Is this any good? Been playing a lot of CK2 and I am looking for some Crusader-kino
Is this any good? Been playing a lot of CK2 and I am looking for some Crusader-kino
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It's good apart from Orlando's terrible acting
No it’s shit, and don’t let delusional anons tell you that the director’s cut “fixes it”, it doesn’t. Save yourself the trouble and watch a better medieval movie
Movie looks awesome; sets and costumes are great... but the movie itself is total rubbish, even the directors cut.
Not a movie and not "kino" but knightfall is okay tv show on the background
It has it's moments, but it does suffer a lot from feeling like a silly modern Hollywood movie at times, despite the facade of being something more sophisticated.
Still worth a watch though.
If you are going to watch it, do yourself a favor and do watch the director's cut. It does a lot of things right. It does a lot of things wrong. But the overal medieval atmosphere is great.
It's not amazing, but it's a fun watch. Great cinematography from Ridley Scott as well.
The directors cut is okay.. Some docukino is Secrets of the Castle. Experimental archaeologists try to build a castle using the tools and techniques of the middle ages.