Groening got old.
They rushed it. If they had taken their time and made something as layered as Futurama or early Simpsons, it would have been good even if the characters and jokes weren't quite up to the old standards.
It just felt a bit empty.
Nothing. It's great. I love it and can't wait for season 2.
I got a feel when she was interning as a torturer/executioner and was helping one victim decide his last meal. Only non-virgins can appreciate that one.
It got good right at the end
found the roastie
The writing essentially. Everything else was fine really.
No sneed's seed and feed references
it feels like 1 main character + 2 mascots, instead of 3 main characters
>american "education"
there can only be one main character in a story, thus called "main". Having more than a single character having the exact same importance to the plot is impossible.
It was greenlit.
What is Sneed's store called in fantasy setting?
not a thing. Faggots like you whining because it didn't have the magic of Futurama need to take the spiked club out your ass
It’s coming.
>calls other faggots
>proceeds to tlk about inserting stuff up asses
too much camiland not enough goriland
The show is shit.
but watching that fucking elf die was worth it
>queen has Adventure Time style animation
>handmaid has that caltech face style
>everyone else has the Groening Simpsons/Futurama style
The current left just isnt funny you cant make fun of anything without appearing offensive. Examples apoo was written out of the show just because of the way he talked in simpsons. The harlem globe trotters would be written out for being stereotypical blacks even though they were smart as hell.
When everyone can destroy a series by being offended then no one can have comedy.
It had potential
>qt tomboy
>interesting setting
>lazy writing
Although the first season of the Simpson's is entirely forgettable and remarkably similar and that show didn't hit its stride till s3+
Futurama was lightening in a bottle and sadly the peak of greoning
>>qt tomboy
>>interesting setting
>there can only be one main character
Says who? Stories are not all boiled down into a simplistic formula of one character driving the plot. I feel like you are thinking too linear in this respect. Also go suck a fucking cock you stupid faggot.
Cartoons seem to be in another slump
Tomboys are God tier
The setting could have been so much more but as I said they bunked it.
I think greonings had it desu
I don't know what everybody thinks is so bad about this show. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to season 2.
First season of Simpsons was about as good as disenchantment
While I agree tomboys are God tier and I would literally murder every single user in this thread to get a tomboy gf, the tomboy MC in this show is not cute at all.
learn to read before you even dare reply to m-
>anime image
nevermind, sorry for asking the impossible.
I agree it could have been better but i still enjoyed it.
I liked the rule 34 bean desu and she has boobies that's enough for me
>her voice is lackluster for animation
>bit lacking in the comedy/gag department
>music feels dull
my main complaints.
post your work
fuck off Matt, make better cartoons.
There was one.
It's a show set in a magical land that lacks any magic of its own.
Plus the voice actors have been done to death, I swear if I hear one more character done by Maurice LaMarche I'm going to start mailing nailbombs.
When that launched I watched the first episode and couldn't even finish it, ended up turning it off out of disgust. Months later I watched the whole thing because I was going to be without internet for a stretch and it was available to download on my phone from Netflix and I was in a hurry. It improves past the first episode but it remains boring as hell. The king's the one enjoyable character, all the protagonists are shit, and the jokes are very rarely worth a damn. It's still a step up from complete unwatchable shit but Jesus Christ it was still pretty bad.
I will say the one thing I kind of liked about it was how it's a continuing story. If the writing wasn't so god-awful I would've liked that aspect fairly well.
>adult content
>"lol we so meta bro XD"
>shit humor pandering to the lowest common denominator
This whole fucking genre needs to die out already. Its lazy, cringey and trying too hard to replicate the success of the few decent ones. Theres hundreds of them and not one is worthwhile. Just fucking die out already. Personally, besides older Simpsons, and the first few seasons of Southpark everything else was overhyped useless trash targetting the retarded Amerilard audience with its garbage subpar humor. Fucking crap.
Everyone wants to be the new South Park but they forgot to include the things that made SP so successful. So all the cringe and adolescent shit, none of the cleverness.
Tell that to a novel, retard.
opinion discaded
I thought it was okay. Not great, but not awful.
I hope the second season is better though.
Nothing, it's Groening kino
Not enough Sneed
I liked it
Needed more suck and fuck
3 things killed the show:
>1. Weak writing
So for one, the jokes were more miss than hit, but I'd say every episode had at least one decent joke... The characters were terribly inconsistent(mainly because this show has 12 writers) which is terrible for a comedy. Bean was spoilt beyond belief, a lazy drunk while also being a talented fighter and yet we were meant to feel sorry for her. She would act like a cunt and then side characters would just say "Wow, your dad's a dick, nothing you do is your own fault." Elfo was inconsistent too, he would go between Ralph Wiggum and Fry and it was so jarring. The Eric Andre Demon was based and him and the king deserved more screentime.
>2. Bad joke timing
This one might be more an editing problem, but I felt a lot of jokes fell flat just because they were held on too long or just had weak delivery. Given the right producers, the exact same content could've been better with some clean ups and better sound design.
>3. Female pandering
This one's debatable but there's quite a bit of feminist/SJW stuff put in the show and played straight. I guess it's to be expected from Netflix but I feel the tone of the show being very aimed at a female audience let down a lot of Groening fans. I would say The Simpsons has a pretty equal male/female audience now days but Futurama was a very male-centric show. It's fine that Groening wanted to do something different, but this ended up hurting the comedy and isolating some fans.
Was it terrible as a whole? No. Entertaining, comfy and potential is still there. Season 2 will make or break this but if they're going to take the hard continuity route, I'd say this show is as good as dead.
Unlikable central protagonist.
Queen just looked like blue Kif
I like when the king left town so she immediately had a party at dads house.
So who is the ONLY mc in game of thrones? or even fight club?
not enough cartoon feet
Good lord.
The main characters are terrible
The supporting characters are terrible (Una excluded)
The story is decent
5/10 watchable
damn you
I can't wait for S11 E5
The Simpsons didn’t hit it’s stride until S11E5
formerly start it
i dont get it
>Futurama was a very male-centric show
You mean the show where every single male character was stupid, incompetent, weak, lazy, greedy or corrupt? And only allowed to demonstrate competence occasionally only if it advanced the plot?
Thanks for the shitty novel,G.R.R.
are you crying because it sounds like youre crying
>t. MRA
I meant most of the main cast were men and the humor was very sci-fi, crude, dude jokes. Also you're wrong. Amy was just as, if not more incompetent than the others in the original run. Leela was a "strong woman" type sure, but she was still flawed and her abilities made sense given her rough upbringing. So in a way, Bean is the polar opposite of the female characters on Futurama, which is not necessarily a good thing.
Tears softly weeping.
Kinda this. It had JUST enough zingers and moments to keep me watching plus Eric Andre.
why do people like futurama so much? It doesnt have a fraction of the soul the first seasons of the simpsons had, and the animation is atrocious
Nostalgia mostly
You sound like a smug dickhead. Why not go choke on some cock?
>lazy writing
Since when have you ever written anything, incel.
The writers should have added sneed
I wrote that post fuck head hahaha rekt
it's a lost city
formely, it lacked that title, as it was not lost
I'll give the show credit for at least trying to write actual jokes instead of simply making pop-culture references non-stop.
Why is everyone in this thread so hostile
also sneed
This is actually true. Not even women thenselves
show is limited by their settings. futurama can have a medieval episode by going to some weird planet. bean's show is always limited to the same shtick
who's the main character of Friends?
There is no main character, it's an ensemble cast.
Futurama was never good.
It had potential. A big example is Matt Berry's character. He should/could had been the stand out Zap Brannigan type but unfortunately wasn't given any good or memorable lines and was ultimately wasted. It's a weird show where it's watchable but it's also so boring.
I think if we cut connections down to extended cohabitation, romantic/family relationships, and pre-adult friendships, it's clear Monica wins main character.
1. Best Friend Chandler
2. Sister Monica
3. Girlfriend Rachel
1. Roommate Joey
2. Best Friend Ross
3. Wife Monica
1. Roommate Chandler
1. Roommate Monica
1. Boyfriend Ross
2. Best Friend Monica
1. Brother Ross
2. Husband Chandler
3. Best Friend Rachel
4. Roommate Phoebe
But Ross is the largest friend, so he is clearly the main character