Why is this man allowed to be in movies

Why is this man allowed to be in movies

Attached: recessedling.jpg (1619x2048, 1.81M)

because he's the Gooseman

It's all personality user. (Unless you're hideously ugly)

Everyone keeps telling me this guy isn't attractive, and by looking at this pic there are a lot of flaws there but for some reason it doesn't hurt him. How does this happen? There are so many pics of him candid and professional and he looks so good. How did he manage to be so attractive while having all this working against him?

Lookism faggotry should always be ignored, user.

This is a pro-Gosling board.

Why not mention his Strabismus?

His picture is literally featured in the Wikipedia article for it

he is smiling, confident, well groomed and well dressed

AKA 6'1 and WASP

That's the only reason women like him

leave /ourguy/ alone, eliott. go back to your containment pua shit

Yet he's still a literal 10/10 compared to non-whites.

>Am I out of touch? No, it's the women who are wrong.

>Actor Ryan Gosling's strabismus gives him a distinctive look.

holy shit i'm dying. which one of you did this

you know this image was made to troll people who are obesessed with those incels obsessed with negative canthal tilt and that type of shit


Because he's an actor and not a model

I'll defend him to the death. Come at me.

Attached: HalfFlippantEagle-size_restricted.gif (589x250, 2.63M)

I fucking dare you to cum on me.

Golden ratio meme shit is only one component of a beautiful face. You need good features

You first

Height >Jaw> Hair>>>>>>>>>Everything else.

He has the three most important features for male attractiveness, he is not model tier but it is enough that he is somewhat pleasing to look at and it mitigates a bunch of his other flaws.

Attached: gosjaw.jpg (1028x767, 55K)