Men in Black 4- ruined

Pic related - men in Black sleeps with an alien who saves his life. This is supposed to be a funny alien kids series ...

So already within 20 mins of the new movie there has been a lame joke about why it’s “Men” in black, and not Women in black since the main character is a white washed black female..

Will Hollywood ever stop ruining shit? It doesn’t seem like this will ever stop. Every fucking decent movie or movie series will be ruined by the SJEWS in Hollywood. Children will grow up with this brainwashing trash. I’ve mcfucking had it is the only way off this ride suicide ?

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Lol sure go ahead and kill yourself over a fucking movie you pathetic retard.

>kids series
Are you fucking retarded?

Are you one of those people that thinks cartoons with violence are “adult” and “gritty”?

No but I'm one of those normal people who don't think that the fucking Men in Black movies are for kids.

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I'm pretty sure Men in Black was pg-13. Also who cares?

Jews are absolute perverts and delight and putting sexual shit in front of children

>one of those normal people who don't think that the fucking Men in Black movies are for kids.

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man this kinda shit it's been popping more and more everywhere now hasn't

>shills pretending to care about this flick

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So now what you're saying is that kids movies have always had sexual themes in them
So what's the problem then?
And still Men in Black, the series with jokes about conspiracy theories and government control is not a kids series

There's nothing you can watch with your kids or your family anymore. I can't think of one series or movie with no swearing, homopushing, or sex. Even movies like Jurassic Park which are clearly meant for kids they're cursing in for no real reason.

Just avoid current shit, its rarely worth the time and never worth the money. Nobody will remember these movies in a year. Or less. They'll be Netflix/Hulu bottom barrel shit in 5 years.

Lmao why the fuck do you guys act like you’re so Christian? What happened to Yea Forums? Don’t you losers say nigger and shit? Wtf

>Men in Black, the series with jokes about conspiracy theories and government control is not a kids series
Men in Black, the series with ball-kicking jokes, snot jokes, vomit jokes, and slapstick aliens.

Yes, this is very family friendly

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>There's nothing you can watch with your kids or your family anymore.
>implying you have kids
>implying you have family

Family friendly =/= not for kids
A ball chin alien is something that only a child would find funny

I guess then waking up in bed next to an alien is also something a child would find funny because omg sexxx me and the boys lmoa

>immature jokes are for children only!!!!

You’d be surprised by the amount of women who are only going to watch this for Hemsthorth

The first movie had a farmer get his entire body degloved, Men in Black was never for kids.

>sex bad

Who are all these weirdos saying the movies weren't for kids
If they cast Will Smith, have him rapping at the end, make kiddie merchandise, and adapt it into a cartoon it's for kids.

>sex that isn't in the missionary position with a human partner you're married to for the purpose of child production is bad

you're part of the wild ride, I hate SJW bullshit, it is a cringy cliché like many others, but about 99% of people who speak against it end their argument with "DA JOOOOOOOOOOOZZZ NEEEGGEEEEERRRRRRS", so no wonder they are so eager to force this cringy cliché into everything

>I only watch gritty cartoons for adults, like Courage the Cowardly Dog and Rick and Morty!

>I don't enjoy anything because I'm an empty Yea Forums posting incel

>I’m a redditor

Mib is a ((conspiracy)) theory movie played in the only way they can get away with.

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sorry /pol/cel but you're not welcome on Yea Forums

Jackass and South Park had pretty much all those same types of jokes/gags/pranks and those definitely weren't for kids.

Dilate first

Get woke faggot

>being a chad is offensive to Yea Forums

yep sounds about right. have sex

Shut up, bro.

/pol/ is the only board on this website with any common sense

Why so spiteful and full of hate user?

>not escaping everything that's been touched by an Anglo

Your loss

>The first movie had a farmer get his entire body degloved, Men in Black was never for kids.
Do you see him get degloved?
It happens off camera?
Then it's for kids.

eat shit

Maybe they wouldn't complain about Jews and niggers, if jews and niggers weren't so easy to force it for longer than hating jews and niggers was mainstream? Maybe Jews and niggers should stop being surprised when people hate them for their behavior.

No, you eat my dick

Why don't you both compromise and eat the shit off my dick?