Other urls found in this thread:
How far did you get?
>How far did you get?
A quarter of the way through reading the title.
It’s really a shame. At CA’s height, it could honestly have expanded into the kind of independent YouTube competitor that I really wish we had now. But a combination of millennial incompetence and SJW entryism strangled it, and now it’s a literal ruin. It could have been so much more.
haha he's so funny!!!
0:11 before i had to pause, be sure to call me a limp wrist leftist if you can get further on your first attempt.
11 seconds
We're doing it.
James is a beta loser.
Mike is the creator of "Loco Bandito".
Culkin is a loner.
Bootsy is a manlet.
Kyle Justin is bald.
Kevin Finn is a made-for-TV movie producer.
Silverman calls Subway a "diet".
Kieran posts in gore threads.
Tony listens to Mr. Metokur
April likes niggers.
Erin works at McDonald's.
Pat hasnt played half of his collection.
Douge is an egotist.
Rob Walker beats his brother.
Linkara is into trannies.
Brad is a degenerate junkie.
Spoony gets pegged by April.
Jesuotaku is now a man.
Lindsay aborted her only child.
Handsome Tom collects unemployment checks.
Jewwario killed himself.
So did Captain S.
Contrapoints is about to kill himself.
Stoklasa is a hack fraud.
Jay is a hair transplant recipient.
Gaming Historian recites wikipedia.
Cannot-be-tamed has breast implants.
Scott the Woz cant bench 50 pounds.
Projared was in a open relationship.
Egoraptor is currently in an open relationship.
Adam is an alcoholic furry who hates his parents.
Alex is gay.
Ralph is Ralph.
Crowder was a voice actor for Arthur.
Shapiro is a neocon.
Rogan is a stoner social democrat.
Peterson is a neolib.
Pewdiepie is a memer.
Ethan is a Jew.
Nintendrew was fired from his job.
Fantano is a hipster douche.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
Oh no! Not the Hardcore Kid!
What the hell
i like how hes such a faggot and offended about a twilight abortion scene
I keep forgetting to do an edit of this
theres some seriously awful shit in this, man. I've seen some shit, but this might be some of the worst....When ever he tries to assert himself i can feel myself compressing into a fucking ball because the second hand embarrassment is so fucking strong. Chris-chan has more dignity.
I have actually, but I had to to it in 30 second spurts spread out over a week. Felt like I'd just taken a metric ton shit when I finally got to the end of it.
Two minutes. I tried
>...that wasnt the reaction i wanted..
>*reaches into pocket, grasping knife*
>Doug: Oh okay...uhh...here we'll do it again!
>*lets go of knife*
Doug will never know how close to death he was at that exact moment.
I actually enjoyed Pawdugan's King's Quest videos back in the day, especially with the rest of the guys on there reading the dialogue. Shame that he's the way he is.
"an 8 year old witch rickets" is how she chooses to defend his honor
where am I?
>he has the arms of an eight year old girl with rickets
Goddamn bitch I'd rather people think I was beating you.
Is it just me me or does doug's brother seem like a complete mongoloid retard? Doug just trots him out like it's brave or something to show off his handicapped brother
That time April paid to have herself painted getting raped by a big bull.
she seem like an okay gf. standing by her man and shit, i believe it.
jesus christ
where as here and based on other things, im pretty sure Rob is a Gigantic asshole
Any opinion that involves some elaborate SJW conspiracy theory I instantly ignore as underage bullshit.
woah, those digits
nice, now i like her even more.
try to survive this
just when i think spoony drama is dead, shit like this surfaces.
it's incredibly boring and barely cringe at all. I've been watching watching douge since the beginning and none of this is cringe at all. maybe because I've been desensitized to this.
people who obsess over tgtwg are just as fucked up as the tgwtg people
oney is fucking obsessed with nc, and it's clearly not healthy. he pretends he hates him, but knows obscure videos nc made.
>adding a cuss word to the end of a silly word! XD!!!!
aw boohoo how could Michael Bay insult pearl harbor :(
Made it to 42:26, not going to try and get further
meh. i've been with worse.
There’s no “elaborate conspiracy” to it. Doug invited in cringy unfunny SJWs like Lindsey, and CA started to suck.
this image is old. OP i know you're just trying to keep your thread going but maybe it's time to masturbate and go to sleep.
Doug doesn’t even have one
I actually haven't even posted yet.
I'm patiently waiting for some Latza posting
Why did I like this guy when I was younger, bros?
>Paul Latza is considered the shittiest TGWTG orbitor
>superior production values
>humor on par with with the rest of the "real" producers
The gamer every gamer should know deserved better.
He started sperging out and screaming "I'M AN ADULT" and my throat felt like it shortened so I had to pause because even though I was "almost done" I literally couldn't stomach anymore
The time read 2:08
Doug doesn’t even have one
8:40 and had to quit
That video is probably one of the more sane and balanced ones he ever did, from what I remember of watching it years ago. He wasn't offended by the abortion scene, he just recognized the irony of something as hamfisted as Twilight trying to address the matter of abortion and got typically histrionic about it.
I got to the part where the genie punched her. I will admit the cartoons beating up a woman was kind of funny but that's it.
A BAT CREDIT CARD?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Those numbers!
>michael moore is just a fat doug
you answered your own question. Remember "frying the coke"??? he was so proud of that
I'm forcing myself all the way through. Wish me luck. I love douge.
that’s white face
how much alcohol did Lindsey have to down to get over performing that stupid shit?
Not as much as usual, considering how she didn't hit a cop or sit on her glasses that time
None.. at that point
Why the fuck does he go so manic that he turns red? Can someone get him some lithium?
>Lindsey is muh SJW maymay
because LOUD is FUNNY
james rolfe seen michael moore live. i wonder what his opinion of him was
James Rolfe has an IQ of 30, who cares about his opinion on anything
>literally constitutes harassment of some literal who e-celeb autist
Why...? Why all that effort?
at least latza has hotter friends
i wish i could have seen her smol ass kicking the police car window with her cute little feets
james rolfe opinion is the only thing keeping cinemassacre afloat. hes the only person featured in the thumbnails
Honestly you say that, but YouTube has a fucking stranglehold on internet entertainment. I hate it, but it’s easy to use and it’s what the people watch shit on. But what are you going to do? Walkers never made anything that was slightly better than dailymotion.com or god forbid Vimeo
>Adam is an alcoholic furry who hates his parents.
Also gay and animalfucker
That’s because James is funny and a total sweetheart
Why do people watch this, how the fuck did any of the actors agree to do this
by what fucked up back door standard?
Why would you touch anything this retard is in, he's insufferable
When I first saw this Mevlin shit posted on Yea Forums, I was quite glad I had quit following TGWTG and not looked back. I think I did check out some of Kickassia, but mainly for like Brad and Furious Fillipe.
Shit. That was like a decade ago.
for context
>he's literally 100 percent correct in his analogy
>your favorite TGWTG personality never got involved in any drama and survived changethechannel
>doesn't even acknowledge it just keeps making content and doing his own thing
>lost hundreds of pounds and got healthy too
If only all the others could have been more like Bennett
would spoony still do it
>Kevin Finn is a made-for-TV movie producer.
that's pretty respectable work desu
I'm sure it's more of a success than what 90% or more of fa/tv/irgins will achieve in their life.
The past week I've been listening to all of the Nostalgia Critic episodes again in order, some of these I haven't seen since they were first uploaded back in the day. It's kind of strange but I feel like I enjoy some of them now more than I did back then. An interesting take-away from this I've noticed though is Doug's really not lost his energy or drive at all, his line delivery and performance skills since the very beginning still has the same enthusiasm that he has now, it's just his approach to how he writes the episodes is different.
It's like a complete contrast with James, who can't act to fucking save his life in newer episodes and he just seems unenthusiastic and dead inside in every episode the slobs churn out for him.
is this from that video of that guy who shot himself because of bjork?
what the fuck is he tweeting?
I just want the prophecy to become reality as soon as possible
>post random pic of douge
>people guess what nostalgia critic episode its from
ill start
I love Douge threads
>who can't act to fucking save his life in newer episodes and he just seems unenthusiastic
doug doesn´t have any kids nor a bitchy wife and has sidekicks on top of that
Why the FUCK would he tweet that? I honestly have no idea what he was thinking.
I really do think the lack of kids is what's kept Doug able to enjoy his living, he still seems like he genuinely has as much fun doing what he does as he did back when he started. It's kind of admirable his work ethic and consistency. The difference between those two feels like night and day now.
C O U C H 'D
I want to blow so many babies into Lindsay. I hope she kills all of them.
I maintain at one point she would have been a great friend who would have likely put out
flat chest fever
Do you think Lupa secretly wants to be hate-fucked by douge?
Why hasn't Doug had any children?
>jannies spend all week deleting cinemassacre threads
>literally. every. cinemassacre thread. deleted. in. 30 mins.
>the fucking douge thread is A-OK and been live for 4 hours
>Why hasn't Doug had any children?
God i wish that were me
RIP mama Walker
I watched the whole thing last week, the Christmas stuff near the end is truly fucking bizarre
We finally know who's been making those Rita threads
He claimed to have a job in IT at one point, even tweeted about it a few times with some whacky scenarios, likely fake, does he still have said job?
23 seconds, I can already tell he's going to milk every joke until its not funny, then continue for another two minutes on it
His job got outsourced to India or some shit, it's part of the Spoonyverse Lore
uh, excuse me? the videos have changed very much in quality
piss poor standard definition video
shrek u seein this?
>tfw no marzgurl gf
Brad's been clean for years now
>his favorite film is Caligula
Knowing Spoony's drive I bet he was re-employmed by the end of the week, right?
I forgot she even existed until she showed up in my YouTube feed about some anime voice actor drama
Yeah, sure it's a secret.
Melvin is fucking hilarious, you guys just didn't get the jokes
the rest is just meh, but far from cringe
Yeah, I'm hoping her impending lawsuit bankrupts her and she has to sell pics of her feet to make ends meet desu
i unironically like Melvin.
The joke is simple
A failed joker wannabee tries to be as badass as the heath lether joker, but fails in every aspect.
1. his backstory is less serious
2. hes doing an internet blog instead of doing bad guy shit
3. hes interrupted by his mother
thats it. wheres the controversy?
Stop making fun of meeeeee
only 1 minute 56 seconds
Brad is actually the only one I still watch
Why does Douge walker not have a twitter? Is he afraid hell be bullied like he was in middle school?
>liked the last jedi
>said everyone who didn't was a russian nazi incel
Yeah I'm thinking Brads based!
How desperate does an 'aspiring actress' need to be to work for these clowns?
>tfw no giantess thicc wife
The only remotely funny skit in this was the devilboner one. When he says his mother never loved him with that wide ass smile, it reminded me of the Barber from Courage the Cowardly dog.
0:02 for me
There is a video of Doug at the end of a video promoting a furry convention. It came out last year and I haven't been able to find it because I don't remember the name of the video. Someone please find it.
I bet she gets Miles of cock.
Mike is based as fuck though
he deleted it im afraid. :(
Still watching Phelus.
How many years is a week in Spoony time?
holy fuck, douge drew furry art
Why does Doug, his brother and his wife always look like it hurts to live
They're very self aware.
Was this Dougs lowest point?
He married her so we dont have to
Fuck this guy, cucked autist left wing now bald faggot
ok, adam
Not many people are aware of this but jewwario is alive and in prison for parking tickets
On camera, definitely. Over his entire life, I doubt it.
Who would be giving a dead guy 5 dollars!
>A quarter of the way through reading the title.
I never liked Bennett and think he has shit taste but I'm glad he fixed his life. I still watch Todd and unironically like his videos.
Some people didn't get Stockholm Syndrome and still can't stand SJW dogshit user. Sorry to tell you this.
I think the main problem was that everyone involved was an incompetent spazz who couldn't organise a wank in a brothel.
Presumably 4981 was at Spoony's height. Christ he really threw it all away didn't he
There was this. There was also Doug not realizing his limits and not playing to his strengths. He wanted to break into Hollywood but had none of the talent required. People watched him because he made fun of stuff from their childhoods, not for his amazing skills in editing and cinematography.
If you actually manage to go past 2:00 it actually becomes funny
Does anyone know when the next history of the power rangers is coming out?
DIdn't Brad have some drama about him pathetically begging his ex to take him back or something?
here are some feet
This was the downfall of the lot of them, I watched their stuff for quick rundowns on things, not for godawful skits where they fight evil versions of themselves in their bedrooms.
>Fantano is a hipster douche.
the least of all sins
So Rich Evans is based? I see.
The bare minimum to have a successful business is being mentally sane, and the best members of CA were highly functional man-children, the worst being literally mentally ill.
Why is Culkin even on this list? He completely unjusted himself, has money in the bank and is down to earth as fuck in his podcast.
>you'll never get a bj from an utterly shitfaced Lindsey ending in her puking on your cock and then keeping sucking it
the Culkin redemption ark is pure kino
Buncha losers
That wasn't da reaction I wanted...
Don't the brothers hate each other?
Whatever happened to the fat chick?
Rob seems a lot smarter and more down to earth than Douge.
That's his sister.
It's the sound. It sounds terribly, and that makes any video seem amateurish. Like so many plebs he falls for the image meme. Yes, Image ofc is important, but disregarding sound like he does is a fucking death blow.
why is it that people with pet birds are always the biggest freakshow degenerates?
did someone say wincest? I definitely heard someone say wincest.
Chad Douge vs Virgin James
Douge's wife is so obese that she may have too many health problems if she got pregnant.
It's amazing that despite all that's happened to him, he's still far more intelligent and level headed than Marzgurl
They look so fucking... midwestern
That's awesome.
No, it's just more of Douge yelling.
>Images that didnt age well
Spoony was making almost 5K a month at his peak, and he willingly let that slip away for poorer health and mental anguish rather than just treating it as work he let it get to him personally.
What is this?
I actually quite like rap critic, he does some of the cringey stuff the others do like shit skits but he's got some good takes.
She doing a lol soo Randon cameo in one of linkara last episodes was such a desperate "watch my channel" moments that was hilarious....almost makes It worthy to watch the caca puffer
damn Bennett looks kinda chad now, good for him.
I never loved his stuff but it wasn't bad.
Probably picked up on that from AVGN because he actually shot and edited his own small films and put a lot of effort into his earlier videos. He'd have skits and fights and shit, but they were usually well done (in the context of his show).
Latza's appearance on the Disney channel.
The funny thing is AVGN started out just to make fun of people getting worked up over old shit no one cares about. CA didn't seem to get the joke and just get worked up over old shit.
>Linkara is into trannies
That's like.
The least terrible thing about him.
why is he always shown from a low angle?
I feel so bad for whoever compiled this. How the fuck did so many people watch this for so long? Why was the Irate Gamer some anti-christ scape goat but Doug was a comic genius? The internet is fucking weird.
This must be why every autismo has this exact sense of humor.
Why does he always film with that huge and empty hall in the background? It looks so jarring. Why does he need a studio if he doesn't do anything with it?
Irate gamer was a 100% AVGN rip off and he got promoted by youtube because he didn't swear (some things never change), doug was just AVGN for movies.
Yeah but just in terms of humor I'd take Bores weird never ending Jewish Skeleton bit over 20 minutes of "FJOEIHFOUEWHFOUEWHFUOEWHFOUW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>Who said that? What is that?
holy fuck
kids are retarded and at that time there was a serious trend of "freak outs" and shit like that. Also when they started peoples expectations both in terms of production were much lower. Times change and they didn't.
He's gonna get me!
I can't get enough of psychicpebbles, of all that old school Newgrounds crew he's the only one that constantly still has me rolling.
>tfw I'm making more on Patreon than Linkara
Douge actually didn't do that many freak outs. The biggest one I can remember was the one that you see in the video at around the two minute mark. I still unironically like some of his older stuff, but after the reboot he started adding in shitty sketches that completely kill the pace and are never funny. It's like he went from regular comedy to the "left can't meme" style comedy where he just monologues and presents his opinions while making the other side (because of course there's an other side) is presented as a caricature without any good points.
Go back to fucking dogs Adam.
Not sure, IG was meh, but his History of Video Games was great.
he was being a faggot. just because a movie has abortion in it does not mean they are trying to have a gay pussy conversation about the abortion issue.
I mean I think the Irate Gamer was a pile of shit but everyone at TGWTG was painfully unfunny too. In fact looking back Youtube was mostly full of pure garbage in 2008. I guess you can chalk up a lot of early e-celeb's success to the audience having slim pickings.
Didn't Spoony do a Twilight review while cramming fast food in his mouth the entire time?
My dad walked in on me and asked why I was wasting my time watching that garbage.
>but his History of Video Games was great.
No, it wasn't.
why can't i find paul latzas gaming channel trailer?
it was a transition time on youtube it was moving over from bedroom webcam vlogs and random shite to slightly better produced vlogs, gimick channels, and cod gameplay.
I don't know, faggot, ask him.
I wanna unironically cuck Spoony. Make him watch with his impotent shriveled dick while I'm ballsdeep in his gf
I am dead inside, I can watch the entire thing and stopped only out of boredom.
He did the one where he was drunk as fuck and cries because his girlfriend broke up with him.
It wasn’t bad at all. Better than any of the shit he put out the and especially now.
Yup. It’s just how internet “humor” evolved, whoever is popular is therefore the most funny. Smartphones were a mistake.
Whats up with this faggot? Why does he act like this?
>It wasn’t bad at all.
Yes, it was.
STOP talking shit about Handsome Tom
>All these zoomers suddenly hate based doug
fuck you kiddies nostalgia critic was comfykino
you say voice actor for arthur like its a bad thing
it's just the logical conclusion of making edgy jokes for money
he scrubbed it off the internet
Twitter was REALLY different back then. What Lupa did was a new kind of attack, and Spoony was hardly in the right place to deal with it.
Truly, Bennett made his own Bennettopia.
you lied to me.
is that a real live pepe?
holy shit
Latza did at one point have a separate gaming channel with 4 other people. He made a trailer for it, but it's been completely scrubbed off the internet. People started re-uploading it as a cringe video, but those were taken down too.
What's the consipracy? SJWs are incompetent and have a tendency to tear things apart over ideology. He brought in a bunch of stereotypical liberal layabouts. Their incompetence led to the site stagnating and slowly collapsing, and then their ideology led them to destroy what was left. It's not like you need a secret cabal in the shadows to explain that.
>last known footage of Latza's Gaming show
>ya homies I'm down with the 4-1-1 so what if my mom was a cop and she raised me single heres my shit rap album
he's so white
good for you Mark now pay someone to edit your footage of your lets plays
It was called Gameception
friendly reminder that, he probably offed himself because he knew his pedo ways were about to be discovered
>jannies delete the mike and slobs threads
Didn’t this bitch do porn?
this thread will auto sage in 5 posts. you have until then to find it and post a link
the trailer/intro to the channel was fantastic but good luck trying to find a reupload
It still kind of is, especially since we’re at the punished-nerd phase
Why does Dog Walker think that slapstick and Tom and Jerry bullshit is the funniest thing ever? He's like an 86 year old boomer when it comes to comedy
He was even balding in High School???
>shit rap album
and yet, i would probably listin to that, over Eggcara's fuck CHRISTMAS ALBUM
Oney's impression of Nostalgia Critic is too good. youtu.be
>when Doug dubbed over him as the Joker because Doug thinks his impression of the Joker is perfect and that no one else can do it but him
Oh fuck, uhh didn’t she do porn under the name axis evol?
Anyone have more MarzMilkers?
i guess there's a slight resemblance but im in no way convinced. i need to do more independant research
thank god this stupid fucking thread is finally ending
man remember the good times years back when we streamed To Boldly Flee together with Yea Forums, all the classic TGWTG hate threads
can we get a sticky for this thread?
I’ll get to work when I get home, but they have the same face and shitty hair
no one has found the linkara gameception channel trailer yet, so it can't end yet
>unassuming side character was secretly the most evil character all along
theyre not the same person, different face
We need to make another one to keep the golden TGWTG general going.
Maybe I’m just fucked up, but as soon as I saw the pic of April, I instantly thought of that bitch
Is he right?
he’s the embodiment of Yea Forums, but not as obese
>tfw she's done a video about a weird fetish clown and has to say the word over and over again
I wanna tickle Marzgurl
He's well on his way
He was a reviewer of fucking board games. Even Doug knew that the autist fan base of his wouldn't want to see that.
When was the moment/video you realized Nostalgia Critic was bad? For me it was his moulin rouge vid with nostalgia chick and fucking brental floss. That video is so embarrassingly bad
>girl looks directly at the camera
>their nods so out of sync
He really couldn't have bothered with a second take could he? That's why Doug never let him sit at the adult table
>comments on your video
>not posting MarzGurl at her peak thiccness
I think his planet of the apes review. I remember just not laughing at it at all. I couldn’t even find humor in the film.