What kinos give the most realistic depiction of what is like to be in a band?
What kinos give the most realistic depiction of what is like to be in a band?
Spinal Tap
That Tom Cruise movie where he's Gun n Roses parody
>mfw most of that probably went straight over the heads of all the chads and stacies there
School of Rock
this is actually good and not cringe at all and I say that unironically
it would be way too boring
Shit movie
The Commitments is fun, not very realistic though
Why does does this band make incels seethe so much?
Who the fuck plays in bands anymore. Get with the times boomer.
>Frontmen are charismatic exploiters who burn all bridges
>band mates are all irresponsible losers and followers with no money
>Play show for crowds that are indifferent/hate you
>But can easily win over crowd with overplayed schmaltz
>Steal another shitty band's gig
>Play venue that is a shit dive with shitty sound system
>Pay is complete shit
>Band mates are retards that end up costing you money
>No one gets laid and you only attract insane women with serious emotional deficiencies
The only unrealistic thing is filling up an entire auditorium at the end. If like 20 people showed up by accident then it would be the most realistic.
Greta van Chad is a blatantly manufactured corporate plant taking advantage of boomer nostalgia for Led Zeppelin, but everyone likes to act as if their favorite classic rock bands weren't also manufactured by the labels. They're harmless and will be forgotten in a year or two. The lead singer will probably go on to have a great career in rock. Meanwhile I get to enjoy triggering Yea Forumscels with inoffensive buttrock.
The rocker
Or whatever with the guy from the office or spinal tap
Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
>The only unrealistic thing is filling up an entire auditorium at the end.
in fairness they did have a captive audience
This. The bickering over the harmony part has happened in literally ever band rehearsal I have ever been in
I'm tempted to suggest K-On! just because like Sawa-chan before them they did exactly what most bands do ie played together for a while then broke up.
Forgot which band it was but they said they had the same situation happen to them when they got lost backstage right before they went on
cocksucker blues
That Anvil documentary or this
Tenacious D and the pick of destiny
Fix: The Ministry Movie