/tp/ - Twin Peaks

Why did everyone, even the people that knew Laura was a literal truckstop cokewhore, act like she was the best person ever?

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because she was until she met the black lodge agents. Did you even watch the show?

Press F to pay respects to the original highschool used in the show, being demolished today


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that's what people to do the recently deceased

Laura was actually evil; she was the corrupting force.


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The town couldn't come to grips with all their individual secrets. There was an agreed upon public face and then the reality.

How did 50k+ people come to such an agreement?

It's commentary on all of us. We all have a public face and a private self.

For example, you ever go to church ? Everyone acts so holy and good and then they go home and beat their wives or steal lipstick from target or judge their next door neighbor privately but wave to them every morning.

Same Premise

But I go to church and don't do any of that stuff

I just finished The Return and was pretty underwhelmed. There's a million things going on with new characters randomly interspersed with stuff going on with the old characters and none of it really goes anywhere interesting. It was way too long. Didn't at all have the charisma or feel of the original series.

I didn't hate it but I would consider it mid tier Lynch at best.

Sure you dont

Sounds like you're just a bad person and want others to be like you.

That was one of many problems for me. The Return was too revealing in regards to all the supernatural themes which led to a loss of tension, the feeling of an otherworldly force behind the veil reality influencing characters that was one of the linchpins that made the original great. The buddy cop relationships were also absent, I would say there wasn't any memorable characters or relations like those that made the original a good series.
Does being LYNCHED mean taking your beloved series and publicly executing it?

It was pretty unrealistic, actually. My mom grew up in a small town like that. Everyone knows each other's business. There is no way you could be running around being a literal cocaine prostitute and so many men knowing about it without knowledge getting to everyone.


>/tp/ - Twin Peaks
You wouldn't need to bump it if this thread was titled properly.

The Return is a critique of nostalgia. Once you understand Wizard of Oz and how it's Lynch's favorite movie you understand the "There is no place like home." element of The Return. You can't return to the past.

"Where are we going?"

Cooper tries to change the past and return things to how they are and ultimately fails.

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Leave him alone, everyone needs to feel like they're in familiar company

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Why was it so popular in Japan?

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Japan is a country where Evangelion is as popular as Star Wars is in the West. Is it really that surprising that Twin Peaks could find an audience there?

That’s literally the point of The Return. Cooper is a brain dead retard for 90% of the season lol

where do i find women like this

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A brothel

>tfw I'Il never marry Lucy
Why to live, bros?

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>it was SUPPOSED to be boring and a let down retard

Wow epic I love it now


I have a worse feel

>tfw I'll never marry audrey

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but it wasn't. the goal was to be a critique of nostalgia bait we see so often now. it was pretty good just in a different way.

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Why do they all want to kiss him and get lynched

it's the power of meditation

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The message is separate from the vehicle it's delivered on, none of my complaints have to do with that.

Did they fugg?

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I just started season 2, are there any episodes I ought to skip?

Yea all of em including s3

Other than the first few and last few it's all awful soap opera filler that Lynch had no involvement in.

Watch the whole thing so you have a righteous reason to shit on the deluded Lynch sycophants.

Lynch had next to no involvement in the second season and has criticized it multiple times though

not really, but once the civil war stuff starts duck out of there

I meant the entire series.

Jade gave TWO rides!

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>Bobby literally murders someone in Fire Walk With Me
>it's never mentioned again and doesn't affect him in any way

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Why didn't Audrey and Coop meet in season 3? ;_;

He just shot someone in a bad drug deal

Pretty standard fare in America desu

He shot him like 3 times then blew his head open while he was laying on the ground.

A fair reaction to having a gun pulled on you and your girlfriend in the woods

It's not boring or a let down when you watch it with the intended message in mind. It's only that way as long as you try to cling to the view of it being something it's not.

Audrey's in a psych ward after doppelcoop put the bad seed in her and Coop had bigger things to deal with.

You post on here.

My view is being engrossed by a captivating tv show, which it failed at message or no.

Why the fuck are they demolishing it? Is the economy that bad? Thanks a lot, Trump, you backstabbing zionist.

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They are just as civilized as whites

obviously, mullholland is a commentary on how he only hires sluts who fuck him for parts.

Based if true

I can't stop thinking about Sheryl Lee's smile bros...

If your complaint is it wasn't what you wanted, why did you try ti argue it's shit? Just say you didn't like it.

She was a kind and pure soul doing her best to fight against corruption and evil.

>If your complaint is it wasn't what you wanted

We get that that's what you're trying to make his complaint so you can dismiss it, you can stop now it's getting annoying

I am rewatching Lynch's films in random order, only seen mull and lost highway. Loved them much more than the first time. I get the feeling inland empire is next, but i am kind of afraid it will lynch me again. It felt so "heavy" the first time and left me really tired and unsatisfied, like i was missing something, eventhough i liked it a lot in many parts. I hope i can figure what my true feelings on the movie are on the second watch.

Did Leland start raping Laura because she was hot or because he liked the power?

In dreams

bob just came up and said "huehuehue do it faggot" so he did

>goes to church
>is dense as shit
it checks out

The first time I saw inland empire, the only effect it had on me was to make me incredibly uneasy and confused. I recently watched it a second time, and noticed the underlying humanity and positivity this time around. When Dern's character comforts the crying prostitute, it feels like one of the only truly happy endings Lynch has ever filmed.

Reminder that Shelly is the true best girl

Inland Empire is one of the few movies I've seen (definitely under 5) that have genuinely disturbed me and made me feel actual dread while watching. I can't really even put my finger on it, it's not like anything explicitly awful happens. Just the entire thing feels like an awful uncomfortable nightmare that goes on and on and on. Bits in Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway got under my skin but Inland Empire fucked me up

Agreed. Who knew dancing to the locomotion could be so damn unnerving?


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Thank you, I won't be replying to such retarded comments as his.

Repeat after me: "It's okay if people don't like the things I like"

Big F

salt lake city, utah

This. There are some real scumbags in my family, but whenever they die their shittiness is always the silent elephant in the room at their wake.

That's the one Lynch film I don't enjoy all too much is Inland Empire. I hate to say it, but the handheld cam/audio thing really turned me off to a lot of it. All I could imagine was actors on a set saying their lines, it took me out of it. Of course that one scene of dern's face is classic, but overall I just couldn't get into it. Maybe a rewatch is in order.

I know it's a meme response but it really does take multiple viewings to take it all in. The digital camera is bizarre, I don't understand why he did that but eventually I didn't really notice it

They love Lynch

>tfw I'm and
but I didn't clarify and you thought I was

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I got depressed after finishing season 3

Same I really hope Lynch has a few more projects left in him before he kicks the bucket


>demolition begins July 5th
Excellent reading comprehension

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He said he was interested in doing another Twin Peaks season where 3 left off following the new Laura Palmer character. Who knows if that will happen but it's a sign he's interested in another project


You mean after the shot raped a hundred times by dear old possessed daddy