Nigga u gay

nigga u gay

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>try to watch this because Yea Forums keeps ranting about it
>the nigs are all so ugly I can't even get to the part where they start playing the game

Couldnt they cast some attractive blacks for this shit?

It's probably to highlight that they wouldn't fuck irl.

What were they ranting about?

I haven't seen a single episode but that pic makes me laugh seeing their goofy faces knowing they're about to do some gay shit

Serious question: would any of you fuck a "girl" in VR if you knew it's really a dude playing? You'll never meet him, or see him, or hear his real voice. But in the game he would be the hottest chick AND actually funny and interesting, which most women aren't. Just imagine it for a sec.

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I would be that chick

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Why did Mackie even enjoy playing this when he was so shit? I mean even when they were """young""" he still got shit on

Show me picture of her tits, i know you have it

Don't worry, no one will know.

I’d pay child support for that

The gay subplot was there to distract people and hide them from the open relationship/let your spouse cheat plot.
Imagine the uproar if the man was cheating with a woman instead.

Yeah, of course

that would be gay, so no.

Have sex with me

It really isn't, it's not even trap, but a legit women simulation, just a better one with an actual personality.

Everyone who says no is lying

Living in denial is bad for your health.

Gonna need a name

No that's kind of gay.

I'd be the girl that gets gangraped by male players though.


hell yeah

this is unironically a good episode, the ending is just stupid because open relationships are stupid

Why do you care how attractive the actors are you closeted pathetic incel drama queen

Yes because video game women are kino. Way hotter than IRL women, unfortunately.

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