What are you drinking with tonight's kino? I like a nice g&t myself

What are you drinking with tonight's kino? I like a nice g&t myself.

Attached: beforeafteralcohol.webm (1920x1080, 307K)

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What an ugly girl lol

I quit drinking

Attached: oit.png (926x625, 835K)

imagine the faces she makes when you eat her pusy


Do asians have some sort impaired liver function? They can't handle alcohol and their skin is always yellow.

post face

alcohol is manufactured poison, I smoke God's grass

Go dilate you faggot

Asians and AmeriIndians actually have a certain gene or lack of enzyme or some shit that makes them not process alcohol well. Look it up. Firewater is strong.

I'm working through a 12 pack of Old Milwaukee to celebrate the good times back in the day when I was just getting my career started since I just locked down a mid six figure (life-changing) contract today. It's been so hard getting here but it's finally all coming to fruition.

Cheers bros.

orange soda

pusy juice

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>drinking alcohol
>hanging out with friends
>having sex
I don't even.

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That's bad for her.

on the left - after fucking a white guy
on the right - after fucking a black guy

Cheers, mate! You've earned it.

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wow really?

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This webm is from a video about the Asian alcohol blush. Some Asians for genetic reasons metabolize alcohol into a poison that the body has a hard time getting rid of, and their blood vessels go crazy and they turn red. The woman in the picture is mixed race.


I appreciate it bro.

Been here for eons and, frankly, couldn't have held my nerve without my user friends to make me laugh, call me out on my bullshit and make me feel like I wasn't alone when I spent all those lonely nights on the road by myself.

A little part of my success will always belong to you guys.

>life changing salary
>celebrates with Old Milwaukee
Cheers user, here’s to the career and not forgetting where you came from

thanks user. It's what I used to drink when I was a broke-ass college dropout sleeping on a mattress on the floor years ago desperately hoping I would get my shit together some day.

Seemed like an appropriate call for tonight.

>wasting trips on a dumbass stoner post

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It morning time, the birds are just waking up. My beer is depleted. Should I crack open a vat of wine and get wasted with Yea Forums as company or do the responsible thing and not drink?

>alcohol is manufactured poison
how do you suppose we discovered fermentation? animals in the wild get drunk on fermented wild fruits and it's fucking hilarious.

based and sensipilled

we both know the answer to this. Open that shit up and start streaming Tombstone or something.

She looks much better flushed.

On my 6th 9% abv and I feel good while listening to Biggie Smalls Gimme the Loot

proud of you brother, recently got a job that pays twice as much and i celebrated with a whole lotta whiskey and getting my dick sucked. i hope you bust a fat nut tonight

allrighty then. This is not going to end well ;-). Fuck it, I'm entitled to at least one day a weak where I drink myself into a drunken stupor. Pity about the beer though, not a big fan of red wine on moments like these.

For me? It’s Jameson diets.

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big up big up it's a stick up stick up and I'm shootin' niggas quick if they hiccup.

joss is a hapa though

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Wiped out on my bike and was pissing blood earlier in the week. Probably not a good idea to drink.

why do hapa chicks always turn out so cute lads

Thanks bro. That's next week - I've got a funeral to attend this coming weekend (Uncle finally died of cancer after fighting it for 16 years) then I'm off to the new city I'm working in to hook up with this qt I've been sorta seeing on and off for the past few months.

Water that red wine down if you have to, but we are all in this together.

>tfw I have a wine cellar full of really expensive red wine because trust fund babby and I can barely stomach the shit and am drinking Budweiser piss instead because it's what was left in the fridge from having a BBQ this weekend

Fuck I hate red wine. I'd rather drink Boone's Farm. I'd trade my five most expensive bottles for a case of Fat Tire right now.

Guys like this guy are alcoholics.

I stopped drinking. I was pretty bad as a drunk. I needed it to stop. But not drinking has given me some perspective. A lot of my old friends are alcoholics in denial.

Most people can have a couple drinks and call it a day but if you're getting fucked up regularly, you're holding yourself back

they don't, the cute ones just get posted more

Cheers breh

Just in case I'm an old friend of yours user, I'm not on denial anymore. I am a degenerate alcoholic. I was doing good for awhile, replaced drinking with the gym, but then I moved away from all my friends for work. I'm a functioning alcoholic though, the only person that knows of my degeneracy is the maid that cleans my hotel room

I'd kill for a handle of bourbon and an 8-ball of good coke right now. Shit beer and wine while wishing I was dead instead. Fun.

Am*rican hands typed this post.

Longface plus manjaw.

That finally explains why in burger movies characters mention getting drunk with beer

from the beretta putting all the holes in ya sweata the money getta motherfuckas dont know betta

Oh no I'm not getting into another pissing match with the hardcore alkie cru that think anyone that doesn't get the shakes isn't a REAL alcoholic

Don’t be a pussy. Take a couple percs and have a scotch.

Rolex Watches
And colourful swatches
I'm diggin' in pockets
Motherfuckers can't stop it

For real, how long do you have to drink to get withdrawals like that? I have on and off spats of alcoholism, but the only time I've ever felt a hint of what might have been semi serious withdrawals was when I deployed and had to go cold turkey