Well congratulations!
Well congratulations!
Other urls found in this thread:
grats bro
Was getting congratulated part of your plan?
Just watched this again today, weird. Congratulation big guy!
anime is for fucking faggot losers
Anime website
Rei > Asuka
Wrong, but we can agree to disagree.
back to your >Yea Forums containment board. Faggots. Saged and reported.
u mad
Anime website
is it your cake day? happy dubs
Unironically, have sex.
I have to agree most anime fans are mental
Unironically, have kids
things have changed, weebs have an hero'd. the anime holdovers are young invaders from other sites waiting for the rope at the end of their technicolor cartoon hell
I bet he has already cum.
Ok, bend over sweetie
I love that walk
fat, pube farm bearded loser virgins. Back to Yea Forums
I don't see what's so great about this show. I was going to give up on it halfway through but the only reason I didn't is because I wanted so see if Misato got FUCKED, cause she was really hot.
Old AMV nostalgia
Is this from NGE or the rebuilds? Don't remember the animation looking so good in the original desu.
TV series. There are plenty of scenes with good animation
he's right, isn't he?
right, guys?
TV. You can see it around 1:26 in
>Well congratulations!
you dont get to bring frens shinji
i am the fren that is your perception of me as a fren
I love sushi
and gaymen
I've never watched this anime. Which version should I watch?
What do you mean by 'version'? Release? Just get the Sephirotic batch and watch everything in order
The original TV series then End of Evangelion. Then you can watch Rebuild.
Based and redpilled.
Isn't there like 4 remakes of the same shit?
Swriously umagine them raping u jav style
No. There are rebuilds but they are 4 movies that came out much later and are an alternative story. They are optional viewing after the original TV series and End Of Evangelion movie.
I just finsihed watching the last 2 episodes for the first time and a rewatch of NGE
Cosplay can practically be put into the anime group. "Oekaki" is a Japanese word, put it in the pile too. Most of the video game boards are heavy on Japanese games.
>Most of the video game boards are heavy on Japanese games
either you don't go on those boards or you are purposely lying
i want anime p*ssy
/vr/ talks about Japanese games more than anything, as does Yea Forums to a lesser extent.
Random sample of Yea Forums threads. Notice how many are focused on games or characters from Japanese games.
Good thing this is 4channel and not Yea Forums
Based post fellow 4channeler!
literally me
would Timothee Chalamet as Shinji and Zendaya as Asuka in a live action netflix adaption be kino? who would be cast as the others?
Idris Elba as Gendo
Mindy Kaling as Misato
This is the definitive version. It's even better than the BDs it's based on.
it should be a crime to make that qt look at that horse face in the eyes
Unironically, why did he let himself get caught?
The animation of Unit 01 is used at 3:01, but the whole video is great
i cry evrytim
>all those porn threads
based Yea Forums
it was part of his master plan
He fell in love with Shinji and decided to die for him
Are there live action shows with shit still being figured out 25 years later?
>Tfw want to watch this show but am too mature/grown up
Can anyone help me with this? I keep trying to get into this but it's just way to fucking cringe
Sounds like you'll never enjoy life.
Just do it. I watched it for the first time last month. When the Netflix version hits, Yea Forums will be flooded with Eva shit. Might as well see what the fuck people have been talking about for the past 20 years.
wassat, ya dun like Asuka's feem toon?
And what was that
Sounds like the theme for some kind of country bumpkin.
I just don't think I can stomach multiple hours of unironic anime. I'm not gay enough, I'd have to imagine myself as a 14 year old who likes Linkin Park
I'm not attracted to cartoon characters or underaged girls, that's weird
I don't watch anime either. And I didn't think I could stomach it either, but I went through it. Now I know what the big fuss is about, and can move on and never watch another anime again.
>"Shagisu-san, I want you to compose a theme for this next character. Now, she's an outspoken western-type girl who's loud, boisterous and prideful..."
>Theme is a rootin'-tootin' hoedown hootenanny!
>"Th...th-thank you. I.. It's w-wonderful, hehe..."
>And he just leaves it in there
Of courshe
You did watch EoE, right?
I did. You kinda have to.
With that production budget it's not like he could afford to throw away anything
>it's a gainax ending episode
Congratulations, brothah!
Congratulations when I durn to yah!
Congratulations mister!
Take care, dude!
Thank you!
no, this is a mango board, animu a shit. moe a shit.
Just finished eoe. Should I give the tv show a go?
moar liek CUMFAGUGAYTIONS amirite lel
literally one of the greatest portrayals of depression in media, no wonder why most people hate it
y-your digits don't prove anything! fuck you
If you had depression you would know you feel like shit no matter what you're doing. Your favorite food tastes like mush, a cool summer breeze feels annoying, the future looks bleak.
I want you to think about that and then see where you are posting before you call anyone loser or talk shot about anime
we live inside a congratulation
>"Sadamoto-san, this next character is a cold, distant, semi-robotic alien-human hybrid with little-to-no sense of social mores or personal agency. I need you to make her seem as creepy, repulsive and off-putting as you can in order to fully communicate these aspects of her character."
>Sadamoto gives her exotic features (blue hair/red eyes), immaculate chalk-white skin (a feature that is often prized in Japanese women), a pretty face and a nubile young-adult body in a skin-tight suit and no conception of human modesty.
>"Th-that's okay, I suppose. We'll use that one. G-good job, Sadamoto-san! Hehe..."
>Anno is still salty that people liked her to this very goddamn day
They tried to make her look alarming with the albino look, but her face is just too comforting to look at.
The standing orders of "Make her seem vaguely like a mother" and "Make her seem vaguely like an alien" were probably at odds with each other
well, the alien is the mother of humanity after all
Don't forget being a submissive doormat, either. The Japs simply HATE that shit, right?
Shinji was right, though. Anime has become Japan's greatest export commodity.
Twin Peakusu
Anno truly is the nip Lynch
Taking Eva webm requests
thanks user
>rei blushes purple
she's one big chromatic aberration
Hopefully the new dub doesn't suck ass
It's Netflix, of course they are. They will ruin the show, EoE and Death.
I don't think they have the rights to edit anything outside of the dub (I'm probably wrong, though)
bump cause why not
Based and Red fucking pilled.
Anime = Trash.
Most anime is trash and weebs are still terrible shitposters, however, Evangelion made me appreciate that something good could come out of the medium. I don't think i'll watch anime again, though.
After the inevitable collapse of modern society (et. Industrial Society And I'ts Future), future historians will look back on evangelion the same way they we look back on Homer's The Odyssey
>that one historian who discovers the Yea Forums archives and shifts through decades of rei/asuka waifu wars
If you're reading this in the future, bless you.
evangelion is shit
what's the next step of his master plan?
Congratulations, Charlie.
CIA best girl
Can I get one Rei burger please?
>implying the big circle is not /pol/
Uh, you dont get to bring friends.
Reminder that m00t DECLARED Asuka to be best girl
Rei clearly has an housekeeping fetish there's that other scene where she blushes when Shinji tells he was mirin her while she was wiping the floor at school
>t. faggot loser
Moot was a faggot. I wish he had chosen Rei
You would have missed out. The good shit really starts with episode 16.
Uplifting ain't it
Rei is Gei.
the only time he was ever right
You mean Usaka?
anime website
Imagine not being mature enough to just live your own life and do whatever you want
>anime is for fucking faggot losers
.t sperg who posts on anonymous image board and complains about others enjoying movies.
We're ALL fucking faggot loosers