Character makes eye contact with girl at a bar

>character makes eye contact with girl at a bar
>cut to them having sex
why are you here on a saturday night instead of doing this?

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i just got home from a restaurant

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Because I don't live in a narrative and in real life hooking up with a whore or horny pervert in a bar is pathetic and rarely enjoyable.

I’ll have sex with my wife tomorrow morning

because im blind

I'd rather masturbate to videos than deal with a roastie just to have sex

sounds like sour grapes to me lad.

because sex is gross and i'd rather shitpost, it's more enjoyable

I'm a fatcel who has no interest in hooking up with anyone who isn't at least a solid 6.5/10.

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Because I have a wife and don't have to do that stupid shit anymore

My friend wanted to chill and he was at some boomer birthday party but I drove and couldn't drink and he was wasting my time so I left after like 30 mins

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>posting on Yea Forums when you have a wife

Most girls in bars are straight

have sex

I was posting on Yea Forums before I had a wife. She’s sleeping now

i went to a bar once and there was nobody under 50 in it

why the fuck was your friend hanging around with a bunch of boomers, you should have known it wasn't going to be fun

>cut to them having sex
that's actually a lazy writing tactic used by hack writers who don't know how to write an actual good dialogue.

The idea was that I would pick him and and we would go hang out but he was like "bro come in we have booze" but I drove so I couldn't drink then he was like "let me just finish this drink then we'll leave" which took 20 minutes then he went to go get another drink so I peaced out to go shitpost and drink kratom

i do with whores like you almost every day. it's not fun, just necessary

will you find me a 7 out of 10 who is interested in fucking a fat slob? No? Then fuck off.

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also, she likes to laugh at you autists too

I'm an adult, we schedule our fun and do it whichever day of the week is most convenient. Yesterday was fun night, tonight is video game night, and tomorrow is whatever I want day. Then work Monday.

I did enough of that when I was in my 20s, now I am unironically scared of STDs.

>couple have sex
>the girl actually enjoys herself and cums
how am I supposed to relate to that?

I've been a neet in complete social isolation for 7 years and I finally got back into society and got a job. And while it is helping me live a more healthy and productive life, I thought it would do much more for my feelings of apathy and loneliness. The more I learn and communicate with the people now around me, the less I feel able to connect and relate to them. I feel immensely alone in this moment.

I think the main problem is that I've been in a downward spiral of pessimism for years. I'm trying to find meaning and purpose in my life and I was hoping to find a bit of that in a job. Now I'm hoping to find a bit of it in a friend or a significant other. But I suppose I have to find it in myself first. But everytime I do, I only see darkness. A empty, meaningless void of life leading to a inevitable suicide for a failure who is developmentally stunted and broken from missing countless experiences, stepping stones of life persay, while growing into a man. And I've just been floating through life... and the longer you float the harder it is to gain your footing again. I'm making an effort to, I just hope it's not too late for me.

I don't know how people enjoy hooking up with strangers. STD risks and robbery/murder risk aside, it's the most awkward unsatisfying sex imaginable. It sounds like and movies make it seem like a better experience than it actually is.

made a mistake and met up with my ex last night
I don't know why I did it and why I thought this time would be different
I JUSTed myself

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I legitimately know where you are coming from.
Considering we are on Yea Forums, the path I went along, may be one that could be of interest to you.
I was watching some episode of Dave Rubin years ago, he had a bishop on. Was a decent interview, I looked him up, and found out he did a movie review channel.
It was really good stuff, and I watched all of them. Eventually ran out of content, and went to his other videos, and they were good. Explaining catholic notions, and things I hadn't previously understood. Things I hadn't concieved of, like God not being a literal guy, but a divine order. It brought me back to faith, because he was really good at answering questions. It wasn't like those radio stations you hear saying praiiiiiiiiiise jesus. It started off as some guy I could relate to, who spent too much time in the youtube comments section, was a fan of film, and had a unique take on film review.
If not for the rest of the stuff, just check out his channel

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I doubt there are many people that find fulfillment in their jobs. Those that are lucky enough to find people who genuinely care about them certainly have more pleasant lives. Not sure how common that is because I don't think I've had anyone I'd consider a true friend since I was a child. For the longest time education kept me busy. After obtaining a terminal degree that put an end to the one thing that kept me occupied and I realized that there's nothing I'm looking forward to.

Through phoneposting I can be literally anywhere and here at the same time :^)

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