Ultimate NEETkino? wagie wagie get back in the cagie!!
Ultimate NEETkino? wagie wagie get back in the cagie!!
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disgusting mutt
He's not a mutt.
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneed
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
fuck jews
This shit is going to go over like a lead balloon. Messing with people just trying to get a job is fucked up. Their savings, if they have any, are probably almost gone. Shits stressful enough without some little faggot and an audience having fun at their expense.
it will probably be cancelled if it causes enough butthurt
What if /ourguy/ tells the wagies to fuck off and makes his kino? What are they gonna do?
He’s actually doing wagies a favor. The real “prank” is working some shit wageslave job for 40 years
Imagine being a new hire and you get fucked with and made to look like a fool. This cleft lipped fetal alcoholic syndrome child comes around the corner and spits with a lisp while yelling “pranked ya”
What race is this?
KEK i am literally LMAOing right now. Imagine being a wagie tormented at a fake job and Gaten Muttarazo's smug preteen face gazing down at you
Italian with legitimate birth defects.
la creatura
of course not
>"please, what is happening, my child is sick I need this job to pay hospital bills"
>*retarded mutt cackling noises*
Sounds quintessentially American
Or someone might cancel him.
Shitalians are mutts
>What if the show is people trying to apply for a job who are desperate and then the stranger things boy is like “would you do this for a job” and plays a vid of himself blowing the producers, “WOULD YOU DO THIS?!?” Screaming and crying at them.
i'm italian and 100% european but pol thinks i'm a nigger so i spam there constantly with my dna test.
El diablo
>10 years ago
Hahaha funny show hes just joshing around
>wagie wiping mr. shekelberg's ass
>el goblino pops out of the desk and yells "PRANKED YA"
Isn't having a "real job" a big enough prank in and of itself?
I wasn't interested in this but seeing all the outrage from wagies online about this made me support this endeavor.
how'd I know what the link would be
hope this shit meme dies next week
It won't, just like your virginity ;)
oh shit, this user finna just got dabbed on
Wow, the big businesses and capitalists are the ones pushing degeneracy the hardest? Who would've guessed.
Makes you wonder why right-wingers love capitalism, and why left-wingers love degeneracy...
Wagie, get back in the cagie
Dude this is like soo true, dude like degeneracy maan. It's like both sides are doing the bad thing..
Italians are unironically Muslim rape babies.
based smurkposter ;)
Wagies btfo
Gaten should do the same with orphans. He adopts orphans and transfers them to another orphanage lol
Very simple solution to ur problem.
If there is a census, he would be checked as a "white american". I verified this with the US government.
Imagine being a mutt
Most Italians have bigger blood..you never saw true romance?
Cuz you. You're part eggplant
Cope harder muttburger.