L dont get it, whys it cool to hate this guy now?

l dont get it, whys it cool to hate this guy now?

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Because he's a pseudo intellectual to appeal to brainlets like you and /pol/

he's a kike puppet and always has been
nice trips tho

Because he's Canadian

I you can’t make a cogent case against literal fucking communism in a debate, you really don’t deserve to be a respected public intellectual.


>far leftists hate him
>far rightists hate him

absolutely based

Pol hates him though

is this lobster memerson? He looks like shit.

I was never a fan of his and I dont follow the trends so thats why I'm asking

The far right never liked him. The moderate right are inherently cowards and abandon anyone or anything at the first sign of trouble. The modern liberal homogeny decided he was vindicated when he had the most boring debate of all time with another stunted intellectual a morbidly obese Slav.

what is your cogent case against communism

Fuck off. Why is it ok to use shitty bait you fucking redditor

He got me to finally clean my room lol

It's just leftist trannies and racist stormfags who hate him, and their opinions are irrelevant.

100 million dead people.

Because he triggers both sides which are filled with nothing but absolute fucking retards like this dumb faggot right here:

Centrists only remain liked so long as they keep btfoing college girls. Once they try and get serious they have nothing to say.

how is this bait? take your autism pills user

>l dont get it, whys it cool to hate this guy now?
Because Chads and far-left women/soibois unironically are seethingly threatened by the possibility of the bottom 80% of men genuinely improving themselves.

All three of those demographics heavily rely on a "bottom of the totem pole" outgroup to focus all their negative energy and emotion on.

this basically. great sign he's an alright guy

Because people who grew up without a father figure are pathetic and mocking them is fun.

>pseudo intellectual
I don't think you know what that means.

thought you guys hated the altright though

>out of absolutely nowhere!

Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to /pol/ for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.

The terrible truth of /pol/ is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.

You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".

/pol/ is the Hurt Box.

Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. /pol/ is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.

You could have prevented this.

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it turns into brutal totalitarianism every single time its adherents gain power.

he got BTFO by zizek, a smelly stalin apologist

>left hates him cause he doesn't think men putting on wigs makes them women
>right hates him cause he's unabashedly anti-white
wow! What a big-brained centrist! Centrism truly is the enlightened position.

Pol never liked this guy, you idiot. He's a glow nigger if I ever saw one.

his kermit the frog canadian accent

It's not. That's just some trannies that live in chaos.

that's basically what he said in the debate though.

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nice joke nerd

have sex

thanks :)

>posts two total common sensical and intelligent things to do
>proceeds to mock it as some sort of ridiculous stance
Based smooth-brained literal retard.

not an argument

This kills the Peterstein fangoys

That’s what’s infuriating - his points were actually true, but he couldn’t make them stick against a clever, funny sophist defending a shit-tier ideology.

Alternatively he’s a typical snake oil salesmen peddling his bullshit to impressionable betas.

>peterson is /pol/
You don't understand a thing

Oh, so he was right, then.

being anti-white is common sense?

You Chads and far-left types never cared about "impressionable betas" being targeted by snakeoil salesmen in the past, why are you so seethingly obsessed about it now?

its founded and perpetuated by Jews

not exactly /pol/ since they will hate anyone trying to give them advice. JP's fans are more church kids and teacher pets types.

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