What exactly is this show? Are you not supposed to watch it if you're sober...

What exactly is this show? Are you not supposed to watch it if you're sober? What is its purpose because it just seems like a bunch of randomness. The sad thing is im not even joking, i really dont understand what and who this is for.

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I enjoy it and think it's amusing

this. it's fun

some television executives in atlanta georgia gave some cartoon network guys a chance with a VERY unprofitable timeslot and it worked.

target audience is stereotypical gen X slackers who are also stoners

It don't matta

Yes, it's for stoners. I usually have it on in the background while i'm in the kitchen.


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This shit came out when i was like 18 and it was the funniest shit stoned or sober. Fucking mooninites are the best.

If you don't understand or care about absurdist humor, you won't like it. That's pretty much it. It's absurdist/black/anti humor.

It's a supensful show about fast food detectives that solve crimes, what's not to get?

None of this mattas.

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it's not, it's unfunny, mind numbingly inane, predictable, boring and visually unstimulating. Few if any worse things to spend your time on.

It's a wholesome sitcom
No, really
ATHF found its late season groove as somewhere between a slice of life blue collar comedy and a parody of what it was misinterpreted as early season, which was an edgy urban stoner cartoon.
From the very first frame of rabbot it's a very sincere parody of itself.

It has high brow humor
The first season is admittedly not up to snuff but everything else is pretty fucking funny


do you always speak for everyone with your opinions?

The creators routinely reject labeling it as absurdist because it patently fucking isn't. ATHF is genuine and surreal.

Fucking zoomers

The first season has some solid eps, the episode with Danzig in particular

Unit Patrol Squad 01 > Forever > TV Show Show > Hunger Force > TV Show Show

Nah, it was old millennials, gen-xers were already late/out of college when this started airing. And it got a huge following when seasons 1-3 were dirt cheap on dvd circa 2005


It's my favorite tv show and I don't drink or get high. It's not a bunch of randomness, it's less random than Rick and Morty for example. The four main characters have great chemistry, I could watch Frylock and Shake argue about mundane shit for hours. The side characters are good too, like the Mooninites.
Shit taste, how could anyone hate episodes like Mail Order Bride?

Honestly I couldnt tell you. Probably mostly stoners but I dont smoke weed and I enjoy it.

I do feel stoned off my ass when I watch a bunch of episodes in one sitting.

One of my favorite cartoons ever. and im a fucking loser who never done drugs once. I think casuals get turn off by the random plot devices
>a magic flute shows up
>takes over a guys body
>it attracts a cult of furries who start fucking
>french fry guy has to shoot lasers to kill him
on the surface it seems like a bunch of random bullshit. But every bullshit aspect of it is carefuly laid out so eloquently in a humourous way. You can see how things go from point A to point B, even though point B is crazy as shit.
Combine this with the great lines of all the characters, and you have a masterpiece. i say 50% of ATHF brilliance are just the characters dialogue


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>on the surface it seems like a bunch of random bullshit. But every bullshit aspect of it is carefuly laid out so eloquently in a humourous way. You can see how things go from point A to point B, even though point B is crazy as shit.
Very well said

Surreal is a better label than absurd but still doesn't quite capture it.


I'm literally not a zoomer, I grew up with early adult swim, and absurdist surrealism is so married together that you're being a semantic faggot having a problem with it.

Do you remember The Brak Show? Of course you don't, call me a zoomer again you millennial piece of shit. Do it.