OJ has another message

OJ has another message


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goldmans are absolutely seething rn, just look at that scenery

8 years of no expenses while in comfy jail getting respect from his jail bros
Yep, I'm thinking he's back

based OJ is Back

>"My lawyer Jackie Chiles says if there's one coffee drinker on that jury, I'm gonna be a rich man!"
Real life
>"My lawyer Johnny Cochrane says if there's one black person on that jury, I'm gonna be a free man!"

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Boomer OJ is the best meme of 2019

Yeah thanks for pointing out the obvious

nigga it aint monopoly man's gotta pay rent on what he owns on the outside

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Goes both ways. If he owned any houses he could rent them out the entire time he was in there

>Post yfw you actually meet someone that honestly believes he did do it

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Most people attacking him are blue checkmarks though

>I'm talk about everything from football and maybe get into a bit of politics
He's going to come out as a Trump supporter

lol who even gives a shit about some boomer nigger

Kinda funny that our society just has this famous murderer walking around free and we all laugh it off like some kind of Moldovian town rapist.

old black OJ had a white wife lookie lookie here


>Kinda funny that our society just has this famous murderer walking around free and we all laugh it off like some kind of Moldovian town rapist.
Who are you talking about, Casey Anthony?

well he was acquitted and served his time for that other shit he went down for. no reason to ban former criminals from using social media. no one is forcing you to follow or listen to them. OJ is a shit human being but there are plenty of those.

No hes talking about the Italian one, Amanda Knox


Speaking of OJ


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Whom has he murdered lately?

Matthew Broderick

2020 is going to be an interesting year

yeah he's just a black athlete, that's why he's famous

Well he was also in The Naked Gun movies

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Then /pol/ will suddenly idolize him for killing a kike and a mudshark and getting away with it

The same society that allows kids to strip dance in gay bars?

Jesus , if it were a just world both George Bush and Obama would be in jail for murder.

Based Juice

Dude check the threads on /pol/, they already do

>Then /pol/ will suddenly idolize him for killing a kike and a mudshark and getting away with it
user.. we have always enjoyed that about him

time to reboot Terminator with OJ

Hoping he's about to do that IRL

Who would he target? The rest of the Goldman family?

this is just gonna end up with joe rogan experience episode...

this is a damn good joke and anybody groaning about libtards is a bona fide smoothbrain

Its a reddit joke

this is a joke you fucking idiots.

Fuck the (((Goldmans))). Did their son rush for over 2000 yds in a 14 game season?

Why hasn't Hollywood make a biopic of O.J?

what the fuck is wrong with O.J. he's just going to screw himself again, why doesn't he just play video games.

>yfw he runs for president

hes completely insane

I like it when he slaughters his wife

Based Cosby and OJ are OK in my book and are allowed in the ethnostate.

He has CTE from playing pro football

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>i'm just acting angry and retarded!!
being a convincing triggered swj on twitter isn't comedy

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I would love to see OJ as a Twitch streamer now.

Fucking kek. The whole oj saga is on youtube. 50 hours of when howard was fun

This is one of those jokes that's funny if he isn't serious and hilarious if he is.

>OJ becomes the next great Madden streamer
>starts competing in Madden tournaments
>he starts throwing banter at the zoomers so hard, they all start quiting

>OJ killed a g*rman and a jew

damn that's based

>OJ always talked shit about ghetto culture and the black community
>turns around and murders his wife like any regular nigger would
/pol/ is always right

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daily reminder that the real murderers are still out there

the murderer's name? society.

We live in a murderer.


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Pssst he's gonna be offed early next year remember this post

He will live on in our hearts.

>killing a kike and a mudshark and getting away with it

Get litty

>gets shot by some pissed off white boy at a tournament

the nigga look white in the face

maybe that's how he got away with murder

/leftypol/ is always right

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I've thought that he did the right thing for years. Adulterers are degenerate scum and deserve to be killed.

all 5 of them?

>Amanda Knox
Brainlets actually think she did it and not the nigger whose fingerprints were everywhere.

kek not even OJ would do this

Go to bed Bill.


He literally got away murdering two white chicks.

fucking amazing.