It's Warwick Davis birthday

Say something nice about him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

He is very kickable

He's a small guy for me

that literal goblin should fuck off


happy birthday midge!

ewok feller innit


I walked being him once in New York. It was hilarious from behind he looked like a lost child. I knew following him longer than the two blocks ( 20 miles for him ) would probably end in me doing something awful like kicking the back of his heel which would cause the leg ( or drumstick whatever you want to call it ) to detach from that plastic grocery bag he calls a torso. I settled for throwing a piece of paper at his bald spot. I didn’t see what happened as I walked the other direction right as the paper left my hand but I can say that I heard a thud followed by someone saying
“aye kid you okay? That was quite the fall you had”

Hey come on guys there is an active lawsuit between 4channel and Warwick right now. Best not to joke.

Who's representing him? The law office of Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey and Doc?

are we sending him a card?

You outlived Verne Troyer.


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These threads come directly at the cost to janny's pay cut

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I posted in the thread the first pasta was made in. True story. Warwick posting is like 'the aristocrats' seeing how far your imagination can take you towards being crude and crass. But at some point it becomes tiresome. When it's true hatred. But I kinda like it because it reminds me of old Yea Forums using hatred as a normie deterrent.The amounth of filth that comes out of these threads is incredible. I shouldn't read this shit for the same reason I shouldn't watch gore. It's detrimental to the soul. but compared to old internet Warwick Davis threads are like a neutered dog. But it's nice to get a whiff of what once was.

>when you make fun of midges so much the lolipop guild pulls their candy ads


All the elevator buttons
So incredibly high
I stand today for the midget
At the size of a regular guy

Let me hold you little man
As the parade passes by
Let me hold you little man
We'll make believe you can fly

You shout for me to put you down
But I'm marching today for your cause
I'm bangin' the drum, your big day will come
When they remake the wizard of oz

So let me hold you midget man
Pretend that you're flyin' in space
Let me hold you midget man
So the dog will stop licking your face

Little shoes, little pants
Little song, little dance
Little heart, little mind
But your rights are as big as mine

Thank God I'm tall, I won't let you fall
We're all midgets, for one and for all
Thank God I'm tall, I won't let you fall
We're all midgets and some are just small

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Everyone knows the Oompa Loompa Union has the power to make or break us.

knobbing his daughter must be like using a fleshlight with sound effects

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weak willed midge loving faggot

I'm not being funny but shouldn't he be dead by now?

If his son marries a midget and haves midget kids with they get even shorter?
How low can they get?
I need to kidnap them and start a breeding program

How selfish a person would you have to be to willingly and knowingly bring midget kids into the world.
You are literally guaranteeing them a life of misery.

actually lol'd

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No it's not. I was born on February third and you guys should leave him alone if you know what's good for you. This site is on the verge of bankruptcy already and we can't afford ANY kind of legal trouble with high profile celeb.

imagine being a manlet among midgets

How about brother and sister get together, maybe the combination of recessive genes can make for even more pronounced traits

>Leprechaun was the best slasher series of the early 90s.

The first two died due to inheriting both parent's versions of dwarfism and being unable to survive. These two only inherited the mother's one so they survived.

His DNA is literally toxic and if a child inherits too much it kills them.

They will disappear at one point propably

meant for

>imagine being world's tallest midget

It should be illegal for them to reproduce.

robert downey jr

maybe they'd develop gigantism instead

Imagine grabbing his tiny midge balls and squishing them in your hand.

>midge has pituitary tumor
>gets excess growth hormone
>get an average height human with short limbs
would be kino

I wanna punt his head across the court into the pool

It's the only way to ensure more monstrocities do not have the displeasure of being brought into this world. They would probably thank you if they could.

T-Rex human

I wonder if any exist

Is he living the life?

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can guarantee the lawyers are the ones forcing this "bully the midge" meme

fucking a five footer was awkward and hurt my back. a midget sounds like nightmare mode.

I know a dude like that, his nickname is literally T-Rex


I've just read about that guy while looking for world's tallest recognized midget
fascinating stuff

Happy birthday Warwick.

that's Hiro's problem, not mine

I'd love to buy Warwick Davis a birthday cake. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of surprise merriment and candles under his chin, send that little friend jumping for joy.

As he sits in his chair, plump and contented and and almost chocking on strawberry jam, his jaw a fondant mess of icing detached from the rest of his cake, I stand over him and laugh joyously. He looks up at me in happiness and glee, his eyes searching, begging me for cake. He finds some. I raise my butterknife then slice down, splitting another slice like a doorstop and finally ending his eupeptic hunger.

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Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear midget
Happy birthday to you
How short are you now?
How short are you now?
How short are you nowwwwww?
How short are you now?

I just want to put a lock in a tube sock and crush this monkey's skull AAAAAAAAAA

One of the most well-known dwarves.

I have nothing against midgets, but why the fuck would you have kids with another midget? Like you're already handicapped for life by being that short but you're going to pass it on to other people for no reason? I mean at least adopt some normal sized kids if you want to to raise some, but don't have your own and condemn them to a life of misery.

>Rainer was born in Graz, Austria-Hungary.[3] In 1917, at age 18, he was measured at 122.55 cm (4 ft 0.25 in), then in 1918, at age 19, he was measured at 111.5 cm (3 ft 7.9 in). A typical defining characteristic of dwarfism is an adult height below 147 cm (4 ft 10 in). Then, likely as a result of a pituitary tumor, he had a dramatic growth spurt so that by 1932 at the age of 33 he had reached a height of 218 cm (7 ft 2 in).[4] As a result of his gigantism he became bedridden for the rest of his life.[3] When he died in 1950 (age 51) he had reached a height of 234 cm (7 ft 8 in).[5]

holy shit

Why don't you just put him in the tube sock and then swing it hard against a table?

Everyone else gets to have kids that look like them, why shouldn't a midge be allowed to have kids who won't tower over them by their 5th birthday?

Lucky bastard

What did southpark mean by this?

Congrats tiny boi

Nevermind just looked it up. She's a stripper with self esteem issues and he's a soldier. She'll definitely be cheating on him.

the Dink went for it

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They killed their first two sons trying to have a midge babby. Midge wombs are little graveyards

His wife just looks like him in drag.

>he has a black belt in karate

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What I would give to kidnap Warwick Davis and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. he would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. just so many things I would do.

The two different forms of dwarfism made it much worse. I knew a regular girl at school that had midge parents.

IS it legal for dwarphs to fuck children?

this is why Warrick is the virgin loser he can't even handle his kids being taller than him

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the chad dwarf would never bang his daughter

wtf? anyone could just walk up to that guy and roundhouse kick him in the head

dwarf on the right has a Matt Damon face


>implying his ki shockwaves wouldn't knock you on your ass

I hate laughing at this

May I say something small about him?

imagine being in the courtroom while these transcripts are being read out

How else can that poor guy exercise? At least he focuses his mind and moves around.

Imagine being the only brother to inherit super powers from your parents

wtf I want Warwick to sue us now

Vka bla blood pattoey
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneed

He isn't doing anything wrong, ot doesn't stop me from laughing. I am not proud of it


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If he'd just kept his little mouth shut warwick posting would have just about run its course by now. Instead he's guaranteed himself at least another year.

>I hurt myself today...

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Happy Father's day honker beep beep baperoni Sneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneed

Fucking hot

Lived with a couple like that in university. She wasn't an actual midge but she was barely 5ft and he was 6ft 7.



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Do they suffer from illness, pain or short life expedency just because they're midgets?

Or are they just regular humans at a small size?

Poor guy. Even his death is a joke.

You blaming honk jokey poo!
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneed

The get bad joint problems. Warwick's hips are fucked up already at his age.

shrinking a normal body to such small proportions doesn't translate well always so yeah the head can be a big problem since its usually normal size still

I met this guy at a party in down town lonoden engoland a few years back, I don't see why Yea Forums hates him, he was a nice guy we had a good talk about how people in his position are overlooked in society and how they get the ass end of everyone else's personality. Honestly I think Yea Forums is just jealous that despite this guys problems he still has a wife and kids. I think everyone else would really kick it off with him if they met him.

Have Sex Yea Forums

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overweight people get joint problems too

I want to have sex with his daughter.

True but dwarves have deformed skeletons which can hurt.

49's a ripe old age for a midget. With someone Warwick's size usually a kitten plays them to death before they turn 30.

imagine being a midge

What would sex with a dwarf be like? Do they even have normal twats? Could you have sex without destroying them?

i thought he was like 75

He is in midget years.

he won't live to see 50

neither will i

Could you take him in a fight, Yea Forums?

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Anyone have the script from yesterday?

Is that a threat?

a child could take him

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Sure, but that child could probably take most of Yea Forums too.

Probably just because I'm way taller and heavier. He probably can't punch well with shortened limbs either.


>85 pounds
any user on Yea Forums could probably

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>Yea Forums loves weeman
>Yea Forums hates warwick

what would Yea Forums do in this situation?

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warwick is a disgusting piece of shit

I don't necessarily know what I would do if I had him kidnapped and bound.

I'd maybe start basic. Ridicule him. He has to know that despite the world giving him the "awww poor guy living with this deformity fair play for having a jovial attitude" treatment, the rest of the world either dislikes what he is or outright pitied him. He has to know that everywhere he's gotten in life it's actually BECAUSE of his stature. The little man didn't overcome adversity because he's small, he was sought after because it's a gimmick for certain roles. I want him to know that to most people he's just a mistake, and to TV people he's a gimmick. He's not standing up for shit, he's taken his deformity and cashed in on it. And I think that's where I'd draw the line. I'd keep him fed, watered, and the like, but every day I would repeat these facts to him, over and over. He has to know. Should he choose to take his life when these facts sink in, that's his business. But I want his soul absolutely crushed, I want him to know his world is an absolute lie.

And that's it. I wouldn't harm him physically. Why? Because he's the unforgettable victim of a horrible deformity. The worst thing about the situation is that he has produced offspring, really, continuing the cycle of pity. Disgusting.

Holy fucking BASED

What a tiny chad

I bet midges would actually be quite useful for tank crews, submarine crews, being astronauts, and being maintenance guys that have to crawl through pipes and vents.

Happy birthday little guy, you’ll be a big guy soon.

The way he stabs that lady seems very sexual or maybe I am just a degenerate

What do you think he wants to be when he grows up?

jason acuna isn't a midge plus he can fucking shred

>Tank crew
The M829A3 shell used on the Abrahams weighs 50lbs. You think a dwarf can lift these out of the magazine into he breech?

Wife is a 3’feet giantess, how can midglets compete.

Is the chick in the back younger brothers gf or the daughter? Both no longer appaer on the show.
I used to watch a lot of LPBW marathons back in the day because their farm was comfy as fuck. The midge dad is a comple faggot though and i'd like to punt him in his dumb midge head

maybe he'd serve some other role. I'm just thinking of enclosed spaces to cram them in. I guess manlets would be better.

are there any midgets in jail? what happens in this situation? do they go to normal people jail or a special midget jail?


Damn, AlphaDestiny looks like THAT?

They don’t go to jail they just get grounded.

>he was a street midget
holy kek this is gold

Kind of based. I tried to do a kind version of the kicking pasta yesterday involving hugging him but struggled with decent equivalents so kind of gave up.

Wait. 1970? Jedi was, what? '82?
Was he a fucking Ewok at age 12? Seriously? For real?

49? I thought he was 60

He would sperg out hard if you said all that to him, and you'd grow pretty angry with the pipsqueak's anger and insults and would, in response, then begin the torture.

post the one about feeding him a buffet

Yes. His grandmother or something suggested he audition, got cast, and Hamill even bought him all of the Star War toys he did not have. Little did they know it would all go to his head, resulting in the odious bastard we all now despise so much.

>Was he a fucking Ewok at age 12?
He's an Ewok at age 49, too.

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What, the char siu one? That was originally for Peter Dinklage to contrast with Warwick being starved and fed char siu Harrison Davis and illustrate how much Yea Forums likes Dinklage and how much it hates Davis.

>tfw it's my birthday today as well
>no presents
>no party
>no one even wished me a happy birthday
My life is really shit.

I'm glad you asked

I love midge hunting but this post made me smile. It's his birthday and Father's Day so maybe I'll avoid brutally murdering him for a day.

Personally I'd treat Peter Dinklage. It should not take much food to satisfy him and make his belly full him given his size. I would delight at the prospect of treating him and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that lovely man a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing can't be any better, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu mediocre pork but... char siu kobe beef. Yes, I will have ensured Peter Dinklage greedily gobbled up the flesh of the best meat on the market after lowering his expectations initially. As the tears of joy well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe I went all out, I shall let out a truly merry, comforting laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; packacing and recipts of the kobe beef I purchased. Though the packaging and recipts will be scrunched up, faded, and a little dirty, it will be evidence of how much I wanted to give Dinklage a good meal. That is what I would do to that little gentleman. The louder he laughs and more thanks me in pure euphoria, the louder and more merry my laughter of appreciation will become. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing and thanking him so hard. I will then show the 24 minute 7 seconds footage of me purchasing the kobe beef and having a funny encounter with the butcher, which we will laugh over. This is the fate that awaits you, you wonderful, beautiful little man. Also... FUCK Warwick Davis. I'd starve him instead and feed him char siu Harrison Davis instead.

Theres an answer about everything nowadays
It's kinda scary

I wrote that one and if I could make a change, it'd be 'cheap' pork over 'mediocre'. I still don't know how he could mistaken fucking pork for beef, but I can't think of a shitty beef cut or whatever, or, conversely, a great pork cut

Warwick Davis is not a real man! Allow me to explain. 6 years ago I was hired to do some carpentry work on the set of a movie being made in the backwoods of Georgia. My crew and I were tasked with building a house which would be burnt down at the end of the movie. The job seemed to be pretty straightforward until my buddy started pointing out weird things about the floor plans. Secret rooms, a hidden tunnel, peep holes in the walls, just a lot of weird stuff. We figured ok whatever they maybe needed these things for the story or something. So we go about building this house. Halfway through this black limo pulls up to the set and Warwick Davis pops out. He runs right up to me and starts screaming. "You idiot! You retard! These nails are iron they should not be iron!" And I remember he touched the nail and it seemed to burn him. Now that was really odd. He went around inspecting all the corners in the house. Specifically the corners. At this point I was legitimately spooked. It just didn't feel right. But the money was so good. My buddy and I stayed late trying to get the job done so we could get away from this place. It was at exactly midnight that we heard a howling sound coming from the woods right by the house.

I grabbed the glock from under my truck seat and when I turned around I saw him. Warwick Davis. Pail as a ghost with red glowing eyes. He opened his mouth and inhuman sound poured out. I fired off a couple rounds but they seemed to pass right through him. I yelled to my friend but he didn't respond. I had no choice but to leave him. I drove straight home, packed, and moved across country that night. I never heard from my friend again.

Sometimes I look at the news in the areas around that place. A couple small towns. There are always reports of missing children and pets.

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Aerodynamic as fuck.

If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd tweet him a birthday card with a message on it that is actually a gif that suddenly transitions to him getting kicked in the head while he's reading it.



I'm a big fan of your work. I'll make that change the next time I post it.

No it isn't.

fucking kek

personally I'd put him in a barrel and shove him down a waterfall

Nice blog post you faggot

disable him and sit on the little guy in self defence ofc

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i always thought his name was WARICK davis not warWick davis which really pisses me off because warick actually sounds like a cool name but instead he has a dumb faggot name which i guess is appropriate all things considering

Based Samwise

that's how you pronounce warwick you dumb cunt

Now i'm just confused.

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Get the fuck out

then why is there a w in his name that isnt pronounced?

Why waste an entire barrel? Just stick him in a thermos

>people born in 1970 look like THIS now
Weren't they like 27 years old a few years ago?

holy shit this is absolutely fucking based as fuck holy shit


Why is there a w in "wreck," you faggot?

>sexdolls of that size are illegal
>fucking a real person of that size is legal

Lock that pedo up. Send the midge back to whichever Chinese manufacturer it came from.

He was born in 70? Wasn't he an ewok in a star wars flick and in the leprechaun movies of the 80s? Did he do those when he was a kid?

Yes he did.

ok not based

Huh. He pulled off an irish accent pretty well for being 16

Leprechaun was 1993.

Tl;dr boring cunt detected

*more based

>leprechaun was 93
Ah, it seemed like it was an older movie. ..I was 10 years old in 93, so forgive me..


why is there a g and h in night? because this language had a few retards make it that way and dumb drones like you just went along with it instead of just making words written as theyre pronounced. if it wasnt for shit like that english would be the perfect language

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the screencapped post going around wasn’t when it was made. try a few years earlier

Happy birthday Warrick! I'd love to have you by my side so I can rest my beer on your head.

Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost roll off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.

Happy birthday user!

If he rolled off his bed the fall would probably kill him

May you live forever.

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and throwable

I used to kill and eat faggots like you

Why aren't their kids double midgets?

If I were a midget, I would marry giant woman. And by giant, I don't even mean compared to me...

That sounds like what happens in Tin Drum, the novel.

Happy birthday fren.

two of the children inherited double midge genes and promptly died


Unbased & cringe.
you need to calm down user.

>Midget overload
Life is so funny anons

Her arms are longer than her legs
>tfw you know his daughter walks around on all fours

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>tfw she runs up the stairs like an ape

is this from the same guy with the sneed vocaroo?

I used to do this as a kid and I have normal length limbs.

Actually English used to be pronounced just as it was written, it sounded very much like German (compare a phonetic pronounciation of night with the German nicht). The Norman invasion and subsequent “frankification” of the language lead to the abundance of silent letters and latin/french origin words that we have now.

I still do this and I'm 23

Alex Jones post


Here is a reading of Chaucer in its original Middle English, notice how very different and phonetic it sounds. It is much closer to Dutch at this point than the English we speak in modernity.

i'm kind of amazed he'd only 49 to be honest. dudes been around forever, that means he was only like 18 or 19 in willow. figured he was in his late 50s for sure.

What even in the damn hell are u talkin bout boy?

keep at it and stay youthful because it doesn't come back once you lose it

take your meds


>be a manchild retard forever

I honestly wish I was. Being a soulless 30 year old sucks. I envy the nerds that feel enthusiastic over anime and video games. I never got to take advantage of those while I was young enough to appreciate them.

>He doin some midget ninja shit. Come out from under the table and stab yo ass
Based. Take notes Warwick

i've fucked a 4ft 3 girl and im 6ft 3.
They are normal down there I guess? It just means you can pick them up super easy.

Is dinklage really blessed?

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Dinklage seems like a top bloke desu

wrong kid died

Please rate this screenplay I’ve been writing. Looking to get Warwick on board.

The detective one?
It's kino


(i have my back turned to the camera, a sharply tailored dress shirt with suspenders, I can be seen mixing a drink at the personal bar)

ME: Well, well, well... It seems I have you right where I want you Mr. Davis.

(Warwick Davis is tied to a chair, hes calm but focused)

WARWICK: so you think, Yea Forums.

ME: shhh... I'll let you know when its your turn to speak Mr. Davis.

(I sip my drink and sit down in a chair next to the bar)

(slowly untying my shoes dress shoes) ME: do you know why I brought you here?

WARWICK: enlighten me.

(taking off shoes) ME: truth is Mr. Davis, I find your kind repulsive. (points at WARWICK with shoe)

(brings out steel toed caterpillar boots from under chair) ME: your beady little eyes, stubby little fingers, gigantic disproportionate heads, and worst of all your inflated egos. to think such diseased creatures have the audacity to reproduce. i mean, really mr. davis, look at your children. why would you condemn them to a life of suffering just to fulfill your own misguided desires?

WARWICK: so you're saying i have no quality of life? that i don't deserve to live? why? because i'm a little person?

(tying off boots) ME: little person, dwarf, midget, gnome; it doesn't matter how you brand yourself WARWICK, you are still an abomination. you see that don't you?

(tears in his eyes, clenching his tiny fists) WARWICK: what gives you the fucking right!? to.. to pick and choose who deserves to live and die? i am a good person, i give back to the community! what the fuck do you do!?

(standing up and working into the boots) ME: enough WARWICK, you're not a martyr. you're a midget. you cannot talk your way out of this.

(disgusted) WARWICK: oh fuck off. this is just a charade. you havent got the balls you ignorant little pip! bigot!!

(lining up the shot) ME: steady now, Mr. Davis...

(panicking) WARWICK: okay! okay! please okay wait please!

(stopping and loosening cuff links) ME: hm?


WARWICK: money.. I have money. I'll give you whatever you want..

(throws drink on warwick and smashes glass on the floor) ME: CUNT!! despicable little goblin fuck! you think I want money!? the chair you are tied to is worth more than the shoebox you live in.

(spitting drink and catching breath) WARWICK: then what!? what do you want!? please dont do this i have kids please! my wife!

(reaches into back pocket) ME: yes your family, i almost forgot.

(pulls out polaroids)

ME: this is your wife (still of mrs davis walking into house where warwick is now)

(warwick is visibly distressed, wide eyed)

(shuffling through photos) ME: i guess she prefers normal men as well (stills of me and mrs. davis having sex)

(smirking) ME: I made her call me Willow.

WARWICK: motherfucker! (desperately tries to free himself from his binds, thrashing about) AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

ME: relax Mr. Davis.. you are embarrassing yourself. that's clear scotch tape i tied you with. I didn't even need duct tape heh.

(reassuming punt position)

ME: and now Mr. Davis, any last words?

WARWICK: I-I- I wa..

(interrupting) ME: Christ, it was rhetorical Warwick. I couldn't give a fuck about your last words. (winding up punt)

WARWICK: no. no. NO! WAI-

(warwick is punted so hard in the head he and the chair fall backwards. a grotesque split welt already formed on his temple. i stand over him stomping his head into the floor over and over. the blood drops splattering my face and white shirt. gripping the bar for support and i stomp over and over and over. i stop and quickly pick up the chair with warwick still tied to it, and scream while slamming it against the wall until the chair splinters into pieces and Warwick falls into a pile on the floor.)


Imagine making such a low T post that even the digits can't save your ass

While he charged me I would simply stick my hand out and hold his forehead as he ran in place trying in vain to progress further towards me

>imagine living in a world where genetic engineering is illegal and frowned upon while deliberate defective breeding is completely legal, socially acceptable, and you're the bad one for pitying the poor offspring and distasting the two shitters for making it happen

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no offense and its probably just a funny image but Alex Jones believes the exact opposite of that.

incredibly based

screenplay user where are you

Happy birthday
you posted your birthday in a relevant thread, and didn't make one specifically for attention whoring, good on you user

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>non-monstrous proportions
>normal, cute face
100% absolutely living th FUCK

Jesus, I share a birthday with this little man? I feel embarrassed.

Happy Birthday user

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tfw no goth midget gf

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I know an asian midget. what do?

go fuck yourself

Do you seriously believe this crap?


based & cringe

Happy birthday to you!

Attached: warwick-in-your-face.jpg (1066x1003, 235K)

More like midge

Its Not the Midges birthday its feb

Please user stop
Think of the advertisers

>file name

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I feel bad for him. Life’s hard enough then you find out one day there is a website making satirical threats against you and your family. It bothers the fuck out of you. You try to stop it in the real world, can’t. So you start larping and shit posting and become the thing you hate.

I'm going to roast Warwick Davis and his family alive. Oh God, It's gonna be great. You start with his kids. It wouldn't even be hard, just hold both parents in your left arm while the right holds a twig you found in your backyard, both of his kids skewed between two marshmallows. The screams of the parents are at first drowned out by the screams of the kids, but eventually the kids stop. Your dog runs by and hits your leg, causing you to lose balance and one kid and the front marshmallow burst into flame. You take your loss and let them fall into the fire, while both balloon up and eventually pop and sizzle, becoming one with the hot burning coals. The other kid you get just right though, evenly crisped from top to bottom. When you move onto the parents you decide to not go through the trouble of roasting both so you just throw Warwick's wife into the fire immediately in lieu of a new piece of wood. Now Warwick, Warwick you really have to take your time with. You just hold Warwick over the firepit with your own two hands until the Ewok costume becomes engulfed in hellish, licking flames. Once you drop him into the pit you think that you're just looking at the Ewoks face, but you realize that it's already burned away and Warwick has the exact same dead, black eyes. You stomp out the flames and the Ewok fur gets caught on your shoe. You scrape it off with the marshmallow stick and move onto the next midge family.

>3ft 6 (106.7 cm)
3'4 is more accurate. 3'6 is stretching it a bit. I thought his was 3 feet though.

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I'm going to hell.

Holy fuck what a chad.

Wait. Wtf? The news said he was attacked by hikers on shrooms while filming Willow 2 yesterday. He died on the way to the hospital due to his wounds from them trying to eat him. How is it his birthday if he died from cannibalism?



Unironically this. Making fun of someone like Warwick Davis is just really fucking low. People here should really grow some standards and rise above this kind of shit.

Did Hiro ever get back to him?

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>fucking low
>grow some standards
I dont know if you are serious or taking the piss but your post made me laff

Get a new icepick.

You "people" are a bunch of edgy retarded children.

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Yeah, little did they know this god ugly midget fuck would stay the same pathetic height until his fucking death. What an ugly runt. A proper society would kill this midget bastard.

its my birthday tomorrow. Im turning 32

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Kill yourself, loser. I mean it.

What are you, gay?

>Master forgive me, but I'll have to go all out ... just this once

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so they're both mentally ill, sounds like a mess

I would raise an Alsatian and breed it to only fuck midgets. All day and night I would prep it and seduce it with midgets. I would train it so often that the sight of a single midge would make it rock hard. That's when I kidnap Warwick, throw a black bag over his head and bungle him into my car glove compartment. After a few days he will wake up in darkness. I shine a bright light at him, blinding his vision. I taunt him with curses and cruel barbs. He hisses and recoils each time the light gets overbearing on his sight. He screams "WHAT DO YOU WANT??" That's when the lights go off and darkness resumes. Then suddenly a spotlight shines on my Alsatian. He's tied to a leash and is desperately pining towards Warwick's direction. The midge's face turns to horror. I release my hound and he darts after the tiny little creature. Warwick turns to run but his wimpy little legs buckle and he trips. His head turns to look behind him but it's too late. My sex deprived rape monster german shepherd is already on top of him

i come from year 2021 and someone animated this on youtube
also trump lost, biden is the new president

feed and seedpilled



Lawsuit progress?

they are returned to the manlet pit

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>high profile
I see what you did there

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

Damn, he cute...

it's my grandma's birthday too so fuck off midge

Squeeze his hand off

it'd be like squishing a tick

not sure. was there any follow up?

>birthday is the same day as Father's day

does that make him lucky or unlucky?
does he get 2x the gifts or half?

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When this first came out I thought it was mean spirited and unfunny, especially the gratuitous 10-post long pasta about raping his daughter. But the more elaborate and creative these threads have gotten the funnier it's become. Warwick threads are by far the best meme to come out of Yea Forums in at least a year.

go back to

This made me laugh more than it should have.

fucking midget.

Attached: midge4.png (2462x365, 137K)

He gets half, since half his kids died

I'm gonna say it.....



reddit voice

They're freaks man, in more ways than one. I met one at a bar once and she was like those self deprecating blacks that loved to be called nigger. She just wanted to be roughed up so bad, she wanted to be fucked in the air and have be basically throw her around the room and make fun of her size. I swear to god bro when I was fucking her you'd see her stomach bulge like in those hentai or extreme fisting porn vids, I'm not even that hung, she was just so fucking small. When I left her house in the morning I put all her keys and important shit on high shelves and took 2 of her step stools and a gopher.
Shit was so cash.

>tfw you will never sexually dominate the entire midge Davis family
Why live?

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Was it autism?

ROFL. he looks exactly like my boss, i'm going to print this off and leave it on his desk

I have legitimately met him and he was rude and obnoxious if he wasn’t a midge someone would have knocked his teeth out by now and he certainly wouldn’t have a career in entertainment

>you’ll see an elf colony expand within your lifetime before they’re exiled into the woods
feels good mayne

>partial arts

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Has anyone kicked this toothy midge in the head yet?


My fucking sides

Ah ha ha ha

Warwick pls

Sounds like you'd get a kick out of that

You have to go back. Le 9geg 0rmi misses you.

Warwick thinks they're hilarious

Did we ever get a screen play compilation? That shit was cash.

His daughter looks like the female Gremlin in “Gremlins 2”

No one would hate or make fun of this gnome like they do if he didn't flip out and threaten to call the cops whenever someone makes fun of him. Sure, those people who "started it" were being assholes, but when you start threatening legal action and retaliation you prove yourself to be the kind of fragile social totalitarian that internet, especially Yea Forums, culture is most incensed by. So not because of his disibility, but because of his personality and response to playground level mockery, his disability is used to insult him as a protest against his disproportionate actions and threats to involve authorities over petty name calling. This is how most so-called online harassment campaigns start, just substitute the specific circumstances of the "victim" and their initial response that proved them to be an asshole. It's like the Streisand effect, by threatening free speech or other conventions the internet values over a type of insult, they publicize that insult as the best way to respond in protest.
Tl;dr - Fuck this little midge. If he wasn't such a faggot everyone wouldn't want to punt him across a football field so bad.

Also, midgets are crazy-strong, proportionately... So imagine a 7ft proportional midget lifting cars and raging and shit.

It’d basically be a real-life Kaiju.

Man moth?

The sex must be wild.

What'd a guy with dwarfism and gigantism look like?

This is the best timeline, doc.