Films with this feel?
Films with this feel?
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There's literally nothing wrong with this. Fuck commies
Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. Americans are soulless insects.
>foreigners dont know what truck stops are
comfy as fuck
What do you expect, their countries are as big as our mid-sized cities lol
Why would you need a truch stop in a country only a couple miles across
2 Or 3 Things I Know About Her
except it's about France
hey Yea Forums let's drive to denver
This basically sums it up. Now can we stop having threads with this image all the time?
72 hours
american sniper
any michael bay film
man of steel
I never knew america was so popular worldwide until I came to this board. I mean, people from countries ive never even heard of all chime in to talk about America, its so cute.
Americans are pretty ignorant about other countries but are aware of this fact. Non-americans think they understand America because they watch American movies or maybe visited 1 or 2 states but really they don't know anything.
Theybare absolutely obsessed with evwrything we do. We dont thinknabout them at all, but they cant stop talking about us.we're like the high school jock and theyre all the nerds and ugly kids
>it's a truck stop
>zero trucks at the stops
Primary proxy aggressor in the world surely deserves some attention. Their handlers go largely ignored though.
I see several trucks.
You guys DO know what trucks look like in whatever dreary little shithole youre from, right?
Overhead power lines like that are poverty tier.
Not pictured: the 150 miles of farmland between this and the next stop
there are many signs making it clear where to go. because it's so efficient, the truckers can easily find the food or gas they need, and get back on the road. if you don't see any trucks, that means the truck stop is working correctly. if it was jammed with trucks, that would mean they're having trouble finding what they want
This. Notice the souvenir shop? People travelling cross country buy souvenirs from places in the middle of nowhere that theyll never fucking see again ever cuz its so out of the way.
Attack the Gas Station
Yup. That’s the Breezewood exit in Pennsylvania. What’s also not pictured is the $28 in tolls you have to pay to get there
based burgerpunk poster
Imagine living in a "country" so small you can drive across it in an hour or two. Thats embarassing.
Ive never understood you East Coasters and your toll roads.
Battleship (2012)
imagine living in a country with niggers
Based, fuck amerimutts.
Imagine being so obsessed with a country thats sooooo much better than yours you spend all day talking shit about it on a television and film board on a blindfolded archery forum
>be european
>spend hundreds of years colonizing world
>end up with nothing but your tiny country
>need US and russia to win WW2 for you
>need US to rebuild your destroyed countries afterwards
>rely on US to deter russian aggression
>rely on US and chink technology for everything
>become overrun by migrants
>act smug on Yea Forums in 2019
truly based
Based. Marshall Plan was a mistake.
Damn, harsh.
Long-haul trucking is uniquely North American. Part of that is due to how fucking big our country is, the other is that it is actually a subsidized industry to keep truckers working.
So the fact Euros aren't familiar with truck stops isn't surprising.
>because it's so efficient, the truckers can easily find the food or gas they need
lmao thank god for the signs so that no trucker will have to go without mcdonalds when he needs it
Then they shouldnt talk about shit they know nothing about. I realize OP is a butthurt foreign edgy teen, but still
>be european
>invent civilisation
>go to war with each other over world domination
>dominate world for millennia
>you end up exhausting energy with wars
>it’s okay our American cousins can take the mantle of western civilisation
>domination lasts 50 years
>end up with LBBTNIGJEW+
America was a mistake
That's your comeback? Jesus fuck that's very weak.
pathetic cuck, what a worthless vapid existence this picture represents
Pret-ty lame, Milhouse
Ok, now I KNOW youre some edgy foreign teen
Honestly? Any Adam Sandler movies in the last 10 years. Hell, watch the new Murder Mystery one on Netflix that just came out. The amount of product placement in the first 15 minutes is downright impressive
Weve already established that its a picture of a truck stop you Mongoloid.
Why is Breezewood the most based town of all time?
>dominate world for millennia
I’m convinced you’re an American larping. Even yuropoors acknowledge the struggle with islam long before the Age of Discovery
How often do non-Americans think of America?
imagine being so drenched in capitalism that you don't see anything wrong with being forced to own a vehicle and buy gas to live
the very concept of a "truck stop" is cuckoldry, plain and simple
hello butthurt burgers ITT
Looks like many parts of Australia or New Zealand. Is this not really a site in Europe?
They have stuff like this in Europe.
Don't let them tell you otherwise.
Europe isn't so small that they don't need gas stations with restaurants and stores attached.
>all these triggered mitts at their cultural wasteland
The Florida Project
Films with THIS feel?
It's literally the exact opposite of the burgerpunk hellscape people think it is, it's a tiny little rest stop out in the boonies. 16 miles East is the closest thing resembling civilization, a small town with a population of a mere 1,748. America is a lot more boring and unincorporated than you'd think.
Europeans think you can go to Disney World and The Grand Canyon on an afternoon drive so I doubt they have much of anything close to the experience of the 6 hour drive to grandma's
we have no handlers
and also stop coming to Yea Forums
stupid stormnigger
I wish there was a site where just us Americans could post, literally we dont give a shit about you
when was this taken 1997?
you do know this picture is probably some tiny little town or rest stop area surrounded by forest and long roads
if you've ever driven to the middle of nowhere these are pretty common
a mandatory quota of eight hours per day is devoted to thinking about the US for members of the EU and the UK
you know, there are a lot of examples of certain populations being absolute shit people online, Americans almost always come out as the nicest while most of the rest of the english speaking world rank near the absolute bottom, most notably the Canadians and Australians.
The beige station wagon on the right is a 2005 Subaru Outback so probably not.
oh, neat the Volvo looks like a '93 and I don't know what SUV that is but it doesn't look to modern
>Americans don't know what roman numerals are
>arrival of also many immigrants
this is a good source, best source, the best, can't be beat, number one source in the west.
americans live in hell
Yes exactly this. Ive traveled and they just like to put us down for some reason while I try to be nice and cordial.
Its interesting for sure
It's because you just can't mind your fucking business.
Half of America live below the poverty line. Their whole society is a scam and the rich are laughing their asses off.
>all of the 4 trucks in the image are not stopped
We are pretty dumb, yeah! lol
Do you think I, as a white American want a multicultural society? No I dont, same as you. Not my fault you blindly think a news article speaks for all Americans.
I met an Estonian guy who worked on a cruise ship, he was cool, you arent..
Wikileaks was and is Russian owned misinformation you dumb fuck, firstly Steve Goode writes for the fucking Hartford Courant and secondly that article doesn't even fucking exist you half lobed retard.
you literally have the entirely of 50,000 years of the knowledge of mankind one tab away and your infinitely stupid mind has decided to believe a screenshot with so much jpeg compression you need 2 inch glasses to read it instead of simply punching it into good to verify.
Neck yourself faggot you're poison in the pool
>this thing shows that america bad thus MUH RUSSIA
I my country, grown ups don't shit themselves at the store.
Yeah, they do it on the designated shitting street.
>tfw britfag
I’ve always found the corporate Americans aesthetic comfy as fuck for some reason
>walmart cheer
what the fuck it's real
if you're posting you're not dead
this is because the main exposure to america that foreigners receive comes from hollywood (leftist, antiwhite propaganda), americans who make a living off shitting on america to foreign audiences (e.g. michael moore and a lot of comedians), and their state-run media that do everything to reinforce the already popular notion that america is some sort of evil racist dystopia that should never be emulated. foreigners, especially anglos like brits, australians and nzers, love to sit around, shaking their heads and saying "those stupid americans," while wagging their fingers and lecturing about how "america needs to be more like us." i live in australia and this shit is just chronic; it's just pure arrogance founded on delusions of superiority
How can americans live like this? No wonder they have schoolshooters
well that's traditional political scapegoating shouldn't everyone be able to see through "well at least we're not them" bullshit by now?
They've been conditioned since their very birth to be a willing and cheerful slave to their assigned corporation.
so you're both idiots and actually believe corporate cults are the norm
It's so gross and demeaning. I can't believe they like it. I just can't.
Do they have Wal*Mart funerals and weddings?
You know there's more than just communism and capitalism, right?
not really
Yes. There is Hillary's "third way". And she lost.
She won the pleb vote
Ok hothead if you say so. Just ignore that the the interstate commerce within the US relies largely on semi-trucks to transport goods and said truck stops obviously character to that clientele. Other individuals stop too on road trips because these places act like an "oasis" in a sea of corn and onions where you can buy (or not) whatever you need to keep you going on your journey. If you don't want to drive then feel free to take a plane or the Amtrak but the automobile is the true patricians choice for mobility as it provides the most freedom.
>There's literally nothing wrong with this.
Is that why people in West Virginia are committing suicide by drugs in droves? Those people don't seem to think there is nothing wrong with this hellscape or they wouldn't choose to leave it forever.
Those type of rest stops existed for many decades before the more recent uptick in opiate addiction and suicide
If I pooed my panties at the supermarket, I'd be ashamed.
it's more like a general culture of contempt rather than a specific political purpose
Also asia argento directed a pretty decent trailer trash midwest lizard lot junkie and her kid movie
The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
Honestly looks so comfy. Reminds me of taking road trips with friends or family. Stop off at Mc'Ds or something.
Not even American. Sights like these are quite common in NZ minus the the taco bell.
what the fuck?
No one cares.
We'll see you, buddy
tf is wrong with you, all countries have truck stops
has 20k expendable money, doesnt world travel BAKA
Globalization has made traveling the world pointless. Just watch youtube
Its kinda great desu. Can visit the sea and hike a mountain in 1 day. Im ok.
T. 1st Lady land
The MacDonald's golden arches sign is genius design.
Look how much it stands out amongst all the other signs.
Ask your mom. : )
How insightful. Do you have more?
why are you faggots so obsessed with walmart in this thread when it's not even in the picture?
>domination lasts 50 years
>end up with LGBTNIGJEW+
Mutts literally can't refute this
the truck is
>win WW2
t. moot
moot died?
>become overrun by migrants
t. 56%
ITT: Americope
Breeezewood is weird because it's actually part of I-70 before it merges with the turnpike. I-70 just turns into a surface street all of a sudden with stoplights and all that.
ops pic is probably a few years old,That petro station is now a TA.
>zero trucks at the stops
And this is daytime,when drivers are driving.
And fuck you too,shit for brains.
>be american
>see picture on the internet of something that is common in america posted without critique
>HOW DARE YOU????????????
Who needs a film, just walk outside and feel for yourself
All it's missing is a giant ball of yarn
About Schmidt
Man that's weird the 71 does the same exact thing in Pamona, CA there's just a fucking stop light and it's surface streets but Pomona isn't a teeny trucks top town.
>Sights like these are quite common in NZ
I would have never guessed that.
Europeans seethe because they are eternally jealous.
I don't get it. What is there to be angry about? Is there something wrong with filling up your car and getting a quick bite to eat?
Jealous of what? The 13%?
toll roads can go fuck themselves
now excuse me while I get stuck in traffic for 8 hours because they're doing FUCKING CONSTRUCTION again and some retarded mexican sideswiped a blind old lady.
I only see three trucks out of the 211 cars. "truck stop". yeah right. Please. Get a grip.
I don't care about black people.
You realise OP's pic the result of massive state subsidies for the cager network, right? If cars and road maintenance were at market price, there would be far fewer cars, far less sprawl and people would live in comfy dense walkable cities.
Your head is in the clouds but it's really in the mud
>t. seething boomer who just realised his life is a lie
Suburbs are communism, at least in the sense you describe communism. Cages are the antithesis of freedom. Megacities and bike lanes are the future.
Jealous of the 1st and 2nd amendment. And that America won both world wars and Europe is a pathetic crumbling mess. And, judging from the European reaction to every time OP's picture is posted, cars apparently?
America is so big that niggers have their own containment zones. Europeans are legally required to worship niggers like gods. Because you all never question authority, I wouldn't be surprised if Islam becomes the enforced state religion in 50 years. You aren't even allowed to carry a knife.
Commercial billboards should be outlawed? [Y/N]
I mean you don't have to. In most places you can probably just ride a bike around but cars are too convenient sometimes.
Most people don't leave their home town let alone state to warrant actually needing to stop at a truck stop.
Stay seething though.
IT part 1
If you say yes, you are commiescum
Light Sleeper
It was nice to learn that Paris denied eyesore billboard advertising for so long. Advertising is an assault on the senses.
Uncle Buck
>Long-haul trucking is uniquely North American
>providing fuel, rest and refreshment to travellers is degeneracy
Truck stops existed here too you know.
What will happen when trucks can RCed?
That's not a truck stop. Truck stops are like a mini-mall full of fast food places not a whole block.
There's a gift shop though so it's obviously a tourist spot and not a typical town.
Tourist trap
It's like you tried your hardest to put as many /pol/ memes in 1 post
>UK is all of Europe
Why are Americans so retarded?
Facts aren't "/pol/ memes" dude
>Fuck off, retard
>Go into thread to see some burgerpunk kino
>It's another america's superiority complex at work
op is literal "look how ugly america is. europe is soooo superior" bait. retard
Don't pretend that everything I said (except the knife control) doesn't apply to you, euronigger
No it fucking isn't you braindead fag, it looks comfy as hell.
>N-No, you guys are a-all totally cucked, why are you leaving? Come back here!
Bro chill
Keep seething faggot
You're letting Islam destroy what is left of your continent with open arms. And it's illegal for you to dare question any of it.
Hitler ruined your continent. There is nothing left. Which is why you get triggered by fucking gas stations. (Still bitter that we could afford multiple cars in the 50s?)
a lot of built up frustration being vented in this post
>Seething this hard at a word
>UK is all of Europe
Why are Americans so retarded?
Pennsylvanian here. I think I can provide context: This is a picture of Breezewood, PA which is basically a giant truckstop since it’s where multiple major highways intersect. The entire town was built around being a stopping point for travelers. Urban explorers know it for having a 12 mile stretch of abandoned highway that’s neat to check out.
Nice, I'll renember that next time I go there. I'll be the guy wearing a sneed T-shirt
>Europeans are seething because they don't live in a corporate hellscape
>drive suv to Exxon tongas up and grab a snack
>drive to McDonald’s for dinner
>drive to souvenir store to grabs some fun gifts
>stop at Sunoco to top off SUV and a couple tasty after dinner treats
> drive home to motel where I live to avoid the rent Jew
Cry more you non American faggots, I can live the dream just in this one pic
You don't know what words mean.
>posted without critique
>the thread is full of seething euroslimes triggered by a single image
cringe, why do europeans get so butthurt and act like every board is their own personal safespace
Any ghosts or ufos in the abandoned highway? Should we organize a Yea Forums field trip?
>Seething this hard
>Corperate hellscape
lmao 56%
>'don't live in a corporate hellscape'
>amerishart media is plastered over literally every square inch of western europe
>western europeans literally slop of american garbage food and movies with gusto
>western euros literally follow their yank/zog masters into every one of their shitty wars and beg america to let them bomb random middle eastern countries so they can have more influxes of refugees to force into ghettos
>literally have propaganda pumped into about how evil muh muslims or muh russia/china is just as much as mutts
you live in an even more pathetic hell, a shameful capitalist neoliberal one
>wanting to interact with Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums
they're disgusting memespouters who think references to things on Yea Forums is a substitute for a personality
>not knowing what words mean
>Can visit the sea and hike a mountain in 1 day.
literally california
We could rent a bus, and all pile in. We can pass the time by singing the Baneposting script to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”. Since roughly half or more of the anons will be chicks everyone will get assigned a trip girlfriend. What’s not to like?
>purchase 83 oz of slushee for $1.50
You were saying??
>this seething capitalist is still talking about 'corporate hellscapes' because yanks have empty space in their stolen country
you're just as worthless and vapid as they are, you delude yourself into thinking you don't also live in a corporatized hyper capitalist shithole because the corporations are friendlier and you do more to delude yourselves that you aren't imperialistic aggressors. At least amerifats wear their shittyness on their sleeve and with their president and ugly areas, but you didn't even need a trump or a bush to have immigrant internment camps and to spy on your citizens or to kill journalists. But none of this is what you meant by 'hellscape' because you're a vapid and deluded westfilth, so instead what you mean is 'a place where buildings are ugly and brown people are more visible'
>Euros can't comprehend a state being as big as their entire country
Continuously sad desu
Thanks for the autobiographical blog post, faggot. Keep us updated on your every post please, we are on the edge of our seats
Classic continental European, denying the problems of your homeland and putting the blame on anyone else. Hitler singlehandedly making nationalism taboo (which brings in such a serious level of white guilt that you're surrending to Islam) is not just a UK issue.
>The lack of freedom of speech is not just a UK issue. (You're so brainwashed that you don't even realize that this is an issue.)
>inb4 this pic gets spammed across all boards for months because /pol/tard fascists and tankies think having quick and easy access to food, gas, and conveniences is bad, thinking all of the USA is like this
we live in a society Facebook tier bullshit
Sooners will never know how nice the Friendster tier society of the past was
Pay your VAT and shut up Euroniggers.
Reminder that there are 30 million illiterate adults in the US.
power lines above ground are unsightly
Niggers aren't adults or even people, friend
daily reminder that the US literally has a higher HDI than the UK
Europeans have always been facebook/reddit-tier stupid though
based traveling sneedposter
>Half of America live below the poverty line
Our poverty line is not owning 3 tvs and having a generic smartphone instead of apple or the latest galaxy. Your poverty line is starvation and absolute squalor. Get fucked yuropoors
>drive home to motel where I live to avoid the rent Jew
Does anyone actually do that?
You've never heard of someone living in a motel?
It's not super common and those who do it usually have problems but it definitely happens
Name five worthwhile inventions made by a non-Anglo European in the last, I don’t know, FIFTY YEARS!? You people are far too uppity considering how irrelevant your entire landmass is today.
>What is the EU single market
It's really impressive how not mad you are. It's like you're actually laughing.
Some extended stay hotel rates are comparable to apartment rent. I stayed in one for a couple of months after I moved states while looking for a house.
someone should make a Burgerpunk movie chart.
Seemingly every american horror film from the 70s and most from the 80s.
It's like all american media where the setting was irrelevant defaulted to affluent suburbs back then.
Lol spoken like someone who has enjoyed the freedom of owning a car and travelling great distances on a whim. You'll get there someday kiddo
ahh beautiful american culture what would we do without it
its actually the complete opposite, the amount of obsession ive seen from america about europeans and especially the UK. its pathetic
Why the hell are there tolls out there? Dont you pay taxes?
where actually is this?
Based on the signs I would say Pennsylvania.
PA sucks though?
10/10 burgerpunk
Tfw no republican presidents post 2028
SEETHE more amerimutt
The end of cast away
Sure thing, mutt. Now eat another big mac, adults are talking
Trucks make every attempt to not drive during day you stupid fucking Euro. It’s unnecessary traffic.
this, i'm in NJ, and it's like 60% farmland
Originally the Breezewood toll was supposed to be a temporary thing to help pay for the new highway.
They just never got rid of it.
It's Breezewood in Pennsylvania. It's basically a town that sustains itself by being a giant, touristy-stop in the middle of the state, which is basically nothing but farmland. Very famous stop area for travelers. My family used to stop there for gas and snacks whenever we were going between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia or towards Baltimore.
thank fuck i live on top of a hill
Europeans are lazy
>Implying Europe is better