/ter/ - general

just finished it, i think this is some of the best television i have ever seen

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i watched the underwater ice removal scene on youtube and it scared me so bad, i‘m seriously considering therapy. was this the scariest scene or are there worse ones?

is that not literally the same guy from Chernobyl...

There were.

It is.

No this is Francis Crozier (17 September 1796 – c.1848)

>straight guys have to survive on their own
>they all die
How can one show be so based and redpilled.

White guys, too.
I could finally relate to the camaraderie.

Attached: the terror-2.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

anyone mind explaining what happened to lieutenant little? it looked as if he had pockewatch chains strapped to his face

i'll be honest, i kept confusing the two lieutenants (little and the other) and mr. collins the whole time through because of hte damn sideburns

Nobody knows. That scene was based on real life witness accounts, describing the body that was found.

Most likely explanation is either craziness getting to him, or just an overtly elaborate way of purposely causing oneself pain to induce blood rush in deadening tissue.

I learned how to correctly pronounce the word Lieutenant watching this show

>was this the scariest scene or are there worse ones?

IMO it was the scariest. There were more gory/jumpscary/etc scenes but, the sheer dread of that one is unmatched.

This and also sea men have long history of piercings, they had superstitions of piercing improving eyesight etc.

Yes, he was the only one to survive the expedition, and then went on to study nuclear physics in Russia.

Fuck you for making this thread, OP.

Now I've got to rewatch it. Again.

t. semi-zoomer who hasn't watched The Sopranos or Mad Men or The Wire or Generation Kill etc.
It's a good show though

Lovely uniforms.

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Is Terror and MC set during the same time?

OP here, Mad Men is my favourite show of all time, and I am watching The Sopranos intermittently (and the Wire is shit)
kindly fuck off

what about the dozen men they left in the boat before they went away?
Crozier doesn't mention them later, they simply abandoned them

MC is during the Napoleonic wars, so the turn of the 19th century. Terror's about 40-50 years later

Attached: the terror-3.webm (1000x562, 2.77M)

The canned food had lead in it, making the men irrational



what does that have to do with it? i'm asking why the fuck he had golden chains all over his face like Xerxes from 300

let's face it, the joke isn't funny and it's only carried by the characters laughing. They laugh so the American audience laughs.
Even the acting is bad because the actors couldn't convincingly fake laughter there: youtu.be/440l8poSQiA?t=36
In fact it isn't even meant to be funny, yet retards think it is.

>Do you ever feel like your mind is against you?

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only thing i haven't watched yet from your list is Mad Men. I still prefer Terror when it comes to characters, atmosphere and story.

cracy men do cracy things

>let's face it, the joke isn't funny


Attached: The Terror Jared Harris.jpg (2048x2730, 816K)

Brainlet here, why did Hickey kidnap the commandant?

Post tits.

>and the Wire is shit
yeah thought so.
>niggers lmao so I won't watch

>go to my usual place for streams
>only four random episodes available
Damn. Just when I felt like watching it and having the time for that.

the captain you mean? not sure myself now that i think about it, he just felt like he had a connection with him ("you're the only here who's at my level" or something like that)

We'll never get get a american Polaris season where everyone gets drunk starts playing around with guns and poisons Captain Hall.

don't project your /pol/ insecurities on me please, i simply didn't like the show. black people don't factor in
what site do you use? fmovies should have all of it. i've also started using lookmovie recently, it has 1080p versions sometimes

do you really, really think the joke is actually funny? It's a simple pun that is presented as the greatest gag of all time. It's realistic, because that's what drunk people would laugh at.
The doctor's reaction is what most people would do when sober. You wouldn't burst your gut laughing if you heard that in real life.
You guys are just so transported into this world and see people laughing that you can't analyse it for what it is.

Because cosplaying as the villain of a movie that hasn't even come out yet while your death is at hand is irrational behavior.

pure narcissism then

>is presented as the greatest gag of all time
No, it's not. It's not the joke that we love, it's the mood of the scene. Which you would get, if you weren't a female.

Have menstruation.

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>t. weevil

Attached: the terror-6.webm (900x506, 2.31M)

>That scene where Tobias Menzies has a Roman helmet on

Rome ended too soon, Yea Forumsros. ;_;

What a terrific fucking actor he is, Fitzjames was my favorite character just because of him.

Probably the scariest. I really enjoyed the show, but one of the things I disliked was how quickly "the terror" dissipates. After 2-3 episodes of suspense and not knowing what's going on, the monster gets the slasher flick treatment.

Great show regardless, you should definitely watch it.

Horrible post, but kek.

>The Sopranos
>Generation Kill

Based. When will HBO finally do a Vietnam War miniseries?

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he got PUNK'D

Menzies is really good at playing characters you fucking hate at the start, but root for at the end.
Rome and The Terror are great examples of this.


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deepest lore

well ok, I accept that. However, I've seen plenty of retards in my time posting like the thing is the funniest scene of all time.

>The real reason Mr. Hickey ignored Crozier and ran away was because he actually Hickey at all
W-wow, what a great little easter egg.

>he actually wasn't Hickey at all*


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>sit down Uncle

"Happy new year, motherfucker!"

Arguably the worst part of that shitshow. Especially since I had just watched The Terror before GoT ended.

>They brought Tobias Menzies back
>He's supposed to be playing a flawed, but capable leader
>He's used for horrible comic relief instead

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Attached: the terror--6.webm (640x360, 1.94M)

*posts eight different variants of Mr. Hickey running about at varying speeds*
absolutely based

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Just finished it. Pretty great. I don't have anything to contribute.

Just forget about it. The whole season (or really the last four) were so incomprehensible and retarded that the only way to cope with it is to not consider it canon.
Kinda like Nu Wars.

>I don't have anything to contribute
Nothing more is required, user, you have displayed excellent taste.
Now go and watch Chernobyl.

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Monster ruined the series desu. It would have been much better if it was just a magical polar bear.

But it was. Also post memes.

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I think it's retarded that these two shows are somehow held up to be the greatest of all time suddenly. They're both good but jesus christ.
>whhaat you haven't seen the other one? Go watch the other "white" people solving problems show that came out recently!
wasn't it? It was a representation of the natural order/native culture that the imperialist/colonialist Brits upset.

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It would have been better if it was just a normal polar bear which the men thought was some spooky monster due to lead poisoning.

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There wasn't any fucking bromance in Ravenous, wtf.
I would also suggest The Worst Journey in the World by James Alexander Thom

What I meant was that it should have looked like a normal bear with magic powers not like a chernobyl polar bear.

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I was really hoping there'd be more like that scene, but desu it just got worse, then even worse once you see manbearpig

It's supposed to represent their deteriorating well-being.

I prefer what it looked like. It's unnervingly human.


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>t,. bbc natural history unit

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what's the point of that? we can already see their minds and bodies decaying very obviously throughout the entire show. that's just adding a redundancy that's not needed since it's being explicitly shown every episode

The human-like polar bear mirrors how the expedition is slowly losing their civilized nature, reducing them to "animals"

I didn't like the ending. I feel like all the heroism and sacrifice of the crew went to waste with him not going back to tell their story.

Get ready for The Terror season two: White Men Bad Edition.

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>from Fuck Trump productions

>the terror: infamy

i mean i get it but it seems like a pointless detail when a big part of the show is the crew losing their civility and becoming barbaric and treacherous. it feels like that point doesn't need to be reinforced subtly through the bear's appearance because it's already so obvious and in your face

When will they learn?


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Man, that scene was brutal

I think the point was that the crew are so scared and focused on this bear, while the true "terror™" was themselves.

>what is acting

strong 9/10 production
jared harris is gold, as always

Wait, there was a physical monster? I thought the entire thing was CGI

Is this satire?

im getting the weirdest feeling. its some sort of alternate, uncanny valley, where real life looks like bad cgi

its breaking my brain

Does anyone know when the monster was practical? Before someone posted that picture here I also thought it was completely CGI.

Me too, i can't tell the difference between real stuff and bad cgi anymore.

that looks scarier than a bear tho

>tfw thought Dyatlov was Mr Blankey

why do they call some lads Mr and others by their first name?

fuckin aussie, you should know this, its a level of respect.did you ever call the teach in highschool you hated, mate?

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i know, that's why i'm asking, it doesn't seem to be related to age or rank, or laybe i missed something

Do people actually call others by their last name?

It would be perfect if not for the stupid monster. Dan Simmon is a hack.

Why? The writing was abysmal. Good acting, but what sjw historical rewriting anti-white moron wrote that trash. And the monster was ugly af.

because its not related to age or rank. its respect. i just said that.

its 1845? probably.

You realize that was also the point of S1?

I have never seen this movie, and I laughed just now.

/pol/ has utterly ruined this website

so the lads they call by their first name aren't respected then?

Maybe they are really trying to find small pieces of humour in an otherwise serious, often uncomformtable, and occasionally terrifying and dangerous daily routine?

how so?

what did lieutenant chainface only appear right at the end? he seems like a highly decorated officer yet he got so little screentime.

I want to see a Terry A. Davis film with Tobias Menzies.

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little faggots like you who call everyone outside of extreme leftists le evil pol and whine about it all day long have ruined this website

The show would've been much better without the Tupaaq.

>George Takei as Kocksuq

>(and the Wire is shit)

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Imagine being such a smug pleb

mad men was over drawn, preachy, pretentious, narrative driven crap.

At least make it more arbitrary, never showing it on screen so the viewer has to imagine it like in books and it could be realistic bear.

Go back to /pol/
Centrists ARE Nazis

Villain was kind of lame.

Those forks were a brilliant idea.

were the forks just to choke the bear when it tried to eat him or did I miss some sorta joke cos I wasn't paying attention?

Is this show actually good or are you guys fucking with me?

Looks like a poor man's Sir Daniel Day Lewis lmao.

Attached: daniel day lewis-4.webm (1920x816, 2.97M)

It's good. The bear CGI sucks but the story/characters make up for it.

youre a satire

>elevates your kino

I want him to punish me...


Sailors believed the gold piercings in their skin would somehow balance the humors in cases of sickness. It was an old superstition by this point, but it highlights the sheer desperation of even the highly disciplined officers.

I don't see it.

Well no, a woman wouldn't.

Attached: the terror-5.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

>my own adventure turned out to be quite different

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Le Vesconte should have had more screentime. When he confronted Little about the men wanting to keep walking instead of saving Crozier I had no idea who he was and why he was taking a leadership position.

forgot pic

Attached: vesconte.jpg (1280x720, 322K)

Spat out my fucking coffee, you absolute madman.

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both it was the only thing he could think of doing, and it was funny because it was an absurd thing to attempt

shit walruses are fucking gigantic what the fuck
I seem to recall seeing a clip on one of those BBC shows where a polar bear tries biting one as it's just lying there, and the walrus's skin is so tough it just turns around and looks at the bear like "what do you want?"

What's this from?

Gangs of New York (2002).

Attached: gangs of new york.webm (1920x816, 2.93M)

Thanks m8.

The show is only ever properly "scary" in the first episode or two, when they're still playing up the mystery of the local spirits or what have you (the underwater scene, the dying man seeing spirits standing at the end of his bed, etc). As soon as they introduce the monster all of that gets abandoned to the wayside and the threat is just "run away from the big bear".

Retarted post user

> “If I were to marry,” continued Sophia, opening her parasol again and
spinning it above her, “it would be to our dashing Captain Ross. Although I am
not destined to be a mere captain’s wife either, Francis. He would have to be
knighted … but I am sure he will be soon.”

>Crozier stared into her eyes, searching for some sign of jest. “Captain Ross is
engaged,” he said finally. His voice sounded like the croak of a man who has
been stranded without water for many days on end. “They plan to marry
immediately after James’s return to England.”

>“Oh, pshaw,” said Sophia, standing now and twirling the parasol more
quickly. “I will be returning to England by swift packet boat myself this
summer, even before Uncle John is recalled. Captain James Clark Ross has not
seen the last of me.”

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that's because you're American and fucking stupid.
yes. It's still a bad joke.