ITT: Movies only you have seen

ITT: Movies only you have seen

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for as much as the kiddos here shit on it i doubt theyve actually seen it

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based /r/movies boomer

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Excellent slow burn character study

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I love this movie.
Budget of under half a million yet it looks better then big holywood productions.
Even if it is mostly two dues in a desert for over an hour it stil kept me invested throughout it.
Also if you want to watch this do yourself a favor and do not watch the trailer. It spoils and also gives a wrong impression of the movie.

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great movie

Absolute kinography. Dafoe is highly underrated, glad he's getting bigger roles to showcase his talent these days.

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As I said, skip the trailer just watch it-

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>peanut untouchable
i lel every time

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>The Wacky Adventures of Dr. Boris and Nurse Shirley

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Who would have guessed that George Romero -- yeah, the zombie guy -- would have had a romantic streak.

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newfag, Yea Forums was all over this when it came out

I've seen these. Curious how many people have seen this.

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And I fucking love it

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Outside of people on Yea Forums and /k/ I haven't met anyone who's seen this.

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Yea Forums here. i watched this. then saw green room just because of the same guy. most people i showed it to were more receptive to green room than blue ruin.
everyone said it just made them feel bad and dirty, and looked at me weird when i said how great that was. fucking casuals. they do play fortnite and dark souls unironically tho, so what can i expect

Me on the right.

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Who hasn't.

I actually finished it

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We must force this movie in Chernobyl threads. Pure Buckley kino.

I'm surprised the whole youtube crowd hasn't jumped on this, it's so ripe for parody, review, etc. Probably because there's gay people in it and they don't want to risk offense or demonitization
looks kino, is it just like a hindu god war flick? is it any good?

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That's what that movie is called! I definitely watched it growing up, but I forgot what it was called.

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it seems kino, I put it on my watch list.

I saw this late night on HBO as a kid. Maybe 1989? It scared me to death and I've never forgotten it. It seems no one else has seen this.

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This is one of my favorite movies and everyone I show it to irl gets bored of it

He should have had sex with her.

>It seems no one else has seen this.
Nope, i saw it, good shit.

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Despite having based John Goodman and my boy Paul Dano, this movie was fucking terrible.

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no to all this
cutie in it so yes
is that khaleesi also no
nope nope

Seen these

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Saw it recently, it was dreadful.

>Worldwide gross: $165,888

fuck i forgot i had seen this. something about paul dano really wanting to adopt a chinese baby for some reason? and there's a scene where he goes tripping on mushrooms in the forest with his dad.

every long time boomer here has seen this
it's actually on the essential slow-burn and rainy-core charts
great film though dafoe knocks it out of the park