

Attached: talos 01.jpg (711x408, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>fa/tv/irgins don't recognize Harryhausen films
Of fucking course.

based jason and the argobros

Nigga keep talking shit and I'll pull the plug on your ankle and drain the koolaid outa you.

>when his head turns

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This was probably my top favorite movie as a kid. I wore the VHS out.

To this day, I find claymation to be absolutely magical in film

Attached: talos.jpg (728x409, 279K)

Fucking great movie. Had the best soundtrack too.

What I love is how the jerkiness is so fitting given that he's a gigantic metal sculpture. Also, claymation is perfect for monsterous creatures because the unnatural movement makes them more intimidating/frightening, it's brilliant.

literally capeshit for boomers

>literally 4chanbuzzword for 4chanbuzzword

that bronze shit can fuck off, nightmare fuel

7th Voyage was always my favourite, used to make my own little stop motion movies on my old camera phone years ago by hitting pause/play and moving the little Blu-Tac I would make around.

He looks like chad from chad meme

The Virgin Jason, the Chad Talos

Checked and based.


Best sword and sandal kino out there

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue1 - animation.webm (900x540, 2.69M)

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue2 - dance for the Doctor.webm (900x540, 2.66M)

this shit is so off putting it actually works, if the goal was to freak me out

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue3 - vs Sinbad and crew.webm (900x540, 2.72M)

> if the goal was to freak me out
Tom Baker is an acquired taste for sure. But he made for the best Doctor Who.

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue4 - vs Sinbad and crew.webm (900x540, 2.73M)

Wait I can’t remember how did they defeat the skellingtones again?

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue5 - vs Sinbad and crew.webm (900x540, 2.79M)

>when the dancing anime girl is her own backup squad at the same time

The others with Jason die in the fight, he leaps off the cliff into the water to escape them, they fall off and break on the rocks

What kills me about these scenes is the choreography involved. The animators must have gone nuts trying to match their figures to the actors movements.

Pushed them off a cliff IIRC?

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue6 - vs Sinbad and crew.webm (900x540, 2.78M)

Attached: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 kali statue7 - vs Sinbad and crew.webm (900x540, 2.76M)

This is terrifying. I've got to check out these movies.

I think the animation was already well in hand beforehand, so it might be sort of the other way round. Despite not officially being it, Harryhausen was very much the director on all these films, they were built around his effects sequences.

And when it's not done well...

Even Caroline Munro in a leather bikini and thighboots can't save this scene.

Attached: Starcrash 1978 clash of the 7th voyage of the tiger's golden argonauts.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

>When you realize mythology has always been capeshit and what you call capeshit is actually our modern day mythology.

Attached: Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger - Jane Seymour Taryn Power.webm (800x433, 2.9M)

7th Voyage of Sinbad is really goofy and matinee but tons of fun. Besides the effects being great the villain is the best part, very charismatic.

Golden Voyage is the best of those Sinbad films, great adventure film and has Tom Baker as the villain. Besides the Jason and the Argonauts skeleton fight the Kali statue fight in the webms here is probably the best stop motion action scene Harryhausen ever did.

Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger is the oddest one, it feels a bit darker and slower than the other two but it's still good. There's a giant wasp that scared me good as a kid.

two lovely ladies right there

this is the ideal male form and if that bothers you, you might be a s o i b o y

Poor blondie nearly cracked her nose open on the rock.

Attached: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 1970 giant crabs.webm (1000x562, 2.75M)

This film was runner-up in the vfx oscars in 1971.

Attached: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 1970 yfw egg hatches and wrong species.webm (1000x562, 2.71M)

Attached: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 1970 tricycleops.webm (700x392, 2.7M)

boomer kino

Attached: TWT its you.webm (960x720, 642K)

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Poor zoomzooms can't enjoy good movies.

these things freaked me out as a kid

Him just pulling a gun out of nowhere always cracks me up.

Would this work or look well in modern movies?

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Now THIS is Kino!

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I teach middle school and we had a Greek history day. I had to watch Jason and the Argonauts with a bunch of 12-13 year olds. All of them hated the movie and mocked it mercilessly.

It really hurt my feelings because I love it.

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No. Stopmotion has never looked realistic, even if you added modern digital motionblur and motion interpolation.

you might as well have shown them some wild west film from the 1910 were everything is slightly sped up due to undercranking.

Thats's how old that film looked to these kids.

See Zoomers are growing in a CGI-infested bland hellscape of cynical materialism, they're growing up without dreams into a crumbling world and are losing their childhood innocence wonder faster than boomers and millennials ever did. For them, the adventure, charm and style of older movies is well and truly lost. The best of us grew up on these movies, grew up on practical and the transition from traditional animation to CGI. These new kids never had it and it's our duty to raise them on the good stuff so they have a greater understanding of this media. Now don't get me wrong, good CGI when utilized correctly as a tool and not a crutch is wonderful, but that's very rarely the case. As a kid I loved Harryhausen movies, we should pass these things on.

Combo of animooted dinos and a playmate-of-the-year in a bikini.

Attached: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 1970 snek hugs.webm (900x506, 2.74M)

CGI got nothing to do with it. It looked bad back then and it looks bad now. Alot of the effects and projections in this film just looks hillariously bad.
Just look at this shit.

Nobody but 4-10 year olds would take any of this seriously, even in 1963. Everyone else would treat it like we treat Godzilla today. It's a 2 hour time waster with and some stupid entertainment.

Do I appreciate the craftwork? Yes, does it look realistic? Fuck no.

>even in 1963
Why is there a 20 year old trying to tell people what folks in 1963 thought of films?

>It looked bad back then and it looks bad now
>It's a 2 hour time waster with and some stupid entertainment.
Fucking hell, you're either a no-fun faggot with zero imagination and immersive ability, or a zoomer. You have no sense of self awareness.

>does it look realistic? Fuck no.
It's not supposed to look realistic numb nuts, it's fucking magic, it's supposed to stick out. Grow a sense of wonder you cynical jackass.
>hurpus durpus ids subbosed to loog bad :DDD
No it's meant to look out of place and fantastic, but you wouldn't understand you materialist cum stain.

It has a particular appeal, which you're obliged to deny-I remember you (you're probably the same one) from a harryhausen thread about 6-8 months back or so, same argument. Since you're committed to your frame, I'll re-frame in terms that absolutely everyone in this place can understand:

Harryhausen, practical effects, etc: soul

CGI: soulless

Your next go-to at this point will be to put two clips side-by-side to make your case, and double down (just fucking look at it, dude!!!). But this won't impeach the subjective, qualitative soul, charm, of the cruder, earlier work. The same aesthetic reason why a band's earlier, crude material is frequently more beloved than their later polished albums. Happily, we're not all Korean bugmen who only care about pixels and refresh rate.

You also miss the camp appeal (and at this point you'll complain that enjoying something on a camp/ironic level is a dodge which amounts to abdicating the technical skill side... again, missing the point of subjectivity). "Camp" appeal is enjoyed by media like Star Trek TOS (heavily associated with many 60s properties, the caveman clips posted ITT are exemplars). Again, Soul. Another useful adjective: Charm, versus charmlessness. Please feel free to resume your autistic screeching about the high quality video game graphics.

Fucking REKT

It worked well in the Terminator movie. Maybe it was cause it was a machine.

It's quite frightening, d.e.s.u.

Amazing scene, but what kind of an idiot would try to fight that thing using swords? It's made out of stone, for Pete's sake.

>that bronze shit can fuck off, nightmare fuel

Imagine how freakish and terrifying statues must have been for ancients, actually. They actually believed them to be alive and embodying or possessed of horrific, amoral godforms. And they're just so eerie looking in themselves.

kali statue rule 34

It's definitely supposed to be offputting. It's supposed to evoke the experience of the strange and exotic and ancient.

>Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!

>But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you."

>Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!

>And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!

>The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!

>Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?

>And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!

>So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!

>For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!

>Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!

>And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!

>Trust in me, Whiterun! Trust in the words of Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!

>tfw this claymation/stop motion shit from 40 years ago has better fight choreography than the last Star Wars movie

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Find me a movie review from 1963 which takes this film as anything more than a 2 hour of over the top B action movie schlock. This isnt Spartacus or Ben Hur.

The metacritic score is based off a whole bunch of 45 year olds fauning over a film they saw and loved when they were 11.

No fuck you. You went on a rant trashing a whole generation for literally not liking what you liked when you grew up.

Why do attribute the opinion that I am some sort of champion of CGI VFX in movies? I have never stated so. CGI is the bane of modern movies in my opinion because it lacks any personal touch as all the VFX is outsourced to major production houses that has 300 script monkies pushing 3D library assets around in maya.


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I never even noticed the sphinx nipples till like 20 years later
Those were some nice fuckin statues

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No one is calling you a faggot enough. Please come back when you get some taste.

I'm more of a Mysterious Island man personally.

Attached: mysteriousisland.jpg (560x309, 78K)

Oh sorry I dont bend backwards for 60's boomer capeshit. It's as vapid and dumb as any of the Marvel movies. The only credibility it has is that it's based off greek mythology which it managed to butcher in the process.

What are your favorites?

When will we ever have underage faggots banned?

I'm 29. Probably older than you.

Mysterious Island > Clash of the Titans > 7th Voyage > Golden Voyage

I'm 30. Get your shit together bro. You can't seem to enjoy good things without projecting this weird sense of modern day tech onto things. It was fucking great back then, Harryhausen is still celebrated, and you act like you somehow have a better opinion. Get fucking real.

Modern day stuff is all just camera trickery in comparison.

Attached: balls.webm (460x458, 365K)

>Get fucking real.
I am. The debate sparked off when people in this thread wasnt self aware enough to realise that hollywood B movie schlock from the 60's dont hit home with kids and teenagers of today. As an arts and craft dude myself, I appreciate the craftmanship that went into these films.
>You can't seem to enjoy good things without projecting this weird sense of modern day tech onto things.
I dont, but you cant watch Nosferatu from 1922 and still think it's scary the same way people in the 1920s did.
These things dont exist in a vacum.

i'm guessing all these responses are coming from people who are either nostalgic for these movies or those who reflexively hate on modern capeshit without fully knowing why. you're definitely spot on there.

I just find it weird that you say you can appreciate the work that went into it, yet fail to suspend your disbelief to find the movies immersive and entertaining. Sure, a teenager who's never been exposed to older stuff will think its crap(like they think anything pre2010's). However if you were to show these films to younger kids, I seriously doubt that the lack of CGI will hamper their ability to get absorbed in the movie. I know it didn't for me.

People who dislike Ray Harryhausen. I never thought I'd find a new group of people to hate.

No that dude is just retarded. You can't honestly compare the capeshit of today to these older fantasy films.

>I just find it weird that you say you can appreciate the work that went into it, yet fail to suspend your disbelief to find the movies immersive and entertaining.
The same way I can appreciate Radiohead, yet find their music mind numbingly dull because there isnt enough energy in their music for me.

>However if you were to show these films to younger kids,
Sure, but remember that these kids are 5 years removed from covering your face with your hands in front of them was enough to make them think you had disappeared. So I dont think that is any measure of quality.

But teenagers are shit anyway and hiveminds due to fear of social alianation, so they are no standard of quality either.

These films wont go away. 15 year old film enthusiasts of today will stumble across these films and find the inherent quality of the craftmanship even though it's big dumb movies about gods and demi gods swinging swords and throwing bolts of lightning at each other.

Well then you're pretty delusional, willfully at that and cant see past your own bias and nostalgia.

Thanks for killing the thread, faggot.

Stop feeding the troll.

Attached: talos 02.jpg (564x322, 47K)

I dont think harryhausen kino is anything special and also i think zoomers should be genocided from the face of this Earth

Modern CGI can look good when done right. Most often there's always a cheap look to it though (eg., Black Panther rhinos and final fight scene) unless they splurge the budget completely on it.

The robots in Kill Command were fantastic. Like some user pointed out above though: the stop-motion works well with the giant statue type stuff because the stuttery movement looks right for them - and CGI works wonders with mechanical stuff.

Attached: Kill Command robo ambush.webm (900x374, 2.76M)

They look rather generic in my opinion. The most appropriate use of CGI I can think of is Pacific Rim and Fury Road. Pacific Rim specifically because of the use of camera placement, the camera placement is grounded like it would if it were actuall cameras shoting giant robots and not flying all over the place like a video game.

And Fury Road because it is the most perfect blend of practical and CGI in recent memory, with the exception of the giant sand storm scene and oversaturation, latter can be fixed by just dialing your tv/monitor saturation back 25%.

Was this peak cinema ?

Based and redpilled

>t. Th*lmor

>The most appropriate use of CGI I can think of is Pacific Rim and Fury Road. Pacific Rim specifically because of the use of camera placement, the camera placement is grounded like it would if it were actuall cameras shoting giant robots and not flying all over the place like a video game.

This is a very good point. The smoothness and perfect maneuvering through everything of the simulated camera view makes it look absurd too. Sometimes I appreciate videogamey CGI cinematography though, if it's just embracing it to the point of extreme superrealism. But if they want to tone down those qualities I agree that crazy flying aerial views etc should be avoided.

That's usually what takes me out of CGI heavy films, I wish alot more directors observed this and had their cameras placed and positioned in their CGI scenes as if they were shot for real.

Snap zooms is also one I loathe.

Talos is literally awesome.

Yeah. And when they do try to do more 'realistic' cinematography they go for cheesy cliched tactics like - besides the snap zoom - shaky cam to look like you're really there in the battle, or lens flare. None of which is necessary either.

You Fool! I've been trained in your Jedi Arts by Count Dooku!

>no follow up movies after this one
still mad

This guy smokes cocks.
That shit was awesome.

>No fuck you. You went on a rant trashing a whole generation for literally not liking what you liked when you grew up.
You deserve worse zoomer.

that scene you posted is amazing though

>believes Marvel marketing
Yeah, I saw Stan Lee spew that bullshit too.

Attached: ValleyofGwangi1969.94638_102520130143.jpg (645x420, 138K)

They have to make a modern film with stop motion, or at least try.

Have you been watching those CGI artists critique CGI videos?

No, I’m not gay

This shit freaked me the fuck out as a kid. I'd always let the video play and go hide in another room until the point they kill the statue.

More of a Journey to the Centre of the Earth man myself. Except when Pat Boone sings.

Opposite for me. Everytime it was on TV, it was always the bit I looked forward to. Bernard Hermann's score is underappreciated as well.

>this recently made movie is just like these other recently made movies

Will ever get stop motion /live action Kino again ?

Attached: IMG_2675.jpg (500x373, 96K)

The effects themselves look bad but the details, sound design, and direction are great. The patina on the titan, the metal creaking, the creeping sweeping shots of the quiet windy valley. Even the way the Titan moves when it awakens is phenomenal: it gingerly half stumbles off it's podium like a man rising from a long sleep, and actually leans against the podium and stares up at the sky, as if its legs are numb and it's confused about why it's suddenly alive. And it doesn't run around gracefully, instead stomping about with slow and uncertain movements like a drunk elephant. It has weight to it and a personality.

If this were modern garbage the Titan would jump 50 feet up off it's podium with a crashing boom and cause a huge earthquake that topples the mountains and would run around swinging it's giant sword at Heracles with the same speed and grace as 5 foot man would at a mouse, kicking up huge columns of dust and sand and effortlessly cleaving pillars and rocks in half like they were made of styrofoam while some shitty electric guitar/orchestral choir song blares over the ear splitting screaming of smashing rocks and explosions, and the big finale to the scene would be Heracles jumping a hundred feet with a giant sword and cleaving the Titans heel while Jason fires a giant Catapult from his massive ship and the missile hits the Titan and explodes in a massive multicoloured cgi fireball.

The effects would sure as shit look better than claymation but everything else would be garbage. I'd rather watch some boomer duel a claymation skeleton while xylophones play in the background a hundred times over any of the headache inducing, weightless, nauseating pile of capeshit we have for movies nowadays.

Attached: jason-talos.jpg (620x356, 26K)

This scene fucking got me good.


They are using fog/smoke to obscure the shot, like rain/darkness in Pacific Rim. Capeshit cgi is terrible because they do extended shots and close ups in broad daylight. BTS of Starship Troopers (1997) has Verhoven talking about the limitations of cgi and how he only used brief shots interspersed with live action.

I remember watching an old black and white movie on tv late one night. I only caught the end of it. It was a fight scene between Tarzan or a Tarzan rip off character and a caveman called Kwali or Kuali or something. Kwali ended up dying in a fire. The whole fight was narrated by what sounded like an old timey news reel voiceover. Also there was a stop motion elephant or mammoth. Never found out what the movie was called.

How's it possible for these to look dated as they do yet look better than modern day CGI?

Holy shit

it's a dead art



It was bad enough with Clash of the Titans, they better fucking not remake Jason and the Argochads

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Harryhausen put a lot of effort into making his creatures seem alive by giving them a personality. He'd have them absentmindedly scratch themselves, stumble when walking and other small things that give the viewer an impression that it's something that could actually exist, despite the crude effects.
Today we have huge teams of underpaid CGI artists who just want to get the job done and don't have the communication with each other or the time to do such things. There are some exceptions when a director with a vision is involved with the CGI action, such as Pacific Rim or Reign of Fire. So most of the time a monster will walk onto screen, roar at the camera and then attack the human characters.
Look at these scenes, one is from Harryhausens OG Clash of the Titans:
And the remake:

The Ray Harryhausen foundation is trying to get one of his old scripts made for a new film
There's also Full Moon's The Primevals made in the 90's but never released that's back in post-production.

papa Wes is our only hope for that

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Here we go again. Stop posting, you eternal retard. You have no idea what you are talking about.

This is the ideal male form and if that bothers you, you might be a sojboy

>It worked well in the Terminator movie
Not really.

Don't waste your time on lost retards here, user. some of the fags posting here have nothing but their nostalgia and their "being in the know" of something "special". No point in arguing, even if you happen to make actual sense, as you do here.

>I gave up on standards of quality and dwell in the past. Why don't you do too.
Yeah you can go jump off a roof, buddy

That's not what impresses me the most. The Blue-screen keying is incredible. Next to zero black lines and the blending into the scene is perfect. You'll notice it more with the torches in the background as her arms pass in front of them.

Skeleton fight is pure kino
Avatar is pure kino
Incel zoomers are pure killyourselfo

Blind contrarianism for attention belongs on YouTube

>Blind contrarianism for attention belongs on YouTube
Do you even know where you are?
This is fucking contrarian central

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Jason and the Argonauts is a fucking masterpiece.
Avatar is an unoriginal piece of shit with bad CGI.

That scene where the cyclops starts eating dudes in Sinbad legit laid the foundations of an unwelcome vore fascination of mine.

Too bad you are dwarfed by based Harry. You did something but the problem is you did it too late

whos the blonde chinck shes gorgeous

This one makes no sense. It would have been cheaper to put someone in a costume.

>Even Caroline Munro in a leather bikini and thighboots can't save this scene.
Speak for yourself gayboi.
I think I did better stop motion with GI Joe and Lego in middle school.

The weird stilted movements of stop motion actually enhance the effect since its statues coming to life, they should look stilted and unnatural. CGI is just too smooth for that kind of effect.

>hum the back of this eldritch murdering monster is exposed for a quick kill, I should make sure to take the time to turn around and attack him from the front

>CGI is just too smooth for that kind of effect.
I really liked the rock giants in the Noah movie. It was a really jerky stop motion effect that felt like what a pile of rocks animated by angelic beings would move like.
The movie was a big wet fart, but that part stood out.

great film
dem skellytons is the best

Attached: jason2.jpg (282x178, 10K)

Kino stop-motion will never look bad, even in a thousand years.

Oh fuck we have a busy Harryhausen thread for once and I was busy doing something else.
Anyway I watch all 16 of his movies from time to time. Jason is great but sadly they didn't even end it properly only teased some second part that was never made and it would only take 5 minutes. My three favorite are 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and Clash of the Titans. The most underrated are First Men in the Moon and The Valley of Gwangi.

Thats creepy af, I really need to check these movies out

Idk, Heely

Uh oh, it needs to dilate.

>all the Thalmor shills ITT

Best explanation -> CGI is soulless normie garbage

Fucking BASED

>This is fucking contrarian central

No its not mongoloid

spend 12 years on this shit site and you'll see


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Speaking of mongoloids, I always thought Calibos' design was kino af.

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True, and it's been really swell that Michelle Obama has never sued.

It's not that CGI is too smooth, it's that nobody involved in the production of modern movies gives a shit. The pajeets and nips and nerds animating the stuff are just in it for a paycheque, the jew writer creates a script solely with the intention of trying to make a billion dollars, and the cuck director just wants to go to interviews and talk about how important they are. The taste of movie goers has plummeted to almost nothing, and as long as they got boom booms and zap zaps to stare at while shovelling nachos and hot dogs into their gullets they're perfectly content to keep supporting an industry that increasingly puts less and less effort into its product.

The best we can get are passion projects from directors who already made the studio billions with normieshit flicks and now have the clout to make something not for retards.


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Never actually watched any of Harryhausen's work. Are there any particularly good ones?

Imagine if they made a Justice League movie back in those days and Steppenwolf was stop motion.
Sounds like pure kino to me.

Attached: Steppenwolf_DCEU_0001.png (626x691, 611K)

General Kenobi?

What's the point of this lie? The one thing anyone can agree on is Avatar in 2009 had excellent CGI.

Clash of the Titans, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, and Jason and the Argonauts are all musts for me.

One of my favourite films. Grew up on this in Bongland in the 1970s; it seemed like Jason and the Argonauts was on every bank holiday and Christmas.

This scene is still one of my favourites in film; specifically *that* sound. That and the scene in the first Star Trek reboot where a crew member gets sucked into space; the intense noise of explosions and then silence. Great sound moments.

Had a little resin Talos figure for years (where he straddles the ship) on a shelf for years until it fell off and he's in pieces now - wish is ironic.

And Mighty Joe Young, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and Valley of Gwangi. In fact I'd only advise against watching Animal World, It Came from Beneath the Sea and maybe Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger but this one is not strictly bad it's jus the weakest of the Sinbad movies.
Also Three World of Gulliver is maybe not as exciting as other ones but still closer to the book than most adaptations.

Jason and the Argonaughts, Clash of the Titans, 7th and Golden Voyage of Sinbad are generally regarded as his best.
Beast from 20,000 Fathoms is also a good 50's monster movie that would inspire Godzilla.
If you're interested in other animators; Willis O'Brians (Harryhausens mentor) OG King Kong is a must and Black Scorpion is OK.
Jim Danforth did the excellent When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth and the very campy Sinbad ripoff Jack the Giant Killer.
Q: The Winged Serpent and Dragonslayer also have great stop motion creatures.

There's a tangible feeling you get from this that CGI simply can't recreate, with very few exceptions, like that one scene in Under the Skin for example.
But older movies are generally much scarier, some of which aren't even intended to be horror.

Underappreciated non-stop motion effect.

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Also we're gonna get a new one. Can't wait. Also Force of the Trojans but something tells me we may not hear about this project ever again it's tough to get something like this off the ground pretty much independently.

Loved Caroline Munro.

Attached: golden voyage of sinbad-3.webm (1000x600, 2.74M)

You boomers ain't lying. Everything was better back then.

This was the only good use of CGI, (and maybe a few parts of the Star Wars prequels)

Attached: davy jones pirates of the caribean.jpg (2048x1130, 344K)

Attached: download (3).jpg (223x226, 9K)

I knew about The Primevals finally getting released but never clocked that it was David Allen. Loved his work on Q.

>over a decade
>arguably still the best CGI creation

based zizek saving the day

Incredibly Reddit thing to say. You need to go back.