", not Yeshua's group, not Peter's group, not James' group.
YOU FOLLOW SAUL THE PHARASEE --- inventor of "Christianity" a Greek word, a language Yeshua didn't speak
You say Zesus!
>“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)
>there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom
Pretty fucking damning. Unless you believe some of these fuckers somehow became immortal, you must admit the Bible is wrong, Jesus lied, or was wrong, or some kind of mental gymnastics.
Paul is the one who said the Gentiles wouldn't need to be circumcised. Doesn't sound like skeezy rabbi double talk to me.
Christ did say He would send someone after Himself, and that was Paul.
Are you implying that necessitates the truth of what they believed in? Are you just trying to weasel your way around directly stating something so fucking dumb?
>completely ignores the inexplicable "how"
>they were fucking stupid enough to get tricked into true believer status by a charismatic carpenter but somehow managed to spark a rapidly metastasizing Christian cult in deeply anti-Roman Judea of all places
Damn I saw this anti-Christian spammer guy on /pol/ like 4 years ago when I lurked. Crazy he's still at it and using the same pics and rhetoric. That's what I call an obsession. Nearly bordering the BLACKED spammer levels of neuroticism.
I'm using that as evidence that they believed and they believed because they saw.
user, this has been a Yea Forums staple slapfight since 2004.
Christkikes 4th time avoiding the question about is mythical Jewish religion
>Then he went and faught with Peter and told people in his letters not to listen to anyone but him.
The only thing they "fought" about was that Peter said you need to get circumcised to follow Christ, and Paul successfully convinced him they you don't need to be circumcized.
Why force the gentiles to keep the old laws, when the JEWS cant even uphold the old laws?
>Paul is the one who said the Gentiles wouldn't need to be circumcised. Doesn't sound like skeezy rabbi double talk to me.
Yeah because grown men wouldn't convert, genius.
>Christ did say He would send someone after Himself
He had diciples.
>The only thing they "fought" about was that Peter said you need to get circumcised to follow Christ, and Paul successfully convinced him they you don't need to be circumcized.
That's not all that happen.
He fought them. Peter left, and they never agreed to anything.
Hence Yeshua's followers being seperated from Christians.
The one to come after Christ was the Holy Spirt, ya dingus.
Jesus wasn't exactly known to speak in the most straightforward terms. He used the temple as a metaphor for his resurrection, for one example among many.
Lol what. That's just some bearded head motherfucker. Where does it say that's Plato? Looks exactly the same like statues of Socrates, Hercules, Zeus and everyone else back then.
>He had diciples.
He told His discipline that He would send them someone. Do you fucking read the New Testament, sometimes?
Any Kinos about unhealthy obsessions with something you supposedly don't believe in?
Yes of course, but this is one specific guy. I distinctly remember him for spamming the same images and wording on /pol/ all the time years and years ago.
>The one to come after Christ was the Holy Spirt, ya dingus.
Well, how do you call Paul once he's done coming in your ass? I always call him "Holy Spirit" because he asked that specifically. You all have a personal relationship with Christ and Paulie, right?
Am I the only one to get anally violated by both on a continental moonlighty Tuesday night?
>demands statues of some random Jewish carpenter within 100 years of his death before his cult even got popular in Rome
>Jesus wasn't exactly known to speak in the most straightforward terms. He used the temple as a metaphor for his resurrection, for one example among many.
Except all parables can be understood in what they actually meant. This one cannot, because it was literally.
If it wasn't literal, explain it away.
>Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.“ (Matthew 24: 25-34)
>summer is near
>summerfags are sinful
But yeah, another explicit time frame.
I blame auto-noko for newfags feeling more comfortable here.
>He told His discipline that He would send them someone.
No he didn't. He said don't follow false leaders and messiahs who change my teachings. And that's exactly what the Pharisee Paul did.
Paul (real name Saul) told everyone in his letters not to listen to ANYONE BUT HIM. That he was talking to Yeshua.
He was a fraud
I never asked for a statue, I asked for gospel writings to fit the claim of it being written right after Yeshua when they all spoke Aramaic you fucking tard
What does Jesus mean by "taste death"? Does he necessarily mean the cessation of bodily function, or something else? Do they not have eternal life in a sense just because we are still talking about them 2000 years later?
Having a vision of the return or just plain seeing the church expanding would both fit the criteria pretty well. One is very literal, the other is another metaphor.
>What does Jesus mean by "taste death"?
He was a spirit cooking sacrifice to Yahway
>Chad crusader
Templars were homosexual occutlists who invented Baphemot
>the church expanding
Synagoug. Yeshua never taught in "Churches" as they didn't exist then
Way to miss the point. It is easier for a poor man to enter the Kingdom than a rich man, but neither of them can enter on their own. It is impossible for EITHER of them to enter of their own doing. They need God to make it possible. That parable has less to do with "lol give all ur money to da pore" and is all about humans ultimately having no ability to negotiate their own entrance into heaven
The absolute best use of a persons life is to argue religion on a board that has nothing to do with it.
This is truly the best use of the gift of life and no way does it prove that you’re an incel that has failed at everything
Behold, a scrap of paper.
All right, so Universalists were always right.
Woo boy, you got many medals for those incredible gymnastics?
mfw deist
True but believing he was the Son of God is like believing Alexander the Great had magic powers because of all those later myths that sprung up around him.
The people around him were stirred to be the Church for some reason.
They knew Koine Greek too. Makes more sense to write it in the lingua franca if you want to spread it
>The original texts were written in the first century of the Christian Era, in Greek, which was the common language of the Eastern Mediterranean from the conquests of Alexander the Great (335–323 BC) until the Muslim conquests in the 7th century AD. [3]
Are you still trying to peddle this brain damage-tier argument as if anybody will take you seriously and you haven't already been utterly humiliated ITT for it? Do you need another lesson you weak little idiot cuck?
Just a point that there is no simple way to refute that atheists never address. Why were the early church founders so faithful? Why would they die for the cause if it was all a sham?
>Why were Rashiduns so faithful? Why would they conquer so much if it was all a sham?
Watch documentaries about sects and cults: you will see the same devotion IRL nowadays. Utterly shattered my opinion on first believers. Seriously, watch that shit. You'll know exactly how this stuff begins.
I will ask you again, worm: does their devotion and action absolutely necessitate the truth of what they believed in? Yes or no, answer the FUCKING question.