Kino about your evil twin?
Kino about your evil twin?
Other urls found in this thread:
cant say based anymore? baka
>search warrant for a website
For what purpose? Just visit it.
Good, they should all be in prison for going on a shit tier Yea Forums knock off made by a literal kike goblin in a wheelchair made for retards and pedophiles. I hope they get firing squadded.
how many proxies are they gonna go through just to get 1 guy?
ip addresses, pal
that treehouse of horror episode where Bart finds his "evil" twin
I'm glad I left that dump 2 years ago. To any anons who might ever be questioned by the FBI or the police, do not say ANYTHING unless your lawyer is present. Even if you did not do anything, the authorities care more about their clearance rate than actual justice, and will happily pin a crime on an innocent. In other words, if you are being questioned, you are a suspect.
that sounds like Yea Forums before we became reddit
I actually started going to physio a few weeks ago, only to learn at my second session that another guy with the exact same name goes there too, kinda weird.
this, and even still there are way better places to get illicit stuff nowadays than fucking 8gag
Let me add, your silence does not incriminate you by your 5th amendment rights. Furthermore, any information you give them CANNOT be used in your defense, only against you. They will try to make you talk by falsely accusing you, presenting false evidence, or pretending to be your friend, or otherwise lying. Don't take the bait.
You still have a moral obligation to help out in a police investigation.
>moral obligation
good episode
Maybe if the police were in any way moral, instead of a gang of sociopaths, that might be true.
Did you know 40% of policemen beat their wives?
cool it with the antisemitism there buddy
I thought hot wheels sold the site
An IP is not a person.
Stay stronk.
t. Boomer who watches NCIS all day
Wow, that's terrible, they should really work on getting that number closer to 100%
Fuck the police and fuck you.
t. Nigger, shitskin, tranny, or zoomer
Should've used more proxies, fags.
Only if you're morally retarded.
You need to be a sociopath to take on a thankless job like being a cop
Lol imagine using cuckhan with all that redditors
What is up with world governments throwing people in prison for sharing that video, on nonexistent charges?
An 18 year old in New Zealand got a 30 year sentence or some shit like that just for retweeting it
Governments are extremely terrified of the livestock finding out how much individual impact they can have if they sacrifice their lives.
Must have not had a freedom license.
trips confirm this
It's a good place to go when the porn dries up here.
What does do to the pedophiles? I've been going to the site checking out the Loli content.
Nothing? Loli is legal in the US.
Isn't there a Law and Order episode where the cops show up at a websites headquarters with a search warrant?
god bless america
I don't know what they would even charge them with. Unlike in shithole Britain and Australia there is no "u cant post stuff the goberment doesnt like!" law
I remember listening to an old episode of Anime World Order where they were talking about a guy who was sent to prison, or at least arrested, because he ordered some Loli stuff and it was delivered to his house. Are you sure about Loli being legal in the U.S.?
And people ask "Why should I use a logless VPN for my everyday browsing?"
Proton costs literally like $3/mo, there is no excuse
Nice try mr FBI
Probably a child sex doll. Loli is 100% legal in the US. Technically all porn is illegal under obscenity laws that are no longer prosecuted, so sometimes when they catch people with ACTUAL child porn, they throw on some obscenity charges for any other porn they find just for the hell of it
It's many times better than this dump is now and much closer to what Yea Forums used to be like before redditards/zoomers ruined it
Such as?
>Loli is 100% legal in the US.
It's technically a grey area for the reasons you outlined but said laws would likely be ruled unconstitutional if someone really dug in and tried to fight it. Of course the people they throw these charges at aren't in a position to do so so it hasn't been fought in the courts to the point where it's established as entirely legal.
search for lolita in imagefap
Actually a white male in my 30s. Now you're a double retard. Congratulations.
I like 8 Pol. It's less le Reddit. But I get bored of politics.
I'm not FBI.
8 allows posting through tor
every day is shut the fuck up Friday
8 was made by Hotwheels and moot for the people that think Yea Forums was compromised and think that 8 is "safe" in reality is a huge honeypot and moot currently works for (((them))). moot never left Yea Forums. you didn't heard this from me.
>incel liberals don't even read the studies
the studies was done in like the 1980s or early 90s you jew. Police don't beat people anymore
what shooter?
How did you decide which VPN service to use?
Proton is Swiss and made by CERN neckbeards, and pretty cheap as VPNs go, so I chose that.
>implying that'd actually save you
For someone on Yea Forums, you really must not have watched the kino that is person of interest. They can jail you, torture you, and put you in some blacksite until you say something. They don't even have to do it themselves and can just have local criminals do it for you.
If they cared enough about getting you to talk, you're fucked.
No FBI director is ever ordering torture for some guy who posted an internet comment. It does not even make sense to do so.
You're a faggot kike bootlicking nigger. Go dilate you antifa cuck faggot.
Maybe not in this case since it's just a shooting. Now let's imagine someone uncovered a pedo ring or something along those lines.
Also, the FBI director isn't going to get his hands dirty with this. They'll get a field agent to if they really wanted information and if things go south, they can kill him or just shift the blame on him.
Get back on your fucking meds. If you're an American, you are most likely to interact with your local police 99% of the time, and with the FBI .99% of the time. Law enforcement agencies often work separately and do not share information with one another unless a direct request is made. The CIA is one of the only agency with access to black sites, and uses them only for terrorists and threats to national security. Even that is highly controversial, and if you're a US citizen, there will be people who know and/or care about you asking questions and making a fuss if you disappear.
In other words, you can be a serial killer and still not say shit when questioned, and no one will torture you. You should not base your opinions on information from TV shows, much less pulp nonsense like POI.
Oy vey, pay the toll
The shitty thing about this is it's just an excuse for the FBI to log all the IP's to bust them for unrelated crimes.
No thanks i don't want nabokov to be disappointed at me
Lol, how naive can you be. They sweep shit under the rug like this all of the time. As a recent example, look at seth rich. You have to be a retarded moron to think the story we've been given is straight. Same with some mass shootings like sandy hook and the Nevada one. Sure people died, but the public doesn't know the whole story.
And if you want evidence of the pedo thing, there are a shit ton of articles online that support this. You seriously have too much faith in the general public to remember things.
As an example of the pedo stuff, here are a couple of links:
Basically nothing came out of any of these investigations.
There's a lot more as well. Face it, elites can and do sweep things under the rug all the time. Am I saying the world is like POI, no of course not. They probably don't have agi technology yet. But saying that the FBI or CIA or any government agency can't get rid of you very easily is just closing your eyes to the truth.
anyone have a link to the video? i never saw the whole thing when it went down and google is no help
probably looking for people egging the shooter on
Cripplechan Yea Forums is better
I doubt that's illegal either unless they could prove they knew it was real
as is Yea Forums, who knew pedos were more apt at discussing the actual game instead of whining about /pol/
good thing i only post on /trap/
What shooting is this referring to?
Gotta be at least 7
Gibe fish heads
Ah ha ha sure officer
>Australia is a "shithole"
I don't know why you think this. You read a few articles about the most egregious things and base an entire country on them? America is far fucking worse if you apply the same standards.
Calm down m00t.
Actually xnxx user thank me later.
Never talk to the cops. Never. They're not there to help, they're there to make an arrest or gather evidence for a conviction. You have literally nothing to gain, and everything to lose. Never.
You had me until you said moot was working.
society almost literally sucks your cock for doing one of the safest professions that exist. the deathrate for cops is less than fast food workers. cops are pathetic whiny tools.
Jesus christ you suck. Find a suicide an commit it.
And you, sir... Are you waiting to receive my fire Moonmanmusic track?
is hotwheels still alive?
What shooter? The news is 24/7 trump. Did you know trump failed to wipe his ass this morning? I must have missed it. Just another day in murrica.
never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever talk to the cops even if you're 100% innocent.
she a stronk women. biceps for days.
Do me a favour... Try not to get so wet when you write that, buttercup.
What did they do this time?
Seth Rich got mugged though
>said laws would likely be ruled unconstitutional if someone really dug in and tried to fight it
Yeah, exactly. No one wants to be the one to very publcly die on that hill. The loli sex dolls seem to vary, I've heard stories of them just being confiscated but not them leading to an arrest or anything. Probably just need to pick the right delivery service (or state)
fuck off faggot piggie
Then go back there, cretin. Stop shitting up the boards with your low IQ idiotic posts.
mugged.... and nothing was missing from his person. seems legit.
Yea Forums stinks over there. So much tripfag drama shit
How do you know nothing was missing?
yep. all these things went down the Memory Hole. almost like they never even happened. vegas was particularly bad. biggest mass shooting in US history, fishy as all fuck, but next week harvey weinstein is all anyone is talking about and then #metoo and suddenly it's like it never even happened. just a week or two later. it's insane.
police/news reports. where have you been?
So the news and cops are unreliable except when you want them to be? If something was taken, they'd never know it because it's, wait for it, missing.
The "mugger" didn't take his wallet, keys, phone, money, etc. That sounds like a mugging to you?
>Holy shit you actually thought I was serious and not just slinging a molten larp
Absolutely based retard.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
You beat me to it. Too based for me.
I've heard muggers take nothing but a coat. He was probably a nigger.
Yep. That's the explanation that makes the most sense. The mugger was just a stupid nigger who didn't know you're supposed to take the valuables when you mug someone. You know that's not right, but you just can't say it because you don't want to be wrong on an anonymous image board. Afraid to look stupid to strangers you will never talk to again? You're pathetic my dude.
>I once was a mod on eightchannel and took it seriously
"Selling" is not the term I would use here.
Where is the website for the Japanese Yea Forums equivalent? What's the link
>police lie and fabricate entire shooting events
>they're totally telling the whole story about this though!
You mean 2chan?
Exactly. Why are you working so hard to convince us you believe negros aren't stupid and criminal? We can't dox you here. No one knows who you are. Relax my dude.
How can you be so obtuse?
Stop trying to own them in arguments and think of the bigger picture. Then delete this post.
You neatly skirted the post stating that obscenity laws exist and make all porn technically illegal.
Actually, if you'll re-read the shit you copy-pasted, you'll see that a judge ruled that the PROTECT act (the thing every "loli is illegal!" alarmist quotes) is unconstitutional.
Here are all loli/shota cases
>2005 Virginia case
Dwight Whorley, who downloaded both real CP (14 pictures) and loli/shota (20 pictures) to a government-owned computer.
He was the first person convicted for loli/shota under the PROTECT act, but that wasn't what he was solely convicted for. He was also a repeat offender with regards to real CP. He tried to appeal the conviction under the PROTECT act all the way to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court refused to hear his case.
>2008 Iowa case
The last case where someone was convicted solely of loli/shota. A U.S. district court ruled the relevant parts of the PROTECT act were unconstitutional, but still hit Christopher Handley with an obscenity charge. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) was defending Handley, but he was worried a jury might not acquit, and he faced a maximum 15-year sentence. So he took a plea bargain for 6 months, and the case never went to Supreme Court.
>2010 Idaho case
The guy had real CP in addition to loli/shota, and took a plea deal for 15 months. He admitted that he had knowingly received real CP for at least eight years.
>2011 Maine case
The guy had real CP in addition to loli/shota. He was charged for both, but the loli/shota charges were later dropped at both the state and federal level.
>2012 Missouri case
The guy had real CP in addition to loli/shota, and took a plea deal. Part of the negotiations of that deal were that the real CP charges be dropped, and that he be charged solely for loli/shota.
The bottom line: unless you're caught with real child porn you're not getting charged with having cartoon cunny, and if you get charged with cartoon cunny you won't be convicted if you actually bother to go to trial for it.
The first guy was busted for having porn in prison, not for what type of porn it was.
The second guy and third guys are explained in . The third guy had real child porn, the second guy chose not to fight the obscenity charge and would have likely gotten off if he did (there hasn't been a trial obscenity conviction in ages.)
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
>Supreme Court rules IP is not a person
What did the FBI mean by this?
>tfw you don't live in a shitskin filled police state and don't have to worry about mutt gestapo kicking in your door
How can old hags even compete?
They'll just use trickery to confirm it was you. All they have to do is show up to your house and say "Have you ever used [website]?" and most people will not only say yes, they'll talk about their activities on the site (to, they think, draw the eye off them)
> talking to cops
If anyone ever gets in legal trouble concerning Internet activity like torrenting, legally disallowed posts due to shithole country, etc., here is what you do.
As a prerequisite, every week/month you should clear your router logs. It's done through your router control panel and takes ~5-10 seconds. You can also arrange for it to be done automatically
Once glowniggers come to your door, you say nothing, and wait for court. When court comes you say: "On the morning of I had removed the passcode protection from my router in order to do network testing. During this time, someone may have connected to my network and committed the offense."
Also, fairly obviously, for true protection you should use a logless VPN or, even better, Tor.
isn't tor slow as shit?
It's not that slow anymore, there are lots of nodes (and beefier) these days. Try for yourself, it is good to have it within hand's reach anyway.
Yes, but it's also The King™ of true anonymity, according to the NSA's own internal documents.
If you read FBI court reports on cybercrime, they are all filled with instances where the agent got cockblocked by Tor. The only times Tor has ever been cracked is in instances where "traffic correlation" was done under anomalous circumstances. For example, a guy threatened to bomb Stanford over Tor, while connected to Stanford's internet. So, naturally, FBI's first step was to do traffic analysis of the Stanford network and see if anyone sent packets around the same time the post was made over Tor.
>the quality of this bait
we're watching a professional at work here lads
>Yes, but it's also The King™ of true anonymity, according to the NSA's own internal documents.
Pic related
Nations in the grip of mass hysteria tend to enact ruthless and irrational punishments on scapegoats, dawg.
>*nations without bills of rights and systems of checks and balances
French police handed jail sentences to people who tweeted or retweeted videos of Mudslimes cornering & saying sexual shit to a 4 year old girl.
Perps still not found btw
"Please do not restream this video. To report illegal content on the web, go to the platform"
anyone have a link to the actual daily beast article?
>thread about 4+Yea Forums
>turns into a pedophile defense thread
How surprising.
you're a fucking idiot, read the thread you dumb cunt
Don't be a pussy while outing yourself as a techknownothing.
too late.
i'm gonna assume he's more referring to our "freedumbs" here in the US like gun ownership and stronger freedom of speech laws.
Blood Status: Boiling
and I just watched the shooting vid from I was feeling a little bad for them but maybe he didn't get enough of them.
snitches get stitches nigga
Why would you ever go there? It was made specifically by the worst of this site.
i'm confused, are you agreeing with the user you responded to? if not then work on reading comprehension.
Literal Npc tier response jesus fuck could you fit any more buzzwords into your halfbaked response?//? oof yikes based cringe
yeah freedom of speech. how dumb that is
You do need to dilate though.
It's called anachro-tyrrany. Governments are unable and/or unwilling to deal with real criminals so they terrorize normal people who might protest.
yeah, not having one is definitely better
We've become so boring in comparison.
I blame /pol/
legit can't wait for europe to collapse
/pol/ has been the only thing keeping the site from being completely overrun by pure normalfaggots.
you'd probably get jailed for calling him a warlord too
>evil twin
>"I killed my gf, here's a photo of her corpse" user is forgotten
Most normalfags came to pol during 2016 you retard
Yea Forums:
>fuck roasties, fuck dykes, fuck women, fuck feminists
also Yea Forums:
>here look at this source made by feminist website that supports my reply
dude too soon
Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.
It's not like it's fact that they brought in refugees consisting of a bunch of retarded redditors and underage 'redpilled' niggers since the election.
>implying shit like that ever happens here anymore
>the right to have their feelings protected
>Yea Forums is one person
I'm glad that I stopped using cripplechan 6 years ago because it became an obvious, even bigger honeypot than 4channel months after its inception.
Yea Forums IS one person, I've been here 6 years and I've never seen anybody defend women
no thanks
>I've been here 6 years
Hotwheels about to roll on all the spergs
nigger I'm not gonna click on a random magnet link, besides I already have the kiwi shooting saved
I don't think the FBI usually issues search warrants to its honeypots
>An 18 year old in New Zealand got a 30 year sentence or some shit like that just for retweeting it
He hasn't got anything yet because he's trial hasn't taken place yet and he didn't get charged "just for retweeting it" he got one charge for inciting violence with for posting pictures of the mosque saying he was going to target it and the other for sharing the video.
Either stop larping bullshit or learn to take the 5 seconds it would google to find actual news reports.
Just wait until the Republicans get their flag burning amendment in, they'll ban criticism of Israel after that.
Neither of you were here before 2016/2014. Why do you think your opinions matter? You are part of the problem.