So. Michael Haneke is certainly different to say one thing about him. I've seen Seventh Continent, The White Ribbon...

So. Michael Haneke is certainly different to say one thing about him. I've seen Seventh Continent, The White Ribbon, and, as of an hour ago, his 2005 film Cache (Hidden). I was surprised to learn that so many people miss Pierrot and Majid's son talking on the school steps in the last shot of the film. And for me it did change a lot of how I reflected on the film afterwards. Did the two school boys collaborate to terrorize the mother and father? Or was that their first meeting? Although I doubt Majid's participation, the film never bothers to rule him out completely either. Was it Majid?

What did Yea Forums think of Cache 2005? And what of this director's work in general?

Attached: 220px-Cache_Haneke.jpg (220x293, 22K)

Hack or Mac?

Attached: 220px-Michael_Haneke_2009.jpg (220x298, 17K)

it was YOU

>What did Yea Forums think of Cache 2005?
I thought it was shit like everything else he has done

Edgy faggot without act being entertaining or pushing boundaries

Ohhh Fuck

What was bad about it?

you have to be 18 to post here

cache is a real experience for film students on how to play with the camera

It really is. The pov shots, also the establishing shot that resembles the "watcher" footage when Georges and Pierrot leave the house, only for it to turn into a following camera as they walk closer was great. Tricked the fuck out of me, I thought it was just one of the cassettes.

OP here, what Haneke film should I experience next?

Cache is my least favorite by him, and I love all his stuff.

Time of the Wolf
Benny's Video
They aren't talked about as much, but are very good.

Just watch everything in chronological order, most of his films are great

I'll just watch them in order starting over. I fucked up but I'm only 3 in so yeah. I would also love get some more incites on him, because so far my observation of his work is he's not a very emotional director. Supposedly main characters have been kept at a distance emotionally and he tries to give objective kind of camera angles to maybe hide what's truly happening within the mind of his characters.

>What did Yea Forums think of Cache 2005?
another haneke film about how white people are bad and should pay repatriations
>And what of this director's work in general?
he makes movies how how white people are bad and should pay repatriations. also american entertainment bad. also schindlers list was worse than the actual holocaust.

You mean a filmmaker who lives and makes film in a country that's historically been dominantly white makes films with white people in them? Fuck man, that's deep.

I didn't like Benny's Video at all. Can you tell me why it sticks out to you? Maybe I didn't grasp its message or theme.

>hasnt seen Funny Games

t. butthurt hanekefag
you probably think The Piano Teacher is one of the greatest movies of all time, it's so deep!

Just mocking you because you didn't do anything to say why his films are about what you said they're about. In what way is Cache about that, for example?

I liked that the boy was killed in Funny Games, good shit.

Code Unknown is great

do you honestly missed the not-subtle references to the Paris massacre of 1961? you're even more stupid than haneke.

what are the others?

The Piano Teacher is his best and most interesting film. I don't think this movie could even be made in America today. No distributor would dare to release it. It only gets a pass because it's an Austrian/French production

Attached: Piano Teacher.jpg (1288x1600, 328K)

Please explain the connection then, if it's so clear.

He basically says in interviews its about how desensitizing the media has become, especially in regards to violence. Because we see so much violence, in movies, in the news, in video games, we don't understand its impact. He said he heard about some kid who murdered some kid because he wanted to see how it felt. That is why he made Cache. He wanted to resensitize the viewer to violence. Funny Games was essentially the same thing, but in more of a traditional format and more of a commentary on film itself. That's why he doesn't actually show the murders in either films, he leaves that out. He doesn't want to reward your bloodlust, he is very withholding.

>Code Unknown is great
Code Unknown is so awful that only way it's existence is justified is if it legitimately embezzeled it's own funding.

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Interesting. So Cache isn't trying to say how white people should pay reparations to Algerians?

Code Unknown
The White Ribbon
Happy End
white ppl = bad
non-whites = good #refugeeswelcome

haneke movies in the nutshell.

lmao you're so fucking mad. pay reparations whitey.
AMERICAN MEDIA BAD = haneke in the nutshell.

It's amazing how much you're dodging the explanation.

Like I said, if it's so clear then why is it hard for you to start explaining how?

Yeah, man, I'm the one losing cool. lol

How is The White Ribbon saying white people are bad? Are all movies about religious and social repression set in a European country anti-white?

I was replying to a comment asking what Benny's Video was about, not Cache. It's very obvious my comment is not about Cache as Cache does show murder scenes, rather graphically. I think Cache is one of his worst films, if not his worst. It absolutely is a left wing, Marxist bullshit film. When I found out Haneke was raised entirely by women, it made much more sense.

That being said, his earlier films are still worth watching. But Cache and everything afterward is garbage. Fuck Algeria.

This is 100 percent right, but Benny's Video, Funny Games, Piano Teacher, and Amour are genuinely good movies. All the others belong in the trash.

>How is The White Ribbon saying white people are bad?
because it says that the people who did this horrible "crimes" went on to becomes the so-called "nazis" so it means that people of germany were always bad and evil. nazi scum bad.

>" so it means that people of germany were always bad and evil. nazi scum bad.
Pretty sure it says the opposite, that it was nurture, not nature
Can you stop thinking in memes?

I actually didn't have to say it, because somebody else explained that haneke is butthurt with glorious american media.
already explained it.

Idk if this is sarcasm or not, but pretty sure more a critique on anarchism and how it creates a power vacuum for ruthless leaders to rise up in ranks and become the Nazis. It wasn't necessarily just bashing white people for the fun of it.

Ok then it's saying white people are so bad at raising children they grow up to become Nazis. A more based director, like Fukunaga, would do the same thing but with little African niglets, so it's more realistic and contemporary.

t. butthurt protestant scum

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If you only look at that film, sure. But he has like 5 films that are about how evil white people are, even more if you want to count his good movies.

It's very obvious this dude was raised entirely by women. I'm not even kidding, you can look that up. Like seriously, right now.

It was critiquing the 'authoritarian' culture of Germany leading up the wars. The movie was a huge fucking meme honestly, the way they had the family behave around the patriarch figure was cartoonish

I don't even know what you're complaining about now. That an Austrian director didn't make a movie about Africans?

>He said he heard about some kid who murdered some kid because he wanted to see how it felt. That is why he made Cache.

What he said and what you were droning on about with the movie are different. A look at American Media, which is one aspect of the film, has jack to do with what you said.

>do you honestly missed the not-subtle references to the Paris massacre of 1961?
I'm trying to understand how you connected the news pieces in the film with the whole narrative, then walked away thinking the film is actually conveying white people are bad and should pay reparations.

Fukunaga is American and that didn't stop him from making a movie about evil little niglets.

The problem is, all of Haneke's movies are about how evil white people are. They hate minorities, they hate women, they hate themselves. It gets boring. He is a cucked man who was raised by women, and he just has very little to say. He has 4 movies that are pretty good that I already listed. The others are trash.

>the way they had the family behave around the patriarch figure was cartoonish
I mean, not really because that happened a lot in families with religious officials as the fathers.

What does Fukunaga have to do with Haneke? What does Beasts of No Nation have to do with this "evil white people" thing you're accusing Haneke's films of having? Pretty sure it and The White Ribbon had the same operating thesis - that a fucked up childhood will fuck you up irreparably. It seems like you just want to get victimized and are angry that the European director makes bleak movies about Europeans.

No user you see it doesn't happen with white families because niggers or something

An American is going to be more familiar with black history and culture than a Austrian citizen though.

The entire thing was like something an undergrad would write after reading Adorno, it was stilted and contrived

Have you read Adorno?

Because something. Let's go with that, sure.

It's a matter of scale. White people rarely grow up to become Nazis and kill people. It happened a long time ago and yet we hear about like it's still happening. Niglets grow up into biglets all the time and kill tons of people, and not just in Africa. Yet we RARELY hear about that. HMMMM....

I wonder why a man raised by women would hate his own race so much...


Beasts of No Nation is about African niglets, not American nig nogs.

I've read his essay on Kierkegaard and the Authoritarian personality, Im not really a fan. It's the latter that the movie reminded me of, muh white christian patriarch authoritarian.

> (You)
What would you have done if you were one of his children?

As an Ameriburger I didn’t really understand it or what it was trying to say about mudslides or whatever

We just shoot our brown people or thrown them in prison and don’t really give a fuck

>White people rarely grow up to become Nazis and kill people.
Yet I wouldn't be surprised if you want white people to grow up to become Nazis again. Funny, huh?

Of course we want to, every race wants to kill all the other races deep down. But whites are the one race that does it the least and yet people like Haneke acts like we do it the most because he's from a cucked country and was raised by women so he hates himself.

But when they do it they do it with industrial efficiency
And most of their victims tend to be other whites
Like what happened in The White Ribbon HMMMMM.....

What I'm getting at is that an American, by the very nature of America being a melting pot, way more than Austria is, has more history with Africa and there's a bunch of sought after knowledge in America more than an Austrian. Fukunaga can make that kind of film because he grew up with that knowledge, whereas the average Austrian can never learn about how Africa has been in the past because thhose two countries haven't had much dealings with each other. Fukunaga is influeced, Haneke is not.

Not any more so that other races. China was way more efficient. Indonesia was more efficient. Niglets kill millions without even trying. In fact, you could argue that the industrial way was the only way whites could conceivably genocide because they have too much empathy. In other countries they just chop your head off and rape your corpse. But OF COURSE whites are the evil ones.


The average American knows jack shit about Africa. The film this thread was started for is about the history of French Algeria. Haneke knows plenty of world history, he just consistently ignores the horrifying things non whites do on a regular basis just like EVERY OTHER DIRECTOR.


>melting pot
>history with africa

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If you were one of his children being abused, how would counteract it so it didn't come off as "cartoonish"?

All I know is someone was complaining about Haneke not making a Austrian version of Beasts of no Nation, despite what happened in Africa with that story being totally different with the conflicts in Algeria. There's no reason to try and compare.

Yeah, but an Austrian would know even less about Africa. Austria and Africa didn't have shit to do with each other.

The World Wars were a very European event, that involved whites killing each other using cutting edge technology. They are also, given their vast geographic and global nature, more relevant to world history than the isolated incidents you mention that happened elsewhere.
But again Haneke an Austrian, making a film about an Austrian/German happening.
Your entire argument has been whataboutism from the start so completely irrelevant. Seething this hard and resorting to tired memes is just showing your hysteria, a very womanly trait I might say.

My question is why do so many movies focus on the Holocaust and all the EVIL WHITE PEOPLE from decades ago and yet we have one or two movies about all the fucked up insane shit going on in Africa TODAY? Seems a bit odd, doesn't it? Almost like the media has an agenda...

He's a rich, left wing pseudo intellectual. He knows that niggers are killing each other in Africa. I'm pretty sure most people know that.

Almost like you're only talking about Western media

This seems like an excellent opportunity for you to fly down to Africa and film a movie about niggers killing each other.

As if nigs don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime even in the West...

It's almost as if Africa is a shithole that no one in the western media really cares about

I thought you wanted movies about Africans in Africa?

I did. It was awesome. The best part was we didn't even use special effects, because it was actually cheaper to just kill a bunch of people.

Except for the liberals who want to import them into the West...

I want more movies about non-whites committing crime and killing people. Like tons of movies. I want to wake up society.