Kinos about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Kinos about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Attached: The yiffing or archduke Franz Ferdinand by the furfag Gavrillo Princip.png (1100x1200, 1.2M)

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Holy shit, a furry killed mario.

>the Archduke is driving
Historically-illiterate faggots I swear

we will NEVER see his dream of a United States of Greater Austria

Attached: 775px-Greater_austria_ethnic.svg.png (775x599, 362K)

I don't have kinos about that, but I do have kinos about HIV/AIDS if that's okay with you

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Thank god

>After being shot, Sophie immediately fell unconscious and collapsed onto Franz Ferdinand’s legs.[89] The Archduke, too, lost consciousness while being driven to the Governor's residence for medical treatment.[89] As reported by Count Harrach, Franz Ferdinand's last words were "Sophie, Sophie! Don't die! Live for our children!" followed by six or seven utterances of "It is nothing," in response to Harrach's inquiry as to Franz Ferdinand's injury.[94]
No but seriously, it's puzzling why there aren't more movies set during prewar era Austria- Hungary.

how the fuck is it actually possible to get off to these?

there's nothing arousing in the pictures so you might as well have just imagined the scene instead of paying some dude to draw it for you

Nobody cares about WW1

I had to google how America got involved and it turns out Germany and Mexico were secretly planning an invasion of Texas and the British "accidentally" leaked the plan to the Americans, who promptly went apeshit

>it's puzzling why there aren't more movies set during prewar era Austria- Hungary

hard to shoehorn in the holocaust or brave americans saving the day

and people say this wasn't a legitimate casus belli
or they blame germany for the start of the war

>hard to shoehorn in the holocaust or brave americans saving the day
We've been getting more and more historical shows that aren't about muh WW2 lately, maybe there's hope.

Last year was the centenary of WW1, people don't care

Attached: Ice Cold in Alex.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

>or they blame germany for the start of the war
krautoids shouldn't have invaded through Belgium then


Attached: quotecolonelunquotehouse.jpg (1366x768, 173K)

it was pretty massive here in the UK

It wasn't, Austrians didn't have a reason to invade Serbia, so they invented one, which resulted in us Serbs pushing their shit in throughout the first year of the First world war, shame how they involved Germany in it, though.


>us Serbs


yes, that's the problem with this image.

We Serbs drove them out as well, with some Bulgarian and Greek help.

maybe they arent for jacking off?


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they have all the weird hallmarks of custom fetish porn

What about the Armenian holocaust?

Attached: REMOVE TURK.png (813x601, 619K)

>I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-fffff w-w-w-e ju-ju-ju-just li-li-li-beralize n-n-n-o one wi-will b-b-b-balkanize
Dude was a moron and there's literally zero examples of states that liberalized / devolved / etc nations within their empire that didn't immediately lead to nationalistic secession movements getting even worse.

shhh, never happened goyim

I don't know, looks like regular autism to me.

Is this image historically accurate ?

It was also the sinking of the lusitania ya dingus

>(not considered)
lol Bosnia... never change

Pretty shocking that 28 million Russians were systematically slaughtered and no-one gives a fuck.

Well, who the fuck would go watch it?

Americans if they(me) have great speech a la Lincoln with Woodrow Wilson at the end

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 1.95M)

What's the consensus on this one?

Attached: they_shall_not_grow_old-300x189.jpg (300x189, 11K)

one of the best documentaries I've ever seen

not only is the restoration of the footage absolutely astounding, the interviews are really fascinating and unexpected

I think you can forgive anyone who fought in WW1 if dental hygiene wasn't their number one priority

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Rider Named Death.
not about assassinating Franz Ferdinand but similar types of assassinations

I remember when /his/ found this. Twas a magical time.


Attached: ww1 Brew up.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

redpill me on germany and austria

Attached: 1445115480398.jpg (539x700, 143K)

No one even remembered here in the U.S.

Were there every anymore?

>state sponsored terrorism
>not a good reason
now here's your cue to call Princip a plant

goddamn he summoned his stand to help aim that's cheating

>white people dying
yea obviously no one cares LOL
