Tfw remembering my /pol/ phase

>tfw remembering my /pol/ phase
Any movies or shows that will make me not want to drink as much?

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American History X

Think about it this way OP, having a /pol/ phase is like having chicken pox. It’s unpleasant looking back on it, but now you’re immune from it

I'm in my trans phase right now and I couldn't be happier. You don't need movie to cope just go out and find love.

Watch police bodycam videos to transition back into your /pol/ "phase"

Good for you

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Thank god my pol phase is over. Fuck white people lol

>tfw grew out of the /pol/ phase and then grew back into it
but now I see that Jews are a bigger problem than niggers

Behold Yea Forums you faggots are the ones that should be ashamed of what you have become

You can't call me that word.

>/pol/ phase
I literally am /pol/, fuck faggot ass retards and their """phases"""

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Based based basedpilled

I too was in the 8th grade once.

/pol is more like AIDS.

It will always be with you. Truvada for PreP may keep it under control, but you'll always have that viral load in you, waiting to infect the next person.

You're here forever.

Looks like someone is in their yikes phase

Once you get a job and start having to earn a paycheck to feed yourself alongside actual people you'll realize how cringey and childish your little "movement" against the satanist pedophile leftist jews really is. I pity you for having yet to experience this.

have sex

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Is there a reason you think about trannies so much user?

sweet b8 tranny

They keep shitting up my board with their disgusting fetish. Go dilate.

I don’t understand how /pol/ has many people posting on it. Is America (the most dominant flag on that board) so filled with paranoid and delusional schizos?

>once you become a wageslave for the jews you will see how folly your beliefs are
yeah right, keep telling yourself that

>got a good job
>became a supervisor
>get tasked with hiring every year
>boss takes me aside before I go to the hiring event
>"user if you see any good applicants with UNIQUE names, try and hire them"
I tried to get away from /pol/ but reality keeps pushing me back in

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Christ almighty in heaven deliver us from this deeply evil world

>having phases beyond age 16

i shiggy

Anyone not redpilled is a gibs nigger or underage leech or Jew shill.

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Must be blissful being so simple

You can think things like quotas are bullshit without being a fucking holocaust denier you surely know?



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dilate again

Seek help for your dysphoria. It's never too late to be the truest version of yourself.

>my /pol/ phase
That's like saying "hey remember that time when I actually knew what was going on with the world, I'm so glad I moved on from that haha"

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>Tfw remembering my edgy athiest phase at 14
>Tfw come back to church
>Tfw Jesus still accepts me.

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I gotchu bro

We don't deserve jesus bros. He's too good to us. I've done so many horrible things but he still loves me somehow and it makes me cry.

I don't deny the holocaust, I just think they could have done a better job of it is all

I went through a 4 yaer /pol/ phase before I got a job. Everyone is a fucking immoral degenerate. It made me even more extreme. Yeah the world isn't on fire like some would have you believe but the SOCIETY we live in truly is disgusting. Also fuck niggers

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Nice strawman

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

trans phase is same as pol phase

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cool it virgin

This is a perfect example of putting 3 unrelated things together then chimping out because you want to be offended

Wholesome and christpilled. Love Christ and you shall truly be happy.