Imagine an argument between these 12

Attached: an argument between these twelve would be priceless omg could you imagine.png (852x685, 629K)

Attached: 1523943962244.png (1035x1106, 669K)


Upvoted. Simply... upvoted.

This image MADE MY DAY.

Imagine if you had sex

Can we join?

Attached: v19fpvbg6k711.jpg (960x960, 118K)

*blocks your path*
*saves western civilization*

They wouldn't argue... they would have a perfect, harmonious debate, enlightened by their own intelligence.

Is that Zack Snyder in there third from the right?

Those are characters that only exist on paper. Each line of dialogue is written by a writer and is performed by an actor. None of it is real.

you win the internet kind stranger. You are a gentleman and a scholar

I'm the hero reddit deserves, but NOT the hero reddit needs.

War... war never changes...

I brought more friends bros

Attached: HAHA.png (600x600, 832K)

Wow, this meme is straight outta reddit, have an upvote good sir!


based BRAVO

Imagine all twelve of them giving a one man show at the same time on loop inside your brain every single day

wow. Just wow. You must be fun at parties.

This image is missing Ryan Reynolds, my goodsir.



Attached: 1560668338002.png (852x685, 777K)

Who hurt you?

I wish I could up-bump this reply more than once. Crossposting to r/Yea Forums, so reply if you want to be in the screencap! :D

>Raymond Reddington

Ironic Reddit posting is just "Reddit posting"

This image reminds me that good movies are great. Like if you agree!

I know shapiro and peterson, who are the others?

No, it's Dave Rubin, one of the fascist far right's top intellectuals.

>Reddit thread
fucking niggers kys.

Attached: 1557506575068.jpg (480x483, 36K)


Attached: 1557958905011.png (1084x848, 940K)

>fascist "intellectuals"

Attached: 1560122236357.gif (263x150, 2.71M)

this whole thread reeks of reddit

Sorry I should have included quotes. Thank you for correcting me.

Neckbeard need a safespace?

no theyre not
theres actual fascist intrllectuals but theyre too obscure to ever achieve even a slimmer of cult status
which is a shame because they blow clowns like peterson and shapiro out of the water on a daily basis

>not knowing sam harris

here is your (You)

Go suck Richard Spencer's cock somewhere else, incel.

>confirmed triggered
Have a nice day

You must be starvig. here is another one (You)

shows how much you know. spencer is entry level as fuck and not an intellectual but a mere activist who was responsible for the disaster of charlottesville. and even he talks circles around shits like harris and sargon
read a book


>red and the joke kill most these faggots, jack manages to escape somehow.

Have sex.

Attached: Fuck you.jpg (945x1024, 157K)

What is that wolf? It's on like three album covers.

What is that, the legion of supervirgins?

I don’t know if this thread is real or a we pretend to be plebbit thread. It hurst head please stop.

Attached: 9B2CFD47-A5D3-49F1-A57A-14DB8AEF421F.jpg (846x1024, 59K)

From left to right:
Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris

But there thats 13 people



Oh eM Gee. That would be fffing awesome. Just imagine the epicness.
Edit:Rip inbox, also thanks for the gold kind stranger

Reminder that Shapiro brings his own kosher food when going out to eat with others

>Jordan Peterson
Not Jew
>Eric Weinstein
>Ben Shapiro
>Dave Rubin
>Joe Rogan
Not Jew
>Sam Harris

The absolute state of western ""intellectualism""

Yeh my damn bad

Attached: 1560668338002.png (852x685, 776K)

>Jewish "intellectuals"
>*western civilization*

the only people calling them intellectuals are teenagers or just not very smart themselves

Picture taken by Bret Weinstain probably

It would be the most reddit dialogue in ages.

I honestly can’t imagine

Though trying to exites me

Dylatlov would just bully the rest

The chosen are less than 1% of the us population yet they’re over half of that alt right meme ideology. Nope, not suspicious at all.

First post sneed post

replace dyatlov with khomyuk and its perfect