Are you going to watch Euphoria tomorrow?

Are you going to watch Euphoria tomorrow?

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when i want to watch degenerate shit i just watch porn. what is even the point of peddling this shit on tv?

Can't say I'm going to. Didn't even know it existed.

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I'll wait until the Webms arrive here since that's all I care about

User review will only be ...45%


Hey, that's a penis!

me on the left

that girls vagina looks weird

i cant tell if this is pushing lesbian prograganda or not since its a its a trannie fucking a girl

only if it had actual 16 year olds fucking

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Girls willing to fuck transbians make no sense to me.

pretty cute tranny desu. I definitely would

Nearly all of them aren't from what I can tell. Only guys like traps

And here I thought it would be a live action adaption... what a shame

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>live action tongue injection scene
that would be based but cringepilled

This is why I cancelled my Netflix subscription even tho it's a measly 10 bucks


Euphoria is HBOkino

user it's HBO

yas. i forgot it was tomorrow so thank u

same reason why some cute girls date soi boys on occasion. theyre not really attracted to them, but they because they were there at the right place and right time, they give them a chance briefly
ive encountered dykes who like trannies. they still act smug as hell touting guys are ugly and inferior even though theyre dating a guy

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that bulge is CUTE

thanks for posting.
i remember this being a really good fap when i saw a clip of it.
fuck i loved seeing that blonde german or whatever girl getting her ass beat till red (i think that happened)
im curious to see the story of it now

good taste user

I've seen dykes with trannies but usually when it's basically just a man in a dress.
Never see a tranny that could actually pass with a dyke

oy vey

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weakest quads i've seen all month
i'm still jelly

I'm not going to watch it but this board will be spammed with webms of the interracial scene

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how so

Normalization via a slow burn. Just a few decades ago they'd have hung the people pushing this shit from the tallest trees.

That's progressivism. The constant need to one up everything until you reach a social & moral collapse.

/u/ here
You have no idea my horror when I saw the bulge

Is there naked Zendaya? Only reason I would check it out.

Get back to your age gap general you child molesting freak.

I'm cis female and my girlfriend is trans. We love each other, what's not to get about it?

How would I relate to any of this? So no.

>/u/ here
Absolute plebian

/ll/ is the purest form of love
Go start another twitter crusade, pedo.

Which one of you will an hero first?

Women like to fuck men
some women like effeminate men like gay dudes
transbians are kinda like gay dudes that chicks can fuck

how could you not tell that somethings wrong just by looking at the face

lol no she won't get naked , that's why you have the other slutty actresses. she only does tons of drugs. she's proved herself as an actress apparently and will never appear naked on film

I finally think I broke through to my boomer parents on this issue

Tits, then pussy, then face.
Are you gay or something?

Is there somewhere i can stream this besides HBO? Haven’t seen it yet and I’ll be damned if i give those jews a cent.

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Ugh that manga/anime had some nasty shit in it bruh.

Nobody cares about seeing some dumb extras naked

You're not a lesbian though

And for that reason, I'm out.

You should play the game. It's worse than any adaption.

yeah, the scenes will probably look like this

>approximately 30 penises
Why approximately? Is there 3/4's of a penis or something?

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I want to uwu that bulgy wulgy.~

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burn the abominations

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No, fuck this jew BS.

1 + 1 = 3 penises if chub level is greater than half chub.

You're not a lesbian. You're bisexual. Hope this helps.


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It makes perfect sense. Either they like to use their dick and it's like dating a guy that you can share clothes with or they don't use their dick and you just cuddle a lot like many lesbians.


Good luck, user. I find most people past a certain age totally dismiss it & automatically label anyone who acknowledges it as flat out homophobes, racists, etc (whatever "ism" that can be applied to the topic at hand). So Jews have been very successful in pounding this into everyone's heads via all kinds of different fronts for basically their entire lives.

I've been trying to wake my wife up to it, but I think she's too far gone (she's a professor). I may have to sacrifice her to a random pack of wild niggers one night after I "accidentally" drive us into the wrong neighborhood, leave her alone for something & watch from afar as she gets cultured.

Nah. Looks like sheet t b h.

If it's got hard, trans dick in it, I'll watch it.

If it involves Zendaya doing lewd shit then I'll probably watch some very specific parts of it 'cuz hooo buddy

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>What faggotry is this?
>I recognise that bulge
>that bulge is CUTE
Through the ages: a story of Yea Forums

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Her contract no doubt says she doesn't have to expose her non-existent breasts, much less anything else vital.

Did the Jews Jew themselves here?
What the fuck, I knew their mongrels were drinking the kool-aid in the west, but they do it in their land also?

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>shes a professor
My condolences

It looks disgusting so no

What does she teach?

Any sex scene?