Be honest have you ever had sex?

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Ask your mom ;)

not willingly

Yeah with my mom ;)

Everytime I get drunk I want to call a prostitute but losing your virginity with one seems pathethic

>he fell for the incel meme



Nope but I have kissed a girl so I'm satisfied

Once with a girl I cared about, several times with strangers out clubbing or at a party.

Of course not, that's fucking disgusting

Ya, but not for 8 years or so.

i've fucked about 40 females. right now i'm not getting any

no but i know i can so it doesn't bother me at all.
it's hilarious reading people on this board be so upset about being virgins, like that's their problem

Yeah with ur mom lmao

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twice but only one time was any fun


Like it's so hard to get in this day and age for free.

I'm a big guy

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No, it is disgusting.

What the fuck dos this have to do with television or film?

Going on 12 years - you'll get there eventually.

Lots of times. Every time but the first left me feeling temporarily good, but ultimately hollow inside.

I had sex once with a chick who told me she wanted a kid, but not a dad. One of the worst sex I ever had: I got to blow my wad like a sausage in a hallway. When I wanted to go in for seconds, she clenched her thighs. I took a long shower and did the walk of shame after. Imagine if I have a kid.

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yeah, only with 2 people though and I'm 25 so I feel like I've been slacking.

Of course not. But in real life I lie when asked. Only my parents and two close friends know I'm a virgin.

i have nut in the choicest of honeys and am now retired from the lifestsyle. ask me anything.


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why does mommy and daddy know you are a virgin

I've literally just had sex with my wife of 8 years. She's sleeping and I'm in the toilet shitposting

I'm 29 and no. Will probably be an official wizard soon and will most likely end up with a 'settling down' roastie in my 40s.

Yes, with 10 guys and literally one girl when I was 23. I'm 26 now and I still kinda go back and forth between being intrested mainly in guys and seldom girls. Guys are just more fun physically but girls just have this emotional side to em that is so damn intoxicating. Honestly I think I might be Bisexual but I like to call myself Gay. I don't think about Women almost at all and have almost no sexual attraction towards them except when they have a killer personality. If anything I'm attracted more by personality traits than whether your a man or woman.

I told them when I came out of the closet so they don't think I'm THAT much of a degenerate.

If you plan to compromise you are not a wizard.

Are you glad, or was the marriage a mistake? I had good options in the past, but it's always felt like a prison to me.

I'm the opposite bisexual to you. Way more interested in women but that 10% of gay attraction is there.

10 girls in lifetime, 6 of which involved intercourse, including wife. Two kids with her.

I still like capeshit and many other things many anons her pretend to not like, though. Related: the most juvenile thing of all is purposely trying to appear to be cool around others (also...protip: pretending to not like anything =/= cool; it just makes you a forgettable dime-a-dozen douche bag).

a virgin homo is just someone who wants to live disease free how is that a fucking issue

Yeah, with over 70 women. Come at me incels

I don't want to have sex, it's just too much effort for very little reward. Unless I meet a girl who is insanely in love with me, I don't see any reason to go through all the anxiety of sex, wearing a condom, worrying about performing bad, etc.
I'd rather just masturbate.

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nah, hentai doujins are better than sex

Yeah. It was ok.

DAMN STRAIGHT. Find someone who doesn't just give all fucks about sex performance. Their skanky and stupid as hell. Find someone with class, and a higher IQ that see's more in life's rewards than simple intercourse.

What is sex during pregnancy like? I had sex with a girl on her period once. Can't say I liked it. She kinda felt guilty about her own body and tried to compensate by giving me a blowjob. I told her I didn't mind a little blood. Never eaten a pussy when it's a full moon though. Legend has it when you do just that, the woman will be faithful to you for life.

They are very Christian. My dad hates LGBT people. So I told them I'm a virgin to make them worry less. We just don't talk about it now.
If you mean issue for me Idk, I don't think I'm gonna ever have sex, too many risks around it for many reasons.

i hope you're telling the truth, because me too, except she's feeding the baby and i'm laying in bed.