>asian '"""romance"""
Asian '"""romance"""
>Who's hair
I hope these aren't professional subs, at least.
why are they so ugly?
I think it's cute.
Western """"romance"""" is so gross these days I exclusively watch asian drama now.
Why can't any of these soulless, beady-eyed gooks learn how to act?
t. incel
god I wish I lived in a slice of lfe high school anime
is that a lesbians
Everyone does, user.
That's how asians look user.....
My fucking 25 year old girlfriend actually watches trash like this. I hate it because it raises her expectations. I'm not going to hit the wall and lock her in. I just want to lay in bed watching kino in bed.
Romance in anime and bullshit asian drama makes me extremely mad because women start to think that is the standard they are missing out on.
Japs literally arent human I'm convinced
This. I live on the West Coast and my city is littered with them. Even the ones that are third or fourth generation and have assimilated have something "off" about them that I don't trust.
japs are friends
Kind of disgusting
They operate on a different wavelength, which can make them seem weird. I was with one in college who was basically autistic. However, she did give me the best sex of my life. If we didn't fuck every 12 hours she'd be voracious and come find me in the library or wherever to do it. god, I miss her
>West Coast
>have something "off" about them that I don't trust
not being a subhuman?
>that foot kabedon
Wasn't sure before but yeah this is definitely satire
Mongoloids are the definition of subhuman.
still human unlike spics and nigs
>asian '"""romance"""
I'm a spic and definitely more human than you, whitoid.
>TFW you will not live to see the extermination of all asians within your lifetime
It's not fair bros. All I wanted was for the insectoid race to die out but it's going to be decades or centuries before white people are going to wipe them out.
>he thinks there will be non-chinese living on this planet in 200 years
All it'll take is a few more tariffs before they start eating each other.
>I will never be white
At least I am not white, or worse, a nigger.
Those chicks are so clearly uncomfortable. I kinda feel bad.
>american """intelligence""""
>Oi. Don't run away.
imagine being this stupid
>shaving your neckbeard
Why do people do this? If you're not going to shave do it properly
is the guy some Kamen Rider? I think I recognize the actor from somewhere
Yes I am hair
Fucking based.
No wonder asian women like white guys. Look how fucking deformed and ugly they look.
literal 3/10 insect creatures trying to raise the quality of their genetics by fucking white guys.
If you say you are attracted to asians you are just straight up lying or coping with the fact you can't get any other girl and have to settle with this "woman"
It's literally niggers fault
How do I get an asian GF?
>the asian ex that provided the sex
I know this feel all too well. She basically ruined all other women for me and now I want to die. No other woman is going to have a nice body and encourage me to "rape" her whenever I want. I might as well give up.
not food
Calm down chang, there's a billion of you fucks, plenty of asian bitches to go around for everyone.
Move to the west coast or a college town and swipe for Asians on Tinder. Even the blind squirrel eventually finds a nut.
>glasses lady is trying to make out with the white guy in front of her husband
>her husband(white shirt) and female friend is trying to stop her
>husband gave up and leaves
>luckily the white guy told the glasses lady to stop and go back to her husband
>Jap """""""""""""""""romance"""""""""""""""""
Chang, Kim and Kenji all need to die. We can't let their inferior genetics take down humanity to their level.
Make sure asian people have as little kids as possible. Promote careers for asian women. Ensure white guys impregnate white women to ensure white genes stay alive.
But most importantly try to push for war against asian countries. Stop buying Chinese/Japanese/Korean products and push for sanctions and conficts as much as you can.
It's our mandate as white people to wipe them off the face of the planet.
I've dated both and the Asian chick was vastly superior. She was kind of robotic at times though.
Stop trying to make me hate women
>I heard Asian romance and got here as fast as I could
mmm sweety asians are enriching your low IQ race
only agree with flamethrowering filipina women. the rest are okay enough.
nigger or jew?
Im the husband
No wonder they love white dudes so much.
This is exactly like if aliens tried to mimic human behavior.
Japs and gooks mostly stay in their own countries so I don't really care about them, it's the chinks whom I hate the most since they are scattered around the globe like cockroaches.
I’m white but I’d let the white race go extinct for an asian gf
not kidding even a little bit
we'll frankly be too dead to give a shit
That's because you're a mutt or crypto jew race traitor.
Is that how Asian lesbians flirt in real life?
the BBC is a meme. In reality, it's the BWC.
This is because cheating is not only common, but acceptable in Japan. It's very normal for both men and women to have multiple affairs and one night stands while their partner is at work.
I say this as someone that lived in Japan for 5 years. People look weird at you if you say you don't have affairs.
I find that even professional subs consistently have mistakes
Damn, where's the cheating, black guys, one night stands and single mothers?
Hollywood romance is way better.
That's a very wordy way of saying that Nips aren't human.
Is she drunk?
>where's the cheating
Read the thread, weeb.
Here's the cheating.
I miss my ex.
It's been years since I have seen her, my friends tell me it's not healthy, that I am being clingy, but it's so easy to fall back into.
At the time, I engrained it in my life because it was the happiest I had been in my life, the every days of seeing her
Showing her my favorite anime, watching film and getting bored and kissing her on the neck. Having someone I could see every day, and not feel like I was alone in the world for once. Someone I could hug, and know that I was not cold and alone in an uncaring universe, but there was someone there who cared about me.
The smell of her hair, the warmth of her body, the softness of her skin, how she would tease me. In my weak moments I still go back through old messages. I teleport myself back in time to what it was like at her apartment. Can make tough days at work bearable
Wtf I hate humans now
wtf /pol/ told me japan was redpilled
>it's permissible to fuck other women
fucking based
niggers are american.
both lol
it’s still the truth
Loyalty is important
>he doesn’t already hate women
you’re doing it wrong
Spics are even worse than niggers, at least baketball-Americans only shoot each other lmao.
Fucking autistic fuck
The acting is sub-par as well
>ever trusting a woman to be loyal in the first place
They've had their chance. Now it's my turn.
>All the women saying that it's not cheating unless you have feelings for the person
Reminder this is what all women think and how they will justify cheating on you. They literally don't think they're doing anything wrong.
>japanese """female friendship"""
this video is very revealing about Japanese culture
the people in the comments have it wrong: this is not the Japanese being very open-minded and progressive, rather this goes deep into their cultural history. look up "the tale of genji"
>pedo baka
I forget what anime we had watched, but it was a joke about that.
What happened user? If it makes you feel better I was once like that with mine but I found someone that made me realize how boring and how much of a loser she was compared.
>implying nigger dont do similar thing
Recommend me cute ones user
>Oi. Don't run away.
My sides.
Holy shit, no wonder the Spanish went full black legend on them. And to think the dens want them in the country.
Japan was a petri dish for social engineering like every country that fell under the Marshall Plan. If anyhting they had even less cultural resistance to globohomo.
i hope you're making that up
reading that makes me want to kill myself
Yeah. White girls are so much better.
Is this Eva?
I know that feel but we didn't watch anime. I still have all of our messages and I still can't bring myself to delete them over a year after our breakup.
Why does he kiss like a 1st grader?
doramas are shit user
In fact the Spanish wasn't hard enough on them since the Spanish Catholic church held back the conquistadores since they want to convert the natives.
Human sacrifice and cannibalism are the rule, not the exception in most new world tribes. People complain about colonialism, but it was the best thing to ever happen to those savages.
>This is because cheating is not only common, but acceptable in Japan. It's very normal for both men and women to have multiple affairs and one night stands while their partner is at work.
Stop spreading lies you mong.
Is it that cringey?
Expectations? From this shit? It's all insane overreacted shit.
Is she expecting you to turn out to be an alien Prince?
Whats the name of this live action animoo?
Believe it or not, Japanese women actually do find this attractive.
>be at work all of the time
>never fuck each other
>get drunk after work
sounds like an environment where cheating would proliferate
You must be living in a riajuu workplace then full of degenerates.
You know what. Go check it out yourself. Set up a tinder account and set it to Tokyo. Look at how much married women you'll see that are looking for a quick fuck because their husbands are on a business trip for a week.
Like I said I say this after having lived in Japan for years. This is common knowledge among people that actually lived there. Ask around, use google to verify this yourself.
That's the fault of post-colonialism and immigration. South Africa and Venezuela were thriving under white rule.
>sexually harasses women
>hurr durr I'm such a Chad
I dated a Vietnamese girl that wanted to be my slave. It felt weird at first but then I realized it was kino.
>South Africa and Venezuela were thriving under white rule.
Or rather South Africa and Venezuala were thriving on oppressing the natives while reaping their bounty for their own.
Only to REEEEE at post-colonialism when the same thing they've been doing are done to them.
>Venezuela were thriving under white rule.
Caracas was the biggest shithole on earth back in the 70s
It's just a more tamer version of the Western equivalent, which is being choked and dominated during sex.
All women want to be dominated as slaves etc., this is just a different variation of it.
Holy based
Black South Africans were happier and more productive under Apartheid.
I just want to watch ones with cute girls. Who cares if the plot is retarded
She broke up with me, not much else to say beyond that, it was failures on my part, as a man.
I'm glad you found someone new. This was the only girl I ever connected with, who gave me the time of day. My history with women, has not been great.
In grade 10, I asked out a girl, she said yes. The next day, she broke up with me, then changed schools at the end of the semester.
In grade 11, I asked out a girl. She said yes,. The next day, she broke up with me, and I had no one to hang out with at lunch
In grade 12, asked out a girl, she said no.
In the first year of university. I asked out a girl, she said yes and was my first kiss. 3 days later she broke up with me.
Over the next couple of years I went on dates, but I was never feeling it, until I met her.
It was the closest thing I had to an actual relationship, and for a time, it was really good.
It was based but now I'm spoiled and will probably think the next gf shitty in comparison. It's a double-edged sword.
>tfw you edit a post and it comes out retarded
my bad
>it's da whitey's fault!
I lived in Korea for 2 years and I know this is true there. Look up "asian love hotels".
Chinks cheat, they probably rigged their IQ scores too. They're the niggers of Asia.
So what? Are you scared whitey? No wonder we are stealing your women. Your men are pussies. White guys are the only ones who get cuck fetishes, and that says a lot.
Every single girl I've asked out has rejected me. The only two girls that I know were interested in me were overweight mexicans.
>proud of banging random 2/10 gooks
Lmao whitoid will be replaced by arabs in 20 years.
Honestly I don't even remember the girls who I asked out and said no.
That doesn't bother me
It's the girls who said yes. Then the next day said no..
Because it digs under your skin, you know ?
You go from high highs to low lows.
It means if you do get into a relationship you're full of paranoia. That the other shoe will drop any day now
I haven't watched japanese ones in a while. I think the last one I watched was Ashi girl, because it was about a genky JK who traveled back in time and I thought it was very cute and reminded me of a short korean drama called splash splash Love.
And I don't care if I get called a pleb but I really enjoy silly and cute kdramas like I'm not a robot or My girlfriend is a gumiho.
Also I picked up a star on the road was very cute as well with a guy falling in love with his kidnapper, and even if it eventually got weak at the end, it started very crazy.
Finally you can always watch my little bride, I always recommend it because it's top cute and the actress was 15.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
If I ask out a girl, and no means no, and yes means I'll break up with you tomorrow, what answer am I looking to hear?
Arabs have a lower birthrate than white people you retard.
The USA has a higher birthrate than China, the middle east and india nowadays.
White people are also the ONLY demographic with a rising birthrate while all other demographics have a birthrate that looks like a stock market crash.
If current trends continue only white people will exist in 2300
Time taxi is a kino drama.
Personal favorite
>It's our mandate as (((white people))) to wipe them off the face of the planet.
You're not fooling anyone here, Julio Goldstein.
>Jews want to wipe out asians
>When asians are the single biggest threat to white existence
Yeah no.
USA: cucked by the jew
China: not cucked by the jew
I think this settles the clear superiority of the asian race
Did you seriously report my post so mods would delete it?
There was no names or details in there. It was a chatlog with no identifying information
Thanks. Gonna download these.
i like live action japanese films more than anime desu
So your solution to "not being controlled by the Jew" is to live in a literal dystopia where the government decides 100% of the things happening in your life and your every move is controlled and recorded with a point system to determine how you should live your life with 0 freedom? Okay, because that sounds a lot like being a slave or gentile.
>biggest threat to white existence
>asian on white homocide: 0
>asian on white crime in general: 0
>also doesn't subvert your nuclear family and children into brainwashed goop to finance their self-destructive agenda
What did the zog machine mean by this?
> live in a government decides 100% of the things happening in your life and your every move is controlled and recorded
That already happens in america and eu countries tho
No I don't need these feels tonight user...
Last time I checked I didn't get my organs harvested because I wanted to go to church or because I tried to demand a raise.
>When asians are the single biggest threat to white existence
Track the newspapers regurgitating this nonsense, all jewish shit
Idols don't need to learn to act. They just need to exist in tv programs for it to sell. They don't even dance and sing well. Japan is a weird place.
Oh, I also watched that drama time taxi the other user recommended and it's pretty good, you should watch it. It involves time travel and people trying to fix their mistakes, if you like that kind of things there's another japanese drama called mob girl that might not be as good as time taxi but uses a similar mechanic. I'm really into time travel dramas.
I don't track newspapers. I speak Chinese and read the 50 year plan of Deng Xiaoping made in 1978 where they outline they would have "50 years of peaceful economic buildup" after which they will focus on building up the military to confront the west in 2028 and wipe out 外国人 (white people).
This shit has been planned by a t. And you can actually see Xi Jinping already steering to a more military approach ahead for 2028.
maybe its a comedy, not a romance
Source on the invasion shit?
One would expect them to go for Japan and Taiwan first desu
2028 is the date where they stop having a peaceful economic focus and a military focus that confronts the west instead. It doesn't mean a direct invasion.
The one road one belt initiative build right now is actually infrastructure such as roads and trains towards the west so that it is easier for China to supply their armies in those territories. It's simply masked as an economic initiative similar as how those artificial islands are masked as being for fishing rights or tourism while they are essentially aircraft carriers to make bombing Japan, Taiwan and South Korea easier.
This doesn't mean that China will directly invade in 2028. It does mean that it will openly antagonize the west in 2028 and start taking more harsh action like directly annexing Taiwan and macao/hong kong. Kill the Dalai Lama etc.
They are projected to have a bigger military budget (PPP) than the US by 2025.
I do live in Japan, and while it's common, it is not accepted. The woman who's husband's chest on them hate their husbands and vice versa. There are good stable relationships and bad relationships with affairs just like anywhere else
>Chinese Romances
No it's accepted. The husbands accept that their wives have affairs as long as she doesn't make him lose face. It's a unwritten agreement that both can fuck whomever they want as long as it happens secretly and doesn't cause a scandal.
It's not accepted. I work with a bunch of salarymen, and I know a lot of their families. It's been brought up before, and almost all share the same opinion that cheating is wrong.
i believe it. the chinese are insane and self-destructive, they would have no problem instigating world war 3. on the other hand they can't even build an escalator that doesn't eat their own children, so im hesitant to think they have a chance against the entire western world.
also a decent chance they blow themselves up or give half their country lung cancer before 2028.
Great CGI, how did they clone the same person so well?
Because they are halfs, wh*te genes make them look ugly
This is bad beyond description. Everything about it. The camerawork. The dialogue. The facial expressions. The scenario. Even the actual physical action of the kiss is awful.
I literally just got done watching one of the greatest romance films of all time (Now, Voyager) and then I come to Yea Forums and see this. Two nukes weren't enough for these subhuman apes.
>more productive
In getting whites more stuff while they're treated as second class citizens? I bet they'd be more productive.
Wonder how whites would react to coloreds using them to get up in the world... Oh wait, you hate that too.
how long ago were you outside?
your truth. so, worthless.
I'm outside right now typing from my smartphone.
It's nice knowing every 5/10 white guy can get a harem of a hundred 8/10 asians with no effort.
Her husband should have bound her feet.
The only reason to watch Japan cinema is the cute actresses.
>a harem of a hundred 8/10 asians with no effort.
Every asian is by definition a 3/10 compared to white people. There is no such thing as an 8/10 asian.
Of course it's easy to score 3/10 girls. You're a fucking god compared to these insects. You shouldn't be proud of the fact you can get laid with them since they aren't even human.
Why does he do everything 3 times?
Asako I & II
fuck off normie
Japanese are extremely stupid and always need to repeat the point for them to understand it. Just like they always have to repeat jokes and explain it because otherwise no one would understand it.
>Every asian is by definition a 3/10
Lol cope more white roastie
They do suck at the whole subtlety thing.
yeah, this is true, but they are self-aware enough to invest heavily in cosmetics to look a little less hideous. totally breedable if they put the effort in.
now voyages is hardly one of the greatest romance films ever
>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.
~ Weininger
Let me rephrase that. Every asian is born a 3/10 but through massive plastic surgery and years of honing makeup skills they can pass off as a 6/10.
You're getting cucked out of your superior white genetics by fucking them though. The only way you should penetrate asians is with bullets.
Have sex
>My girlfriend is a gumiho
My fucking nigger
You compensate by breeding hundreds of asians. K selection or some shit, just breed as many as possible and put no effort into raising the kid. Statistically at least a few will be chad.
They're the fucking Ferengi of humanity. They get access to all of this destructive or technological power but have no real sense of how to use it responsibly.
Okay, illiterate.
most incel shit i've read in a while. Hope you're just shitposting.
I've personaliy rejected 4 asian girls that tried to get my number. One of them actually said "please don't make me date an asian guy" when I rejected her.
Indians/pakis seem to be just as desperate for white cock. As are african blacks. Other blacks, south americans and arab girls not so much.
Iranian and Arab girls love white guys
From my experience they seem more interested in Meds or even mixed blacks. Maybe they just aren't as obnoxious. I have never approached them, all the white cock hungry races I listed are ones that used to seek me out in class in Uni to flirt.
Is that why celebs like Mari Yaguchi and Becky got a huge backlash when it was found out they were cheating?
That's because of the breaking face culture. It's only acted as being bad when it's found out. The husbands and wives only become mad when it starts to become public and they lose face. They get mad because of the scandal, not because of the cheating.
You should learn a bit more about japanese culture before speaking out about it.
100% this.
It's cute.
Women naturally seek out strong men, and assholes are strong men. It's why so many women say they can't leave their abusers. Strong men might beat you but they'll also protect you from anyone who tries to attack you and be able to cut wood and kill animals to feed you. A strong man will get the raise and close the deal.
As a western man, you need to unprogram yourself. You were taught wrong, that women want a "sweet, sensitive guy" when those sort of faggots are worthless, and you're worthless until you become strong and assertive.
If it wasn't wrong and was accepted it wouldn't cause a scandal if it happened
They can't keep getting away with this
That's my ex. That's my fucking ex.
This is a bunch of bullshit. I'm a skinny feminine "onion" guy. I'm always smiling and very nice and passive. I have never any aggressive tendencies and I am actually pretty passive as a person.
I'm extremely popular with women and always have been. They like me specifically because they feel on ease and relaxed with me and aren't afraid of me acting like a chimp out of nowhere.
So whatever man go act like the virgin macho while I am acting like the chad basedboy.
Really passionate and intense romance isn’t part of Japanese or Asian DNA... in fact in general it’s only a white thing, has to do with whites being more shaped by sexual selection than other races.
Jap culture being polyamorous and cheating heavy isn’t surprising when it’s an entire society of low sexual status people.
At least you know she broke up with you to get fucked by strange white cocks.
Patrician romance coming trough
The entirety of Japan is having a fake mask on to fake towards the outside world. If Japan were to be believed there is no prostitution or gambling in the country. on paper and reality in Japan are 2 separate things. "Hammer the nail that sticks out". When cheating gets exposed you are sticking out and that is what's wrong. Not the cheating itself.
You know nothing of the society.
why do cucks hate asians so much?
>Yet another wh*te boi cope thread
Hi guys!
Because they are the anti-thesis of Big black bulls. Asian masculinity is an oxymoron.
Cucks should like asians since they are more likely to cheat on you than white girls. If anything chads hate asian women because they are too low quality to be bothered with. Why fuck 5/10 chinksects without ass or tits when you can smash 10/10 instagram models.
and yet the pic above your post proves you wrong, he is literally a bigger chad than any nigger
I'm ugly and I'm proud.
Lol look at beta incel here getting triggered.
It's a cuck competition. A cuckpetition.
I don't know why people like the waifu types. A crazy Japanese bitch sounds way better.
oi m8, have you got a "running away" loicense?
That sounds like bullshit cope from whitey.
she cute
>superior white genetics
Japanese women have extremely naturally good faces and bodies. Plastic surgery is the gooks to the west. Stay salty roastie
video Sauce?
what the FUCK? George Weidman gets laid?
>i-it's plastic surgery
Yes, and whites are all-natural.
Jesus, this is really cringy. Do people really watch this?
>tfw uglier and have fucked an asian that was more attractive
feels good man
>i like live action japanese films more than anime desu
recommend me some good ones from that past 3 years or so, user
>Japanese women have extremely naturally good faces and bodies.
Nigger. Please actually come here to Japan walk the streets for a couple of hours and then say that again with a straight face.
THIS is how the average Japanese girl looks like. JAV models are the top 0.001% in terms of looks. Hell I've barely seen women above a 6/10 in my years of stay here in Japan.
No. Only insects.
I'd fuck some of them to be honest
made me so physically uncomfortable I couldn't watch it
fucking neckbeard shits
That says more about you being desperate than it says about the looks of Japanese women.
keep coping incel
some of them would look alright with makeup on. most women from anywhere look like shit without it.
don't get down, user.
it's okay not to be a particular race or gender or creed.
be happy for who you are and make the bedt of yout situation.
I'm sure you could get an Asian gf if you just put some sweat into it.
Chin up and good luck out there.
It's kind of weird.
In japan there are just as many 5/10's as there are in other countries in the world, but almost all of my language partners from HelloTalk are attractive women. There's only 1 5/10 and 1 2/10.
I have met with 4 of my 9 language partners so they didn't cheat with photoshop and filters either.
Also usually you can immediately tell when a woman tries to hide her 5/10 face with filters when it comes to japanese people as they will 9 out of 10 times also use that ugly ass filter that makes their eyes look way bigger.
user..... They ARE wearing makeup...
>Saying this on the capeshit board
Asian woman refusing to date asian men and being "carrier woman" is a legit epidemic. Not only do they fuck any white guy they can, they constantly refuse to fuck asian guys when they are the only option.
I talked to a pretty attractive chick on interpals and LINE for a while but she was clearly not attracted to me. It still felt good that she gave me the time of day though and we exchanged photos of our various adventures.
I thought they weren't allowed to at school
Don't they have a gorillion shitty low-budget soap operas like that? Attractive actors may be in low supply, and there might be some heavy nepotism in play, like how the average Hollywood actress is a 6-7/10.
Asians also have different beauty standards. Give an Asian man and a man of any other ethnicity a lineup of 10 girls and the non-Asian's top 3 will probably be in the Asian man's bottom 5.
t. delusional weeb hit by hard reality
An asian childhood friend of mine literally said to me she would rather die alone than date an asian guy. She also said she felt guilty that if she was a mother her children would inherit her asian genes.
The worst about it is that she is 100% correct as well. Asians look like shit and their genetics suck dick. She isn't saying this because she is racist. She's saying it because it's realistic. Asians are bottom of the barrel genetic trash. At least in appearance and emotional development.
That is just as true as that pachinko parlors can't allow gambling. It's another case of Japanese laws on paper being completely different from reality.
This whole scene would be awesome if it was one of us glorious white guys playing the dude. That Asian bitch would be all over a white dude's dick.
The only really important aspect of genetics is intetelligence, and they are far above the average of the world population.
They're youthful and have good IQ. They just suck at driving.
>ashi girl
>time taxi
thanks lad i love time travel stories
If that's true then Jews should control the world since they have an average IQ of 115 compared to 102 for caucasians and 105 for Asians.
Nana Komatsu is so beautiful
Give me the red one
The ones in blue are also ok
>seething this hard
>at least baketball-Americans only shoot each other
that is not true
for me its the one on the front right
>fucking based
Yeah, but not when you're in love with someone who will fuck another guy and act like it's nothing. Shit goes both ways
my ability to pair bond is fried after being fucked over multiple times anyways
>If that's true then Jews should control the world
If you are going to judge people purely on IQ instead of things like emotional development, empathy, culture, appearance etc. Then yes Jewish people are objectively the best if you look purely at IQ.
Which is why it's bullshit to do so.
There's a television thread in /jp/. Ask there
/jp/ has terrible taste and is an elitist single-minded shithole.
they kinda do cheat. They only submit IQ scores of the most well-off population centers. No one is checking the IQ of some remote farming village, whereas IQ in western countries is checked across the whole country, so hicks drag the average down.
Jew detected. You scared of their brutal insectoid efficiency which makes your satanistic tribe look like girlscouts handing out free cookies?
>no gf
>cant get cheated on
How does it feel to be betrayed? How did you guys react?
they're basically the jews of the east
pick your poison, etc
>asian romance
>The USA has a higher birthrate than China, the middle east and india nowadays.
That's why white Americans are getting replaced at such a rapid rate. Every day that country turns more and more goblino
Well the moment I got a asian girlfriend was already the day I knew I was going to get cucked eventually. So I just accepted that day would eventually come and enjoy the time we spend together.
That's because white guys such as the ones posting in the thread prefer to fuck asians, mexicans, blacks and globinos. So their kids will all be mutts.
That's why you have to ensure your girlfriend is white.
Maybe if you act like an asshole. Back then I asked for a recommendation and I was told to watch Linda Linda Linda. one of the comfiest films I've watched
The Jewish IQ being higher than average is a myth. The only studies that point to a higher IQ have been completely discredited.
Like, the two (Jewish) authers took non-Jews, who were married to Jews, or had some non-blood-related Jewish family member, and counted them as Jews, just to bump up the averages. They also used an incredibly small sample size. Literally cherry-picked data, and using counting non-Jews as jews.
That could be linked to their wealth and educations though. I don't deny that they are clever people though.
Even /pol/ admits Jews are more intelligent than white people which is how they control the world.
They control it by having lots of money, not by intellect.
Keep dreaming Schlomo. Anything to compensate for your mutilated penis.
>Asians are bottom of the barrel genetic trash. At least in appearance and emotional development.
who are higher than aside from whites?
>non-Jews as jews
ashkenazi are barely jews anyway
Jewish population is 0.006% of global population yet Jews hold 40% of scientific nobel prices and 52% of all scientific PhDs
But I guess this is all nepotism and Einstein, Heisenberg, Von Neumann, Feynman all just conjured up their scientific theories out of nepotism.
Stop being retarded. Jews obviously have the highest IQ out of all races. But IQ doesn't matter if you don't have emotional development, empathy or a strong culture. Appearance is also important.
White people are still smart, have the best culture, have good emotional development and empathy and are the most beautiful race on the planet. Which is why we're superior to Jews and Asians even though our IQ is lowe.r
White roasties mad.
>Japanese women have extremely naturally good faces and bodies
neck yourself yellowfever incel
>asian """"romance""""
reminder that people who hate asians are usually either shitskins or niggerlovers
>hello fellow white man, jews are superior
epic Schlomo. Showcase that verbal intelligence.
PhD's and Nobel Prizes are not measures of intelligence.
>That's why you have to ensure your girlfriend is white.
My gf is Chinese, but we don't plan to have kids
i wish i had cute samurai gf. her looks wouldn't matter. i just want to cuddle with one.
What is the wh*te equivalent of this picture?
shit I don't know if my yellow fever is strong enough to endure that
>tfw met rich Asian qt who let me drive her 120 thousand dollar car and is super fun to be around
Only problem is she's kinda of chub, otherwise she would be perfect
Or people that have pride in their white race and don't want to dirty their genetic lineage with inferior insect genes.
Good job in ending your genetic line and ensuring even fewer white people will live on the planet in the future.
and then everyone clapped.
Good job you're a male roastie.
That guy is unironically based and making that woman thirsty as hell for him. Yellow man plays the slow game and then goes in for the kill.
Got deleted because it was outed as fake
Of course you can endure. Be strong and don't fall for roastie guilt trips and shit tests.
Wow, a picture of hapas. You showed him,bro!
> masculinity crisis
Foreplay is for gays and soyboys though.
>she's unironically 2" taller than Dinklage
My dude, please actually meet women and have sex
>"user, why do you have so many pictures of japanese schoolgirls saved on your PC?"
>"I have to protect the white race!"
It's fucking funny that his proof that Japanese people are beautiful is by showing how white genes lift up their beauty.
Honestly asian genes should be culled out of the human gene pool.
>watches porn when his wife is performing sexual acts on him
absolute madman and gigachad
W-what do you mean
bi-weekly reminder that only a Jew would say that
>tfw met a rich Asian who let me drive his 120 thousand dollar car and is super fun to be around
Only problem he's kinda fat and balding, otherwise he'd be perfect
But do they want a child with you?
would still rail her and put a ten pound baby inside her though
Not like this, user.
I swear to God it's different, I still like her a lot.
>You're jewish if you want to ensure the purity of the white race by discouraging race mixing with asians
>Japanese woman doesn't even know about Ainu admixture
no wonder she does porn
I'm a father so...
idk i think they're both very attractive
Of course. She's cute AF...did you see how that fish munching ellen looked longingly at her?
what about niggers and other shitskins?
so white husbands will get tyrones to fuck them?
>I'm 100% japanese
>ancestors probably include western people
damn this bitch is dumb
Why are Sh*talians up there?
only the south is shit
The Japanese/White hybrid is literally Homo Sapiens 2.0
Jews want the best White people to breed for themselves, to steal their genes. White people know a better candidate, than the diseased, inbred Jewish tribe.
>I get my information from Yea Forums memes
The reality is I have never EVER seen such a density of beautiful girls as in Tokyo (spent 15 months in Japan) and they age like fine wine. My dad had the same impression.Stay mad roastie.
Niggers and other shitskins while being pollutants don't actually threaten white existence. Asians specifically plan out the destruction of the white race as shown with China.
They are also a big threat because the women specifically target white guys and try to infiltrate our society.
Niggers and shitskins will never actually genocide white people since they are too weak of a people to do so. Jews while smart are too few between and apart to have any real impact. Asians outnumber white people 4 to 1.
Literally every caucasian male in the world could have a Chinese girlfriend given by China and the white race would be dead within 1 generation.
I can't understand how you can hate asians so much considering we have far worse groups living on the planet that are destructive to any society they come in contact with.
so a niggerlover who hates asians, not suprised
based and redpilled
>Good job in ending your genetic line
I don't care about it, really. I'd rather not ruin my life so my dead grandmother feels good she got grandchildren in the end
>and ensuring even fewer white people will live on the planet in the future
This is just too American for me
She looks like a white skinned filipino. Fuck off with your mutt shit.
She gives me a snake oil salesman vibe though. I'm not so sure if she's cute and sweet in a private setting. If she's obsessed with tidiness then she might be a control freak.
Le test
Not an argument. Not even Japanese.
>Good job in ending your genetic line and ensuring even fewer white people will live on the planet in the future.
I'll be dead so I don't give a fuck.
Mogged by her own mother. Brutal
>You're a jew if you are against race mixing
Literal race traitor kike rat
You should visit Danville and Los Gatos. Tons of mothers and daughters out there look like siblings.
This is why the women prefer BBC/BWC cuck stuff doesn't work on Asians that weren't raised on western values. Been saying forever that fear of being cucked is the white man's fear. If you live in a society where being cucked is not just a possibility but a frequent occurrence or threat, then you take a much more detached and pragmatic approach to the whole issue. Not to mention the east doesn't have Christian moral guilt, and is weirdly matriarchal despite being purportedly led by men (women almost always wears pants and controls finances regardless of who is breadwinner). So if you get cucked there's no moral outrage to back you up, just everyone laughing and asking why you didn't do more to keep her interested.
>me, 19
>not even japanese
What are you implying here?
white people will get rebuilt by genetic engineers anyways and then they will pull a jurassic park on everyone
Only a Jew would be this triggered by the prospect of a Samurai/Viking hybrid.
This post is 100% true and I'm surprised someone on Yea Forums could be this accurate.
Absolute state of mutts.
This post is 100% false and I'm surprised someone on Yea Forums could be this inaccurate.
Notice how anyone starts talking about liking non American women, American women and other homosexuals get defensive and nervous
that sounds terrifying
>is strong with berserk rage
>also has the autistic suicidal warrior's honor
wew japanese men are ugly as fuck
Wait until you see me though.
That's a good thing because you don't need to compete with them for their women
Glad they show Japanese women with black guys since both are on the same genetic step.
If a black person and Japanese person have a child nothing of value is lost. If a white person and a japanese person have a child that child is just another mutt polluting the world.
>Samurai/Viking hybrid
Ends up making self hating hapa incels. Only low white men marry japs anyway.
Seething shitskins.
top jej
ive been there multiple times. their entire population is pajeets and niggers
Let's be completely honest the only white men willing to settle for asian women are guys that can't get women that they actually want (white girls) so they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel chinksects to not feel alone.
It's understandable but at least admit it's your plan B instead of what you originally wanted.
>self hating hapa incels
please tell you dont actually believe in all the internet memes
Imagine being so obsessed over the woman a man chooses to associate/fuck/marry/have kids with
What the fuck is wrong with women?
why do you cucks never post this in threads about nigger/spic/sandnigger women?
Yuna Hayashi was 40 when she debuted in JAV, check her out
Is there ANYTHING more cucked than showing brand loyalty towards degenerate white roasties?
>women that they actually want (white girls)
Nobody wants white whores, thatwhy whites are going extinct
I like white roasties, I just like asians more. I feel very alone in this camp.
Based and redpilled
So you're admitting you're a literal race traitor wanting to see white people die off because you didn't have personal romantic success?
You're the worst type of person.
>Japanese women give all their money and time to k-pop idols
Poetic justice
>ugh you're a race traitor unless you marry a used-up 35 year old hag, who's had 20 abortions and is currently raising Tyrones bastard
>only goes to school
>cant keep the house clean
You're a race traitor if you don't have white kids. It's as simple as that.
I'm not telling you to fuck ugly white girls user.
>mfw posting as both pro- and anti- asian racemixing to fuel the fire
Cope and cry more, cucklet.
jesus christ
Kind reminder that every race looks at white women as the pinnacle of beauty.
a cute. a CUTE
>You're a race traitor if you don't have white kids. It's as simple as that.
I just want to date my preference. I don't hate anybody and just want to be happy.
You gotta laugh at how he left his wife hanging when she put her arm out for a hug but he goes to her last
go back to /pol/
>irish and asians
both the most based types of women
Not just white women.
White men AND white women are viewed as the pinnacle of humanity.
Yet everyone in this thread is trying its absolute best to destroy that by breeding with subhuman insects
>am a race traitor
>getting called /pol/
what did this user mean by this?
white women fuck dogs
I mean it's clearly near the end of the relationship - the body language of both of them screamed "oh god fuck why am i still here"
Asian women fuck octopuses.
nice try Schlomo
Just ignore that shitpost...that's all it is.
cute nip girls beaten at their own game
>all this 3dpd itt
>shitskins love white bitches
cool I guess
I wish I was an octopus now.
You should leave the house some time. Travel and such.
cute white girls beaten at their own game
>underage character
Who is he so that i can report him to the police?
>women get beaten at their own game
that's a man, baby
>30 year old white woman is under 200 lbs
holy shit fucking hot can I smash?
based and dare I say it, animepilled
The thing about this guy's videos is, is that whatever he might been trying to do from the start, what he's essentially ending up doing is blackpilling himself.
It went from "Oh my god these women are throwing themselves at me because I'm white!" to "I can't believe how shameless women are.".
If he isn't already, he's eventually going to make posts about how 'all women are whores' when they inevitably drop him for a more handsome gaijin.
lmao massive cope. chinese "men" probably threatened to kill him again
why are redheads so perfect bros
A man of taste I see
I want to destroy his boypussy
Fuck off pedo
>asian """"""""""""""""""women""""""""""""""""""""""
>plastic all their lives
yeah seems about right
a redhead hapa would be the optimal woman for me.
I have yellow fever and ginger fever.
redhead hapa is literally impossible. The jap black hair genes would dominate
Toasted roastie detected.
pretty based
white cucks btfo
that can't be a hapa
then celtic hapas need to breed with celtic hapas until they can make the optimal strain
t. fat animetard
Yes it's impossible. The red hair genes would be lost and the child would have Japanese black hair.
Toastie roastie...your time is up
no she's just a viking broad
That asian girl is a 6/10 and the white girl is a fucking 10/10 goddess
You guys are retarded.
Not hapa
>this will never be you
The white slut has that coalburner look.
2 out of 4 daughters turned out hot. That's pretty good lottery.
Everything is BLACKED in your insecure delusional mind.
You are so mad right now
>white girl is a fucking 10/10 goddess
lol no
That picture is more like "White race BTFO" you fucking retard.
And that’s a good thing
Wh*te women are sluts and wh*te men are cucked soyboys
>preggo asian
how is it HUMANLY POSSIBLE for one man to be so based
She cute
Credit to the mom though because her genes were clearly dominant
Hey to be fair preggo whites can be nice too
I generally prefer asian eyes and cheekbones but I can't turn down those milkers
also a good choice
Problem with asians is that they have 0 body. They have no tits and ass, are short as fuck and bad in bed.
What the fuck!?
Viets do
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
That's how asians actually look. All Jav actresses, idols etc look like that.