What is the most 5/10 movie you have ever seen?

What is the most 5/10 movie you have ever seen?

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Most movies that are only redeemed by their soundtracks

500 days of summer. Or is it Summer and it was a pun? I had a friend recommend it to me and I thought less of him ever since. 5/10

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My Mom recommended 'Sleepless in Seattle' to me. I haven't gotten around to it, but should I watch it? I suspect it's aged like milk. But what if it's great?

Godzilla Raids Again

None, I only rate movies 'good' or 'bad',

>not rating them based or cringe

Most capeshit movies.

Prometheus, easily
The embodiment of "man i really want to like this movie but its so fucking bad"

that's a 3/10 if we're being generous

I have the same with John Wick.

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Alita Battle Angel

5 / 10 = 0.5



Most dramatic films based off true events
like and Spotlight, but shot like it's a made for tv docudrama.

They're so dull and safe it's borderline offensive. They're adding nothing to the story in terms of visuals, questions or angles and pat themselves on the back for being important films.

Gross point blank

The Maze Runner

came here to post this

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Jumper, guy get teleporting super power, should be cool af right? Boring actually, felt like they wanted to make a universe out of it too. Whole movie is just uninspired

The Godfather (1972)

This. Half credit OP you didnt reduce the fraction.

everyone i've seen talk about it always says the same thing
it's okay

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Pacific Rim

It's watchable but it's just not good in any regard

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Everything Spielberg. He's so solidly average.

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The Matrix, fight me

It could have been kino but they left out all the clinton shit.

Spotlight is a good movie tho

Green Book

The most recently would have to be Burn After Reading. very average

The Monuments Men.

Big budget bore, I can't wait until deep fakes progress so I can rewrite some better dialogue with the comfy scenery. 90% of the talking is stupid American meta "joking".

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Hotel Transylvania 3
Roman J Israel, Esq

Alien. Took me 3 sittings to get through it.

How is that average? That is below average.

Isle of Dogs. I really wanted to like it but couldn't.

It just sent me to sleep a lot. I did like the bit in the tunnels and the dinner scene. The hand in the shuttle too was really good too. It certainly gave me a fright.

The first Avengers

This is a good suggestion. It really was 'meh'.

The Mummy (Tom Cruise version)

La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

Why are underage twitter niggera so afraid of writing fuck?

Fuck you, this was kino.

I fell for a Yea Forums meme and finally watch a post Spiderman 3 capeshit. It was decent enough to make me watch to the end without losing attention, but I've already forgotten it in only 3 days.



Every MCU movie /Harry Potter movie

Fuck. I just bought it. Maybe you just have bad taste.

>dumb person's opinion
