Best movie of the 2010s

As we near the end of the decade, I think it's safe to say nothing in 2019 will top this.

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That's where you're wrong, beta male

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except Joker will blow that schlock out of the water

that movie with pattinson and dafoe about a lighthouse or something will end up being the best movie of the decade screencap this post

For a mainstream high budget drama film, sure.

I don't know man, I can think of several movies from this decade I think are better.

>Bland Larson

Reminder that 'Network' was a fucking great movie. I haven't heard Reznor make a single bad soundtrack.
>You better lawyer up motherfucker!
is fucking great. I don't know if this movie invented this expression or just popularized it. Also, the cinematography was amazing.

Simon Amstell looking nigger.

It's not even Fincher's best film of the decade.

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>best movie
>can't even name it

Yes. I don't have time to peruse through slowcore arthouse films from Hungary.

What an absolutely meaningless statement. Front your nominees, nigger. I'm open to changing my mind.

Based as fuck. It's so good.

I hate Jessie Eisenberg so much, he plays the same character all the time

Tree of Life
Before Midnight
pic related

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With great titles like those how could you go wrong

Get the fuck out of here, hahaha. At least with the rest you can make an argument.

I like his shtick.
He crams a lot of words and gestures into a short time of space no matter the movie he's in. But for me, it works. I would watch a Jesse Eisenberg movie just for the sake of him being in it. He's cool.

lol I assume you haven't watched batman v superman

Routine trashy 90s thriller transported to another decade and dressed up as oscar bait.
I enjoyed it though

my bad user, I forgot about that classic

All the following ones are bigger contenders than what you posted:

>Blade Runner 2048
>The hateful eight
>The Master
>La La Land
>The Hunt
>Inside Llewyn Davis

>Blade Runner 2048
not a movie
for children
>The hateful eight
for teenagers
for boomers
for zoomers
>The Master
for pseuds
for pseuds who weren't quite pseud enough for The Asster
>La La Land
>The Hunt
>Inside Llewyn Davis
fucking die

>Blade Runner 2048
Surprisingly good, but still not as good as The Social Network.

Mediocre AT BEST. What do americans even see in this?

>The hateful eight
Was okay.

Liked it, but wouldn't want to watch twice.

Contact was better.

>The Master
Haven't seen.

Liked it, but probably won't watch twice.

>La La Land
Haven't seen.

>The Hunt

>Inside Llewyn Davis
Haven't seen.


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Uh you don't get to bring 500 million friends

Reminder Armond White said Man of Steel is the best movie of the decade

black swan
tucker and dale vs evil

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Pad ding ton b e a r



First Reformed

It isn't even best in its own category. Molly's Game was better and infinitely more entertaining.

t. Contrarian

Molly's Game was not even top 100 for 2017

Name 100 better movies from 2017, I'll wait.

I respectfully disagree

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hard to be a god

Fuck it's been almost a decade since this came out?

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Do you think if Warrior didn't use the UFC as a framing device it would have done better?

>Lady Bird
>Baby Driver
>fucking Paddington 2

Manchester by the sea is far and away a much better film, and it's not even my favorite film in the last decade

Attached: cloudatlas.jpg (315x420, 34K)

It only takes one to invalidate your original contrarian opinion

Kek. This movie was profoundly average