I'm far behind on my Dr. Who. What's the best way of watching the series start to finish?
I'm far behind on my Dr. Who. What's the best way of watching the series start to finish?
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Watch An Unearthly Child first. Then do what you like
British people HATE when you patronize their media. They would rather their culture die out and be replaced by New-Pakisyria.
You start with classic Who
Don't bother
But not with Peri Who. Try Spearhead from Space, OP.
Watch whatever you like and just wiki things you are confused about.
it's [spoilers]fun[/spoilers]
Start with Spearhead from Space.
STOP after City of Death.
Then watch First and Second Doctor stuff if you like the show enough to bother with tracking down reconstructions.
That’s it!
Why can't English people speak English? I said what WAY is the best for watching Doctor Who, not where to start.
Spearhead is a good start but series 7 feels nothing like the rest of classic Who. Like a 70s political drama
>STOP after City of Death.
I love Baker but he should've left after season 17.
DVDs or Blurays of the classics, netflix or dvds or blurays of nuwho. Torrent if you can find it. Have you not used the internet before?
Is DW on Netflix? Let me check. Last I checked it wasn't on there.
>ignoring BASED Nimon
I never in my whole life thought I’d be saying these words, but: That series totally fell apart after Billie Piper left it. Stop when Rose jumps ship.
>muh wose!!!!11 4evah!!!
go back to myspace 2006 jesus
Classic bait
>Season 1: good
>Season 2: okay
>Season 3: good
>Season 4: good
>Season 5: okay
>Season 6: good
>Season 7: kino
>Season 8: good
>Season 9: good
>Season 10: okay
>Season 11: shit
>Season 12: kino
>Season 13: kino
>Season 14: kino
>Season 15: kino
>Season 16: good
>Season 17: shit
>Season 18: okay
>Season 19: okay
>Season 20: okay
>Season 21: shit
>Season 22: shit or kino depending on who you ask
>Season 23: shit
>Season 24: shit
>Season 25: kino
>Season 26: kino
>Series 1: kino
>Series 2: shit
>Series 3: good
>Series 4: good
>Series 4 specials: shit
>Series 5: kino
>Series 6: good/okay
>Series 7: shit
>Series 8: kino
>Series 9: good
>Series 10: good
>Series 11: shit
Martha was the best modern companion but she got literally cucked big time. Probably had the most normal life of any of the other companions, though
Rose: Parallel universe
That random kid I forgot his name: Kicked out and eternally seething until killed
Jack: Immortal life of loneliness until he dies giving the Doctor a piece of useless information
Mickey: Married to Martha
Martha: Married to Mickey
Donna: Mind wiped with a distinct risk of head explosion if she ever remembers what happened
Amy and Rory: ANGELED
Clara: Functionally immortal but has to kill herself at some point
Black Lesbian: CYBERMANNED and then absorbed into someone
>t. Moffatt rimlicker
Fuck off back to Gallifrey Base with your shit taste
>Gallifrey Base
They hate moff.
Well, they hate everyone.
I was so pissed when the original Gallifey One board disappeared. The crazy stories in the adults only forum were so entertaining. You can’t find anything online anymore about how Troughton actually died.
I was so pissed when the original Gallifey One board disappeared. The crazy stories in the adults only forum were so entertaining. That’s where I read about how Troughton actually died. Do people even know about that anymore? There’s a very oblique reference to it in one if the About Time books that I don’t think anyone in the future will understand.
didn't he die of a heart attack from fucking some fangirl at a convention?
best way of watching it is to scour torrents, download as much as you can, and then move on to those dubious streaming services - the ones that appear and disappear like mushrooms because they're playing whack-a-mole with the owners of the intellectual properties.
start with the 11th doctor in your image. he is pretty much the only one that starts fresh. everybody else either has leftover plots or characters, but he starts fully fresh. ALL you need to know is that the doctor is very very old and that instead of dying he can choose to regenerate into a new person, and the experience leaves him a bit wonky until he gets his shit together.
dont start at 2005 or 10. you will just be confused as to why certain elements are happening and why some characters are there. 11 is the perfect starting point otherwise its like going into endgame without having seen any of the previous 20 films. you just will not understand what the fuck is going on
Watch everything, 90% off it is mediocre to bad but it makes the 10% good ones that more satisfying.
Not on Netlix.