can Episode 9 redeem nuWars Yea Forums?
Can Episode 9 redeem nuWars Yea Forums?
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she looks kind of bedraggled and frazzled
i expect its from hearing all the things male guests at the park have said in her ear while she's walking around
>literally everyone cosplaying as rey looks better than the actual rey
The Cuck Strikes Back
only if it includes a 90 minute graphic scene of rey getting gangbanged
Why are girls so attractive :(
it has been beyond redemption since 2015 and my digits confirm
I still can’t get over this
Imagine shooting a fan film with a qter Rey
fan film in my bedroom
Proof its all about jewish connections
>Pic related.
Holy damn. She is so much hotter than the actual Rey.
>can Episode 9 redeem nuWars Yea Forums?
Yea Forums still hasn't recovered with the influx of these 14yr olds who say the most basic of edgelordness
look how much shark protection is builtin to this costume
At this point Rian made the story incomprehensible.
The resistance now consists of 20 survivors and one ship.
Either the republic has been conquered in a day or they aren't interested in retaliating after their capital planet was obliterated.
Is that the legendary Gonk droid in the background?
>genetically engineered Rey waifus.
Watch out, China. Disney's stylin' on you!
You obviously have not seen enough Rey cosplayers then. This is a Galaxy's Edge Rey; she's paid by Disney to cosplay as Rey.
Does anyone know if she uses Daisy's accent?
you better watch out...
Its dead, JJ and Rian turned it into something that people don't care about with no real connection to the content that people did care about. And they've basically gone through 1 by 1 raping your memories of the old cast, first Han, then Luke, now probably Lando, but he is black so they might not rape him too, just use him some other way to "pass the torch" for a 3rd time. Either way it amounts to the same thing, exploiting the old to cash in, and people recognize it by now.
Just heard about north korea...
here is a vid of her
she speaks to fucking softly i cant tell but this one does
this chick is fucking raging at home that she has to have her hair off her forehead for the job. she will never live these pics down
Shes much cuter the Daisy
Only if we get the relationship that was promised and end this ridiculous light side/dark side division.
Can they retcon 8? I don't think so
based strokeposter
read it again. it's perfectly coherent and grammatical, nigger
I just rewatched TLJ
A lot more bearable than I remembered but I'm still mad at the way Snoke got treated. He could've been a good antagonist instead of "lol sheev is back". Rose is terrible, the casino planet felt pointless, so did Finn vs Phasma and Luke's death and Holdo was as much of a cunt as I remembered and could've saved everyone a lot of trouble
BUT Kylo's arc is honestly good enough to make all of that not matter too much. He stole the show and made the film entertaining where mostly everything else is boring or downright shitty
Can't wait to see what they have in store for him in 9. The trilogy can't be saved but if his arc stays this good in 9 then it'll still be worth it to sit through all the shit to get his story. I want to know what his endgame is. "finish what Vader started" in what way?
I don't completely agree, there wasn't a compelling reason for Kylo to continue the attack on the base to kill his mom.
He could have easily declared himself as emperor after killing Snoke, Rey was ready to fuck him.
The only shit I'm willing to eat is from my ex-wife's lawyers. Fuck Kennedy the Cunt and Ruin. They did their damage to Star Wars. It cant be fixed
Doubt it. Even if you brought in some dream team to write and direct the fact remains that Rian wrote the series in to a corner. I imagine their aim is more at salvaging what they can of the narrative and ending it with enough dignity that people will still be willing to see another trilogy 5-7 years from now.
Shill detected.
Do they deposit the Disney Dollars directly or just slide it under your door.
>that hairline
>those gigantic feet
Yeah, I'm thinking she's a he.
I will never understand why they killed Luke because he was thinking too hard.
Let the past die
I just tried watching part of it and the editing is so fucking bad. Just the complete opposite of ANH. There's no spark or energy at all.
>I'm so mad at the way Snoke got treated
he's never going to fuck you dude
Direct deposit every Thursday
No. The first two films were too much of a fuckup, and they don't have anyone with a good track record involved in direction or writing. Their best bet is to let this one flop and then give the franchise a couple years to cool down before focusing more on one-off movies. Rogue One was a mediocre movie, but it glimmers of opportunity. Solo was shit, but that's because it was 100% soul-less design by committee bullshit. They need to give these films to people that have a vision and a love for the source material.
they have to release a movie approximately every year to make their purchase money back
>Sheev uses one of the Knights of Rens body to fight Kylo and Rey.
>They kill that body
>Sheev transfers to Kylos body
>Kylo sacrifices himself
Any bets?
What they really need to do is put out some quality ancillary materials. They need some good novels, a new major game franchise that isn't anally ravaged by EA, and they need to get Fantasy Flight to stop killing their /tg/ stuff with a billion different games.
HHHNNNNGG. i want someone to animate that in SFM.
JJ is back. I know many claim TLJ was awful but TFA was dogshit. All the plot points were there, but they didn't understand why they work in a story. It was obvious the next movie would make no sense.
0.01 mouse dollars has been deposited in your account. Would you like to exchange that to USD? it is a $10 charge.
you know when a star wars movie starts, even if the movie's shit in the end, seeing that lucasfilm logo still feels kind of magic. I can't imagine how jarring it would be to see this after (?) it. Is that what happens in TFA?
Woah, is that THE internet food influencer?
Rey ran off because he wanted to rule the Galaxy, are you dumb? And Kylo wants to destroy the Resistance, sorry he's not going to be a cuck like you and give up his lifelong ideals for some stinky sandpussy.
In theory: No
In reality: Fuck no
No, she ran off because he was going to kill her friends. If he was smart he would have offered them a peace deal after Snokes death and converted Rey to being his lover/apprentice.
who's the drag queen on the right?
She was never going to join him in ruling the Galaxy because she's a boring fucking Mary Sue who lives in the Resistance's asshole.
If Rey was smart, she wouldn't leave Kylo for 12 retards she know for a few hours.
Kylo doesn't need to offer anyone shit, he's SL and they can all literally choke if they don't like it. Rey had the best offer and he didn't even have to do that. Now she's alone with sand in her vagina a gain. Good riddance.
Maybe she will wisen up in IX and actually choose Kylo.
daisy is cute
Sometimes relationships take compromising senpai.
Then I guess Rey should start fucking compromising, because Kylo offered her everything and wanted to make a new order where she co-ruled 50/50 and the bitch said "nope, my way or the highway".
If she wanted to save her friends so fucking badly, she should've dropped to her knees and started with her Empress duties immediately. He would have done whatever she wanted in that moment if she didn't betray him in the worst fucking way possible.
Dumb autistic cunt deserves to be alone for an entire year and suffer for her decision.
the problem isnt just vision
prequels had a vision and were also shit
This Fucking Guy
>Then I guess Rey should start fucking compromising, because Kylo offered her everything and wanted to make a new order where she co-ruled 50/50 and the bitch said "nope, my way or the highway".
That would have actually been interesting. If they followed Red Letter Media's plot suggestion, I might not have liked it, but I would have respected it for doing something bold.
adults pay money to visit this place
Tom Corless
>adults pay money to visit this place
Don't forget. You can have your kid hide with Rey behind a bunch of trash cans.
>This cost Disney $1 Billion for some reason.
How accurate is the fake Falcon interior they built? Have any of you fags ripped it apart yet?
>Yea Forums still hasn't recovered with the influx of these 14yr olds who say the most basic of edgelordness
Yea Forums is fucked
It's filled with literal children and manchildren
first of all...purple is pimp
This must be a troll. No one is this gay for nu wars.
Is he Snoke?
nuWars has been irredeemable ever since TFA came out.
>blatantly copies ANH
>hardly any original ideas
>lmao ANOTHER death star
>shitty characters you don't really care about
>muh mystery boxes
>completely forgettable soundtrack
>hardly any world building
>Contrived Coincidences: The Movie
I could go on, but I'm lazy. tl;dr, TFA was the worst possible move for Disney to make in opening up a continuation of the old saga.
Ops coswaifu is trash
agree with this
jj is a hack
rian is a twat
They specifically choose a super average looking girl because casting hot girls is a big no no for KK.
Worse. Snoke may have been a soulless corporate store brand Sheev knockoff, But Valerian is just embarrassing. Oh MY emperor is immortal and uses both sides of the force and can destroy planets and you he's the strongest besets emperor ever and Mom said I was special! God it's like something a child invented for a playground fight.
even if it can, no one care at this point.
Man you paranoia is getting worse. Nobody is getting paid to post in this shithole of a website
I want to fuck this girl. How do I do that ?
There's literally no coming back. It's forever stained as a propaganda tool for leftist politics. There's no coming back, ever.
>lightsaber out
What the fuck did the artist mean why this?
No. The damage is too severe. I won't be seeing it. Didn't even watch Solo and I loved star wars since I was six years old.
In my head the soundtrack to this webm is Eric Clapton's "Cocaine"
We have literally known this is how it ends for months.
Based retards are there for the Joker, not Luke.
>It's filled with literal children and manchildren
and trannies
His arc made no sense.
mfw we live in society where normal people prefer luke to joker
>can't play with the lightsabers or the blasters
>can't RP or dress as a SW character
>transvestites are welcome
*bypasses your compressor*
she is so much hotter than rei
literally me on the right
Lucasfilm logo hasn't felt like anything since 2015
especially when there's another movie. gotta stretch it.
you'd be prettier if you were bald
It's nothing when like Dr Rumer ripped apart your front hole.
wtf user
this. everyone who thinks that doom started with tlj is dreaming. tfa enabled tlj to do whatever it fuck wanted because it was so up to its ass in mystery boxes it didn't commit to anything and therefore forced tlj to pick something. the rest is history.
>that little performance of the stormtroopers and kylo with the father and kid
cute! CUTE!
This, except NuWars never had a chance on the account of being nothing but a soulless cash grab for Disney, written by a fucking committee.
I bet her hymen is still intact
What baffles me is how quickly Disney has gone from being the good guy (making really nice, fun, wholesome movies) to leaving the biggest shitstain on cinematic history.
How did they do it?
I actually prefer their first 3 POTC movies over wholesome opus precisely because they aren't wholesome at all. sexual innuendo and jokes abound, politically incorrect behavior, etc. pure delight. that is also why GOTG is my favorite Disney capeshit. it has enough political incorrectness to feel grounded in reality.
Wholesome in the sense that they had good values and characters you could appreciate, not the twisted (((wholesome))) bullshit that lefties gobble up.
>not the twisted (((wholesome))) bullshit that lefties gobble up
You mean "post-modern"?
They had ONE JOB to do in order to get the male market imagining themselves behind their female protagonist, and they refused to do it.
And she's still fit, young, and white enough to put off the women for whom those things are obstacles to identifying with her.
Progressive, woke, whatever you want to call it. It's like quality writing is being shelved in favor of this new wave of bullshit, and I hate it.
His arc made no sense because they didn't make Reylo happen even if they made it 100% supportable.
If either of them had switched sides or even both of them vice versa, it would have been interesting.
It's not just that. Everything has to be "ironic" or a "deconstruction". You can't have a sincere hero's journey/adventure tale like the original Star Wars was.
No one's ever really gone.
ok, we are in agreement than.
No. Mouse Wars is completely unfixable at this point.
if reylo happened in the second movie, they would break them up in the third. this way, they are going to reunite.
I completely agree with you. Reylo is unironically the only good thing about Mouse Wars and anyone who disagrees is a faggot.
The only way I'd pay to see ep9 is that Jar Jar is Plagueis
men and women identify with characters in different ways. men are more about whether they want to be the character or buy him/her a beer. for women, it's less about being the character but more about being with the character (if hot male) or imagining that female character's love interest is their boyfriend. they don't identify with bella in the sense that they want to be like her but that they want to date edward. likewise with rey, they want to date kylo. it's no rocket science but apparently studio have trouble understanding because they are constantly told that men and women have identical psychology, that women hate romance, that women want to see more female characters and less hot ripped chads, etc.
Pretty sure after the Reylo fanatics have torpedoed any chance of Reylo being canon.
>or imagining that female character's love interest is their boyfriend
You're probably right. Women don't put themselves in other women's shoes, they only put other women's proprietary penises inside themselves.
Gender is a social construct, so you're being racist.
maybe but finnrey, damerrey or finnpoe are not happening either. this is not a speculation. finn and rose are canon.
I wouldn't put it past them to make those things happen if Reylo doesn't.
She has a ton of makeup on
>since 2015
Since 1999
Fixed that for you.
>Balding shapeless mature adult at Disneyland without kids
Checks out
>Jj is back.
Will thier be lens flare
you never had one of those days where you're just horny all day but you're working so you can't do anything about it? they take it out of you
Reylo will happen. JJ cast a small boy with black hair in Episode 9 who will play the son of Rey and Kylo.
How did Daisy hit the wall so fast? She was super QT in TFA but suddenly she bloats to a balloon in TLJ and in the trailer for Skywalker it looks like all her weight in her face sunk into her chin.
Are bong genes really that awful?
No, it's fucked. Also I find it hilarious that all Kylo Ren toys are always sold out while no one wants the shit SJW characters.
It won't just because people actually want that.
Is that form her
>say something nice about the prequels
>How did Daisy hit the wall so fast?
It's because she's been doing so much coke.
>Kylo Ren toys are always sold out
His design is pretty good despite being a copy of Revan's
No, no Disney created Star Wars content will ever be good
Rian 'Subverted Expectations' Johnson isn't making Episode 9, JJ Abrams is and he's a fan of Reylo. Hell, he created Reylo in the first place. We'll get Reylo in Episode 9 and it'll be the only good thing about Episode 9.
Natalie rap 2.
Rian was the biggest Reylo fan too though. I'm just trying to keep my hopes low to avoid disappointment. I feel like they would throw logic and reason out of the window just to stick it to the "problematic" fans.
I'll only watch Episode 9 if Kylo rapes Rey.
Racism is a social construct, I can hate whoever I want
Kylo looks a bit like Keanu Reeves in this picture.
They really are damn it, too much sometimes
Rocco you pimp
General Sam looks like THAT?!
Aryan cock belongs in Aryan pussy. Reylo is based.
Fucking filter!
they are not happening. consider it a spoiler.
Too late. 1/3 of the new trilogy is trash by default, and 100% of the spin offs have been shit. There is no redeeming.
Luke vs Sheev
That's all you have to do well to get 9 to look like a masterpiece besides 7 and 8
only if they make rey the villain
She already is, haven't you been paying attention?
That looks pretty comfy to be honest
Consensual sex can't be rape. She's going to enjoy it.
Who cares? I sure as fuck am not giving them any money to find out. Fool me twice...
Only if they kill Rei off.
based Mark being a good dude per usual
she will, the same way as padme, and likewise giving birth to the new generation 'prince' or whatever they are in this universe
No, they're retconning TESB and RotJ.
Since I was little i've had this thing about being mortal enemy with a chick and then making out.
redpill me on my psych profile pls
giv more info
you like classic/basic romantic tropes i.e. you're a normie
>Power & Control
>not choosing some sweet Protection & Defense gilding
Fucking edgelord.
They built sets for the Bespin duel and the throne room from RotJ, they even hired a younger actor to play Luke so that they can "reveal" the "truth" of what was said between Luke and Vader. It's all so that Rey is the really real chosen one. So that they can have grrrrl power.
I always wanted to see a bdsm themed reylo drawing with kylo lightly finger shocking a spread eagle rey as he kissed her.
I completely agree with you. Nu-Lucasfilm doesn't deserve Based Mark.
Yup. They can't let men have anything; everything has to be owed to stonk wahmin!
>they even hired a younger actor to play Luke
Why not just use CGI to de-age Mark so that he can play Younger Luke? Fucking Nu-Lucasfilm, man. They can't get anything right.
Rey doesn't have anything. What are you talking about? She's literally a nobody and only relevant because Kylo wants to fuck her.
She has done nothing for 2 movies, other than be angry and cry.
I believe hes referring to the fact that the Emperor is still alive somehow.
they didn't have the tech while he was alive
just have this.
Kylo and Ray kiss in the first 5 minutes.
flash forward to them married in the suburbs kylo and rey both have boring stable office jobs they have 2 children. Go to brunch on Sunday with Finn , rose and oscar.
I hope you're right. I hope the real protagonist of the shitty sequel trilogy is Ben Solo.
What do you mean? Mark is still alive and they have the tech right now.
I'm just telling you what's going to pan out; Rey is the end-all-be-all in the Star Wars universe and if you disagree you are an incel nazi pedo bigot fascist.
you guys need to learn how romance stories go. the protagonist isn't any kind of hero. their journey is falling in love with a bad guy, having him fall in love with her but doing something really bad so there's a big tension heart vs everything else, ..., they're together.
i can't remember what happens in the ... usually it's been a while. oh well, we'll see in the new star wars movie
It's always been that way. Only difference is that the grunge era man-children have gradually been replaced by the Iraqi Freedom era manchildren.
No it's not. Rey will be angry and cry some more in IX, will show some force powers because of feminism. And Kylo will do all the relevant things because this is his story. He will turn out to be the legend in ST.
Palpatine always screwing over the Skywalkers.
like everyone has heard of mr darcy but does anyone even know the bitch name who that story is 'about'? emma? jane?
Post the leaks user! Is that retarded light saber move to destroy an imperial ship gonna be in the novie?
i think that's been turned into this which i just remembered and laughed
lol so you don't know. I feel bad for you. They're making Rey the "another" that Yoda spoke of in TESB. Yes, I know that was originally meant to give a hint of a threat to Luke's character, and then Lucas retconned that into being Leia, well now it's being retconned again.
Damn, i wanted to know if JJ had the balls to put such retarded shit on screen, seems he pussied out
Correct. Rey is nothing more than a dumb, annoying bitch who exists only to have her pussy impregnated with Ben's mighty Skywalker seed. The prequel trilogy is Anakin's story, the original trilogy is Luke's story and the sequel trilogy is Ben's story.
This franchise is already dead
>What baffles me is how quickly Disney has gone from being the good guy (making really nice, fun, wholesome movies) to leaving the biggest shitstain on cinematic history.
Disney has been a wretched hive of degeneracy and downright evil since 90s at the latest. What actually happened recently is Disney increasingly stopping pretending.
yeah, but can they act as well as daisy?
>I'm still mad at the way Snoke got treated. He could've been a good antagonist
No he couldn't.
The entire premise of Snoke made no sense. How is there a new Sith lord who's like 80 years old when the original trilogy was only like 30 years earlier? Snoke would have already been a young adult during the Clone Wars, yet somehow he never did anything until now? Plus, it really doesn't seem like Sheev would have just ignored another powerful dark side force user. I mean, the whole premise of Return of the Jedi is that Sheev is desperate to turn Luke to the dark side instead of just killing him because he wants a new apprentice, but that makes no sense if there was a much better candidate for the job hanging around in the Empire who was already on the dark side.
Reylo is unironically kino.
Part of the blame for that crap is on the audience. Instead of looking at the product for what it is, they judge it solely by the fact that they've "seen it before". Or it's not "unique enough", whatever pretentious garbage that means. It's a wonder anyone even dares to make a straightforward, simple story these days at all.
She just needed more lipstick was all.
Only if it has lots of sexy twileks and togrutas
lmao nar shaddaa is a fucking dive, it's literally a smuggler world
it's not a romantic location
I always thought Nar Shaddaa was the Las Vegas of the Star Wars galaxy (well, before Canto Bight came along).
Is Stella still doing vids? I feel like its been awhile since Ive seen her in something
It's not Las Vegas, everyone there is a smuggler, thief, murderer working for the Hutts. Basically the whole place is storage for illegal cargo. If there is gambling its only because those types like to gamble, it's not a tourist destination
Boyega hates NuWars it confirmed.
Redeem? What the fuck is there to redeem? Star Wars was three good action-adventure movies made in the 70’s and 80’s. Anything done with the name since then is Lucas’ fever dreams, the gay fantasies of fat, sweaty, I shaved nerds, and greedy money grabs by corporations.
Ah, okay.
it's not hard to look feminine when you try. Feminists don't want men to find anything attractive in movies.
You really need to stop giving Rey rando so much importance. Even LFL doesn't give a shit about her. They are far too focused on expanding Kylo's story. There will be no retcon of any kind especially for Rey. Skywalkers are the most important characters in SW universe and always will be. Rey is only a tag along. An outsider watching their story of epicness and heroism.
Anyone can act better than Daisy Ridley. All she has to do is stand and cry on demand. I still wonder why JJ cast her. He himself said she was so wooden.
I'd be shocked if they could do worse.
just make a obi wan movie, his the saving grace of this franchise and a good friend
Shippers should die
>They are far too focused on expanding Kylo's story.
lol they're killing him in IX.
The only hope is if episode 10 starts 1000 years later and wipes the slate clean.
am I wrong?
The costume looks way better when the person wearing it isn't flat. What a shame.
oh no look at the top of her head
>grunge era man-children replaced by Iraqi Freedom era manchildren
No complaints about your ones, but why not Gulf War era manchildren gradually replaced by Iraqi Freedom era manchildren? Nevermind came out in 1991, Gulf War ended in 1991.
yeah~ Rei