Remake when?
Remake when?
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guys... my peepee is acting strange
>Rated PG-13
I want to marry both of them
you got more pics of the whore on the left
That would hella kino.
Directed by Jennifer Kent
Girl on the left looks like a goddess
What is Foy going to do with that fist?
That first frame. Her lips looks like a anus that has been blown out by spicy food while enduring colitis.
God I can't wait for the BLACKEDRAW Kino from them.
Post pics
Will (((they))) ever stop this shit?
call your mom bro something might be wrong
these two are innocent little sanitary pad wearing girls the two from blue are tampon wearing,negro fucking whores
not until the last white child is being hunted down by room temperature IQ third world scum
Sequel took a dark turn
that would be child pornography you fucking pedo
Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Connelly
She wrote an article about how privileged she was lmao
Looks like Angelina Jolie's tranny kid
>will never have a gf like the one on the left
honestly starting to question whats the point of living, of even getting out of bed in the morning
We will all get gfs exactly like her once realistic vr is introduced.
She has cokebloat
They would make the perfect Hollywood couple.
There is no point. If you werent born Chad and/or rich youre literally just here to suffer and get farmed for your resources while getting nothing out of it.
Cultural appropriation and racism on the part of those who made this film.
>Blonde, Blue Eyes
>Brunette, Green Eyes
Same reason Kstew and Dakota drive me insane. The combination of the two is the highest level of patrician taste imaginable.
Foy is much hotter you loser
Looks like, if they make the blue is the warmest color remake, she's gonna end as the single mother with an ugly nignog son
What is the message here?
>Will (((they))) ever stop this shit?
We have the power to stop it.
is the blonde 18 yet? Wikipedia doesn't specify...
They're both 18
post the baby
Why was this story buried anyway?
Don't SJWs love to run this type of shit into the ground? Were the people who assaulted them Muslim perhaps?
It's like the Virgina beach shooter who turned out to be black. It was quickly buried and they barely showed his picture.
shit went viral and she wrote some article today complaining that it only went viral because they look like normal whites.
It was literally everywhere for a week and a half you retard.
To be blunt, Léa Seydoux is so fuckable it makes my dick ache just to look at her.
Never heard of it. Your statement is false.
the blonde chick threw the first punch and the police contradicted their stor,y saying that they never even reported it
yes sir, she is 18 since january.
I would suck the shit straight from Mackenzie's anus
honestly? she has some pretty good dick sucking lips i would really enjoy if she wrapped around my cock
>think user is just writing bullshit
>go to check
>had to Google 5+ search terms and dig through articles for the shooter's name and then Google that name and then click on Images because normal articles didn't have a photo
Damn, we really are living in clown world
she's pretty but that's fucking disgusting user.
where does kiki fit in
Getting raped to death by niggers on a livestream
You can't say you wouldn't
I wouldn't. Shit is disgusting no matter who it comes from.
Angourie is like a goddess statue come to life while the one on the right looks like some trailer trash
Why would (((they))) shrink the audience of a propaganda film?
That white women should make more half-niglets.
Too bad it didn't end in a lynching
The brunette looks like the girl from that gordon ramsay show. She and her fat sister had a italian restaurant.
Posting on social media with a niglet and two black eyes
Oh yeah, by the time Ramsay had to leave they were so wet for him
The two of them are doing extremely WOKE films kissing and fuggin high melanin male individuals
waifufags deserved it.
she doesn't have relationship with him in the movie. the movie is another disney race baiting garbage for gullible people like /tvpol/ kind
why do they make little girls so cute ?
you shouldn't take pride in being a total retard
they both kissing niggers on camera
lol this who you pedos wifing now
A whole shelf dedicated to wine books. Is it possible to be more basic?
>finding an 18 year old attractive makes you a pedo
So literally 100% of the human population is pedo
What do you expect from australians
We all would.
Younger is better when it comes to fuckability.
very very kino pic
To be glassed.
ruin your hundreds of years old white ancestry for one fucking woman
im not even a racist but this is fucking disgusting
harry is the worst
haha yeah, where her boyfriend got mad at a customer for calling him out on microwaving her steak
>kissing and fuggin high melanin male individuals
>tfw ywn see Angry kiss the inside of Foys thighs as she gropes her own tits
>muh ancestry
Only /pol/ incels seem to care. Literally have sex
Those subtle tits and tummy showing from being her dress. Def was under 18 in that pic
For me it's Annalisse
loves slutty attention like big slut
pro tip: if the video you wanna make is just 9 seconds, you can crank up the resolution to 720, possibly 1080 without losing too much detail
he's the bastard son of an army lieutenant anyway, he can afford to indulge in miscegenation more than anyone else in his family
Perfectly normal
>haha who cares if whites go extinct, it's not like they created 99% of the world haha i'm sure an all brown world will be fine
The one on the left has crazy eyes..
Who is this tit-monster?
Annalisse Basso.
Fuck off with that gay shit
Her sister, Alexandra.
Hot damn. Love to take a dip in that gene pool.
Yes. Just like the Blue Lagoon, because it is wholesome and educational.
>man hands
Angourie is waaaaaaay hotter than Mackenzie
The story was everywhere, yes, but it was all about the victims and "violence against gays". There was absolutely bugger all about who did it even though they were already arrested, which is itself a clear indication of exactly who did it.
Maybe Angourie has flappy flaps though
No she isn't. Angouri has crazy eyes.