If you think Aliens is better than the original Alien, then you're basically a moronic capefag

If you think Aliens is better than the original Alien, then you're basically a moronic capefag.

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Based and redpilled.

Still trying with this desperate projection, user?
Cameron won, get over it, capeshill.

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I like both, but Ripley is hotter in Alien, so that make it better.

aliens is literally a mindless action filled quip fest

>one genre good
>other genre bad
the sign of a legitimate brainlet

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What I'm not that poster. If anything, Aliens literally is capeshit compared to Alien

Aliens is still a kino masterpiece but Alien is superior, yes

>sperging wild about Aliens 1
Ridleyfags are the absolute worst

T1 > T2

T2 is the best action movie of all time.
And T1 is STILL the better movie.

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I don't give a shit, I'll always love Aliens, fuck what you faggot kids think about it.

Oh look. It's this thread again.

I get what you're saying, but best action movie goes to Predator for me

Oh look it's this post again LOL

but it is, edgemaster

Nigger you stole my fucking thread?

I don't agree. They are equals in different way.
I own the old 'Alien Quadrilogy' and skip 3 or 4 on rewatch according to meed. But I never skip the first two.

lmao didn't mean to steal your thread.

Alien is good and Aliens is good. Why should one be better than the other?


We don't people trying to be reasonable around here, get lost!

Alien is excellent and among the best of its genre. Aliens is barely an average 80s action flick

They are both good on their own terms but Alien is exceptional as an art form, whereas Aliens is basically a typical 80's action-based spinoff. If you think they're both good, OK I also think that. If someone says they're EQUAL, then they know nothing about film.

They're the same film.

-Competent woman ships out with a roughneck crew on a space mission
-They have reason to believe that there might be an alien on a planetoid. With some reservation, they set down
-it's quiet-too quiet
-The woman advises caution and is ignored until shit starts going south. When it gets bad enough, she reluctantly assumes command
-it doesn't matter since the adversary keeps picking off the crew until there's only a few left. A company plant is found out and destroyed
-while escaping the site (which is about to explode and can't be stopped), the woman stupidly turns back to rescue a small creature that she has a sentimental attachment to
-the site explodes, and the woman and the creature escape. All seems well until she realizes that the creature has stowed away on board
-using technology, the woman pushes the creature out the airlock, finally eliminating the threat(..?)
-the final shot shows the woman resting peacefully in her sleep chamber, with the small creature nearby

Sigourney Weaver never assumes command or has any leadership role in the original. She just happens to be the last one standing. Probably still because muh women, but it's nowhere near the cringe absurdity of her becoming the leader of a space marine battalion and fighting a giant queen alien in a power suit.

The second movie is a remake of THEM!.

She does when she rightfully asserts quarantine at the start of Alien. But the unannounced treacherous android ignores her.

Them was an ok movie for being about something so stupid.

cameron makes good action scenes but his characters and dialog are z movie tier

This is an incredibly bad misread. In the original film, Ripley does the following:

-suggests going out after the crew once the translator gives her credible reason to believe that the comm. was a warning, only talked down by Ash
-makes the tough-and-(as vindicated by events)-correct call to exclude the other crew from the ship when they return with contagion, only overridden because situation is fucked, as we'll learn
-quietly circles back with Ash for a one-on-one confrontation when she knows that he knows that he broke the rules. A quiet 1-1 "dude what the fuck" is an entirely appropriate management tactic here.
-explicitly states her senior officer (read: leadership) status during the airlock situation, during above confrontation. She knows very well where she is in the pecking order.
-confronts Dallas himself when he stupidly allows the specimen to remain aboard (Dallas even whines like a non-leader, phoning it in, only wanting to go home: "I just run the ship!")
-volunteers to go into the vent (appropriate to her station) but is stupidly over-ridden on this by captain Dallas (watch how the entire ship falls apart once the captain is killed/grabbed. The captain doesn't go down on the planet/into the vent like some Star Trek episode, except when he does since it's sci-fi after all, but I digress. This is exactly the sort of thing you have your first-mate/number one/vice principal assistant do in a situation like this.)
-holds the team together (barely) while she works the problem and LITERALLY ASSUMES COMMAND, even if only very briefly.
-once the problem (Ash) solves itself, makes the self-destruct call and delegates tasks

Basically you're double-stupid. It's true that she's in over her head and doesn't want leadership, but a common thread in the films is that leadership is thrust upon her and she takes it. Ripley displays more sound leadership/management skill than anyone else except possibly Kane, but we don't get to know him that well.

Actually in contrast to its predecessor Aliens has: an overly long run-time, monotonous and mindless action, stronk independent woman protagonist, and stupid one-liners.
All commonalities with your typical modern capeshit.

It was though.

God fucking damnit all I want is a movie or videogame that takes place in the god damn future of T1&2 is that so fucking hard?


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>Alien is exceptional as an art form
Now, I love Alien, but it's a fucking slasher movie with great set design, nothing more.


What about Prometheus and Covenant?

Ahhh , my first teenage tug

Except it’s pure jumpscares

Netflix-tier capeshit.

I like Alien3 more than Aliens I think


It was ok. You could just easily tell it had some major script and production issues. Just wasn't as good as the first two.