>Infinity War was the most ambitious crossover of all ti–
Infinity War was the most ambitious crossover of all ti–
They should do a crossover with Transformers and Fast & Furious
who the fuck is Joe Kuckold?
He already chickened out of the debate with Destiny. He's a cuck and will dodge this debate too.
A shitposting account.
A satire account that isn’t very good
a meme parody account
stefan is a retard for falling for it
Based Joe. The woke ally we need but don't deserve
Who the fuck is Stefan Molyanus?
Keskold is pretty funny but the avatar is the funniest thing. Its perfect.
this one was funny
modern day Aristotle
Molyneux is a brainlet, that video he did on the australian election was fucking embarrassing.
i actually thought that one was real before i read his name
fucking gold
Oh some of it’s funny, but a lot of the time he’s too on the nose I find
>fat guy with a cartoon profile pic that looks like the default nu-male
Stefan will win, but the white race will ultimately lose...
Well I was skeptical but those triple 7’s don’t lie.
>dude haha I am le unrealistic liberal haha see look at the stupid right wingers believing it
the guy running the account is a right winger
>reads the news for one week and suddenly believes that Liberal opened boat people detention centers aren't just a carrot on a stick for right wing voters while they flood the country with "legal" immigrants
I was puking my guts out, I hope no-one still listens to that neo-con faggot.
I hope he realises which side his type of comedy actually ends up targetting.
pic related was far more ambitious