What did they mean by this

What did they mean by this

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I don't know what the people who payed to watch it were expecting?

I thought it was interesting.

Russian bots

This is why 99.9% of film critics are a joke.

Why do I have to pay to watch it, why not just give it to me for free?

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We are truly in the beginnings of our very own dystopian kino

lol remember how she single-handedly killed the Amazon deal in NYC (which would have brought thousands of jobs to New Yorkers) then said absolutely nothing when Netflix made a similar deal with the city? and how that deal was announced about a week before this documentary, starring and endorsed by her came out?

politicians, man. they're all the fucking same



The future is going to be so fucking awful

We need our guy Arnold again


Like the only based critic is literally a gay nigger.

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>I'm here for our date, user! What film are you taking me to? :^)

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3 billion in tax breaks



She's...quite big. I had no idea.

We all know that critics are extremist liberals. That's why nothing they say can be trusted/

haha yeah

guess you better just kill yourself now and get it over with

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>liberal queen
>fucks white guys


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>a pivotal election
>a single New York rep

This is literally her national approval rating.

>even ginger neckbeards can get 6/10 latina gfs with big milkers

What's your excuse again, Yea Forums?

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I'm excited about seeing the level of absurdity America reaches before breaking into an all-out civil war

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t. mutt



Mueller literally withheld his report for 6 months to influence the 2018 election,
It's disgusting how much (((they))) went out of their way to screw Trump over.

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>user! I have to be on the floor of the House of Representatives in 10 minutes! *sigh* OKAAAYYY I'll work your shaft while you suck on my breasts but make it quick!

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Progressives are the most racist people in America. The more time you spend around them, the more obvious and hilarious it becomes.

I don't even particularly like Trump, but I can't wait to see the fucking liberal meltdown after he gets reelected.

This seems pretty blatant how are people not calling for her head

>latina gf
I only date white people.

>engrossing for all political spectrums

Except Nazis right? Those are the only people who would dislike this, right? I had no idea 2/3 of Rotten Tomatoes browsers were Nazis.

good thing aoc can now use that 3 million elsewhere, what a boss

>has a professional film crew around her even before she ever won anything

Really gets the noggin' joggin'

I am still hopeful for Trump to win 2020
It just depends on who his opponent is this time. If its another hopeless democrat like Hillary who even the honest demo cant back up then its a sure win for Trump.

Because adding jobs to new York would make people less dependant on their local political machine.

her tit game must be amazing

Reminder that despite both individual taxpayers and corporations paying less, the IRS actually took in more revenue following Trump's tax cuts. Funny how that works.

It's gonna be Biden. He's the only candidate with real name recognition.
All the republicans will have to do is run ads with photos of him touching kids. The dems are fucking doomed.

I heard her speak for the first time the other day and I was surprised she sounds like she's 15.

she unironically looks like a donkey.

her nostrils, the teeth. how fucked up.

there are better latinas but some white guys on america are really desperate, i was watching 90 days fiancee and some... 'normal' looking dudes do anything to get any whore from any shit hole.

thats fucked up, america, not gonna lie.

Its funny how many of them are a slave to the bwc.

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el camión de la leche acaba de llegar

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>not pretty
>not smart
>not well spoken
>not particularly charismatic
>unapologetically socialist despite being too much of a coward to call herself one
I don't get it. What is her appeal?

I don't need one
>tfw married to catholic latina w big tiddies

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>*sacrifices goat to santa muerte to get mi hijo off those drugdealing charges*

>If its another hopeless democrat like Hillary who even the honest demo cant back up then its a sure win for Trump.
That's all the Dems have. Creepy Joe is currently the front runner. They don't have anyone that can win.

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She halfway into the latina wall. 2 more years and she will be a goblin.

She immediately tried to distance herself from the Amazon blunder after they fucked off to Virginia, so she probably realized companies aren't that desperate to move in to a shithole like NYC. There's probably corruption involved too though.

It's not perfect
>tfw when I realize I'm spending thanksgiving hanging out with MS-13

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>still repeating that lie
She had nothing to do with the Amazon deal. It wasn't even in her district. The fact that you keep harping on that made-up talking point shows just how little you actually have to criticize.
You bots need new talking points.

I understand why Democrat voters and Democrat leaders would think Biden is their best choice, but you're right he will get BTFO. Dude has almost as many skeletons in his closet as Hillary did and Trump used that for some very effective negative campaigning against her. Plus, he is even older than Trump so they couldn't use age against Trump and like you said Trump would have a real fucking easy retort to the inevitable whining about pussy grabbing with all the questionable pictures and comments made by Creepy Joe.

I can't wait for an election with Biden as the Dem nominee. The memes are going to be fucking hilarious.

Biden stands a good chance. He's popular with swing voters, and tremendously popular with black voters, a demographic any democrat needs to win. Hillary lost because she was an unlikeable candidate, not due to any scandals. Biden is very well liked, even Anita Hill said she'd vote for him. As a bonus, his nomination will really piss off sjws.

They all talk like this. Do you ever think sometimes that maybe, and I'm not meme'ing here, all the people that talk like that on here are also brown and the only actual white posters are all the non-bullies? I think they want us for our innocence.

You pointed out a big weakness of Biden's - SJWs not liking him. Bernouts not voting for Hillary is a major reason she lost. Biden might do better than she did among that demographic because the DNC probably won't outright fuck Bernie over this time around to rig the nomination for their favorite candidate, but it's not going to be a strength for him. As for Biden being popular among some states Hillary lost, I'm taking that with a bit of skepticism. Remember that Hillary was supposed to destroy Trump in most of the Midwest (I remember Nate Cardboard calling the Midwest her electoral firewall) yet that didn't happen. He will do better than Hillary among black voters just because of his association with Obama, but he won't get record-breaking black turnout like Obama did simply because he isn't black.

She went out of her way to shit talk Amazon and talk about how unfair it was to its people. Amazon realized the bad PR wasn't worth it after states handed over all of their data just for the chance at another office. But you can keep being a smoothbrain and voting for people who think it's feasible for the world's biggest economic power to switch to 100% renewable energy in a decade.

vladimir putin at it again

Reminder she won because the other guy basically dropped out. Like 30 people voted.

yeah that's me bro ha ha

I want Creepy Joe but I don't want whoever's coming onboard as his second. It'd be reverse George W. He's not taking office and being in charge at the same time.

>I'm important

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She won because she primaried the incumbent. Her district doesn't have Republicans so whoever wins the Democrat primary becomes the rep. The incumbent was a fucking white male and she is in a district full of retarded brown people like her so they just checked the box next to the name that sounds like theirs. But he was also one of the highest-ranking Democrats in Congress so if Democrats want to vote out their competent politicians for idiots like AOC I'm all for it. Her district is being redesigned in 2020 so there is a chance she won't win reelection, depending on who she is going up against.

Cringe. Is this the best they can do?
>she's a fucking retard
>yeah but dude don't you just want to fug her? If you vote for her it will totes happen

>As a bonus, his nomination will really piss off sjws.

best start working up the "/ourguy/" shit. it might even be slightly less tedious than these endless rounds of trump autists looking to each other for reassurance

Democrats like kiddie fiddlers.

It's true though. I read through Huffington post, Salon, and Slate every day, among others, and it's obvious that they can't stand the idea of a white man being the Dem nominee. they're even cold to Buttigieg

Kys. She literally has tweets and public statements decrying Amazon being in NYC

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Any nomination of a white man is going to rile up a sizable portion of Democrats in the current year. Notice how the other white men running are billing themselves as Mexican (Robert Francis """Beto""" O'Rourke) or gay (Buttpirate) to try to appease the SJW crowd.

How come in every photograph of her, it looks like she's suffering from an underlying mental illness. I'm not just saying this because she's a woman, a spic, and a libtard, but she REALLY does look like a psychopath in nearly every picture and televised recording she's in. It's genuinely intriguing yet horrifying.

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Nope. After Trump is done in office, we'll get Mike "You like the cock you get the shock" Pence and then after him we'll get Yeezus. The future is bright my blackpilled fren!

>implying Trump leaves after 2 terms

Yeezy is the only thing that can save America

Daily reminder that this retard wants to ban nuclear power.
Which means that she is not only fucking retarded, but she is absolutely deadset on the extinction of humanity.

>President Kanye
absolutely fucking based

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>After Trump is done in office,


Normie liberals are supporting INSANE and unworkable socialist policies thanks to this woman.

Trump IS going to win in 2020.

nah trumps out soon you and the rest of /pol/ will learn that.

>Thinks a commie, a retard chink, a pedo, a fake beaner, a fake indian, a faggot, a closeted faggot, a cop or a hapa can beat based Trump

That's not even true, the increase in taxes came out of individual taxes paid. So basically the wealthy/large corporations got tax breaks and the average citizen had to pick up the slack left behind. Literally voted to pay more in taxes while giving the wealthy an easier way to dodge their taxes. MAGA

Yang is taking over. Get ready.

Literally who is this dumb whore?

She came out of fucking nowhere and i've never heard any actual news about her

>Knock Down the House should prove engrossing for viewers of all political persuasions.
>all political persuasions
Why do they gotta lie tho? It's fine to go "hey I'm a leftie and I like movies about leftie politicians because I'm a leftie." In fact, as a critic, you should be upfront and honest about this sort of thing, so people can accurately gauge whether a movie is something they are interested in based on your review. Just be truthful and say "if you care about liberal politics, this is the movie for you" especially when it's obviously about a liberal politician and clearly would only ever appeal to liberally minded people. Just fucking don't lie and maybe people will stop shitting on reviewers.

>The day after Donald Trump's election, Rachel Lears began working on her new documentary film.[8]

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Makes absolutely no sense. You seem to be confusing a greater percentage of tax revenue coming from individuals is indicative from them "picking up the slack" and being taxed more, when that's objectively false because Trump didn't raise taxes for anyone. The reality is that lower taxes make tax evasion less worth the risk and cost, and so more people end up paying what they actually owe.

amazon is a shit company so her supporting it in any way would be against her values

whats the problem

You're wrong. Rich people benefited more because they paid more taxes to begin with (hard for tax cuts to do much for somebody who earns 20K and is already a net-negative taxpayer) but the only people who ended up paying more taxes were in unique situations, and even that was largely created by Democrats. If you own a million dollar home in a blue state with high state taxes put in place by your state's Democrat politicians you lost on Trump's tax cuts because he eliminated the writeoff that allowed for infinite federal tax breaks to pay high state taxes. Most Americans paid 2-3% less in their new tax brackets. I personally took home the equivalent of an extra paycheck and a half over the course of the year solely due to tax cuts and I make 60K. The media uses smaller refunds to shill their narrative of Trump's tax breaks not helping anyone because they realize the average American focuses more on their refund than the net tax paid and thus they can be deceived this way.

The increased tax revenue is a result of more people working (see record low unemployment and GDP growth Obama said would be impossible to ever achieve again in America) which means more people paying income tax, and that is the result of new companies forming and existing companies adding more jobs - another effect of lower taxes.

They were following three other women who didn't win. It wasn't about AOC but if she'd lost as well I doubt it would be getting the attention it has done, it'd be just another documentary.

how about instead...maybe...we have a system to make people pay their taxes? like....maybe a rule


You're retarded and wrong

I don't think you guys grasp the enormity of voter fraud that is going to be committed to prevent that, I mean there was blatant unapologetic fraud during the mid terms and no on cared, it's gonna be so wild it may be the match that lights the powder keg.

It's called leftism.

motte & bailey argument

Imagine a modern Civil War. Everyone running away to Canada because nobody can fight, just leaving the heaving obese like beached whales to crack in the sun. The incompetent dependant die by the millions, the brave southerners donning their rifles and charging at each other on mobility scooters, whilst the reclusive normal fatties gradually starve to normality and, upon discovering their new found form, create utopia.

Why are you lying?


Normalfaggots hate documentaries. If this is new, you might be one of them.

>revives socialism and creates a generation of dedicated socialists in your path

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man... that horse face how can people even pretend that she's attractive

>nah trumps out soon you and the rest of /pol/ will learn that.
Keep repeating it.

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/pol/ ditched the Donald the day he attacked Assad’s loyal men.

yeah it's not like a political movie about AOC is going to be review bombed by angry conservatives or anything, it's the critics that are wrong!

She's a bartender, who not six months ago pitched a national plan to make, among other things, burgers and air travel illegal.

I'm not even a conservative, but she's got nothing between the ears. And her "grew up tough and poor in the Bronx" persona is pure fabrication. Her dad, who was an architect, moved her out of the Bronx when she was five. She grew up in a upper class superb and attended a school that was 85% white. She also only dates white men. Her Jenny from the block persona is just a cheap facade.