Heh nottinn personnel, wagies

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based mutt

I'd bust the kid in the chops but it appears someone beat me to it

Ridiculous how journalists are trying to spin this as exploiting the working class. Here's a spoiler: they're paid actors. Reality television is always fake. Even if they did go through the trouble of fishing for genuine reactions (not worth it, it's a gamble that rarely pays off) they're still getting a paycheck when they sign a release.

I hope he gets molested

Pretty impressive how a Netflix show has united conservatives and liberals into both sides agreeing the premise is beyond awful.

cry more wagie

>be 22 years old living on your own in an expensive city
>job hopping from shit job to another, working on your creative project whenever you have an hour of free time but you know it wont pan out
>apply to dozen of jobs that seem better, that might help to alleviate the existential dread that is closing in on you, gripping you by the throat tighter and tighter every day
>you get a call, do the song and dance in the interview you are in but wait! it was a prank bro

i guess ... working people are just too used to be beaten up by life to freak out like a privileged highschool zoomer and go active shooter... nothing bad could come out of a scenario like that, right. just maybe substract one year off the date of one middle age suicide

why can't wagies take a joke

>it's okay because it's fake and gay!

>>be 22 years old living on your own in an expensive city
whos fault is that?

Someone has to punch him and make him loose all his teeth

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I hope someone shoots him in a fit of wagie rage

>have two job interviews lined up that day
>can only choose one of them
>choose the mongoloid kids job interview
>get PWANKED and lose out on other job

no way this thing is human

just like sandyhook

He's a rare mix of all races

this picture is too generous

So based

They should at least pay some money to the people desu

what did he do? can I get a quick rundown?

His adult teeth starting coming in and everyone's mad at him for spitting out baby teeth in public

Physiognomy is real
>Physiognomy is real
Physiognomy is real
>Physiognomy is real
Physiognomy is real
>Physiognomy is real

This. If you want to live in expensive urban centers you have to make at least 70k a year if you come out of school without debt. 90k with debt.

>getting btfo by a mutt
lmao what a great timeline to live in

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you don’t have to hope

>juhst take it waaaygie u fukin ho
>be thankful ooohkay

Clean my poopoo hammock wagie

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>BTFOs wagies while being a real life example of a true mutt
so fucking based


So...what happen?