Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

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the original thots


And that's a good thing.

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Sporty > posche > ginger > scary > baby

How did they get away with naming the black one scary?

How can you be this wrong?

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Because calling her nympho spice would be too on the nose.

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Disgusting. Bleh.

I'd unironically watch such a biopic if they had other people playing them.

Based, dubbed and redpilled

Say that shit to my face see what happens bitch boy!!!

They should make the biopic super self aware like Spice World and have cameos by the actual members.

Didn't she rape someone?

Because they named themselves (and conspiracy theorists weren’t that nitpicky in the 90s).

Idris Elba in every role, Nutty Professor style.

Geri, yeah.

And also: I could see Alexandra Shipp playing her.

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Me too

I highly doubt them banging wasn't consensual.

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Man, Ginger Spice used to be hella sexy. You knew she would be the nastiest whore imaginable in bed & prob want choke fucked while you spit on her cunt to lube it up.


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Dykey spice wouldn't have gone over particularly well.