What’s the best final battle scene in movie history?

What’s the best final battle scene in movie history?

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Lone Ranger


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Looks like brown chili

Yikes and also no, Ran or any battle scene from The Lord of the Rings are better

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Attached: Equilibrium34.jpg (900x393, 75K)


Battle of Black Gate > Battle of Endor > Battle of Hogwarts > Battle of Earth from Endgame

Attached: Let-the-final-battle-begin-Raid-II.jpg (725x460, 51K)

This movie is fucking godly

>that face

Attached: Dk48KgSU8AAwzpg.jpg (1125x1109, 100K)

battle of endor is pretty boring honestly

what's happening here

Attached: Niggers are dead in the dark, dark future.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Not the best ever but Aquaman final fight with the crab people as well as the fight on top of that ship was kino

this part was too short though

Attached: Fight on the sub is kino.webm (850x480, 2.94M)

Name a scene with more testosterone

I honestly think this looks better than the entirety of Endgame sans that bit when Cap is standing all by himself on a hill facing Thanos' army.

The implied battle with AIDS that Forrest and his son had to undertake after the credits given that Jenny caught HIV from sharing needles (and her gash) before she basically rapes him while he's trying to sleep and then gives birth to their kid before dying like a bitch and leaving a pozzed tard with his pozzed autist kid to navigate as much of the cultural shenanigans of 90s America as they can before also succumbing to her degenerate junkie illness.


fuck i was so angry with that final battle

>watching capeshit
>being surprised at the result

this was legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen and I curse the people that made it and the minutes it stole from me. I ask people if they liked this movie to figure out if they have shit taste or not.

what movie

this, but with endgame


Waterloo you fucking pleb


Attached: 220px-TheOnefilm.jpg (220x312, 15K)

Holy shit that looks like ass

gonna watch this right now

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the fucking indiana jones scenes.

Battle of the Black Gate is the correct answer. Zulu is a close contender.

As far as 1 on 1 fights go I can't think of a better example than Neo vs. Agent smith in Matrix revolutions. Say what you will about the movie, but the final fight is kino.


Attached: NeovsSmith.png (1366x684, 552K)

Seven Samurai is pretty damn great.

omg i love keanu reaves!

>Papa Roach starts playing
Based and nu-metalpilled

>face on the floor

Attached: Reaction (18).png (493x402, 8K)

Me taking a dump.

Definitely not a cgi alien army one.

Glory deserves an honorable mention.


Good movies don't have "final battles"

No way, chili is Justice League's turf.

Attached: green-arrow-chili.png (947x1521, 2.69M)

That wasn't the final battle.

It was only the start.

Battleship (2012)

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Why is it that pretty much everything but technology must get worse over time? It's clear that film as a medium has been in decline for about 30 years now..we're never going back to the glory days are we?

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Wait do people unironically like this? when I saw the webms posted here I couldn't stop laughing my ass off at how dumb and mind-numbing it all is..don't tell me people are impressed by this garbage?

Who finds this dogshit entertaining?

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Shouldn't that line have come before they assembled and not after?

zoomers/muttskins who are constituting more and more of the board as time goes by. if the jannies/mods were interested in saving Yea Forums they would move all capeshit to Yea Forums and make an internet board to quarantine all the garbage twitter screencap threads that get posted here

pure kino

Dark City

This was a TREAT for the fans. I'm just happy they did this for us ;)