ITT: Your first celebrity crush
ITT: Your first celebrity crush
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pretty sure she was in some movies
imagine if she did that gyrating on your face as a prank haha
h-hehe oh man wouldn't that be embarrassing
pretty sure she gave me a jewess fetish
shannyn was the first celebrity I went looking for pictures and saving
how many pics exist of her biting her lip?
I forgot, it was few
I've lost most of them since then and haven't looked
Circa 2003~
it always seemed to me that she was pretty in the most unremarkeable way. It's as if she's completely evened out. No edges, no direction to her beauty.
Now I know why - she's mixed.
Stop fucking up other people's bloodlines you guys. It's not about you. Love isn't random, either. You have control.
Gods, she was perfect then.
Doris / Charlene from The Andy Griffith Show.
I'm not a boomer, just didn't have cable growing up.
Not sure if it's my first celebrity crush but it was intense, especially when she's swimming. Flipper comes to mind.
Jennifer Tilly
I remember jerking off to this photoshoot in my teens. Took me several hours to download from Kazaa.
Be still, my racing heart
Jaime in MNE.
I've wanted a Joy gf for so long.
Call me dummy but loves me. Enjoy our comfy trailer.
Busted so many nuts to this thottie
this is the one, man talk about when racemixing goes right
>that arm/belly hair
Lindsay Lohan.
Yes i was a very shallow teenager.
absolutely based
honestly cant remember but i think it might have been hilary duff or lindsay lohan
Elisha Cuthbert in her Popular Mechanics for Kids times... i was in love. i her age so no pedo.
that thing looks like a wah pedal
Either jennifer love hewitt or xena
yeah, very close 2nd
work with a girl who reminds me her
has the big tits/super wholesome personality and everything
She was so cute back in the day. Still is. I pulled a pic from when I got said crush tho.
Amanda Bynes
Damn pique is hitting that?
>45 posts
>no cunny
just nuke this fucking board already
You already posted her. Use to fap to Idle Hands all the time.
nuke yourself pedo
Die in fire degenerate kike
alison mack. unironically. i stop watching smallville because it was getting weird. and the show was shit.
first and last
guess nobody could accuse you of having idle hands then lel
Sarah Michelle Geller in I Know What You Did Last Summer.
I used to jerk off watching it, with my friend in the room (who eventually turned out be gay) and he was also jerking off.
Amy a cute
haha that would be so gross haha imagine eww
Did the ice age move the rock blocking the entrance to the cave that you lived in?
god I miss jerking off with my buddy
I loved that movie!
more like Jennifer Titty lol
this brings back memories
sucks i will never go back
based 90s kid
For me it was Karen Duffy in Blank Check.
Neve Campbell
I busted many a nut to Jessica Alba.
She will always be my Invisible Girl.
crush pic related
first BUCKETS: alyssa milano
Am I still banned?
They got you too? "responding to garbage posts" or some shit? fucking humourless mods.
oh fug I forgot all about her
what a babe, even with short hair
welcome back
Showing my age here. Janine from Ghostbusters. I used to kiss the TV when she appeared onscreen.
how do you check if youre banned again, without posting?
I believe "test" is the preferred nomenclature
Based and Mayberry-pilled
All I said was fuck Niggers and jannies. Fucking pathetic...
You would know if you weren't allowed to post
Got it
Tie between her and
The ass is fat
>You would know if you weren't allowed to post
You took a dive for us.
Can't remember my first celebrity crush, but I was always a leg man. It's a shame legs got out of style as something to fetishize. ZZtop videos were pure leg kino.
Checked and reminder that yoga pants and booty shorts do more than let you look at ass all day.
I cut a picture of her out of The Washington Post when I was 10 when Casper came out. Yes, I'm a boomer of 30 years as they say
wut it’s a compliment
Sorry I thought u was Irish