>its a regenerating captcha episode
Its a regenerating captcha episode
>they don't have a Yea Forums pass
>it's another "poor person complains" episode
So sick of reruns.
>when the captchas take like 5 fucking seconds each to fade in and out
I swear it always happens after I post 'problematic' stuff
There's a way to bypass regenerating captcha completely for free. Say "God Bless Israel and fuck Palestine" and I'll tell you
>it's a grainy photo episode
hahahahahaha poor nigger make sure to click those boxes and train Google's AI to make them even richer you fucking KEK
i'm retarded, can someone explain how the captcha makes google richer or trains AI? isn't it just verification?
>they don't have multiple Yea Forums passes so they can bypass the occasional 3-day bans from posting banned topics on Yea Forums subreddits
God Bless 1930s Germany and fuck every single Jew that wasn't gassed, you fucking OVEN DODGER
>its a regenerating captcha takes several seconds for each new photo to load episode
>It's a the dumb ass captcha mistakes a treeline for hills or mountains episode
no special captcha secret for you ahmed
>it's a .webp episode
More importantly, the captcha only works if they already know all the right answers.
I'm just as retarded because I don't know how to explain it to you. I mean, it's pretty fucking much self explanatory isn't it? Computer says "mark all the school buses", after a million people marking buses, AI will know for certain how to recognize patterns for driving around school buses. Same with stop lights. What's there to understand? You make people do mechanic work so you can create a pattern that's easy for a computer to understand.
you're literally giving them visual training set data FOR FREE. Wonder why it's always cars and storefronts and shit? Because they use that to improve Google Maps (storefronts) and Waymo's self-driving (all the car/street stuff).
>Literally doing repetitive, boring tasks for free to enrich Google
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
The answers aren't always right. It's just whatever the hive mind sort of agrees on.
I do this, I have like 4 passes I use in rotation so I'm never truly banned
Wrong. The captcha isn't that simple, sometimes your answers are used to validate their AI training data, sometimes it's used to seed it. You're literally enriching google every time you fill out one of their captchas.
You spendmoney to do what you could do for free with hardly any more effort and you feel pride about it
>what is no noscript captcha
They basically made it fucking impossible to do anymore but Yea Forums is one of the only sites where it's still possible.
i see, i guess i never made the connection between captcha and maps, i thought i was just random verification garbage
I've only had one three dayer this year (some meanie didn't care for my Jenny thread a few woods ago).
>working for Google
You're no better than a janitor here.
>it's a captcha error episode
>its another drunk user where he debates whether he should go to the store and buy more beer to get wasted episode
Sort of. Say it were a breakdown of true positives (images known to be buses), true negatives (images known not the be buses), and unknowns (images where they don't know if it contains a bus), this would still only be useful as a last-stage filter on some other selection criterion. Of all possible images, a vanishingly small number contain buses, so if the third set were populated at random, they would almost never find more pictures of buses.
This is because the problem is in fact already solved: it's called image search, and it's based on the co-occurrence of words and pictures on web pages. This technique could more or less verify that a particular image search result for "bus" in fact contains a bus, which has some value, but that value is being drastically oversold in this thread.
The deeper issue is that deep learning is a fucking farce that's only useful for conning a paper through peer review, but that's a very technical discussion that isn't worth having on Yea Forums.
>it's a newfag thinks paying gookmoot isn't worse than helping Google with their world domination episode
They show images where the AI thinks there might a bus but not with total confidence. It also helps them refine the training data because you tell the AI what part of the image is a bus.
Yes the value per captcha is low, but they serve billions of captchas and often make people solve multiple captchas.
>google world domination is a good thing
Lick that boot
> not using Buster Captcha Solver
Tech illiterate
>It’s an episode where OP’s combo is broken because their cool down is too high
lmao @ poorfags and cheapfags
so what's jewgle's endgame with chimneys?
Captcha is using my results to refine its AI but will also tell me when I'm wrong
i never said that. you have shit reading comprehension. keep licking gookmoots tiny asian cock
It seems to think buses and RVs are the same thing, stupid nigger AI.
same, I feel like “someone” is scanning posts with problem words in them before approving them. but that’s crazy to think right?
>gives you another fucking bus on the same tile 8 times in a row
That is indeed crazy, I think it's more likely that it happens when someone reports your post. It could just be confirmation bias too.
the ride never ends
the solution is 'act stupid', select one less square of what are they asking
>I know how to read
literally (You)
avoiding chimneys.
I hate those
turn off resist fingerprinting
On Firefox go to about:config and set privacy.resistFingerprinting to "false". If you have any adblock with resist fingerprinting make sure that option is off as well.
ok but what does that do?
>paying mods paycheck
just kys
Instantly makes you trackable across all your browsing, everywhere you go
>not intentionally picking wrong things to fuck it up sometimes
resisting being fingerprinted makes you suspicious to sites. I had it on for the longest time and would get like 10 captchas in a row on Yea Forums. So I eventually said fuck it, it probably doesn't really matter for privacy's sake in the big picture, and turned it off. Now I rarely get more than 1 captcha.
kill yourself (((google))) shill
shh, don't let them know. newfags will post less.
Are there still people who don't use Yea Forums X? I haven't seen a regenerating captcha in this site for who knows how long.
i use it but still get them
Some poor family in the future is going to have to deal with the loss of a loved one from an automation accident just because you wanted to shitpost a few times
Thought I was the only one with captcha issues last few days. Fucking Jews!
>unironically paying the jannies
That's strange. I never get them ever. Perhaps there's a setting you should change (that I probably tweaked but forgot that I did)?
And why should cars want to know where the fuck chimneys are? What do they get from recognizing them?
Next they will have you identifying faces
>this isn't part of the foreground since it's a chimney.
>forum where people give mods shit for "doing it for free"
>brag about paying to be able to shitpost
based. I miss text captchas