
The lannisters send their Guitars edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can we not have any Emilias arguments ITT please? I don't hate you guys but its annoying as fuck

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prev Also Dany!

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requesting the full image of this

Speaking to US Weekly, longtime Game of Thrones costume designer Michelle Clapton sympathized with Harington’s situation:

[The younger cast members] were children when they started. And it became such an enormous thing, and I think when you stop, it’s sort of a huge security blanket is taken away. I mean, they all became friends with each other, and then suddenly, there’s nothing to go back to. So I would imagine that had something to do with it. He lost his way a bit.

nigga don't blame emiliachads when someone spams cherrypicked photoshopped pics

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Thanks fren

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>Dany is too strong for Jon
It's like they didn't even watch the shit that they put out.

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Maester Pycelle, I'm Chaosh.

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>anyway here's Wonderwall

Pic related is not photoshopped
What is photoshopped was emilias esquire photoshoot (emilia said so herself)

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ed and jaime look based


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>squinting, mid emotion
Jokes on you, still cute as FUCK


we could have had this, bros...

>Kit cucked by David and Ian
>can't even get near his waifu
>drinking his sorrows away

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What did he mean by this?

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She cute

This is my last post. It's all over now. I don't have the desire t

cute, she looks absolute perfection, this video from this month. Aging like a good wine.

Attached: Emilia 100k.webm (360x480, 1.99M)

>tfw Pilou will never play something for you
Honestly why even live?

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And now his watch is ended

Looks like a human being to me user. Would you prefer plastic and silicone to a face?

I forgot Dinkles was a midge for a moment and that he was crouching down to get closer to the sofa people. Lol.


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is2.Yea Forums.org/gif/1560384251711.webm

What were they watching?

Meet The Feebles

e06 i shabbose

Child porn of course. It is the entertainment industry after all.

Emilia is aging actually very well compared to the rest of the GOT cast, and after two aunerysms which gave her huge amount of stress probably and anxiety, plus with her emotive face its pretty impressive.

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First for the cutest king!

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One upon a time there was a Nigh watchmen. He was so violent that everyone died.

The end.

The breaking in of Maisie Williams into the industry at 11.


must be the results of not doing drugs

Didn't she avoid shouting out /r/freefolk by name?

Why would she? reddit is not something like Yea Forums

Based and pure

Attached: danygaze2.jpg (482x480, 143K)

I'm pretty sure she goes outside too much to care much about any of that shit, user

Maario Naharis

Attached: maario.jpg (275x183, 8K)

For me, it's the Battle of Castle Black

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>those heels

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based edition

God I miss Dolorous Edd

Based or cringe?

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These posts, where you continually spam the exact same shit every thread, are why we can't have nice things. I now understand why mods ban generals like this. I wanted this to be a thing, but you faggots are ruining it. Congratulations.

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easily the best battle

cringe and cucked


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Based. Jorah is all of us.

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>Cotter: We'll defend the Wall to the last man.
>Edd: Probably me.
Why was show Edd so shit?

Cutest psycho!

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For me? Its Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark

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She's cruel. She's hateful. And so am I

Maario Naharis poster is definitely a bot

Stannis was killed by a woman.

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Stannis himself was a angry manlet

>Has a wife
>Fucks one of the hottest girl
>Angry manlet

We're allies friend

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>cucked by a clown

A mummers rumour, merely a jape.

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tfw I used to think Leto was a decent actor

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>says the danyfaggot
Are you really lacking that much self awareness, retard?

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That nigger's neck, every fucking time.

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>that hairline

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What makes you dumb fags think I'm some Danyfag? I posted a generic reaction image. What I said holds true.

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based stannis killing his ugly wife, marrying a cute one and then having a chad black-haired heir

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This season is fyre festival tier

Imagine being black, how frustrating.

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Whatever you retard, the general will get banned eventually, with or without spamming. Might as well have some fun in the meantime.

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Please have some sex user

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Why would i imagine being you?

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Emilia is a cute you damn negroni

What is haringtons situation

have sex you virgin

>you're gonna die eventually, might as well just kill yourself!

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Cucked for life

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Noh... nawitbeginz

>If you only knew

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Explains the rehab.

'ate rose
'ate that got is ending
luv emilia
luv coke
simple as

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That isn't Kit. Are you all pretending to be autistic and have face blindness?

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This is him, do you have Prosopagnosia?

nigga you can clearly see it's him
check the hairline for example

It's him

>tfw want to read tWoW for Stannis
>he'll probably die at the start
>will never get to sit on the IT
>Bran ends up being king
I never should've gotten into this franchise.

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Very epic

This is the only thing that actually happened in season 8

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Even if Stannis does beat the Boltons and the Freys, he will be lit up by Dany just the same as fAegon. Or maybe he will die fighting the Others. Either way, Stannis does not live in Faggot King Bran's elective monarchy.

holy shit her face is a literal cube

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Gods she's so cute as queen

no nigger this shit was trash just like 90% of s8

Does anyone have that picture of yohn royce going "Perhaps we should give the niggers a vote as well"

>this is Ned's legacy

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Nah, sansa's pretty cool and the North deserves independence

>mfw Stannis defeats the Boltons
>makes it to the final of the book, about to fight the Others
>GRRM never finishes ADoS and I can pretend Stannis lives

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>sansa's pretty cool and the North deserves independence
imagine unironically believing this

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>implying this was bad

Kill yourself

She may be ugly but she's honorable like ned

>Sansa being a lying, disloyal faggot
>still gets to rule an independent North just because

>the North deserves independence
>sansa's pretty cool

what's the problem here

>>Sansa being a lying, disloyal faggot
That didn't happen

>tell Jon's secret to Tyrion 5 minutes after she promised she wouldn't in a weirwood tree

That didnt happen, Sansa wouldn't betray Jon or his wife

>pure & righteous queen gets fucking murdered
>slutty & deceptive queen gets her own kingdom

What did they mean by this?

Cope sansafag

>Ned keeps a secret that's a permanent blight on his reputation and his relationship with his wife
>Sansa can't keep her brothers secret that threatens his life for an hour

>pure & righteous

Its people like this guy that are the problem with the current game of thrones fanbase, fuck you.

You need to go back, nigger

What fanfiction have you been reading user

>You need to go back
no man, you just said if the good guy doesn't win then its bad, It doesn't get anymore normie tier then that, r/freefolk is down the hall.

>fAegon will be loved since his army is not foreign

His army is fucking Blackfyre sellswords and Westerosi exiles and criminals, all with an immediate grudge against the Seven Kingdoms. How do people justify this over Dany's foreign army?

I knew Sansa was garbage as soon as she pulled that trick on Jon with the Vale soldiers.

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you guys only hate Sansa because think someway some of us think that she killed Dany

>muh bad ending
fucking faggot did you watch that fucking season? that shit was a disgrace of a disney ending you kike

her acting is so fucking bad
literally ruins every scene she's in

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I hate Sansa because she's a insufferable cunt since S1 when she killed her father, Ned Stark

What trick? From what I remember she told Jon about the Vale army and he changed his battle strategy accordingly

Westerosi of almost any kind will go over better than Dany's bunch of eunuchs and Mongols.

>sansafag is schizophrenic

Why would she kill Jon's wife what are you talking about?

>waahhhhhh hero didn't win so its bad
season 8 was bad, but not for the reason you think it was bad

>Well respected, fine and orderly mercenary army of high prestige
>Horsefuckers and eunuch slave soldiers

You do the math.

where does walder frey get all his young wives from?


It was their fault for not utilizing her actual talents, if you know what I mean

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>waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i need my expectations to be subverted waaaaaaaah
kill yourself, would be better if Jon killed Dany to get Lightbringer and killed NK in a showdown on the throne room in KL


danyfags btfo

Azor ahai thing >>> The "always be my kween" thing

walder frey is an important lord so there are plenty of other lords willing to give his daughters to him.

Did Sansa conspire behind Jon's back to start a second Dance of Dragons? Was Sansa, as a subject of Jon--King in The North, a subject of Daenerys Targaryen? Did Sansa knowingly plot against Daenerys Targaryen? Do you have any argument other than you liking Sansa?

>lies about the Knights of the Vale for literally no reason, endangering Jon's life and the lives of thousands of Northerners and Wildlings
>undermines Jon's authority over and over again when he becomes King in the North
>sends Brienne away out of petty jealousy (this is the actual justification for Sansa's behavior in season 7)
>threatens her sister because she is too retarded to realize that Littlefinger is OBVIOUSLY not supposed to be trusted
>is only stopped from killing her sister because she realized that she has a tree wizard brother who knows everything
>needlessly antagonizes Daenerys openly and blatantly
>is completely ungrateful for Dany risking her life to save the North, which is a frozen shithole
>lies to Jon's face about keeping a secret
>plots to have Jon usurp Dany's power solely based off of a hunch
>conspires to have Jon usurp Dany WITHOUT Jon's consent or knowledge, potentially getting thousands more Northerners killed because she doesn't like Dany
>drops Jon completely when Dany does die. So much for caring about him being the rightful heir LOL.
>secedes from Bran for free despite him being the rightful heir to Winterfell
But you're right--Sansa dindu muffin. She's a "smart' character now because D&D wanted to make us believe that she isn't just Littlefinger's pawn.

Yeah, she's fucking awful. Can't stand her in the books or the show.
>i'm shay, da funnay whore

>Dear diary, last night I had a dream about Ned Umber, In my dream Ned walked and we played outside and chased each other and wrestled in the grass. Then we went inside to his room where we undressed and played around in bed. We held each other and kissed and I looked into his beautiful puppy eyes. I kissed him again and tasted the inside of his mouth. Ned smelt like grass and sunshine and I loved holding him in my arms.

>And then I woke up and realized it was only a dream ;_;

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daily reminder that Sansa got Ned killed because she didn't want to stop playing princess

absolute worst daughter

Radmure and Blackfish doesn't count

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That's fanfiction, Jon married Dany under the weirwood tree so what would be the point of her trying to depose Dany, Jon was king anyway. And she loves Jon and her family she wouldn't betray them or the woman Jon loved

I could excuse Sansa's earlier actions because she is a naive child. But she never fucking gets better as a character, and she is rewarded with being queen for no reason.

I miss them so much ,bros, their love was too pure for this world :'(

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>Except for a quarter of the tullys that appear in the series of course
what did user mean by this?

why does Yea Forums have such a problem with this scene

>t. t*lly fucking shit

Attached: 1558806504494.jpg (775x837, 49K)

this scene is perfect

but you literally said that tullys suck but the only two living tullys are based? user plz.

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Cersei's crying and whimpering in this scene broke my heart

>the miscarriage rumor was real

The baratheons send their aaaggghhh...s

Attached: aaaggghhh (1).png (590x559, 480K)

balerion had 4 arms?

Attached: Balerion_roasts_Harrenhal.png (1364x733, 908K)

Stop being gay, user

Thoughts on season 1 Tyrion ?

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It wasn't a rumor. That shit was spoiled in 2016. Welcome to the party.

>jonerys baby was real

What type of fish

>There is only one god, the god of the friendzone
>And what do we say to him?
Not today


Go on, do your duty.

Attached: tfw show euron in paint.png (818x636, 26K)

>threatens her sister because she is too retarded to realize that Littlefinger is OBVIOUSLY not supposed to be trusted
>is only stopped from killing her sister because she realized that she has a tree wizard brother who knows everything
this shit was so fucking annoying. Even more annoying was the fact that they cut that scene with Bran so it looked jarring as fuck that arya and sansa teamed up against CIA
>lies to Jon's face about keeping a secret
fucking jon didn't even say shit about this, fucking gay
>needlessly antagonizes Daenerys openly and blatantly
>is completely ungrateful for Dany risking her life to save the North, which is a frozen shithole
her and everyone one else just being straight up disrespectful to her for no fucking reason other than they read the script ahead of time

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Baratheons is the gayest fucking house, a fucking Bambi as sigil.
>muh ours is the fury

t.Buttmad Targshit

Euron is much more handsome than that

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I looked for you on the trident

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Miss me with that incest shit i'm a Blackfyre patrician.

>Favourite house is a bunch of targ bastards
>Hates on a house that is a bunch of targ bastards
Really makes me think.

Raising her age in the show was a mistake

>Even more annoying was the fact that they cut that scene with Bran so it looked jarring as fuck that arya and sansa teamed up against CIA
They cut the scene to be SHOCKING. Many of the plot developments are due to shock value and nothing more.

BASED. Fuck the waifufags, this may be an anime web page, but this is not a board that forgot the rape of nanjing. All jap followers will pay

I can't let you go /got/. Not yet.

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This is way /got/ ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper

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*volcano sounds start in the distance

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yeah but my targ bastards don't have a gay ass sigil or use horns aka universal cuck sign on armors

why does he have an infinity gauntlet?

>Jon emotionally neglects Dany but is amazed when she does something drastic
>he doesn't even think that she would do something bad after the "let it be fear" line
Dud and Dud are truly hacks. Niggas, if your entire plot can be resolved by two people having a conversation, then rewrite your plot; don't have them avoid conversation because it is inconvenient to your plot.

I wish they weren't told George's ending because George's ending is shit and they have no idea how to get to it gracefully.

that was the beginning of the end for me

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>saved his life constantly even after learning he was a threat to her
>couldn't even hug her when she was sad
>couldn't even boost her morale when niggas were saying he was the only one mounting a dragon
>couldn't even cheer with her
>couldn't even say "I'm sorry you're starving yourself and almost got killed because of me. Let me kill varys myself"

Dany wouldn't be so dependent on Jon she's been through way worse her whole life than someone she loves just being an asshole, they turned her into a lovestruck teenager


Call their sigil gay all you want, atleast they managed to win the throne.

but she's funny

Attached: shay de fune hoar.png (812x1357, 1.48M)

She's even worse than a lovestruck teenager. She's crazy into Daario in the books and wants to run away with him and still manages to control herself and not go crazy when he rejects her and still understands she has a duty to her people even if her love for Daario causes conflict

desu she improved this one immensely

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>she's crazy into a oldman with blue hair and a golden moustache
>still doesn't gives Jorah a crumb of pussy

>bambi sigil

Lmao even more gay than the Tyrells

Imagine loving book daario


Jorah is like a father figure of course she's not gonna want him

>ours is the fury

Attached: Adult_Bambi.jpg (654x849, 49K)

Jesus Christ jon

No one has a problem with it, but it's the first noticeable instance where Aiden Gillen begins changing Littlefinger's accent from cutthroat english cunt into sneaky irishman

The same chick who cut Daario off without giving a shit dies begging jon to rule with her after he abused her the whole season, it's such a joke

why didn't syrio pick up one of the guards swords?

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Why is Emilia Clarke so perfect f a m?

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They all deserved better.

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That’s actually a really neat thread, OP

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So how will House Baratheon survive in the books if GRRM was to finish? Everyone knows Stannis will die at some point even if it’s obviously not by Brienne and even if he lived for years his only heir is going to be burnt by Mel or Justin Massey. I just don’t see Gendry being legitimized in the books. Will it be Edric maybe? Or will the family name die off?



Pick one

Edric Storm will get to be a Baratheon, i guess.
Either that, or a major noble Stormlander house siezes power, possibly Swann or Wylde.


Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x317, 143K)

Top link is on the table.
Bottom link is off.

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There's just something about season 7 and 8 Dany.

Yeah, guessing Edric as the other user said. He's in Essos so it's possible in Dany's journey West that she ends up finding him and using him as a rally point to take the Stormlands back from fAegon

just got back from a long vacation in mongolia, didn't have any TV or internet connection, how did the last season go?

No one vacations in Mongolia. Liar

Form ranks you maggots

Attached: Dany goes Dresden.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

>the Wildlings are at camp, showering Jon with gifts and the songs of their people
>Jon smiles, enjoying this valuable cultural experience
>a cry is heard in the distance
>suddenly, the camera pans to the thundering stampede of a thousand men on horses
>we see Stannis driving the men to fight by cracking a flaming whip
>in the distance, Wildling women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Davos, "R'hllor hungers!"
>Jon looks on, his face grief-stricken
>"Seven save us," Jon whispers, "he's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"

Attached: based davos.jpg (960x1090, 900K)

Attached: stannnis stannis stannis intensifies.png (600x600, 263K)

The face that saved Yea Forums

Attached: dany.jpg (1920x1080, 96K)

>after defeating the Wildlings, Stannis meets Jon on top of the Wall
>"You're the oathbreaking bastard that killed the Halfhand and copulated with a savage Wildling. You're just like your retarded brother and useless father, a traitor and an oathbreaker. Give me one reason why I shouldn't behead you."
>"I'm the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch!" Jon pleas
>"Davos, come here" Stannis beckons
>"Your grace?" Davos asks
>Stannis pushes Davos off the Wall
>"Melisandre, quickly, get my guards. Lord Snow killed my Onion Knight."

Attached: smug_stannis.jpg (800x675, 357K)

based oldfag
cringy newfag

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Guys how is Stannis going to come back if the show is finished? I'm starting to worry

Are they saving his return for a sequel?

>implying the show is finished

See you in 2030, user.

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He'll be back.

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>prequel series about the same major "threat" Jon was gearing up for in the show
>the same "threat" taken out by a tiny hunchback girl in one night after thousands of years of planning and effort
What the fuck was HBO thinking?

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Isn’t the fucking point of Calvary in this time was to have mounted archers to snipe enemies?

>What the fuck was HBO thinking?

"PLEASE don't fuck us D&D"

>Robert's Rebellion
>Dance of the Dragons

Nah, the best way to milk this show is a prequel about the ice monsters that didn't matter at all

The north being independent totally undermines all the themes of s7 and s8.

It also makes 0 fucking sense when the hereditary Lord of Winterfell is the literal King of the Seven Kingdoms.

>we will never see her ruling the kingdom and burning infidels to ashes

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>find out the series ending is gonna be trash in the later seasons and fans will think it's shit either way
>mail it in, collect check, and tell Disney, it was the fatman's fault anyways
lol I would've done the same thing. based af.

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good, one less targshit

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>we'll never know her tax policy

I have 1GB internet connection, why the fuck images on Yea Forums load like I'm using dialup

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Why would Sam name the book ASOIAF in-universe? From his and Westeros' perspective, Dany and her "Fire" don't arrive until near the end and don't last that long. Same with the wights, who never even got South of Winterfell. He doesn't know jackshit abiut the Walkers and their progression beyond the Wall over the 20 years Mance was gathering the Wildlings or the years of activity before that nor about Hardhome and those details don't matter much for the history book. He doesn' t know jackshit about Dany's progress and life in Essos, so can't write that either, not accurately or detailed anyway. Who names a history book after two things that happen in the end and have nothing to do with any of those the other shit?

Hell, why did George name the series ASOIAF if this same shit applies too?

so much fuel for memes

Did d&d always hate ASOIAF?

Reminder: Davos, Tyrion, and potentially Sam are in service to The Drowned God/The Great Other and Victarion's new arm can actually sense who has been touched by him and a schism will happen on the Iron Islands again in Winds over whether they want to follow The Drowned God or the Lord of Light's new champion Victarion.

>Hell, why did George name the series ASOIAF if this same shit applies too?
>From his and Westeros' perspective, Dany and her "Fire" don't arrive
You just explained it yourself.
Anyway, there's more to the title than just "durrr it means jon and dany"

That was a pretty good casting choice for Oberyn when I look back on it. Man, I kinda miss that character.

why wouldn't they just hand over the show to someone else if they were so desperate to get out?

Cersei cupped the other woman’s breast. Softly at first, hardly touching, feeling the warmth of it beneath her palm, the skin as smooth as satin. She gave it a gentle squeeze, then ran her thumbnail lightly across the big dark nipple, back and forth and back and forth until she felt it stiffen. When she glanced up, Taena’s eyes were open.
“Does that feel good?” she asked.
“Yes,” said Lady Merryweather.
“And this?” Cersei pinched the nipple now, puling on it hard, twisting it between her fingers.
The Myrish woman gave a gasp of pain. “You’re hurting me.”
“It’s just the wine. I had a flagon with my supper, and another with the widow Stokeworth. I had to drink to keep her calm.” She twisted Taena’s other nipple too, puling until the other woman gasped. “I am the queen. I mean to claim my rights.”
“Do what you wil.” Taena’s hair was as black as Robert’s, even down between her legs, and when Cersei touched her there she found her hair al sopping wet, where Robert’s had been coarse and dry. “Please,” the Myrish woman said, “go on, my queen. Do as you wil with me. I’m yours.”
But it was no good. She could not feel it, whatever Robert felt on the nights he took her. There was no pleasure in it, not for her. For Taena, yes. Her nipples were two black diamonds, her sex slick and steamy. Robert would have loved you, for an hour. The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another, moving them in and out, but once he spent himself inside you, he would have been hard-pressed to recal your name.
She wanted to see if it would be as easy with a woman as it had always been with Robert. Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons of my face and fingers one by one, al those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs. Taena gave a shudder.

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Narcissism. They didn't want to do the show anymore and didn't want to see somebody else do it better.

Whoa that would be cool

Fuck, Missandei is beyond words.

so wait a minute did jaime actually ever cared for king's landing or not?
basically hotbath with brienne vs. convo in tent with tyrion. which one do i believe?

season 8 is bad fanfiction with a canon ending
Jaime doesn't hate the innocent, D&D are just hacks

>I have 1GB internet connection, why the fuck images on Yea Forums load like I'm using dialup
Ask /g/ how to traceroute.

its simpler and makes more sense that D&D ran out of source material and hacked all the characters to pieces

Is it true the last inside the episode was cut from airing?

George himself said in an entire that the Ice is obvious the Others and that the Fire is Daenerys and her dragons. It literally is about those two forces. Except they're separate from almost everything else to the point you could cut them out completely and with some change in motivations wind up with the same story.


No, they just didn't make one

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>"What about what I want? Where's my justice?"
Oberyn was literally so good that the only way the show writers thought they could make Dorne interesting is by riding off the coattails of his character/storyline
They of course failed miserably and the Dorne plot ended up being by far the worst in the entire series without a single redeeming quality in it

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Why the fuck wasn’t Cersei felt with in season 7? Why didn’t we get a full season fighting the white walkers? Nobody in the seven kingdoms even gave a fuck because the night king died like a bitch.

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*dealt with

>takes a common irl name
>changes a vowel

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>listen to the audiobooks before watching the show
>keep calling Petyr "Pee-tire" and Brienne "Bry-een"
>everyone looks at me like I'm retarded

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Just realized. Dany never got to avenger any of her loved ones deaths.

>Night King kills Viserion
>but she fails to kill him and Arya does it instead
>Euron kills Rhaegal
>but she fails to kill him and Jaime does it instead
>Mountain kills Missandei at Cersei's command
>but she fails to kill either and Hound takes out Mountain while a falling castle takes out Cersei

The writing cucked her out of sanity, character arc, reason, love and vengeance. Fuck d&D

D&D love Lena too much to kill her off and replace her with anyone else. So they just gave her fAegon's plotline and made Euron a deus ex machina while nerfing the Tyrells to take out any of Dany's allies.

>Why didn’t we get a full season fighting the white walkers?
And while HBO would've loved to have more seasons, D&D were autistic about ending the series in 70 hours and were only willing to go up to 73 so long as they get a huge break in between the last order of episodes.
>Nobody in the seven kingdoms even gave a fuck because the night king died like a bitch.
Pretty much. There was no real point to the Walkers and Night King at all, people completely stop talking about them after episode 4. We don't even get a reaction from Cersei about it who from what we can see never even prepared for the possibility of facing the dead and just knew I guess that Dany would win and still have dragons.

Yuuuu no nuffing juan snu

Boy oh boy it's hard to describe in words just how stupid this ending was. From the Storm's End not have a lord for the last three seasons now (hey davos, who did Stannis leave in charge of Storm's End again), to to Dragonstone having literally nobody for three seasons on it, to Highgarden falling in a few minutes, to the Reach apparently being depopulated by Jaime because "nobody lives there anymore." Logic seems to be throw out the window and we as an audience are just sitting there trying to figure out what the hell we are watching and struggling to comprehend this horrible writing. People ask, how would you rewrite season 8? And I would say, "you can't." From killing Stannis (who I believe should survive the entire show, but not sit on the Iron throne at the end, sort of a king denied his rightful realm), to cutting book Aegon and Lady Stoneheart, and the god dam Ramsay Bolton storyline and the fucking Sansa "the rape made me stronger" Stark. As someone who has a mother who is a raper survivor and told me in graphic details about her rape, I can tell you it doesn't make you "stronger." And fucking Drone. Cersei should have legit not even have been in power after season 6. She should have been driven from the city for killing the beloved High Sparrow and Tyrell family, along with her uncle, cousin, and son. After that she should have been strangled by Jaime and died a horrible fucking death. I don't want any sympathy for her because of the actor. The character is a mad dog that needs to be put down. It should have been either book Aegon or (if no Aegon) Stannis controlling King's Landing after Cersei is gone. They agree to send their armies up North to join the fight against the undead, but they actually do send their armies. There is a struggle for the survival of the Seven Kingdoms that requires all of the Seven Kingdoms' men and resources to stop, kinda like what we have to do to stop climate change in real life.


And the Long Night should have been the final battle, not king's landing. If you have to, maybe have Dany have to burn down the red keep at the start of season 7 (logically this is what should have happened after taking dragonstone) and it kills like a couple hundred civilians or something. It's no where even close to the number she killed in episode 5, but the results are the same, but the morality is grey, because you can argue from both sides about if it was right or not. Also they conveniently hinted to Dany being pregnant last season and just dropped it cold turkey this season. So like what if Dany is pregnant and has the baby, but dies in child birth or fighting the night king and Jon must become the reagent for the baby until the child has grown up to be king. That's a lot better and more logical than le king robot bran because Jon would only do it reluctantly as a final wish to Dany.

Why were the Tully's all retarded

Ok so I just finished watching the show after finally binge watching it completely (I was waiting for it to end). And honestly it wasn't that bad. It was more... disappointing, than bad. It did tie up the plotlines nicely, even though it was rushed as fuck. And it was entertaining, that's for sure. The only 100% retarded thing I can think of was Arya killing the Night King, most of the other problems with the season was beacuse of the rushed pacing. As I said, disappointing. Even with its cringy scripts, s07 and s08 should've been 10 episodes each. Oh well. Here's to hoping GRRM finishes the books and can actually enjoy a well developed ending, even if it turns out to be bad.

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they weren't

>It did tie up the plotlines nicely

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t. Tully

>jon snow literally shorter than tyrion

>t did tie up the plotlines nicely,

Rewatch the fucking show.

Well not ALL of the plotlines but certainly the most urgent ones. Again, if each season had 10 episodes, there probably wouldn't have been any problems.

>if each season had 10 episodes, there probably wouldn't have been any problems.

Did we watch the same show?

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seasons 5 and 6 had 10 episodes and were all problems

New thread when this one reaches bump limit

>20 posts before bump limit
>in a slow moving thread
why are waifu autists for fucking retarded bros...

After s04 the show went to shit but at least it worked on its own fucked up way and logic, but d&d were such hacks that they couldn't even finish the show on their own terms. That's what I'm talking about. They just stopped truly caring after s06

>for fucking retarded
looks like I am too
well at least the new one isn't forcing ecg into the title

Tully’s act like they are hot shit equal to the other great houses that were all once kings in their own rights, but the truth is they are shitty Riverlands petty lords that were uplifted by Aegon because he just needed some schmuck to run that shitty kingdom.

A bit premature, m8

This show went completely off the rails the instant Tywin died. There is no other more crucial point.

Yeah I'm making a new /got/ once this reaches bump limit. Your toddler-level pouting because /ecg/ got b& has lost its charm.

Of course there's a marked decline in quality. S7 and 8 reek of their efforts to shit the thing out and move on asap. Giving them more time simply would not have fixed it; if anything, it might've made it even worse. Look at the shit they used to pad out this season and last, it's all various shades of terrible. Now imagine them making the same seasons but with an extra 6-8 hours to fill.

I think the fact that so many of the problems this season had were readily apparent to D&D - to the point that they would regularly try to address them in those laughable BTS segments - and yet went unaddressed by, say, writing a better story... should speak for itself. On some level they knew they were making a pile of shit.

not that user and I hate early faggots like him, but don't
just gonna split and make everything more shit

Na, this waifufag needs to be punished. A thread or two ago he did the same shit and his thread got nuked. Fuck him. I swear he's an assblasted jannie trying to get /got/ b& and the only way he can do it is by breaking the rules constantly.

Here's some old S6 spoiler images from back in the day to get us to bump limit. Good times...

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You're absolutely right. Y'know I keep telling myself that more episodes would've fixed the show but I didn't stop to think that only if they weren't written by d&d.

Didn't like half of season 5 get leaked?

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Real thread:

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>no backlink
gods what an autistic time of day