Why is Scott Eastwood having such a shit career? His father is Hollywood royalty.
Why is Scott Eastwood having such a shit career? His father is Hollywood royalty
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No talent, and people don't like his father because he often tells it like it is.
It's almost as if Scott and Clint are two different persons
too busy being god damn beautiful
Probably because his father is such a standup dude that he raised his son to thrive or fail based on his own merits.
He should have been the lead in The Dark Tower, but no - every good white role has to get BLACKED these days.
He had the misfortune of being born handsome by mid-20th century standards in the 21st century. Also he can't act.
Cause he chose to work for WB. AKA a company that cant make a good capeshit movie to save it's life. Though I think he'd be perfect for a young Batman. When they inevitably reboot DC I mean.
>shut up pussy
What does it feel like to be looked at like that by a beautiful woman
he's more beautiful than she is
You really think he's not considered handsome anymore? Standards have not changed that much
No talent. He's handsome, sure, but basically any role he would be good for is quickly filled by Chris Pratt
Charisma and talent vacuum
He's handsome but he's the kind of guy your aunt would swoon over rather than your sister. Goose doesn't suffer from the same issue.
Goddam that motherfucker is good looking. Lucky prick.
his father is a republican, and as a consequence hes getting stonewalled everywhere he turns.
>He's handsome
Clint is right wing and spoke for the NRA for a bit. That doomed his son.
Not a great actor. Not that much charisma.
His father had more distinguished looks, Scott looks more generic. Handsome sure, but if you ignore that he looks like Clint then there's plenty of Chads looking for work in Hollywood that look as handsome as he is.
>every other movie he's kissing ass to some dirty spics
something doesn't add up here
>neocon faggots aren't republican
adds up pretty well
Clint: 6’2”
Scott: 5’10”
doesn't have an ounce of his father's charm and can't act, not even in a hollywood can't act way but a direct to video way
yeah but he's an open borders, pro-homo Republican
Most likely too outspoken against Hollywood. For instance he doesn't live there because he can't stand it.
not many hollywood "stars" live in hollywood
>Why is Scott Eastwood having such a shit career?
He doesn't need the money and his privileged upbringing has dulled his ambitions
He does it for fun.
Probably not really. thats just his 'official position' so he can keep making movies
He’s also like 5’6”
Scott Eastwood is exactly like his character in Gran Torino. Clint literally made fun of his OWN REAL LIFE SON in his fucking movie. Imagine being him for a second
Scott probably has shitton of psychological problems, and deep seated issues with his father and the entire family.
You're retarded. He makes his own movies and they're about spics half the time. No one is forcing him to do that.
He's beta with daddy issues. It sucks because he's really good looking but because he looks like his dad he'll always be compared to him which ruins it.
>she will never look down on you like that
>down on
>clearly looking up to him
>look down on you
you mean up?
for me it would be
>bunny, you know how i feel about pussy
hehe he eat pussy.
Because he's a poor man's Henry Cavill,
Too white
short and no talent
god damn he's hot
jesus christ
He should just come out of the closet honestly
Forgot the fucking link.
Gays find men more attractive than women. Huh, who knew?
can't get over his short arms
most spics are conservative though
he is not a good actor. worst: he is a very bad actor.
but he has the name and has the potential, who knows.
he could be a fine cyclops into a x-men movie.
I dont think this was true, I remember seeing Scott Eastwood playing the love interest in a music video from some popstar
What it feels like winning the genetic lottery?
What? Look at YouTube on most his interviews. Roasties are thirsty about him
I had this picture on the back of my bedroom door for about 5 years when I was a kid. I didn't realise how much I missed looking at it. Goddamn I loved Dr Goodhead.
Cheers for posting it, based user.
So classically good looking verses nu-good looking?
No talent and a manlet
I remember watching Tightrope for the first time, back in the early 90s. There was a scene where Clint was driving the car with his two kids, older one in the front, younger one in the back, and the older one frowned and had his exact forhead frown-line. I blurted out "holy crap, that's his real kid". Didn't actually know it up to then, didn't even know she existed.
How does a man make such good looking children?
Really boosts your ego.
He's legit the closest thing we have to a giga chad.
Actually, most people seem to be shitting on him. He's quite plainly pretty dumb and not especially charismatic.
his face is also simply matches up better with traditional aesthetics than hers
Its life on easy mode but it's still easier being an attractive female.
This guy is just looking off into the distance and she is in just awe of his face. Holy shit.
>5ft 11
His father could act
>Cyclops is portrayed in the comics the last 20 years as some badass rebel 'fuck tha police' style character instead of the nerd boyscout he always used to be
>Yet they still always cast him as some basic generic white bread pretty boy with no personality
Why does Fox hate the source material so much?
Why do chads have squinty eyes
>it's another Yea Forums faggot husband thread
Predator instinct, focusing his vision so he can sense danger like a minority coming up to him or something.
Because he is plain as fuck. And there's nothing wrong with it. Least he doesn't act plastic like most Hollywood celebrities
I don't know
Noooooo why is she looking at him like that
I liked Marsden as Cyclops, he just wasn't allowed to steal any of Wolverine's thunder.
I especially liked the scene early on in the first movie where Wolverine put a hand on him and he turned to Professor X with an obvious "can I please kick his arse" question on his face. He should have let him do it.
>giga chad
Republicans are blacklisted and discriminated against at the propaganda arm (Hollywood) for the globalist in Babylon (NYC). Scott acting career is just Collateral Damage.
yep, that's modern day republicans alright
If that's true, why is this no talent hack in any movie? Checkmate, atheists.
Refusal to suck semitic schlong.
Did not know he was in Gran Torino. Who did he play?
I've never seen a person whose handsomeness seems to vary so much depending on which angle they are photographed from. He has all the qualities that should make a man attractive but he's extremely bland for a lead actor type who would carry movies. No charisma.
Also he can't act even a little bit.
>Cyclops is portrayed in the comics the last 20 years as some badass rebel 'fuck tha police' style character
Example pls.
I haven't read a comic since the late 90's. I liked the comics,just not the fan club.
>Ana continually lusts over BWC
He was a background character who pussied out when niggers hassled the asian chick he was walking with.
he plays a cringy ass white boy with asian girlfriend. clint had to save his wigger ass.
Clint Eastwood is, in terms of child education, the exact opposite to Smith. If his children want to have a career or be in his movies, they first must convince their dad and the producers that they are right for the job like everyone else.
Just google "Cyclops was right". It's a lot more cringe than people make it look like though.
That was great!
Based boomer keeping fools in line!
....Recommended videos...Don Rickles says racist stuff on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
I think youtube finally figured me out.
Incompetent in the only thing he's expected to be good at. No wonder he's an embarrassment on his legendary pops.
clint is so fucking old he's not even a boomer
All I got was pictures of shirts with the logo "Cyclops was right".
That's enough for me to look no further.
Yeah,he's gotta be at least 32.
>Ana will never look at me like that
so 5’ 8” irl
He's tall when he stands on his wallet.
Too young for Roland.
his father is also a non-jewish conservative so....
I like Marsden in general. He looked and acted the part well. But it's as you said, he was cucked by the writers, ESPECIALLY in X3. Holy fuck did his arc end poorly.
he's 6'2"
Ana de Armas hitting the wall already?
You need to go to the doctor immediately and get your dick checked.
when he said that he doesn't live in hollywood he had some unmistakeable repugnance in his voice
>his character's name in Fast and the Furious 8 was "Little Nobody"
holy shit
Being in a Taylor Swift MV killed any chances.
Giga chad is Chris Hernsworth
he's just Normal Chad
Have no idea. But losing it is pain.
I love it when he smiles
he is not universally good looking
I am not kidding
he is good looking for the stereotypical white girl, but the vast majority of the world is either hue, chink or nigger
that is the reason why people like vin diesel, because it is attractive to that type of people
Scott is too clean cut for the so called "oppressed minorities", aka anyone that is not white
he is a frat chad
poor people don't like frat chads
he probably earn more money from brands ads and sponsorship than movies
in a way, he is like Beckham, earning more money from being attractive than from his craft
I enjoyed that movie. 80s detective comfy vibes. I liked the forensincs without DNA tech yet, they were discussing the killer's blood type heh
his dad is a racist white evil nazi
imagine being that fucking good looking
just for a day
Who is that gremlin beside him
I don't have too, I am. I'm balding though :(
Silent generation, the boomer's boomer. He's a turbo boomer?
look at how she's looking at him
really look closely
imagine living your whole life and never having someone look at you like that
>tfw Clint's making a new film starring my man sam Rockwell
Who can stop this legend!?
pure C H A D
Jesus you're embarrassing. In fairness you're not the only one.
does cùncount?
Looking like Clint =/= being Clint.
The irony is that a man like Scott will never step out of his dad's shadow. Even his name is unremarkable.
>He's legit the closest thing we have to a giga chad.
But that's not Brad Pitt
Makes you feel really good about yourself, but it's only short term. You'll go back to belittling yourself internally because other women ignore you.
To be fair, Clint worked hard for his fame. He's literally a C list actor got lucky and casted by nobody from Europe turns out to be one of the best director of our time.
you may not be kidding, but you are wrong. very wrong
Cant act
Damn Cyclops best boy
Clint's not a very good actor; he can do a specific kind of role, and that's it. He got lucky by being cast as that exact character by a director who was good enough to make a film worth watching, and when the genre of that film was hugely popular.
jej fellow manleto
not jewish
You cant be giga Chad if you use steroids. Giga Chad = Klitschko or Tyson
He's not a virtue signaling feminist cuck so he's been blacklisted.
His dad was played hypermasculine parts when it was socially acceptable to, he also had range, Scott is a pretty boy who can't act the way his father did when he was his age because his career would be non-exist...... oh wait.
His acting is terrible and he isn't that handsome by today's standards. He looks like a regular dude serving frappucino at Starbucks in a big city.
Clint pissed off everyone in Jewlywood for being openly conservative, pro-gun, pro-NRA.
I think it's true in the sense of what Hollywood stars they might have crushes on so it does affect his career, but in the real world every woman would be wet over Eastwood.
The amount of cope in this thread jesus christ
you get used to it
Dude looks and acts like generic roidfag #4153286.
Ugh generic white males
Brat Pitt is a faggot cuck with tranny children and no genetic future. GDE
Does he even have kids? I though they only adopted mutts and niggers.
Yeah, they turned their own offspring into a tranny.
>hurr hurr why doesn't he use his father's connections to get ahead?
Fuck off
Probably feels like an average day for Chad
a chad is a chad no matter the time period he lives in
>She looks like she's about to cum just by being near him.
It's not fair.
that bitch is just mentally ill. Literally every thot i've ever talked with and the subject of lifting came up have always said they think bodybuilder physique are fucking gross
It's just a meme that women like the Goose.
>relying on women to be honest about what they want
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
He is an inferior copy of Clint but still more attractive than 99% of modern ""sex symbols"".
Damn, she almost starts masturbating at one point.
Ahaha, look at this manlet.
They're lying to you dumb fuck incel
This picture is so sweet.
How short is Ana de Armas?? Scott Eastwood is manlet.
First up, they're lying.
Second, this guy is talking about his mother getting over cancer, and she is trying to to tear up. She's also gushing from the vag, but that's besides the point.
ps. The titty-monster holding the thing is his wife.
must be nice
Talentless. Many such cases!
Uncomfortable honestly. My girlfriend stares at me and I don't like it desu.
He's 1.8m, she's 1.68m
He's a manlet
Yeah but she stares at you like this.
Also, she's a fucking hedgehog.
If I remember correctly this guy is telling a sob story about a family tragedy or some shit and the brunette is his gf.
6'0 is a manlet now?
How old were you when you were first diagnosed with autism?
>He kept the mo purely for the moustache rides
A true gentleman.
Ana is so average looking. The most overrated waifu here.
It's 2019 mate
I'm serious. It's fucking weird.
You need to get out there and talk to actual girls. You're killing your mum with this hedgehog fake girlfriend shit. Seriously, could you no at least have found a cat?
>His father is Hollywood royalty
he's not jewish
Look at all those girls mirin holy fuck based Cavill
>Son of an Icon from the era when white men were dominant force everywhere(except for kike producers) can't make it in an era when white men are vilified at every turn.
He's just not a prettyboy, women have always truly loved the masc prettyboy. From Alain Delon to Rudolph Valentino to Johnny Depp to Zac Efron, it has always been the case.
Makes you feel good about yourself and boosts your confidence.
mcu good capeshit...
user capeshit got it's name with the inception of the mcu.
You use the word capeshit yet don't know it's true meaning.
a real capeshitter you must be
He's 5'9 max.
Yeah his mom died from cancer or something
This, although I think it might be the result of some issues which make it hard to accept someone's love.
Imagine them inviting you to their hotel room later that night
girls looking at a man like Mr. Goldberg stares at a bag of shekels.
He literally looks like the serial killer from True Detective. He's even got the scars across his face. Fuck.
Oh God I wish that was me
Because they didn't want to make you feel bad about your dyel body, faggot.
is that the cuban one ana something
And yet, he out-competes you.
he doesn't compete,he pays.
The best part of this webm is that woman on the right is his wife and he's talking about his father's death or something sad like that. But the reporter doesnt care and almost just starts rubbing her pussy right there and then.
this is the honest truth
So the Japs were right about Ugly Bastard after all, huh?
imagine if, for just a second, it was about the individual not their racial/ethnic make up?
What if, maybe he views people strictly as individuals?
or maybe spics are cheap, who knows.
Is that Riley Reid?
His dad came up in a time when most actors were shitty and good actors were extremely rare. Clint's mediocrity put him above most other actors.
Scott is a legitimately shitty actor in a time when there are thousands of competent actors to choose from.
>His dad came up in a time when most actors were shitty and good actors were extremely rare. Clint's mediocrity put him above most other actors.
this has got to be b8
user i think you found madeleine
He's a straight white conservative male.
Everything Hollywood hates.
Americans need to nuke that place. Leave no survivors.
lol the beta cuck who made this webm confuses chad with alpha
It’s hard to do road work when you sleep in silk pajamas.
Every chad is a alpha but not every alpha is a chad
what a whore
This fuck Hollywood
>never experienced that
absolutely insulting
>It's just a meme that women like the Goose.
I'll have to remember that the next time the girls at work start going on about him
>It's just a meme that women like the Goose.
>be 6'4
>you son looks just like you
>except he's 5'7
what did clint do to deserve such a cruel faith?
monkey paw'd
I actually liked him on Pacific Rim 2. His character doing the classic "dick-to-kinda-cool-friend" change was fun.
Is it really hard to tell? Most companies won't even look at him because his dad is on the opposite side of the political spectrum. These people claiming, he can't act, are all bog infused retards. Anyone can fucking act. Even retards can pretend to be normal, it aint hard.
He is handsome generic,which may not help you in hollywood(also 0 charisma).I find his dad more attractive than him to be honest.
>tfw kids look at me like that but im an adult
what do?
Amazon series might redeem that for him
not really
i once caught my sister masturbating to this scene in crazy stupid love
why girls don't clean the crime scene when they finish?
you should tell her that his abs were cgi
He's under 6ft
Poor kid, he almost made it
Fuck lads I have a way stronger jaw than this loser why doesn't stacy notice ME
Who was in the wrong?
He cant fucking act. He has zero stage presence.
Holy shit he looks a lot like his dad.Meanwhile his half brother...
>>tfw kids look at me like that but im an adult
>what do?
Step away from the fucking kids
Doubt those kids were fucking.
if you aren't at least on prettyboy level your life is over unironically
pretty boy face with slayer forehead
they follow me and think im playing with them
im just good with kids i guess
why does anna always look so starved for dick?
I suppose you think Place Beyond the Pines and Only God Forgives is photoshopped too, right? Or do you honestly thing a girl is going to care if it WAS photoshopped? You jack it to animated porn yet you think others will care about what's real and fake.
High cheek bones.
I think she's the autismo user
I used to be pretty boy. I actually had multiple girlfriends that all came to ME instead of me having to come to them which has always been a thing I never properly admired until I started balding. Now I'm a literal incel that can't get laid.
you can get away with being weird way more
He can't act.
He is getting roles simply because he looks like his dad.
>wanting to be a woman
nigga please
Edris is a vastly superior actor, and you damn well know it.
Matthew McConaughey should have been Roland
>choosing an actor based on his race and not his acting skills
Fuck off, reddit.
Damn, why couldn't they get Christian Bale as Black Panther?
I would be okay with this.
Would have been odd, could have been adopted I guess.
They could.
hes transforming into Dragonslayer
Meddle, Leude!
i dont think bale wants to be in the faggot marvel
he has done the best capeshit kino already.
>Pendleton Round Up
I have not once seen the goose there.
Bruh, you can't be serious. Chris Hemsworth's face looks like a rat and his body is that of an average man who has trained a few months.
>you will never be enough of a chad to get away with this
>a girl will never look at me like this , begging to be impregnated
I don't get it, I'm at least decent looking and have the slayer side profile, but only one gf and one girl who I've easily bedded.