Why don't all the zombies just rot until they're a pile of nothing?

Why don't all the zombies just rot until they're a pile of nothing?

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The Vampire Coast rises again

Why don't people hide in frozen climates where bodies without body heat would just freeze into place?

This is why I hate zombie/zombie universe. No fucking way they'll survive or even being able to move with their body literally decomposing.


Donʻt they have zombie movies in cold weather?
I think they had a Nazi one, and the zombies walked around fine

this is why the only good zombies are magic made zombies. Fuck needing muscle and shit and you can even have them just turn into moving skeletons that move faster since no more heavy flesh and do shit like they're stronger because the magic has strengthened them.

you're right it doesn't make sense

Shut up retard

This is why actual zombies need to be the product of magic or super high tech bullshit like nanobots that equally make no sense or zombie analogs like virus crazed humans. An actual fucking corpse, even when they try to fucking pass it off with some horseshit like viruses or fungi that reanimate dead people, would cease to be a threat within hours.

I don't care for your attitude

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Why aren't you as a living person just broken down within days from bacteria?

Shut up faggot

white blood cells my dude

Whatʻs your problem?

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apparently whatever's resurrecting them is also making them decay more slowly
they still rot and shit albeit at a slower pace
a complete skeleton wont ress but aslong as it has any part of its cortex there its still gonna rise up

How can a walking corpse with rotting muscles and flesh have the jaw strength to bite trough another person’s skin?

I call these alternate zombies 'quasi-zombies'. Where people are lurking about like drones but not necessarily rotting away.

Of course, the rotting zombie has only existed since Night of the Living Dead. The original voodoo zombie is a person who had been drugged to appear dead and then is under the sorcerer's control, and former zombie movies were about this, not a horde of rotting walkers.

The post-Romero zombie narrative was influenced by the walking phantom people in Carnival of Souls, another example of 'quasi-zombies'.

how are they going to be any sort of threat with decaying muscles and tendons?

Its a movie though

It was rhetorical champ. If you beleive that zambie virus brings back the dead that infects all humans it touches then you have to at least give some value to it being toxic to any bacteria that try to eat the dying human body.

How the fuck do zombies take over the world unless the initial infection somehow effects 99% of the world. How does the entire world's combined multi-trillion dollar military not fight them off? Even militias without even guns should be able to take on zombies.

Imagine 2 sides are fighting a war. One side has fighter jets, stealth bombers, battleships, tanks, every gun available, and the opposing side that has none of these, no weapons, tools, or even the ability to use them even if they steal them. The opposing side has the inability to even open doors, operate elevators, use vehicles, and can barely walk stairs without constantly tripping on stairs. An opposing force that has 0 communication ability between each other, with no coordination, structure, planning, or even any thought. A side with no sense of self-preservation or personal safety, that would probably be permanently immobilized if you dumped some oil or lubricant on the ground and just let him slip over himself, you can throw tacks run in front of them and they would still fall and injure themselves, an opposing force that would literally fall for every single trap no matter how obvious. A fighting force whose only weapon are the ability to claw at you and bite you, despite any piece of clothing being able to block any bites or scratches.

There is no reason why everybody would not be able to hide in their homes while the military, police, and any gun nut decides to decimate any zombie force with minimum casualties. Have a few guys in a helicopter with guns and boom, they can just kill thousands of zombies with 0 threat to themselves, and the only reason why they'd stop would be if they ran out of ammo or fuel, easier than shooting fish in a barrel, because at least they can swim around really fast if they sense danger. Just sit back in your house or apartment and zombies can't do anything. Zombies are such a retarded concept.

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Well duh.
Zombies arenʻt real

how could they even move without a working metabolism?

There is no possible way that a virus that can infect human DNA would be compatible with bacterial DNA. Viruses that can cross infect both humans and birds are rare enough. A virus that infects both humans and also every species of bacteria/fungus that decomposes a human body is not something that could conceivably exist. That's asking too much of the audience to believe imo.

based and warhammerpilled

The virus is already in everybody at least in the tv show. But yeah it wouldn't be enough to cause society to collapse. In fact it's so slow I have no idea how the zombies even caused that much of a disruption. The show has a garbage premise and I was willing to stick with it until they completely abandoned the cure plotline.

Theres no way that a virus could resurrect the dead. We're dealing with science-fantasy here where somehow an organism can live without food or oxygen, reality takes a backseat.

If you really want to be an autist about it then assume that the infection changes the human cells enough to be immune to bacteria infections or it somehow creates a hyper-aggressive anti-body that also attacks it's own cells causing necrosis but at a delayed rate.

you're incredibly stupid

True, tv shoes are more realistic than movies.

>This is why actual zombies need to be the product of magic or super high tech bullshit like nanobots that equally make no sense or zombie analogs like virus crazed humans.

it doesn't happen because people think that's "cheesy" and "not realistic" as opposed to you know, zombies.

at this point in the series, wouldnt their teeth just fall out at the moment they try to bite something?

They are written by anti gunners who have no clue how piss easy it would be to contain even and have zero knowledge on guns or the military.

well the zombie genre runs the gamit from supernatural, animated corpses (scary) to a biological infection. In the latter case, yeah I do admit the genre should do a better job explaining of how they can keep a functioning musclar system, digestive system, and blood circulation, and which parts they need or don't need based on the biology of the infection.

There is also another problem in biology like with Ebola in that if its quickly fatel, the virus can quickly burn itself out. Zombies don't have that problem, but something has to explain their ability to move after long period of time without food. At least 28 Days Latter showed this in that people eventually starved out the zombies, but those were particularly crazy infectious rather than canabilistic.

There's nothing 'stupid' about what I said there, you dunce. It's merely an observance of different approaches to a theme.

Cause then they wouldn't be scary. Just goop.

Why didn’t they just have sex?

Only amerisharts are afraid of zo.bies because they live in cardboard houses.
A zombie horde wouldn't be able to breach a metal door on a concrete frame, like 90% of european households.

What part of 'living' dead do you not understand?

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more like sneedzard

Does any zombie movie address zombie animals? Like what if bugs get infected?
>zombie mosquitoes and bees

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You should stick with the original Dead trilogy that ended with Day of the Dead (1985), where zombies had already started to rot to the point where they were truly dead like pic related. Later on in the film the head scientist is heard to say that:"In cases of early revival, 10-12 years before decay would threaten mobility.."

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Jesus fucking Christ... another potentially great Simpsons thread ruined by you underaged cocksuckers. Seriously, how is uttering the same one or two phrases, or some variant of "Formerly X" funny? How is ruining any potential discussion of the greatest sitcom ever made enjoyable? I didn't have much growing up... in fact I was a latchkey kid. I didn't have many role models, but I did have The Simpsons growing up. Every week I would watch The Simpsons, recording each episode on my parents' VHS machine, then rewatch every episode during the summer. Eventually I enlisted in the Marine Corps and got sent to Iraq. Again, all I had was The Simpsons, seeing as how I had nothing waiting for me back home. My motivation to see the end of my tour alive was knowing that when I got back to the States I could look forward to seeing what kind of hijinks Homer and his family would be up to next. And I loved discussing this show on Yea Forums, one of the coolest places on the internet. Well, no more. I can't take this obnoxious spam for a second longer, I'm gone

The resident evil movies. All the animals died and there are zombie crows in the third one.

why don't they just wait out the zombie apocalypse until all the zombies starve to death

because le zombies are for brainlets

world war z book mention the virus zombies have prevents the insects from eating them so they don't rot.
Whatever that's worth.

>the virus zombies have prevents the insects from eating them so they don't rot
wwZ is bad and you should be ashamed for even mention it

Those were Nazi Zombies though. Germans are genetically superior Übermenschen and toughened up by the cold of Stalingrad. Sieg Heil.

does the book explain the explosion from the scene in the car that seems to kick off the whole thing?

I guess they never read crossed

>How the fuck do zombies take over the world unless the initial infection somehow effects 99% of the world

That's usually what happens though.

great trilogy

No,the book is SO different.
Whoever made the movie paid millions and only used the name.
The book is awesome.

The book is cringe. I never got over the first chapters. You have all these characters from all over the world and they read like cardboard charicatures developped after a 10 minute wikipedia research of the country and culture. Truly written from a burger perspective of the world.

>never got over the first chapters
Yet you know about all the characters.

How long does it take for the dead to rise as zombies?

If its near immediately then I can see society taking a major hit

If its in like 24 hours then its literally nothing; just enforce cremation. Africa would be UTTERLY FUCKED though considering there's constant warfare and genocide with no hope of proper body disposal.

I think the audio book has extra content.
Also a different actor for every character.

they'd still be getting rekt by microorganisms

>Chinaman: Communism, rural village, Taiwan
>South Africa: Apartheid
>Israel: Palestinian Refugees

Mom look, I am doing world politics in my zombie novel!

The only threatening thing about TWD zombies is the fact that everyone is already infected. The zombies themselves would be easy to contain but there would always be a constant threat of new outbreaks however minor, because somebody somewhere is dying every single second of every single day.

You'd have to either have everyone wearing some kind running man collar that destroys your brain if/when your heart stops, or at least some device that alerts authorities so a team can be dispatched to secure your body.

iirc it's random in TWD, like anywhere from minutes to a day

Is it possibly dependent on the health/strength of the person? Would a sickly or elderly person turn faster than a young fit person?

Why don't zombies eat other zombies once they run out of human prey? Wouldn't the insatiable drive to feed eventually force them to turn on each other even if they don't enjoy the taste?

maybe they can't even perceive them because they are ambient temperature and don't exhale CO2

>USA: strong, military save other countries


Zombies can walk forever with no need to take in energy

>Build large hamster wheels
>put zombies in them
>attach to generator

Free electricity forever

>tie a bunch of them to a chariot and hang meat on a stick in front of them
>free transportation

>feed attack dog zombie meat
>biting intruders makes them terminally ill

They are vey slow though

no they take energy, they just don't feel pain so they can use 100% of their muscles and shit even though they're half decomposed, like you know those people that get strength bursts in dire situations that's zombies all the time.

They eat brains cuz it's 100% cholesterol which = tons of energy. If you wanted a zombie farm for energy production you'd have to provide them with some kind of large brains, you could feed them babies I guess but then you'd have to have a separate production facility for that purpose.

not really, there's nearly always a "patient zero"

>train a sheep dog to herd a swarm of zombies towards your enemies
>grind zombies into goo, mix with water, and blast people with it out of a water gun

Modern military tactics are designed around shock and suppression, these dont work against zombies when you are vastly outnumbered and blowing off a limb wont stop them

this just like wear motorcycle leathers and helmet nigga they can't bite through that shit

>One side has fighter jets, stealth bombers, battleships, tanks, every gun available,
That's the battle of Yonkers you're describing

Just feed them niggers, two problems solved.

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They made up some bullshit reason in the source material to explain why they haven't rotted away.

Those were magic zombies. Driven by a curse. Walking Dead zombies are "scientific" zombies, going from the CDC arc in the early seasons.

Because that would be too convenient

VooDoo 3DFX are the best zombies

28 Days Later handles it somewhat realistically by making them living people with an exaggerated case of rabies.

because it's bullshit none science basically magic whenever it's zombies. I actually work in the film industry and have always wanted to do a UBER realistic zombie film, where they decay normally and are basically tearing themselves apart as they slowly fall apart.

Waiting on the market to chill tho.

Also smart enough to use weapons and tools.

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>I actually work in the film industry
Are you Gary, the water and nuts guy?

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>maybe it also zombifies all the bacteria and bio-matter around it
>this somehow heavily slows down decomposition and something something sustains the "organism"
>the best way to create open wounds on more potential hosts is using the mouth
>lower brain functions related to the mouth make the carrier consume the flesh of the new host pointlessly because its not perfect something something

but then you understand shit like this and realize zombies are about as real as true love

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by that logic they shouldn't have rotted at all after dying

While World War Z gets a lot of stuff wrong militarily, it is right about a number of things that counter what you say:

One of the major things that the military does, and one of the reasons some weaponry is so effective, is the shock it causes. It forces humans to shut down and curl up in a ball and die. If you're immune to that, suddenly a ton of our explosive devices lose a lot of their killing power. And of course if bullets need to shred the CNS to kill, that makes military training actually counterproductive. Most soldiers are trained to aim for the body, because it's easy to hit and will send your enemy into shock. If that doesn't actually do that, it's suddenly nearly worthless.

Now true, it's still probably a non-threat, realistically, because any outbreak will be contained very rapidly before it can reach a pandemic point. But if some zombie-like thing every does actually become a pandemic, the military kind of will suck at repelling it. Too much of our military strategy is built around assuming shock will kill enemies and that wars will end at logical points of defeat, rather than having no surrender and fighting to the last man.


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The alien rays that created the zombies actually help their cells heal and prevent them from rotting.

>over the span of several years, none of the characters are even interested in how zombies function, not even eugene

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because muh fiction
zombies are asinine edgy autism

Personally I don't care about this when the movie is good. Romeros first four Dead films were cheesey entertainment and Synders remake was good despite how stupid running zombies as a concept are, but most other zombie stories suck. It's all the same "diverse group must learn to cooperate to survive" story. No one does anything interesting or realistic with the premise. The walking dead is especially shit: society breaks down but everyone is still a gender equality multicultural worshipping democrat-unless they're a villain. Even putting aside race and gender, do you know how fast groups would turn into vicious warbands in the first months after an outbreak? The old and disabled would be abandoned, groups that were generous and accepted outsiders would quickly be infiltrated and destroyed or fall into infighting, any one not willing to shoot first and ask questions later would inevitably be killed by those who are willing.

Zombies are the most potential kino being wasted right now.

>magic made zombies

hell yeah, bring back the NECROMANCY fuck this viruses, parasites, fungii bullshit

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The walking dead games had a part of the plot where you had winter, it greatly reduced the zombies mobility and vision but you still couldn't get to close to them

There was a character that was interested already, that doctor that worked for Governor, so in their heads it was already covered and you shouldn't care about it


The undead flesh-eating creatures we today call zombies are descended from early 1950s horror comic books written or drawn by participants in or observers of the Korean War, when the undead hordes served as a metaphor for Chinese human wave and civilian infiltration tactics, being a symbol of infiltration and subversion, pertinent concepts during the Cold War.

1968's "The Night of the Living Dead" takes after these strips and did not invent the creatures from whole cloth, but simply introduced them to film, and notably not under the term "zombie" but rather "ghoul."

Romero zombies aren't really derived from Haitian voodoo zombies, and actually have little in common with that folk belief, but voodoo zombies were already an established film genre at the time, and the similarities are there, so people labeled "The Night of the Living Dead" a zombie movie and the term stuck, although similar creatures had been called zombies in comics before, also under influence from the voodoo films. There were literary precursors to Romero style zombies, also influenced by the Arabic ghouls, demonic possession, Medieval revenants and vampires, but the genre that most directly inspired them in comics was the skeleton genre.

These skeletons were a form of ghost, the spirits of murdered people who appeared as skeletons and retained their intelligence and punished their murderers. Horror skeletons are ultimately derived from the spiritual memento mori figures of Medieval art. They were not intended to be literal, physical skeletons, but symbols. The popularity of skeleton comic strips in the early horror comics caused comics makers to want to try to update the image of the undead for a more materialistic era, and the modern zombie was born. Like I said, they're more like conceptual metaphors for the concepts of infiltration and subversion taken from the Cold War than any serious science fiction, and it's no accident that there was a huge resurgence in zombies after 9/11.

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>They eat brains
Only the return of the living dead zombies does that

you just had GoT, which single handedly proved why necromancers are a shit cliche, plus the ending to wrath is widely considered one of the worst game endings ever put out, purely because of the 'there must always be a lich king' schtick.

>one side can die
>other side is undead
Wow, I wonder who is going to win

Iirc some zombies were frozen solid and thawed during spring

That makeup is awful. It looks so dry.

Yeah but on the other hand
>plus the ending to wrath is widely considered one of the worst game endings ever put out
Not even closely

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The make up is right, it's dry and mummyfied that's why it doesn't decompose completely

this, zombies are spirits possessing dead bodies the grounded gritty zombie virus thing was always dumb

Solanum is a common zombie virus in The Zombie Survival Guide. While not addressed by this name in World War Z, the book references material from the Survival Guide as both are set in the same universe and describe the same disease. Other names include African Rabies, the Walking Plague, and the Blight, among others.

The virus mutates each infected cell into a sort of organ, independent from every other cell, and the physiological tasks it once performed for the human. They also produce a great deal of oxygen (which was noted by a surgeon in a Rio de Janiero clinic) which circulates throughout the body. By removing the need for oxygen, the undead brain can utilize but is in no way dependent upon the complex support mechanism of the human body. The energy source of the zombie remains a baffling mystery to science, as a zombie will continue moving indefinitely without food, water, or rest. Even when a zombie does "consume" an organism, Solanum virions and infected cells do not draw energy from the flesh like living cells would. The flesh merely remains in the digestive tract of the zombie until it rots, or newer flesh presses the human remains out of the anus (or if the zombie has torso wounds, a rupture in the abdomen)


They are not rotting they are Solanum.


Just napalm the fuckers, lets see how they survive with their brains fried.

he has barnacles and seaweed growing on him

yeah but that's the only one that makes sense Zmobies shouldn't have any teeth either so brains make sense

>suppose to be dry
>clearly has fungus growing on him

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Fungus can grow on anything anywhere, furthermore Barnacle aren't fungus

WWZ was written by a noguns retard. "Shock" is utterly irrelevant, no zombie is going to shrug off a 20 mm round or shrapnel shredding its muscles, bones, tendons etc. People die from the shock of explosions because their organs are mushed, that includes the brain so zombies would still be fucked. Bear in mind that tanks and armored vehicles would be invulnerable. Even a small ditch with barbed wire would fuck them up so infantry could pick them off, even with puny 5.56 ammo. Fortifications are incredibly easy to construct with hesco barriers, essentially big boxes you fill with rubble, like sandbags on steroids. Recent conflicts use infantry to pin the enemy in place with suppressive fire, and then call in artillery or airstrikes to do the actual killing. Snipers would be plinking domes all day long as well, targeting an enemy that has no concept of cover. The only plausible zombie scenario is Shaun of the Dead, a limited outbreak which is a problem until the army arrives to save the day. Fuck Max Brooks I wish his mother had been kicked in her rotten cunt so he was never born.

It looks like fucking plastic.

>Nazis Killing whites

da fuck?


In the newest episode of Fear The Walking Dead, literal children manage to capture and wrangle dozens of zombies twice the size of them without getting bit, their secret? Doing what Yea Forums has said since day 1, their wore goalie hockey helmets and gloves, now compare that with adults who decided to wear knee and elbow pads as their protection such as people from The Kingdom did

If the heart stops, non of the cells in the dead body will function without oxygen and glucose.
A zombie can’t move it’s arms and legs.

>such as people from The Kingdom did
Different time period, different culture

Turns out it's not that hard to kill an enemy that is slow, has no idea what dodging blows is and can only use his relatively (in comparison to other animals) harmless teeth.
The zombies in TWD are no threat at all and how they managed to make a whole government collapse is beyond me. Now a zombie show during medieval times, that would be interesting

most zombies in zombie movies die though. by a headshot or something.

in a realistic situation, a medium group of armored soldiers, a few armored cars would be able to clean cities of zombies.

medieval people could probably still fuck them up. I'd be more interested in indigenous tribal people dealing with them.

The Walking Dead's argument is that the virus shows no symptoms until people die, so infection was basically 100% worldwide before the reanimation symptom appeared, or if it wasn't, then it was impossible to test until the person was already dead, and if they were killed by a zombie bite, they got infected that way.
The snowball effect of a person in a sports stadium or cinema dying then biting others turns the outbreak into a snowball effect - a zombie that successfully kills has doubled the infective power of the individual outbreak. And because there's no knowledge about it in-universe, and even in burgerland there isn't really an infrastructure in place to kill hundreds of people in separate outbreaks over the city, a few separate instances of a few dozen outbreaks across the city will soon spiral into thousands or tens of thousands of infected over the first day.
It all depends on the effectiveness of keeping the defenceless uninfected from the infected. In TWD they had no in-universe knowledge, and you didn't need to be bitten to turn zombie, only to die, so it was likely very ineffective.

This is an entertaining site to read if you're into zombies (and vampires) presented in a scientific way.

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Commieblocks would be literal fortresses.

>The Walking Dead's argument is that the virus shows no symptoms until people die
That's not true at all, people get a fever and perspire before they turn

this is a vincent price film based on the i am legend novel if you want to watch some original zombie kino

That's only if bitten, not from being infected with the virus that is believed to have infected everybody before the noticeable reanimated corpse outbreak occurred.

Pretty sure it was mentioned in the comic as well that there were less and they move slower

Which makes no sense as to why a zombie bite would turn you when you have the same virus the zombie has given you from the bite, it's the only zombie universe that has this, and for a good reason because having both makes no sense

Any movie with Lovecraft zombies?

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God this makes me wanna watch Dead Snow 1&2 again

TWD show says all the bacteria and whatnot in the bite causes a lethal infection, not that the zombie virus kills. There's no virus in the comic.


Last season they showed snow in the tv series for the first time, they were crossing a frozen lake near The Whisperers territory and there zombie, the first few zombies they showed were frozen in place and movie slowly but then several more zombies appeared and they were not impeded by the snow at all, a couple even managed to break through inches of snow they were buried under to grab people

Then why wouldn't antibiotics cure a zombie bite?

antibiotics dosen't cure everything

Because they merely want to throw realism a bone while appealing to classic tropes. It wouldn't make sense if the bites transmitted the virus and then killed because everyone is already infected. Not having bites kill would slow the spread of the zombies and zombie fans would think it's lame.

You sayin we sum kinda, walkin dead squad?

Insects are animals you brainlet.

This is another thing that annoys me, some people would have a natural immunity, and a whole load of others would recover with basic medical care. Consider Ebola, which is pretty fucking lethal if nothing is done, but can be treated if caught early. Niggers are only dying because they live in isolated villages and don't trust the authorities to help them. In all fairness the police/army in their shithole country was probably raping and killing them a week before the outbreak.

I'm surprised they also don't explore the concept of carriers that are typically human but spread the virus on things they touch or breathe on.

or maybe there are some individuals that the virus kills but they don't reanimate

You just be fun to see things with
>pirate ships can’t turn that fast
>hey he hasn’t reloaded
>he would die from impact trauma if his car did that in real life.

>zombies contaminate the water supply
>the rats and cockroaches are spreading the virus around
>flies and mosquitoes carry it
>get paranoid whenever someone coughs or sneezes

I thought it was fucking retarded that they attempted to salvage that well that zombie fell in during TWD S2. Fuck drinking that water.

>zombies are actually the original person that is consciously aware and attacks their loved ones involuntarily and experiences severe pain when you attack them

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>he doesn't complain when a serious movie or tv show gets things wrong
A stupid film like Commando or John Wick is not meant to be realistic and can be enjoyed without nitpicking. TWD, WWZ and all the rest are using realism as a selling point and deserve to be mocked for their retardation.

How are the teeth so strong in those rotting gums ? mental innit

Tony Soprano is made of steel and is immune to car accidents.

>serious movie
Try to stay coherent

I dont think the anticlimactic goblin backstab said much about necromancy as a trope, dude. It was merely shit writing.

thas the main plot in dead rising 1
& at some points its as annoying to play through as it would be irl.

They also all starved to death at the end of the first movie, which made sense as their bodies were still burning energy.

Whatever happened to 28 months later? Was it canceled?

did he escape from the flying dutchman?

There's billions of them, they never stop, are hard to kill and anyone that dies joins their side. Like if a billion pajeets started marching with the singular purpose to tear everything alive to pieces that would be pretty terrifying.

I NEED ZOMBIE MOVIE RECOMENDATIONS, i've seen almost everything and i love the genre, throw me trashy movies, kino movies, foreign movies, ANYTHING as long as it involves ZOMBIES.

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I linked The Last Man on Earth


>Shock Waves (1977)
>The italian Zombi movies. First one is Zombi 2 in the US.
>La noche del terror ciego (1972)
>El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (1973)
>La noche de las gaviotas (1975)
>Paura nella città dei morti viventi (1980)
>Dellamorte Dellamore (1994)

Most of them have english titles and dubs, too.

The thought of nanozombies terrifies me.

>not *technically* dead
>bodily functions repurposed toward maintaining the bots’ “vehicle” by any means necessary
>not even a headshot slows them down
>only means of destruction is fire or immersion in acid
>sole purpose is replication

Also The Serpent and the Rainbow is you like a voodoo spin on your zombie movies.

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this so much, terrible book

which was the dumbest, most idiotic scene ever written by anyone
if your military would actually be better off being commanded by a 12y old starcraft player YOU SUCK AS A WRITER

>Why don't people hide in frozen climates where bodies without body heat would just freeze into place?

Obviously many people would go North, and most of them would starve to death.

Is there a single nation on this planet that is considered white according to /pol/? What are you even struggling to preserve if no one is ever white enough anyway?

the Irish

dude spoilers

The Nazis that live in secret based under Antartica.

It was just a joke, I'm a swede and we are basically the same people. No need to throw a fit over /pol/

Nanobots are less zombielike and more "the thing".
Part of the fundamental appeal of all types of zombies is that it's the masses of "others", and the body itself that is the threat, whatever it is that actually causes the manifestation of zombie-ism.
A nanobot threat is too "personal" a threat to be a good zombie threat because it's piloting corpses rather than changing them into evil.


Probably one of the best zombie TV shows I've seen, I hope they make a second season. I highly recommend it.

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What's the name of the movie, seems fun in a dumb way

Read World War Z.

>One of the major things that the military does, and one of the reasons some weaponry is so effective, is the shock it causes. It forces humans to shut down and curl up in a ball and die. If you're immune to that, suddenly a ton of our explosive devices lose a lot of their killing power.
I've seen a guy step of 7lbs of HE and even if he was completely immune to pain and shock, he wasn't walking or crawling anywhere after that, one side of his body looked like it'd been fed into a wood chipper. WWZ has fucking 500lb JDAMs being dropped onto hordes of zombies packed shoulder-to-shoulder but LOL ZOMBIES R IMMUNE TO BLAST so it kills about two of them. Absolute bullshit. Human bodies do not provide protection from shit like that, we're not walking sangars, having twenty bodies between you and the 500lb bomb that just went off 15m from you just means you'd going to get eviscerated by a bunch of flying bone fragments and bodyparts as well as conventional shrapnel, stone flakes, rocks etc.

>And of course if bullets need to shred the CNS to kill, that makes military training actually counterproductive.
Except they don't, the most common cause of death from gunshots is blood loss. Sure that doesn't work on zombies but even 5.56mm will shatter any bone it hits, even a handful of hits to the upper torso would leave the zombie mechanically unable support itself upright. A GPMG would scythe through a crowd a leave twitching, useless paraplegics in it's wake.

>Most soldiers are trained to aim for the body
Believe it or not but even with a magnified sight, most targets you're engaging are little black shapes far off in the distance or obscured by a treeline, you're not aiming at centre mass so much as just a generic point of aim where you think someone might be. Soldiers are trained to shoot calmly and accurately at *anything*, the idea that we're not capable of adjusting our point of aim upwards six inches, even at close range, is mental. Absolutely mental.

I just suspend my disbelief all the way and say the virus slows down the decomposition, or the skib rots but the muscles stay nourished by eatibg flesh. I don't give a fuck.

The comic actually did touch on this early on but nearly 150 issues later it's since handwaved it away

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Really if you can believe something dead with no biological functions can still walk around, believing its got anti-bacterial properties that stop it decaying is a trivial thing by comparison. The latter actually exists in real life anyway.

>nearly 150 issues later it's since handwaved it away
Yeah because if the zombies all died of malnutrition after six months, there woudn't be a comic anymore, or at least it wouldn't be a zombie comic.

>fighter jets, stealth bombers, battleships, tanks, every gun available,

Which requires an infrastructure to support.

As other anons said check out WWZ either the book or the kino audiobook version but avoid the movie. Brooks does a pretty good job explaining how the military was never designed to fight an enemy like a tide of zombies that have no morale to break.

But they DO adapt, the second half of the story is about development of new tactics, weapons (the SIR rifle with cherry PIE rounds), and how the tide is slowly turned.


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how come zombies need to eat people but they also dont need to eat to survive

>the military was never designed to fight an enemy like a tide of zombies that have no morale to break.
No, it was designed to fight humans, who are shit-load more dangerous and hard to kill that an enemy that can be defeated by door handles and moves at the speed of an 80 year old woman carrying some heavy shopping.

Brooks is a hack who did zero research on the military beyond googling the names of a bunch of equipment.

the americans couldnt beat the chinese tho which are basically a zombie horde

Because they are infected with the people-eating virus dumbass.

>Flash eliminators
>On a weapon specifically designed to fight enemies that don't possess firearms

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>the americans couldnt beat the chinese tho

in the korean war

The action of the zombifying virus produces a chemical byproduct that slows the process of decay and reacts with atmospheric oxygen to produce sufficient heat to stop them freezing

The military in world war Z was mentaly retarded for the first half of the book.

>How does the entire world's combined multi-trillion dollar military not fight them off?
it would



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>world war Z was mentally retarded

/the movie, never read the book because only idiots were pushing it

Is there any necromancer kino?

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Maybe the real zombies were the friends we made along the way.

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I wish people would stop quoting WWZ and Battle of Yonkers. Max Brooks is a fucking hack who doesn't know a single thing about the military. Guns don't just kill people because "lol shock lmao." IF YOU GET SHOT IT WILL DESTROY YOUR MUSCLES. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE YOUR ARMS OR YOUR LEGS OR SUPPORT YOUR TORSO.

>and realize zombies are about as real as true love
The love between two males is pure and as real as can be

>The only plausible zombie scenario is Shaun of the Dead, a limited outbreak which is a problem until the army arrives to save the day.
I still want a movie or show that does the "we're all infected and once we die we go zombie", where the initial shit is quickly put down because the military actually can handle braindead enemies just fucking fine, but then you see the change in society play out like a serious version of the end of Shaun. Laws mandating that all bedrooms have locks on the doors, in case you die in your sleep. Every major traffic accident leads to a full-fledged swat team response because someone might have died, or might die in a second. Old people are just straight up not trusted with staying alive and so have to chain themselves up to points in the house, to keep them from getting anyone once they croak. Society would get so fucking weird and every time someone died randomly you'd have a potential ebola-type-terror outbreak. You'd have countries go full Nazi and start culling people with diseases or birth defects that mean they might die suddenly, with freedom fighters harbouring people with congenital heart defects that mean they have a 20% higher chance of a heart attack.

Treat it like a Dystopian fiction future, except instead of corporations being the oppressive force it's the ever-present threat that one death will lead to thousands of deaths.

They can't. Simple as that. So the authors have to pull shit out of their ass to make it possible, such as the whole "WE'RE ALL ACTUALLY INFECTED" or like 90% of the population somehow simultaneously turning into the infected

So the reason why I like zombies from 28 Days Later and World War Z was because they were truly dangerous, as they could fucking sprint and turn you into a zombie in under a minute

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>The dead are aware of their bodies decomposing, every moment filled with unspeakable agony.
>Zombification just makes them able to move

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You don't even have to find some leather clothes. Just fucking grab the amazon package you got earlier in the week and make a cardboard suit of armour. Lightweight as fuck yet bite-proof. Fucking cardboard.

>zombies are actually the original person that can only feel an ever-present excruciating pain except for the brief moment after ingesting brains
>even if you kill yourself you'll still be doomed to the same fate unless you manage to self-cremate completely, because even your bones can be reanimated
>once there's no more brains they have only an eternal existence of hellish pain to wade through

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>People call this a horror "comedy"
My ass. The most horrific film I have ever watched. Was nauseated for days.

>what is compensation?
>what is not blinding yourself at night?
>what is protecting the crown?

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Imagine unironically reading genre trash like that

There is a minor character in WWZ about guys like you. He's a dude that puts on his inlines & puts a blade on his hockey stick and goes out killing zombies for the lulz. He kills a few, then gets tired, kills a few more but they keep coming...and coming. Then the zombies kill him while Paris Hilton laughs about it in a survival shelter for the rich & famous.

Also...if zombie stories don't work for you why not just say so and fuck off back to /k/? Fiction is based on stuff that doesn't normally happen, you either accept it for the drama/adventure that it creates or walk away like hard sci-fi guys from Yea Forums who can't watch space combat 'cuz there is no sound in space'.

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>what's the main reason to watch zombishit?
>edgyness and cheap gore, shootting actual people is wrong
>I know, lets make a zombie movie withou any gore!
This is why WWZ was a piece of crap.

zombie apocalypse,nah.How about the trillions of fly that come with all those corpses?

But user the Geneva convention said that napalm is bad and bad things are a no no.

Don't quote that garbage here

It's the only zombie movie that might actually get you some existential dread, thinking about the fallout after they napalmed all the zombies and it spreading ever outwards, consigning humanity to actual hell-torture for the rest of time.

>The zombies form a society and have human cattle farms

If they managed to get that far into rationality they'd totally just start incinerating themselves in a bid to escape the pain.

What happens to their consciousness when they're burned?
Does it just go away? Is that what happens to us when we die?
I need a hug.

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>the vampires form a society and the last human who hunts them is a legend

jag es barro?

god damn you fags, I posted this thread 12 hours ago. go the fuck to sleep already

Does this suggest that people's souls are trapped in their bodies and are always in pain as they feel themselves slowly rotting, and the chemical only reanimates them to act on that pain? Because if that's so then you can only fucking hope that your consciousness goes away with cremation.

i thought they all carried a zombie virus, it's that when you die (no matter the cause of death) you come back. hence the line in the comic "WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD" whereas the bites kill because reasons

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Dawn of the Dead remake
Shaun of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Planet Terror

Wasn't this how I Am Legend worked? Those were more like vampire-zombos, but they were too retarded for clothes so they just froze in Canada.

Same reason there are still fresh cut lawns.

>how did zombies take down governments/the world
This is something FTWD explained pretty well. It wasn't necessarily the zombies that did it but rather the way humans reacted to the zombie threat. Everyone chimped out and in a city the size of LA that led to massive civil unrest, which caused the power grid to fail. Cut off power and food shipments to any city and it's turning into a war zone after a few days, which is what happened in FTWD. The military set up a base and declared martial law and when things were impossible to contain they just bombed every big city to kill as many walkers as possible.

nuclear powered ships (subs, etc) are all self sufficient for many months/years and considering they're people in peak shape/age, they shouldn't die for awhile. so there's probably a ton of people still alive, yeah?

Tactics are irrelevant when fighting an enemy Who walks/runs in the open.
We Will just carry more HMGs, more mortars, use more barbed wire and mines and also autocannons and shotguns.
Machine guns still cut through everything. What the fuck.

>implying the book as anywhere near as bad as the movie.

It's been a while for me but I remember the book is a political drama, think Shin Godzilla but with on-the-ground perspectives as well. It's no masterpiece or anything like that but it's leagues ahead of "genre" zombie media.

Anyway the dude was referencing a part of the book where survivors went north, I think they locked themselves in an old castle but I could be getting my stories mixed up (it's an anthology), and came out in the winter to smash zombie bodies that had frozen over before they thawed out.

what the fuck is this from?

He's right.
The things in the original Night were ghouls.

I'd hate to be you.

You don't just rot because of the insects, what the fuck

>this is why the only good zombies are magic made zombies.
This is why the supernatural twist in the REC series worked for me

The book is (mostly) good. Unfortunately there are a few trash parts like the Zionist shilling and the spooky ghost radio which should NEVER have been in the book imo.
For the most part, it's one of the better pieces out there about zombies, and really nothing to do with the movie.
I admit that's not hard considering just how saturated the market is with just pure dreck.

Based post.

Lot of zombie media involves people trying this but dying in the attempt or it has them freeze to death when they get there. Once you take away modern advantages most people are woefully unprepared for severe weather conditions.


To be fair the focus of a good zombie anything isn't the zombies but rather the insanity of the situation at hand followed by the encroaching realization of the impossibility of long term survival and the hopelessness of it all.

Lot's? can really only think of two. World War Z and technically Land of the Dead, though that's never shown in the movie.


Tell that to the zombies, fag

>Fast Zombies
This never really did it for me. I do like 28 Days later, but they're just not zombies to me, it's not that it isn't scary or they're not dangerous, but it's a completely different fear and tension. Like the difference between Scream and the Thing. Technically both are horror movies where an entity kills the cast one-by-one, but both feel completely different.

>He didn't play Call of the Dead

I like that idea!

>hasn't heard of Vermin Supreme

Nazis will kill anything that doesn't have three generations before born in germany.