Movies that accurately predicted the future?
Movies that accurately predicted the future?
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This is pretty based
Cyberpunk worlds tend to be the most realisti ones
Because we already live in a cyberpunk world, user. We just don't have LED tubes on our guns yet.
Wasn't the creator black?
Regardless, it's funny how young people think much of what is happening is new today. Just read kacyznski's manifesto to see what an intelligent person could examine within academic culture of the time if they were honest. None of this shit is new.
>read kacyznski's manifesto
i love this board
Its isn't new but nobodies been able to put a solution in action against this shit
wow a game was right!!!!
When are we getting a br2049 joi?
Not him, but Kaczynski was absolutely right. Go read it yourself.
>Wasn't the creator black?
Yep, based Mike Pondsmith.
That word salad is so generic you could apply it to any age. Only an adolescent would find it to be profound.
ITT: People mistake nihilism for realism.
nobody really wants to.
It's saying cultural identity and natural, biological diversity is wrong, not that 21st century "diversity" is wrong.
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
against what specifically?
I'm not an ancap like Uncle Ted, but ancap is more of a prescriptive solution to the mental disorder of leftism or modern liberalism as Uncle Ted so accurately described.
we literally live in a cyberpunk world and everything predicted is coming true.
Ted was more of an anprim
"Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity, it's about saving yourself."
Society being shit and slowly bleeding out from leftism
newfag detected, Uncle Ted is respected on every board including Yea Forums
>society's fallen, it's all collapsing around us
even an autist like refn knows bros
who will save us?
Criminals in London have started to sew LED lights into their hoodies to confuse facial capture on surveillance cameras. Cyberpunk is here
-Western Society in Transition by Volker Bornschier
-The Unknown Revolution, 1917-1921 by Voline
--The Federation of the World by Benjamin Franklin Trueblood
That's good shit.
Sucks that Lal is the most beta civ leader. He has too much of that shitty UN spirit rather then the chad spirit of 76
>oh no someone got killed boohoo
Yeah, I'm more of a Morgan fan personally but that Lal quote is great.
Our present is cyberpunk but without the fun flavor and twice the crushing misery.
>tfw i managed to bug mandalore enough to make a review about the best game ever and he even quoted me verbatim numerous times in it
more people should play alpha centauri
> word salad
Brainlet detected
It's a shame the actual game is shit
And it's all our fault, which is the most crushing of all. We could be gods at this point, but we have an extreme desire for self sabotage.
Classic, predicted the rise of infotanment, and reality tv among others. I love the part where the Marxist revolutionaries are arguing with the network over distribution and syndication rights.
The niggers and kikes
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary
I was pretty far left when I stumbled upon his manifesto. I was fascinated by his hatred for technology, so I thought I'd give it a read. Instead I was given a cold shower when he began describing the psychology behind progressivism. My initial reaction was to disregard it as some lunatic gibberish.
But after a while of introspection, and seeing how everyone in my social circle was exactly like he described, down to the very last detail, it began to dawn on me that he was right.
Yeah, it feels like it could have been made yesterday and it was from 1976. Honestly even current films don't satirize the present as well as Network did.
Hopefully the future will look like Shadowrun
>But after a while of introspection, and seeing how everyone in my social circle was exactly like he described, down to the very last detail, it began to dawn on me that he was right.
you're one of the few who is capable of doing this. most of them never will
So that's where it's from!
I'm a retard and thought the musician made this up for the track. Never thought to google where the sample came from. Gonna watch this movie tonight for sure.
Yeah, that's the thing. Progressivism isn't so much an ideology as it is a mental condition, or a symptom of a mental illness.
I was one of the lucky ones who wasn't too fucked in the head to be able to recognize it and break the conditioning.
It was a very strange feel, though. Having to come to terms with the fact that your entire world view has been wrong the entire time is a hard one to swallow.
absolutely based and our guy
Still waiting for when I can hook my brain up to a computer and forget about reality
Ted needs a Ted. Yes, modern life is unnatural and harmful. But a world where invention is forcibly banned would also be unnatural and harmful.
>I was very special and this let me be in a special group of special people different from everyone else that can recognize our own specialness
Seems like you just got conditioned again famalam
>no matter what you believe if someone else somewhere in the world believes the same thing then you're a sheep
kys bruh
>Being slightly fucked, but not completely fucked in the head earns me a Special™ medal
look, it's Allen West
could just simplify this to
>no matter what you believe, someone thinks you're a sheep.
not a documentary because it implies white people will still be around.
I heard this wasn't suppose to be a documentary. Is that true?
This shit already existed hardcore in 1988 you retards
hard times make strong men
strong men make good times
good times make weak men
weak men make hard times
you're right of course, I meant anprim not ancap
this but unironically unironically
stop shouting sperg
Friendly reminder that Uncle Ted is very responsive to written mail.
just because you're shouting doesn't make your statements false
nah. Go ahead, link me to the leftoid version of Ted. There isn't one, because leftists lack empathy and are unable to understand the thinking of others.
pretty damn good writing skills even after being in the box for so long
The Cartoon Wars episode of South Park will likely be studied years from now. I remember watching that for the first time in 2006 (back when edgy humor was the most profitable thing on television and no one seemed to give a shit about any specific group other than Muslims) and thinking about how scary the closing speech was, and hoping to god nothing like that would ever happen. 13 years later here we are, and they were exactly right.
the speech from that episode isn't on youtube but this is the next best thing
>sent him a poem every week
>tfw after 3 months i suddenly got a letter back telling me to please stop sending him poems
So he read unabombers manifesto big whoo
>We're gonna say it..
the "wetback" episode is really good too
>iT's ALwayS BeEN LikE tHiS!!!
The shitskin population of my country has skyrocketed in the last 20 years, like well over doubled and only increasing faster and faster, and all the fucking boomers are like "hurrr why are you so worried about the immigrants, we never worried this much!"
Of course you didn't you stupid fucks, you were never presented with the very real reality of becoming a fucking minority in your own country in your lifetime.
Enoch Powell was right. It hasn't always been like this.
Also the bombs, those didn't help
how can i mail him?
Should have written out and slightly altered the first half of Stan then sent that to him.
Maybe you should reconsider it. Just because a person is correct does not mean that he is right.
What is pic from
Based choco lady. How did she ever get hired/promoted in the first place?
I don't know, I searched everywhere and couldn't find it
By being black kek
>Hire black for "diverse" perspective
>They don't think what you told them to think
>Fire black
Fuck yes Tzusing is great
That description of the modern leftist part of the manifesto is the single most accurate thing I've ever read in my life.
Read the letter in the post he replied to. Ted wrote a return address on that letter.
He was also experimented on as part of MKUltra, which made him emotionally unstable. He was a true genius but.
A negress said this?
I want to do this, but when they tell me to stop I just double down and send even more.
Who should I choose? Give me someone serving a life sentence so they don't get out and hunt me down.
I don't agree with Ted on his views of technology but he hit the nail on the head when it came to identifying the psychological construction of contemporary (mainly left-wing) political ideologism. It's almost scary how accurate he was.
That was literally one of the strangest coincidences I've ever seen. Wasn't MKUltra and its effects on society already fairly established as a conspiracy "theory" by the time it became public that he was one of the test subjects in the program? Or did I just catch on late?
>None of this shit is new.
It’s always the stupidest possible people who call this movie prophetic
wait till you read what sc justice clarence thomas thinks about affirmative action
You are too low IQ for this (basic) conversation. Go count the genders.
Nobody. You'll have to save yourself.
What dems did during the affirmation was unforgivable.
Things are going to be fine. New nations popping up is lindy. There are still hundreds of millions of Caucasoids and hundreds of millions of Mongoloids left in the world. Nothing to fret about yet.
>Regardless, it's funny how young people think much of what is happening is new today.
Exactly, we just need to read Greek Mythology, especially The Iliad. Add some technology and everything is already there (even computers and androids).
>wealthy white people think treating others equally is bad and that it actually means those people are being greedy for not wanting to be shit on and it will all lead to chaos
>Criminals in London have started to sew LED lights into their hoodies to confuse facial capture on surveillance cameras. Cyberpunk is here
In other countries they use paint, I even heard of "invisible paint" used for that purpose.
>Cyberpunk worlds tend to be the most realisti ones
>rampant corporate power destroying the environment and society and creating a living hellworld you cannot escape
pretty prescient
The Trump administration is 100% this movie.
>>wealthy white people think treating others equally is bad and that it actually means those people are being greedy for not wanting to be shit on and it will all lead to chaos
You think that Blacks getting shot when they attack police is unequal oppression. Fuck off.
is that cumulative? and the definition of article changed to literally a tumblr post, soon to devolve further into twitter posts and buzzfeed's gold standard being 2 sentences and 5 pictures
Manhunt: Unabomber
What would have happened had Ted not delegitimized himself in spectacular fashion?
Any Luis Royo future will do really.
I remember listening to a couple of basedpodcasters talk about Kaczinski and even they were like “ok... don’t take us the wrong way, and we do not wish to discredit his crimes but his writings due have some very head nodding points”
Nobody would have read his manifesto.
This is so very sad and telling at the same time. We are on a bad social trajectory.
He'd be ignored and forgotten.
What he did wasn't right, but it did lead to him achieving his goal of widespread awareness.
If anything he legitimized himself.
Otherwise he would have been just another smart right wing academic: silenced, with low grants, few awards, and constant paranoia of reprimand
Yeah me too. Was a progressive undergrad in 2012 and read that manifesto out of curiosity, because I was into AI stuff at the time. That bit about the Leftists stuck in my head and never left because it described me and everyone around me so well
Of course, this also blows up the "progressives are destroying everything!!!" narrative, since everyone is in on rampant corporate power destroying the environment and society.
Nothing, you wouldn't know who he is. He was driven out of the intelligentsia and his ideas suppressed the only reason the media printed his manifesto is because he blew people up.
I suppose if he'd blown up people who he claimed justifiable reasons for assassinating rather than random innocents his ideas might have gotten more traction but he'd still be in prison.
>just turn your brain off, bro
>stop looking at facts, just use your heart
Where the hell are my Zaibatsu arcologies housing thousands of tech wizards overriding the will of entire nation-states?
I think this sums up our current world nicely
Refn is well spoken and knows his shit. he just likes saying weird shit in interviews for some reason.
He did target his assassinations.
why not?
chayefsky was a zionist shill and network is one of the most overrated films of all time
Corpos pay progressives retard.
>Half the US Government is built around special snowflake whities not wanting to give up power.
>Yup, it's diversities fault.
*cracks open monster*
Facebook HQ
>t. uncle tom
Yes, news articles you faggot. Academia was drenched in this shit for most of past century. Bolsheviks in eastern block was spewing it for decades, even unironically called it the 'Normalization'.
Hate speech laws were pushed by Stalin, in aliance with islamic countries.
>Progressivism isn't so much an ideology as it is a mental condition, or a symptom of a mental illness.
Neuroscience has proven that reactionaries are reptile-brained and driven primarily by irrational fear. But yeah, progressiveness is a "mental condition." Lel.
Basically it's the truth. It's ideology all the way down.
Do people honestly think Social Justice is a new thing?
The amygdala is associated with risk assessment. You can use magnets to inhibit it and decrease fear of stupid decisions and belief in God.
The mainstream media shift to the radical far left is new and only increasing. With the backing of tech megacorps a huge army of indoctrinated people who despise Europeans is being created.
if people who disregard logic and empathy for their ideological opposites to push for regressive policy are working from a "reptile-brained" perspective of reckless fear then wouldn't the same hold true for the folks on the other end of the bell curve doing the same for progressive policy?
Diversity will continue to be a thing until enough latinos identify as 'white' and the democrats start pandering to 'whites' once again.
Yeah but it's not like people haven't been saying this shit for decades. People in the 80's and 90's didn't "predict the future", they were just making fun of what college professors were saying.
Using meme parentheses doesn't change the fact that if you're a right winger you actually have a less evolved brain than a progressive does. Enjoy your reptile atavism, you fucking literal mongoloid.
worshiping "science" as a substitute for religion doesn't make you smarter than others, communist faggot
>Neuroscience has proven that reactionaries are reptile-brained and driven primarily by irrational fear
lmao. You are so brainwashed and so much dumber than you think you are. You probably couldn't even define the scientific method to save your life
Man. The lighting on the set of the Colbert show has gotten really drastic.
>desire for self sabotage
You mean supporting minorities right?
>trusting the state to take care of you
Yeah, you're a fucking genius dude.
kek did you just take a fucking screenshot of your own tweet OP? also everything in that Cyberpunk image is true, fuck kikes
I find it funny that communists worship science when the only scientists in the soviet union were kidnapped Nazis. The communist party line discouraged actual science.
Reminder as anti tech as Ted was primarily primitivism was a social concept about the mental relationship between man and technology. You can have technology and be a primitivist but it must be done under the primitivist mindset
>Just because a person is correct does not mean that he is right
“A man who is not a liberal at 16 has no heart,” ventured British statesman Benjamin Disraeli, and “A man who is not a conservative at 60 has no head.” It is often true that younger citizens tend to be more liberal and that the older and more successful people become, the more conservative they become.
>gender is a social construct
>I was born in a wrong body
Having reptilian brain would be a step up for you, comrade.
For many decades, America had denied the White race its own nations, schools, organizations, and everything necessary for racial survival, while at the same time race-mixing was promoted and enforced with fanatic fervor.
>that the older and more successful people become, the more conservative they become.
because there's such a shortage of poor, bitter, unsuccessful old conservatives right? that's what you'll become if you live so long
>British statesman Benjamin Disraeli
Point is that leftshittism is for kids.
Or to put it anothother way; Neuroscience has proven that progressives lack the natural ability to assess risk.
I'd rather be too afraid of something, and avoid death. Than be too fucking dumb to recognize the danger and walk into certain death.
In the 1960s student protests were rocking the universities in the U.S., and in 1970 a volume titled “Student Unrest: Threat or Promise?” was published. A version of the expression using the word “liberal” instead of “socialist” or “republican” was presented: 14
Adolescent rebellion has been tolerated, and even sanctioned, as a “normal” stage of human development. After all, “if you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.”
Based Shirouposter
>if you're a right winger you actually have a less evolved brain than a progressive does
Why do you believe this but not that niggers have evolved less intelligence than whites and even less than asians and even less than Jews?
Passage of the “Harmony Laws“, giving large cash grants to all inter-racial couples involving a White woman were the LAST STARW for many disenfranchised White males. Several thousand of them, mostly young, migrated to the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
Futilely they had pleaded with the dwindling number of young White women to join them, but with only a few exceptions their anguished pleas were scornfully rejected with the System’s mindless buzzwords, like racist, sexist and bigot. So, since the first two prerequisites for the survival of a race are territory and breeding stock, history repeated itself.
with a premise that hopelessly compromised there's no point at all beyond helping people like you cling to your needy sentimental fantasies
>unsuccessful old conservatives
Pretty sure they've all had sex which makes them more successful than you'll ever be
>Why do you believe this but not that niggers have evolved less intelligence than whites
Well, user, you *did* play your part. Unconsciously and unintentionally, but you sure as hell played it.
because evolution stops at the neck
t. i fucking love science
Based Ted
>Haha, I'll dodge this question by flipping my apparent hypocrisy over on him, even though he hasn't actually said anything hypocritical yet
I don't know if you're just intellectually dishonest or a complete fucking retard. I'm going to go with a combination of both.
At the time of the events chronicled here, these rebels had established tenuous control over portions of Western Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. They call this “Kinsland“, and they use the initials KD as a short appellation for a guerrilla army of Kinsland Defenders.
Over twelve hundred years earlier, some Aryan folk migrated to Scandinavia to escape the race-denying, universalist, alien tyrannical religion from Rome and Judea. Only thus could they keep their race alive. From Scandinavia they went “a-viking“, raiding occupied Europe for mates and for the necessities of life. Kinslanders of the 21st century followed the example of heroic ancestors.
he's a leftist. honesty is not part of the deal
When the alternative's owning to up to the fact that you're such a liability it's not like you've got much of a choice. I won't fault you for that.
>leftism as a precondition
Pretty rich, jefe.
Uncle Tom was an allegory for Jesus and a person who refused to snitch on slaves that ran away, you Godforsaken dumb cunt
Tell me where he is wrong.
>t. leftist
Formerly Fiction
>When the alternative's owning to up to the fact that you're such a liability
When are you going to own up to the fact that niggers are a liability for any nation? Blacks lived better under colonialism than they do today.
>t. fretful paracosmist
At least you can fuck and suck each other all day in Kinsland.
>At least you can fuck and suck each other all day
Are you seriously saying that like it's a bad thing? Typical right winger larping as a progressive, once you upset them the bigotry comes out every time.
All lefties are reactionary faggots, the fact they deny this is hilarious.
I could see both China and Russia playing on this to diminish the power of the unites states. It's going to be fun when these people realize identity poltics doesn't mean shit in these countries we either by all our oil from or have make all our shit and electronics.
The less whites there are the more gay sex there is. Kinsland would probably have the least amount of homosexuality in the world.
This is nothing new. The current political climate is actually eerily close to communist Russia right before shit hit the fan. Similar rhetoric, same buzzwords, everything. This shit doesn't change, it just adapts to the times.
the fuck is kinsland
Russia doesn't need to do anything. The current PC cancer is unironically the fruits of KGBs labor, after they began their commie indoctrination programs in US universities in the 1960s, which became a self-sufficient operation without the need of outside help in the 70s or 80s.
Chinas effort to destabilize us boils down to sending fentanyl by the tons, and supplying Mexican cartels with the chemicals they need to produce meth for the American market. There aren't any indicators of them pushing the insane PC shit, but nothing would surprise me.
It's a white only country in some dumbass white supremacist novel. Not saying the US should be any less than 99% white, but the big white supremacist figures from 1950-2000 fucked any hope of fighting back against liberalism by being so unmarketable to the masses.
>fucked any hope of fighting back against liberalism by being so unmarketable to the masses.
you dumbfucks are doing the same shit but worse with brenton tarrant.
I love this so much.
Ideas such as white guilt and microaggressions really only make sense if you assume that white people are superior. Because nobody would go to Mongolia and get upset that they have to learn the language and assimilate to the culture. Nobody would see that Mongolians hold their business and academic positions and ever think to complain about it. But you WOULD complain about these things if you thought that Mongolians were better than everybody else and it made you feel bad. You would resent them for not including you, and for insisting you do things their way first.
It's like how that one black college student got upset when she saw a banana peel in a tree. There's absolutely no racist connection you could make... unless you believed that black people are like monkeys. So she went ahead and got offended by the prejudices in her own mind.
Amazon is building arcologies but for now you'll have to settle for the wage slave cage
Sounds like white supremacist tears but okay
>got memed into watching this movie
>nothing on politics
>nothing on race
>nothing on diversity
>it's just r-selected vs k-selected people
The difference is a lot of the wackier ideas used to be confined to academia, but social media has made them more mainstream (or at least more visible).
Fuck that's scary and another thing that really scares me is this: Private gun ownership seems like the one thing that could stop some totalitarian regime from taking over the US. Guns might not even matter in a few years. The government could already have advanced enough technology to just wipe out vast amounts of people overnight. Stuff like advanced AI picking out all political enemies and the government just sending out poison or bioweapons to kill them. Total tinfoil hat shit but throughout the last 100 years there have been purges of millions of political dissidents and advanced technology only makes it easier.
solid bait
How many lefties cried when Trump was elected? How many articles have been written about Trump tearing America apart lol?
It's bait until redditors see these posts and think they are in good company
We need a more pithy way of expressing this. He's so spot on, but it really hasn't caught on yet due to how abstract and wordy a criticism it is.
The US will likely fall this century however. Thats the different this time.
>it's a Teddy thread
>technophile statists get BTFO
Every time
You can't. All you can do is to look out for yourself and your family.
The funny thing is that while Obama was in office, the left were cheering for government surveillance programs and other programs which granted the government unprecedented levels of power. While the right tried to argue that giving the government such levels of power can go wrong, since at some point we can end up with a leader who isn't as kind as Obama, who might abuse those powers. An argument that the leftists simply ignored.
Then only 3-4 years later, Trump came along. And they are absolutely fucking seething.
Why is no one mass migrating to countries that aren't populated by European people?
Dude was crazy but also brilliant. Shouldn't underestimate what he had to say.
usa is populated with mexicans and everyone wants to go there though you fucking retard.
He had a lot of valid complaints, but there's no putting the genie back in the bottle with technology. We're just going to have to direct it as best we can.
maybe cuz they're fucking poor?
This. Except for like Japan, and even Japan is having more immigration lately.
nobody wants to migrate to poland
shitloads of people are looking for green cards to live in cali, a state where 60% of its residents are hispanics though.
I think Europeans make it easiest to just move in
It's a combination of that and the other countries being less desirable I guess.
>better known for other work
Ted was just against technological society. he generally has nothing but bad things to say about other environmentalist authors that are vaguely related to them. They tend to be delusional larping hippies. While Ted is certainly appreciative of nature, his main motivation seems to simply be that non-technological society (which extend to life in general) is the only one that's stable long term. He sincerely believes we'll all be dead in a few millennia or less, which is a blink in time, or that alternatively the tech will collapse naturally and the resulting fallout will be a much worse situation to support primitive human life, if it can at all. While he certainly has many issues with technological society's affects on human life, he doesn't pretend more primitive life is a utopia.
thats because cali is rich though.
>state with 70% non-white populace is the richest in usa
rly makes you think huh nazis
other states btfo
>Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or racists to abuse them, etc
>Many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait
Things are starting to make sense now.
it's not from the rulebook, it's from a splatbook that wasn't written by Pondsmith. However it was approved by him
>replying to commiecucks
My favorite is all the Democrats whining about Trump "packing the courts" with his judges when it's only possible because of something Democrats did under Obama when they wanted to get as many liberal judges confirmed to federal courts as possible. McConnell warned them they would regret removing filibusters for the minority party during judicial confirmations one day and he was right.
He went after academics with his mail bombs
>there's no putting the genie back in the bottle
it's called revolution, friend
He wrote an entire book blowing you vapid techies out with this shit.
>he wrote a book that means he's right
Prove me wrong. How do you erase technology and prevent people from recreating it?
Not even a techie, it just seems hopeless trying to reverse things totally.
by killing yourself.
no you means nobody have to deal with your retarded bullshit so no more problem on your end.
uh, i meant a spiritual revolution
>hates technology
>posts about this on Yea Forums
You go first.
If you are genuinly currious as to why both the argument that tech is here to stay and tech can be directed wisely to minimize damage aren't valid read anti-tech revolution, why and how.
he explicitly refutes these claims, and they are viable primarily due to how self-propagating systems function.
This is fiction. Those government surveillance programs were put into place by the Bush administration under the Patriot Act, and Obama's support of those programs while in office was one of the primary reasons if not THE primary reason for the disillusionment with him that undoubtedly occurred within his base. This disillusionment is also essentially what lead to Trump being elected because once Clinton received the Democratic nomination instead of Sanders, the left simply didn't come out to vote. A vocal minority even voted for Trump as some kind of statement.
>Then only 3-4 years later, Trump came along. And they are absolutely fucking seething.
And you're... happy about it, for some reason? That he is, by your own admission, abusing his powers? In your mind this is a good thing, even though it's detrimental to our society, purely because it pisses off liberals. That sort of priority system makes you a child.
Thanks. I'm skeptical, but I'll check it out.
Most of it is done by Americans to Americans. This machine feeds itself once it takes off. It's important to remember the Soviets weren't the only people using these kinds of techniques to change societies. In fact the Soviets got them from somewhere else.
i like tech and as normie as a normie can be. but this thread is full of dumbfuck shit eating obscure nazi fuck bitches they keep asking for retard ass bullshit the only way they can make it real is by them killing themselves so they world is free from their retard ass bullcrap
dumbfuckers live in their fucking fantasy world completely oblivious to reality, the stupid fucking sheltered fucks.
Things are so heavily intertwined taking out a single major electrical grid could collapse the whole thing. Once tech gets to a level where it simply isn't competitively viable to invest in it, it simply won't come back as a dominant aspect of human life.
Unironically with technology. A sufficiently advanced overseer computer system that keeps us neolithic.
Or just the inevitable. Once asians and whites are bred out of existence, society will collapse and we'll all be back to neolithic hunter gatherers.
It's sad to go on Facebook, into any political meme post, and see how poorly written and thought the replies are. These are people who would never admit the Democrats or Republicans are both full of shit. To them politics is like football and the way to win is with memes and regurgitated talking points.
>And you're... happy about it, for some reason? That he is, by your own admission, abusing his powers?
Nice reading comprehension, you fucking idiot. They were warned that a leader they might not like can come along one day. Something that seemed incomprehensible to them, until Trump came along.
This man needs to lecture from prison
most of these faggots have to believe in this shit otherwise they'll hang themselves due to their crippling depression. believing in retard ass shit like this is the only way they can cope.
>Literally made up quotes
>Thinking a leader gaining support by helping those he rules is bad
Wow, /pol/tards are so moronic they can't even slander people correctly.
Why is there still communist and Nazis in the 21st century?
And you're gloating about it on a cantonese sewing forum, for some reason.
To elaborate, we simply won't ever have another industrial revolution simply because the most easily accessible resources to start this have already been depleted. If you try to play the long term game, the optimized short term society will just blow you the fuck out.
These issues have been around for decades, dipshits. This diversity crap was already going on in the 80s.
Which part? The Soviet Union launching intel operations to destroy the US from within is historical fact, and some former KGB officers who were part of the operations defected to the US and went public.
You can just write him for a lecture, although he tends to lecture zoomers on how dogshit their handwriting is and why they need to be more disciplined.
So what you're saying is that corruption and abuse of power is okay if it's in service of your interests. Way to not see more than two steps in front of your face, you moron.
>Once asians and whites are bred out of existence
You think nogs and spics will wipe out Asians too? Please share your reasoning, I thought Asians (china) would take over the world without being held back by white guilt. I see Christianity as the root of white guilt so Asians won't fall into the trap.
retarded post
You can be his pen pal, he sends letters back to everyone who writes him.
Christianity already infected Korea and there are 100 million + Christians in China.
Asians dont stand a chance against the tide.
There's that reading comprehension again. That's not what I'm saying at all, you god damn mouthbreathing sub-75 IQ mongoloid.
Just because there are now downvotes here it doesn't mean you can type like a 15 year old
> read
or just listen
White person
>"Hey maybe we should treat those black people fairly"
>"White Guilt! No one actually cares about an equal and meritocratic society! Everyone is either part of a disingenuous conspiracy or cowed by them. In truth every human on the planet is a sociopath like myself who thinks one should never do a good deed unless it has immediate physical short-term benefits.
Jesus tap dancing Christ you tremendous faggot go back to school and learn to read
¿where is brain?
rent free
That's only 7% of Chinas population. They're already in the process of colonizing like a dozen African countries, by making the Africans literally give up their infrastructure for momentary wealth, which is in turn given back to the Chinese whose contractors are building the infrastructure.
Learn Mandarin, because the future is chink.
^^^^^^^^^^ this nigga
yo homie these shit ass gay nerd honkies are retarded as fuck
he could have caused property damage or sth
I don’t learn subhuman babble.
you type like a 10 year old with downs syndrome why do you think people who type like 15 year olds are lesser than you?
fucking retard ass shit eating fuck.
Holy shit you retard. I am not the other poster but no where did he ever say that those surveillance programs were good. You could even say his posts were anti-trump because he said that Obama was warned about increasing presidential power because someone terrible was elected and now the dems are regretting ignoring the warnings! I wish politicians who would repeal the patriot act and reduce the power of the government but Trump is better than another Democrat in that department thats for sure.
There aren't really. It's mostly a media creation revolving around some morons standing around in some park with signs yelling at each other. An outdated use of terminology to incorrectly describe the real political turmoil happening these days, and due to the media being so shit it only serves to further aggravate and divide people. The drive for "multiculturalism" also ensures identity politics will be prominent. Seriously, what in all of human history would give anyone the impression that a hodge podge of various ethnicities, races, religions, cultures, particularly in such a short frame of time, will ever result in anything peaceful?
the government has moral obligation to make smart investments with reasonable return rates with the money of taxpayers and black people are just a bad investment. It's unfortunate, but taking people's money and doing nothing with it is very immoral.
Are Rightwards really stupid? Do you not get how genetics works? You can't "Destroy the White Race" by intermixing. Even if there was such a thing as a "White" or "Black" gene it gets passed down from the parent no matter who the other parent is.
>because the future is chink.
most expats dont need to learn mandarin to live in china because chinese are good english speakers themselves. get out of your house sometimes dumbfuck
don't worry, mandarin isn't viable. if china becomes a legit superpower they will swap to english simply because everyone already speaks it. English dominated because everyone spoke whatever. Much easier for the chinese to adapt than to try building infrastructure so others can communicate with them.
I'm not even the person you replied to. That was an absolutely juvenile post you just made. You're someone who can never come up with a comeback when another man is trying to banter with you, aren't you?
>cherry picked image
kys retard ass chicken little fuck
Black people are getting fucked over by mass migration and identity politics as well. We're just a political tool for liberals at this point, same way that you just used us as a shield.
t. black guy, even though you won't believe me
My use of that image flew right over your head. How are you so retarded?
I read this 3 times and I just keep imagining how the person who wrote this looks.
I'm genuinely curious. Are you below 18? Are you a woman? If no to the former, have you ever been to a neuropsychologist?
the funny thing is, when someone called you neo nazi shitters retard or basic insults you tend to be extremely defensive about it. its like deep inside you know its true. because it is you fucking retard.
get a fucking life, you sad filthy sack of shit. your mother shouldve aborted your loser ass.
Youre a goddamn fool, you know that. Trump may be genuine, but he is only a momentary road block. Plus, he hasnt actually done shit. You think the deep state is a bunch of powerful people in top positions only, meeting now and again to rub their hands together in unison over their next plan, chortling over whisky. I bet more than half the beureaucrats in your country, whether in on it or not, believe everything the media tells them to. These are the people behind government programs that make the country run. They just get told "Orange Man Bad" and simply twiddle their thumbs until democrats or establishment republicans get control again and the agenda keeps chugging along. The sad thing is we are starting to see millenials completely brainwashed into believing the agenda without question starting to get power (See: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez). This is the downfall of Western Civilization.
Anyone who rails against "multiculturalism" has very obviously never read a history book in their lives, though that assumes they're literate. Most of Histories longest lasting states were multicultural. The current most powerful country in the world is and always was multicultural (lol if you thing Patty McIrish and Swarthy McItalian were always White). The only thing tearing it apart is unrestrained capitalism.
Everytime I see you incel /pol/ losers I always thought it like this.
How did anime and video games ruined you fuckers this much?
I’m a life long Republican, but that weak reaction to Iran's attacks was so shockingly wrong and treasonous that I can’t in good conscience support a man that deepthroats arabian cock nominating Supreme Court justices, the judges trump did appoint should be impeached and removed and his next pick should be blocked until he is out of office.
At this point I don’t care if the democrats appoint 9 justices, that’s better than Muhammad appointing any
rent free
>How are you so retarded?
id like to ask you why are you talking to a mirror but then again youre already retarded
Learn to write English, you dumb third worlder.
If a race can't be destroyed by intermixing then why do spics always complain about their ancestor's races being wiped out by the Spanish? Why do leftists make such a big deal about respecting and preserving immigrant's culture if cultural identity doesn't matter? Cultural identity and race go hand in hand.
Reddit flooding the site ruined baitposting like this user. Your prose exposes you; you don't sound like enough of a sissyfag.
crippling depression is a bitch.
>Can't actually respond to arguments
>"I know I'll shout the names of random groups! That'll show em!"
That unrestrained capitalism is exactly what drives a lot of this. Cheap labor, expanding markets. Go ahead and tell me about these powerful multicultural states and how they came to be.
>inb4 empires that operated with vassal states
>Are you below 18? Are you a woman? If no to the former, have you ever been to a neuropsychologist?
are you a retard?
>made up quotes
btw you're never going to be a real woman.
It's just too fucking stupid to even break down the arguments. Like 98% of the time I argue with facts, but given the sheer ridiculousness of your arguments it's fucking futile this time.
Because the Spanish didn't just Intermix. They killed a shit ton of people. And even if they hadn't 90%. yes 90%, of all people in the Americas died of European diseases spread along trade routes before they even knew White people existed. No one modern dayis killing anyone.
>there's such a shortage of poor, bitter, unsuccessful old conservatives right? that's what you'll become if you live so long
You better hurry up and kill yourself so that you don't become one then.
So minus the primitivism aspect, is Ted basically a free-market/individualist anarchist?
>boat got sunk let's waste billions of taxs and send hundreds of thousands of nostly conservative leaning young men to fight in a war and make sacrifices
>for a shithole country that is barely a threat and already getting shit on us enough
>all for the jew's profit and to fulfill Israel's geopolitical agenda
Trump turned out to be just another neo-con but maybe he won't fall for this one. Hillary may have lamo...
>Made up quotes
Here, let me direct you to your beloved Snopes. Don't let the "unproven" mark fool you. Just read the text.
No, by his own estimations, Ted is just a libtarded neo-lib. he often describes his opinions on shit as being due to being a product of modernity.
Can literally type in "Did person X say quote Y?" into any search engine. And learn it's false. But accuse random people of being trannies instead, you do you.
Kacyznski was right about everything.
>So minus the primitivism aspect, is Ted basically a free-market/individualist anarchist?
I think he's a mentally unstable person who murdered random people by sending out bombs in the mail.
But as to what kind of anarchist he is, I would label it as closer to an individualist form of anarchy (i.e. "true" anarchy, or rather the supposed disorder of nature and man in a more or less uninhibited state). He definitely wasn't a leftist or a commie type. I will admit he did make a poignant dissection of the mentality of modern leftists, though.
So what your saying is with something to reduce the ethnic population, maybe something like low birthrates, with foreign migration and intermixing an ethnic group can be wiped out over time?
What's with that whole situation in Tibet that some people used to complain about?
They'll still be 0.001% caucasian, so no.
Pretty sure google says it's unverified but pretty likely that he did say it. Why are you so keen of facts here but not when it comes to intelligence differences between races?
>No one modern dayis killing anyone
Also not completely true, see islam terrorists and guys like Tarrant. Expect more in the future.
Sergey nazarov
If Elizabeth Warren is elected she'll be the first Native American woman elected to the presidency!
Yeah a lot of empires turned multicultural before their fall.
But nothing is reducing the population. No Whites are failing to put their genes in the pool. Do you think the crazy breeding of Irish in America in the late 1800's was a threat to the Black Race? Hell the Population share of Blacks in America has been on a steep decline for half a century. They've gone from around 30% of the population and the majority in several states to around ten percent of the population and a majority in a whopping zero states.
>nobody wants to migrate to poland
You mean except like 2 million Ukrainians who are already working here? Not to mention there are plenty of asians and some arabs too.
Stop talking about shit you have no idea about.
Rome wasn't built in a day, nor did it fall in a day. We are certainly in for a long ride. And now through globalization, the world is rome. What a curse it is to be so aware? At least the boomers lived through their 20s and 30s thinking the world was getting better.
Based abortion keeping niggers from overrunning the country.
Rome, Persia, China etc. rise and last centuries as multiethnic polities that buttfuck the insular groups around them. But sure it was the thing causing them no problems for centuries that caused them to suddenly fall. Not famines Inflation etc
>In 2017, the last year for which figures are available, Poland issued more visas to foreign workers than any other country in Europe. Eighty-five percent of them went to people from Ukraine — a predominantly white, Christian country — looking for work.
>“This has been, as far as I'm aware, the single biggest migration of people from one European country to another in such a short space of time in recent history,” said Daniel Tilles, an assistant professor of history at the Pedagogical University of Kraków.
>More than 680,000 foreigners received legal residency in Poland in 2017 alone, according to Eurostat.
Burgers gotta burger.
People stop breeding like rabbits when they get access to more right and better healthcare, Shocking!
>But nothing is reducing the population. No Whites are failing to put their genes in the pool.
Lying on the internet usually isn't very effective on places that aren't tightly monitored hug boxes. Whites have negative birthrates in all 50 states, and considering sand people are lumped into "white" on the census the real number is likely much worse.
That's eerie, not only getting the state of the cultural war correct, but even the year as 2020 is likely to be the culmination of all the shit we've gone through these past years.
Who wrote this particular text ? Someone should look him up and give him the Nostradamus award.
>Overpopulation is an issue
>But we need more immigrants to ensure economic growth ;)
>I will admit he did make a poignant dissection of the mentality of modern leftists, though.
Have you read the updated manifesto including the letters from prison? He’s much more thoughtful and logical than most political commentators these days
I'm all for taxpayer-funded abortions provided to nonwhite women.
Bullshit fuck you
jesus christ you drunk 12 year old, just go bother some other thread for a minute.
>le multicultural Rome meme
user, i'm pretty sure living in a city with Italians, people from Spain, Gauls and Germans is very different from our actual average hellhole metropolies filled with Africans, sandniggers and chinks.
This post agrees though? It's showing even Africa has declining fertility.
>t. American who has never seen a swarthy Sicilian or Greek in his life.
Home nation > periphery > client nations is not the same as 'throw everyone in the meat blender and see what sort of slushee comes out'.
And the idea that even in classical empires the more compartmentalized multi-ethnicity didn't cause problems is ludicrous.
>Europeans that lives in always sunny places are more tanned than Europeans living in places where rains 330 days per year
I mean...are you serious?
Wow! I wasn't aware getting a tan changed your nose shape, gave you different hair, and various other differences!