Anybody watching? How is it?

Anybody watching? How is it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boring, refn is a hack

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Currently torrenting :)

This nigga gay
Also I'm pretty sure he fucked his mom
Also I'm pretty sure his uncle fucked his mom
Also I'm pretty sure he fucked his male cousin
What is wrong with this family

It's decent, i have seen 2 episodes so far. Teller is surprisingly good.

>"I used to get this milk tea in college at the Asian market M2M when I was high. It was five bucks. Me and my buddies prided ourselves. We were like, 'Nobody smokes this much pot. I guarantee you can ask anyone in this dorm, man...we smoke a lot.' I didn't do a single play when I was in college, because all I wanted to do was smoke pot. I did zero extracurricular activities so I could get high. I stopped when I started doing movies and went to L.A. because I was like, I can't get a phone call and not answer it."

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His Spanish didn't fly so good

i watched 2 "episodes" and its the most boringest show ever

too bad about Nell looking like that now

Why is he doing Blue Steel? Really bugged me.

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>I'd give a finger just to play Death Stranding now!
>Oh rearry?

This poster was molested as a child.
Sorry for your loss, but keep your traumatized opinions to yourself.


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I'm on episode 3, are we ever going back to the cop? I thought Miles Teller was supposed to star in this? Is everyvepisode just a loosely connected vignette?

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I'm gonna give a drive-by post just to say it's incredible.
I'm only 2 episodes in, but it's not hyperbole to say this redefines television. The second episode is considerably better than the first too, imo.
Consider the "golden age of television" circa 2010 roughly. Critics and audiences were super impressed because television finally seemed to care about shot composition, lighting, impressive set-pieces etc etc. Sure, there were shows like Sopranos, The Wire and the rest that were considered great. But they were far from the rule or the norm. We started getting a lot of shows that drew in audiences in the same way films did with the same sort of spectacle.
(I'm talking about Dexter, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Masters of Sex, Boardwalk Empire etc)
But the thing is, all those shows were still very much television shows. They still followed the same formula of dialogue dialogue dialogue, action, dialogue dialogue. They just told more interesting stories with bigger budgets.

Too Old To Die Young is impressive because it goes so much further. It's not unusual to have a ten second static shot of a guy leaning against a wall with flashing lights and almost no sound. The sort of thing you normally only see in indie arthouse films, you're consistently seeing in this show.
I can't quite call it a 13-hour film as Refn does because it still divides too neatly into episodes. That is, each episode has a clear beginning, middle and end. But it's definitely not anything I've ever seen done in television before.

It's the best thing i have ever seen
don't @ me plebs

More like he got fucked by his cousin


It's very bad. Takes after the Neon Demon and Only God Forgives a lot, but the pacing is all wrong for a TV show. It seems like Refn ran out of ideas about halfway through the show, and there's a ton of cringe in there that seems like it was only thrown in to head off critique of the show as racist or misogynist.

For reference, I enjoyed all of Refn's previous films


Yes, you go back to him

It was good, the highs are very high but it has a huge problem on the end which I'll get into later. Overall I liked it, episode 5 is a masterpiece.

However I'm gonna be pissed if there is not a s2 because the ending and the last two episodes suck

there is no ending, it just awkwardly stops. I think they ran out of money or something. There's this fucking huge buildup and nothing happens in the final episode except the girl kills like 3 random guys. What happens to Jesus? I want to see his gangs rampage. What happens to John Hawkes? I want to wee him blow away the gang. The whole show seriously has a very anti climactic ending and I thought it went downhill when Miles died but they could still redeem it with a proper ending.

Tl dr it's good and even great but the ending sucks

jfc episode 2 was fucking slow

synth lynch

Episode 3s pacing is so much faster than ep1 or 2, it's weird.

So it's just season 3 of Twin Peaks except with more neon and no one cares about any of the characters

>That gay porn rape scene in ep 5
Jesus even for Refn that made me physically sick

Right? I mean, where were the black guys?

Its great but drags like hell

totally worthy though

10/10 for me

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Just finished the first episode, it would be over in 20 minutes if everyone didn't wait 10 seconds before replying to each other. Classic Refn so far though, neon lights, synths core, misty dark rooms with people not doing anything. I'm enjoying it, and I don't hate Miles for the lead as much as I thought he would, which is probably down to how passive he is, he speaks about 10 times in the first episode.

He's a great actor and arguably the best of his age group t's just his real life personality was a bit too much for most people when he first blew up.

I think the ending was more to drive across the theme of the show but I couldn’t help but feel underwhelmed. Refn is definitely expecting a second season.

It's very very good but yeah, it's also insanely slow. I will say that the episode with the two pornographers was absolutely top-tier.

When I said we won't get a TV show as special and unique as Twin Peaks: The Return until David Lynch directs another masterpiece, I was wrong. I can't even explain how wrong I was. From striking imagery and mind-blowing soundtrack to vague dialogues in which every word feels like a bomb explosion which echoing miles away from its epicenter Too Old To Die Young is the most ambitious and intense (although it's 13 hours long) Refn's work yet. This is a mix of old and new Refn, a mix of blunt and brutal violence, and vague and pensive atmosphere with enduring symbolism. Nicolas Winding Refn is a punk of the film industry who breaks all the rules and makes something so uncompromising, depraved and gory that you wouldn't look away even in disgust. Refn is one of the most inventive and just best directors working today whose worksclearly inspired by Jodorowsky, Anger and Argento but still manages to be his own guy and not turn into Quentin Tarantino who bluntly steals from others. You have a character with unfinished storyline? Refn doesn's give a fuck, he's gonna give them a bullet or three in the head. It's unlike anything I've seen before, it's a 13 hour frantic and dementer rollercoaster into the darkest places of West Coast that powers with fascism and misogyny, every male character is corrupted in one way or another, a clear reflection of Trump's America that doesn't want to be one but as we all know art inevitably reflects the reality.

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the second episode really tested my patience. My hope for the next episode is it picks up a bit

Episode 5 is worth the slow episodes leading up to it.

>people complaining about the show being slow
you filthy refn casuals

>drags like hell
>insanely slow
when did Yea Forums get replaced by zoomers without attention spans?


I don't mind it being insanely slow, mind you.

I prefer Pattinson.
Episode 3 is faster paced.

We're getting old fren

I'm a zoomer and I like it desu

is he the average neo/pol/friend?

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I'm trying to get through episode two but goddamn WTF is up with Jesus' face? It's like he has permanent duck face. At first I thought he was holding his mouth like that on purpose but now I think he's deformed or something.

Is he a pedophile?

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watched 20mins of ep1 then closed it and deleted it


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Pleb filtered

god I wish that was me

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Liking Refn shit is the real sign of a pleb

literally only watching it for taylor

he misses his mom

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the embodiment of kike nepotism

too poor to afford prime lmfao

>no u
Imagine being this much of a pleb

lame ass shit only pseuds can like

I'm really fighting through this first episode
What is the tone of this show? The shift between Miles Tellers deadpan scenes where he says nothing to the scene with the dad in the bedroom is jarring

who want to fuck the mexican priestess of death ?

starting to think Refn is a hack

Miles teller is the new Driver.


>tfw no psychopath mexican gf that gives violent handjobs and shoves cum down my throat

why live

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me pls

Wtf are the detectives problems?

You mean Mexican Margaret Qualley?

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Twin Peaks: The Return made by Rockstar Games

Watching Doc Venture being a pervy porno director was amusing.

pasta is looking good nowadays

I bet Amazon execs are nonplussed on the series and can't imagine they'll greenlight a S02, but may throw him a movie sequel.

That said, it's great to have a series that will define the pace of summer. Wish I had a projector at my family swimming pool and hot tub. Make a nice frosty drink, take my swimsuit off, light a few tiki torches, maybe roll a doob or toot a few bumps, maybe force my neighbor's hot daughter's head under the water to blow me, she's 19, order up some gourmet decadent donuts and make mom fetch them, as I relax to the max, surrounded by massive lush law trimmed and primmed by the best taco trash on the market, listening to the crickets chirp as the synthwave reverberates the diving board, watching harmless bats swoop at the screen as Miles spits on concrete and neon moths expand their Tokyo acid colored wings in the kino end credits, so exquisite and dreamy it would make Gaspar Now smile when his bald head hits a Kashmir version of MyPillow.

Why'd he kill daddy sniffles?

>Why'd he kill daddy sniffles?

Guy jerking off of the idea of his underage girl getting fucked by a 30 years old man, and only dreaming of doing it himself

But he's actually fucking the underage daughter.

I was confused whether the dad said that in earnest or it was just supposed to fuck with Martin as a lead up to chewing him out for going after his daughter at 16. That whole sequence with the fake movie was very bizarre, and that's saying something in the context of this show.

huh? she's only it it for 5 minutes.

you can't even deny that episode 2 is straight up slow

even if it was done to create the impact of the dialogue and important scenes, most of the long pauses could have been cut

what with all thoses nazi flags ?


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i'm 4 eps in and these police station scenes really are something.

wait, his mom lives in her pussy?

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Refn, despite making some great movies, is a lefty cuck. His physiognomy is a massive red flag.

There is a good 90 minute movie in here, padded out to 10 hours. Zoomers will love it though and endlessly jerk off how stylish and 'aesthetic' it is, and the extremely slow pace will make them feel like they are intelligent for watching it.

just look at his tweeter, but we are here for KINO not politics

>only 90 minutes
you outed yourself, zoomie

btw was it the Detective Lt. that was killed in the motel in nazi uniform ?

>padded out to 10 hours.
its even longer than that

The 90 to 99 minute range is the ideal run length for a movie, especially for a basically simple crime story like Too Young. There are movies that deserve to have a longer run time and I don't mind watching those, but in general most movies should fit into the 90 minute range.

It's pretty clear there won't be a 2nd season. Show was fine, a bit underwhelming at the end though unfortunately.


John Hawkes is pretty great.
Mad feels.

holy fucking based this is some next level kino

No one is ready for episode 8

Wait until the Jesus re-enactment, you're going to be laughing your ass off

Its kino as fuck, pure Refn.

You mean Mexican Olivia thrilby

Good. You don't deserve it

>Mr Kojima please, i didn't mean to criticize your direction in Death Stranding. Mr Kojima please AHHHHH

the 5 minutes were worth it

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>Lefty cuck
>"Lock her up" Is on the whiteboard in the police station

>written by Nicolas Winding Refn and Ed Brubaker
>and starring Miles Teller and William Baldwin.



I'm crying at the home theatre scene in ep6

Great show, but what the fuck was that ending? It just felt like a setup for a second season instead of a proper conclusion for what I presume is a one-off miniseries. I wanted to see Viggo BTFO the spic cartel so bad for what they did to /ourguy/ Martin, and maybe see him against Yaritza.

>William Baldwin.
best baldwin tbqh. stephen is a goon, alec is a fat cuck and adam isn't even a real baldwin.



Refn's problem is that he is a dishonest coward and will never truly delve into the grotesque and horrific. He's just a cocktease.

based codeine-core


This. Since we get to talk spoilers. I wanted Martin to get free and kill everyone or John hawks atleast kill that faggot hey zeus. Comfy series but I'm sick of the bad guy winning
>Inb4 that's real life


A chick gets stabbed about 8-10 times. It filled the refn violence quota

Yeah I was expecting the endgame to be Martin vs Yaritza because of the blonde bitch saying that Martin was a force of destruction or however she phrased it. I honestly wouldn't watch a second season unless it had a protagonist as good as Martin

I'm presuming it all ties together to that preacher from episode 5 that talks about swastikas being a source of power

It took balls to do episode 8. Twist after twist but I hated how Jesus got away with everything. I was fine with the high priestess of death of surviving even knowing her gig got old after a while

And that blonde bitch is beautiful

>when Martin spits after learning what they did to his gf
absolute fucking kino

Was Martin unironically Jesus for dying for something he didn't do? I mean we have to trust him when he said he didn't kill the mom

That car chase reminded me of Drive. It was hilarious and kino

He didn't seem that pissed after Damian pinned the murder of the mom on him. It was probably the truth. Then again, with how autistic his reactions are, we probably can never tell for sure unless Refn confirms it

Anybody else start randomly spitting on the ground because of this show? Now I know how the Drive toothpick autists feel

Spitting is fucking stupid. Do people really do this without chewing tobacco?

no, i'm not an 80 year old asian man

>What is wrong with this family
mexican families are very close. incest is common but it's not wildly accepted because they don't want to be known as crazy gringos that do that shit openly. same with blacks.

The spics in this made me think it would be alright to kill them and their bloodline

well the spics in this show want a full race war with arab and jews so...

How did refn get away having Jews kill Christ again?


kek. You're not ready for where the show goes

because there are dozens of scenes where he kills a fucking nazis. there's a scene with a swastika flag ffs


Larry was the one who originally worked for Damian and apparently he hated women. Martin at least has a respect for women even if he's apathetic.

Uh no, Jesus is the guy that killed Martin. Try to pay attention.

Are you trying to say Martin wouldn't kill a woman? He killed that junkie chick in the first ep, murdered a mother with a lethal needle, and judging by the montage showing his murders, probably plenty of more women. I don't think he'd give much of a shit about some random cartel boss whose house he's robbing in the first place

Reasons behind all of them. But I can't remember the reason for that hardcore needle kill

There was no reason besides Damien telling him to kill her

NOT JOKING: i pause the second episode and i didnt realize it was paused until my brother tell me.

> scene were the poop bag mexican mob guy is with his witch whore ninja trophy wife.

is that fucking slow.

big fan of NJW, other than FEAR X, all his movies have something interesting, at least, but there are times at these two episodes that it looks like a joke.

will keep it coming because already read here that episode 3 has a different rythim and episode 5 is kino, so...

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It's slow, sure. But keep going and you will be rewarded

the cocaine whore is the best:

> i want ten thousand dollars
> ok, i accept two thousand
> fine, i take 1750K. may i suck your dick?

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>"it's complicated"
or some shit like that

then he has the nerve to think he's similar to Viggo lol

Only towards the end I realised Martin most likely killed her. She deserved more than one episode

yeah. if there is something that nobody can deny about the guy is how much he is versatile.

he has now this whole neon synth pop aesthetic, but he started doing pusher, wich is a very raw movie production wise and it grow from there.

he has the skills to do a slow burner and a fast pacing movie, so he can inject that into the episodes, im sure.

but im not gonna lie that i was laughing around episode two. slow motion cousin cocaine incest, cleaning poop bag, that fucking mexican with that face of his. it was a little bit too much.

There is more sick shit to come. Episode 5 car chase is brilliant

CGI blood almost always looks like shit and you can tell whoever did this effect has never seen a real video of someone getting shot in the head.

pretty based

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Lmao what

Maybe that's why amazon aren't promoting the show

>now in this scene son, you'll be doing what we in the business call a rusty venture
How did Refn get away with showing on on camera?

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that shit was legit unsettling.

>a clear reflection of Trump's America that doesn't want to be one

Nah man, the social commentary is clearly intentional. Someone like Refn doesn't just stumble into that.

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I'm pretty sure Pele never scored from the center field

>Trump's America


Somebody's getting paid to write this drivel, which is enough proof that there's no real justice in this world.

Why does he like Jena Malone so much?

is the last episode only supposed to be 30 minutes long?

I wonder if Refn likes The Venture Bros. Or is James just a bigger name actor than I thought?

Yes, I didn't even notice until the episode ended. When I saw it cut to credits, I was like is that really it? Very abrupt ending, especially that shit with the higher dimension beings suddenly being introduced as real

With a good editor this series could be 20-30% shorter and nothing of value would be lost.

More like 70% shorter.

It's a voice you occasionally hear in other things, he's also done a few video games, but I don't think I've ever seen him as a live action actor.

who was he shooting at

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he didnt, on brazil when a person scores a goal like that, journalists remind the people thats 'the only goal pele never scored'.


if nerds make these star wars edit, somebody can make too old to die young - autism free edit

he some movies of an indie america director during the early 90s, but nothing really happend out of his career.

i remember him on an episode of the office, playing a weird friend of dwight.

I thought that was that guy from narcos, the gay dude.



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when you do a movie with an actress that has no problem at playing a crazy lesbian necrophiliac weirdo, you create a bond of confidence.

and its always easier to work with people that you already know, so theres that.

she looks very cure in here, she mature into a nice woman.

>not watching it for tiger

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I'm 7 episodes in & I'm really enjoying it.

If you have seen & enjoyed Only God Forgives you will like this.

So the actress is named Tiger but also the character has stuffed tigers in he bedroom? Bravo, Refn!

I did. Refn is hilarious

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>America is evil and filled with Nazis
>Cops are all fascists
>Men are all rapists
>Women are superior to men
Yeah wow guys this sure is BASED, huh? Praise Refn, our guy!

Best character

>watches Lynch once


This shit had me rolling.

The hell was that killing montage in episode 9?

This, but unironically.

It's absolutely kino. The episodes that are Jesus-Cartel-centric are particularly great pleb filters. This is some of the best a TV show can be. The absolute mad man got 90 minutes an episode too.

>Thought it was supposed to be about a cop looking for revenge for his murdered partner
>4 episodes in and its about a psychopath trying to learn how to feel while also fucking a highschooler
>And a bisexual cholo lad caring about his family
Expectations subverted.

See you again in 25 years

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I like how the color red keeps appearing in the Mexican parts, considering the old guy said that Red is the color of their nation

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Did anybody else notice that bitch show up as the waitress at the end? What did Refn mean by this?


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>Accidentally visiting /pol/

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I love the gay cowboys just standing in the back.

No one cares about the characters in Twin Peaks besides you and the fat feminist chick I used to date. She even had Twin Peaks tattoo

>What did Refn mean by this?
taylor hill is gorgeous.

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>*growls at you*

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what weird shit does Jenna do in this show?

Based Sol Star...

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>Actress name is Tiger
>She has tigers in her room
>"Be a tiger, man"
wtf Refn

she masturbates using vr headset.

the fact that so many newfags here say OMG WHY IS JESUS OBSESSED WITH HIS MOM goes to show that
A you never saw only god forgives
B you don't know that only god forgives was a love letter to jodorowsky because of how much he liked santa sangre
so many plebs on this board now i swear to god
but yeah watch it for the pretty colors i guess

Pattinson is going to be the next Daniel Day Lewis within the next 10 years. Screencap me on this.

>last episode is 30 minutes
fucking Refn

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does that girl from got get her tits out

It was pure cinema.

What an interesting screen shot you've chosen. I guess I wasn't the only one to notice the beta kitten programming symbolism. Also impressed you understand Refn's connections to Kenneth Anger.

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Forgot to add a picture.

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growling man bad

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You know a lot of the characters weren't really that old and could probably still die young.

Holy fuck the actress who plays the underage girlfriend with the billionaire Baldwin father and all the beta kitten dolls on her bed actually changed her middle name to Tiger? Jesus christ.

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>i pause the second episode and i didnt realize it was paused until my brother tell me
this is the best one yet

What the hell's a beta kitten?

Attached: Nell Tiger Free Too Old to Die Young 6.webm (1920x1040, 2.91M)

I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneedSneed
I hate zoomers (you) so gosh darn much
Fuck Biggers fuck Niggers fuck janies fuck Muslims and fuck beaners. Also sneed

but that will take me days to download

MKULTRA programming shit. The symbolism is seen very often in movies and the entertainment industry in general. One of the most obvious examples is in Eyes Wide shut, but there are countless others. Refn has direct connections to Kenneth Anger. He's probably referenced him more than any other director (ever wonder why the scorpion jacket in Drive? Go watch Scorpio Rising. He even admitted Lucifer Rising was his main influence on Valhalla Rising) who is an admitted Satanist with major connections to the occult and people like Crowley and Hubbard. They have even done interviews together.

its simply just a pattern. this is like saying wearing camo is going to make you a crazy red neck. i don't understand what this theory is trying to get across. animal print is a 2000s trend

I wish I was still 16 so that I could still be impressed by vapid occult symbolism

Its trash but Yea Forums will love it because its pretentious bait and will never be popular.

How does it feel to offer no actual criticism and instead shove a vapid, meaningless thought down the throat of thousands who will read your fucking retarded analysis?

t. guy who hasn't watched and gained nothing from your post

What is dilation?

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>MKULTRA programming shit
Guy directly references magick like he read the definition on wikipedia or something. It's not that subtle.

Something you tell people to do after they tell you to have sex.

I want to buy the painting on the right.

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>I didn't do a single play when I was in college
Oh it shows. Fucking neptonism at its finest

when they said there was going to be a nude scene this wasn't what I had in my mind. Still, you can still her nipples so that's nice.

I think it's implied that she's a tranny.

Just finished episode 3, the second episode was alright but the CGI blood at the end was total garbage. The third episode was the best so far, but the change in the pace is a bit jarring compared to the first 2 episodes which were slower.

ep5 is the best, felt like it actually used the 90mins

fuck dont tell him

> niggers own an ice skating business that plays ska 24/7

> not shaddy at all

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Refn is a fucking hack that blatantly plagiarizes Lynch and Jodorowsky

He's got no ideas of his own. He is an one-hundred percent derivative fanboy, and nothing more

some fag spoiled what happens in ep 8 (if you're in this thread i hate you)
still worth watching?

Refn said you don't have to watch in chronological order. So just watch that episode first.

If you like what you've seen so far, sure. I think that particular spoiler is pretty much expected from Refn nowadays though, he seems to love doing that.

>no dominant mommy wife/High Priestess Of Death

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Did Yea Forums like the soundtrack?

i posted in a thread last night about how i also fucked my gf since she was 16 and i got a ban warning and threat of something much worse. so i don't want anything to do with it.

What did they do to his gf?

Show is pretty fucking shit but at least Refn ripped off other kinos to make it look aesthetic.

Kek, is this true? Age of consent varies. In my country it's 16.

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yes. i'm especially worried because my actual gf at the time would know i dated her but that i didn't fuck her, but would sometimes say i did and yell that i was a 'rapist'.

Jena Malone has a really flat chest

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why was this deleted? it was from the fucking show.

I doubt they will do anything to you especially if you are in country with lower age of consent.

Just finished episode 8

God damn Jesus is fucking based, his scenes with Aritza having sex made me pretty hard tbhq, how to get a gf like her bros

...yeah... i'm in one of those countries...


This "binge-release" format is fucking retarded. I really hope this isn't the future of how series are released.
Mainly because of the Internet. Because it's impossible to discuss it without catching a spoiler because somebody has already torn through the whole thing. Fuck that. I much prefer a more standard release model.
Maybe releasing in batches of a few episodes would be a good middle ground.

Me too.

I want weekly episode releases.

So your problem with the format is that watching the show interferes with your going online and posting about the show?

>Gaspar Now
his name is gaspar noe and he has made far more kino:

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Yes. And talking to people about it offline as well.
Do you think that's a trivial complaint? Discussion and buzz and "what's coming next" is a large part of the appeal of a serial format in the first place.

> episode four over, next stop the pornographers.

thank good that the pathetic second episode, with slow, boring shots are over and the show looks more dynamic.

he can deny as much as he want, but he find a necessary balance to the format, the whole "10 hours movie" meme from twin peaks is just that: a meme.

once you talk about twin peaks: the return you have very solid moments in your mind and the first episode, episode 8 and the last two, are the ones who come to mind.

its like chapters in a book, you cannot run from it, as much avant garde pseud you try.

teller is the only problem. he isnt terrible but he also isnt convincing enough.

if you take in consideration that refn former avatars were mads milkensen and ryans gosling, this guy is... just boring.

not good looking enough, his body structure is all weird, he does even can grow a fucking beard and the autistic/distant persona doesnt quite fit.

but its getting better, the sense of fucked up shit is very nice.

after that second episode with a mexican senile drug lord talking over over about pele and poop bags being clean - with some incest vibes - the third and fourth episodes look like a solid television, done like a movie.

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i feel divided on that.

i think that yeah, three episodes weekly could be interesting.

a gigantic part of the fun of a serial show is talking about it week after week and that element is lost.

plus: the fucking spoilers.

i already saw one that im glad im going to forget because clonazepan xanax, but jesus christ, it hurts.

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yeah, because there's always at least one faggot who spoils all the big stuff given the chance, especially here on Yea Forums, it's unavoidable.

this show is hard to binge watch, fuck.
Every episode feels like double the length

Is it okay to skip the spanish episodes? I really just... I can't watch them. Episode 5 was so fucking good, and now you're going to make me sit through an hour of, "oh you fucked my mama mi corazon ay dios mios!"

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>this show is hard to binge watch
You wouldn't read a 400+ page book in a day now would you

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I actually like Teller in this. He gives a pretty decent performance. I have also only seen 4 episodes so far but he doesn't bother me in the slightest.

>i already saw one that im glad im going to forget because clonazepan xanax, but jesus christ, it hurts.
yeah some faggot spoiled it for me too. been sick with the flu so I couldn't stand to binge between puking and shitting myself.

>not good looking enough, his body structure is all weird, he does even can grow a fucking beard and the autistic/distant persona doesnt quite fit.
he grew facial hair after the show finished post-production....

nigga talking out his ass.

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So what's your favourite auteur driven kinoseries Yea Forums? My is The Young Pope.

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Twin Peaks: The Return

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John Wick films have good cgi splatters.

Its probably cause ive only seen the show high but I havent found it boring in the least to me its hypnotic.

the secret to be realistic is being contained. any real life video of shootings are super... boring. we get used to big movies with a lot if crazy stuff but you can see videos from body cams that a shot does a little sparkle, if much, and the guy falls bleeding, if so.

I noticed several minor tropes were pulled straight from the Fargo tv show including a replica of the Nixon line

This must be slowest show I've ever seen. It's like the 10 minute bar cleaning scene Lynch did in Twin Peaks season 3, except it happens for 10 full episodes in this show. And every fucking episode is like 80 minutes long so that they could stretch out the scenes even longer.

ep8 opening is fucking hilarious

That scene is 3 minutes max. Do you have ADHD or something?

It's not about how long it is, but how long it feels.

Well, it doesn't feel long to me but neither did The Turin Horse and Satantango.

>ep5 opening

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Episode 5 was pure kino, i just finished it. Episode 6 is once again 90 minutes of Mexicans. I want to watch Martin not those spics.

They don't. They are fake as shit.

I see nipple

Lol at that photoshopped bicep. Who the fuck are they fooling?

Ripping off lynch I see...

please respond

this is a show for my generation

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Is that the guy from George Lopez?

I'm wondering this too. I liked the second episode but it was so exhausting. Episode 6 is 90 minutes, the fifth episode should have been that long.

Somebody really has to tell Nicky boy that not every movie has to be A Space Odyssee. We don't need 3 second pauses between every line of dialogue and we don't need 10 second long lingering wideangle shots and close ups. That shit works if used sparingly, not after literally every fucking angle change.

>he doesn't speak Spanish

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There are plenty of films that are not shot in that way, if you want something conventional go and watch those.

wouldn't speak spanish for any of those ugly fucks.

Not even Kubrick or Leone did that shit. Refn is literally jacking his cinematography dick in 90 min episodes that are about 30 min too long.

I can tell you know nothing about movies. Which is fine, the laymen has gotta be into films too for them to work. Thankfully you already pay for the service so Refn's already got your support and Prime has him backed for a season two.

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need to know please.

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Even Only God was better paced, Neon Demon was at least a visual ride and Drive was just plain fun but the important difference is that those were movies with a basic 3 act structure and a timelimit. Refn is in dire need of an editor that shocks him every time he does something crazy with a cattle prod.

So? Plenty of directors use long takes. Tarkovsky, Tarr and Angelopoulos all use long takes. Of course Refn is not and never will be on the level of those directors. But just because Kubrick and Leone didn't do it that doesn't mean that Refn can't, if he successfully does what he sets out to do, he can do anything. I think he creates a good atmosphere in this one.

You just can't see it zoomer. repent.

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>But just because Kubrick and Leone didn't do it that doesn't mean that Refn can't
>so, uhm, miles, can you please stare into the void for a couple seconds?
>....ok, how much longer?
>a little more...
>my eyes are getting dry....
>You, black gangster #3, do the same!
You really want to defend this shit?

this guys part in the show was probably the best his 15 second monologue about how a delayed monologue is better than a rushed monologue was fuckin siqq.

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Dude i'm probably old enough to be your father.

That sucks dude because I'm 30.

>Dude i'm probably old enough to be your father.

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Yes, the comparisons with Leone and Kubrick are stupid at best. Leone also had some scenes with people staring at each other but he used them differently. Refn does what he does, it's a perfectly valid form of presenting a film. If you don't like it then don't watch it, it works for some people and for others it don't. Once again if you want to watch more conventional films, there are plenty to choose from.

>Refn does what he does, it's a perfectly valid form of presenting a film.
So would you defend this atrocity as well on artistic grounds?

Jésus is growing on me and there was a whole lot more going on than in episode 2

she seems pretty based, i'm glad she dumped you

>pan for 3 minutes
>zoom into a character doing nothing for 4 minutes
>character says something
>wait 2 minutes before other person responds

This is why the show is 13 hours long. Finished it last night, clearly trying to set up a season 2 but after about 6 episodes, I got tired of the pacing of every shot

That's the reverse case of what Refn is doing. Yes, art is subjective anybody can defend that. I personally wouldn't because i enjoy slower paced films with long takes so that film isn't for me. If you can make a case for it you can defend it.

youre defintley fucking gay rooting for women faggot.

Only seen the first episode so far, but Cliff Martinez is killing it. The music was actually the best part of the entire episode.

>I personally wouldn't because i enjoy slower paced films with long takes so that film isn't for me.
Yeah but there is a fucking sweet spot. 3-5 second long takes for dialogue scenes, perfectly fine to make a point. 5-10 seconds to set the scene with a wide angle areal shot and establish the mood, great. but that SHOULD NOT EVER be the case for every scene. it slows the movie down to a pace that would make a fucking turtle tap her foot in boredom. the story of Too Old is engaging, the actors performance is really damn good for the most part but Refn is destroying all that with his LOOK MOM I'M CINEMATOGRAPHYING JUST LIKE MY FAVORITE DIRECTORS!!!!!11


Glad you liked it, because you're going to be hearing the same track over and over and over and over again in every episode.

Well, then you have very narrow idea about film. Not everything has to conform to your ideas about sweet spots. Have you ever seen anything by Tarkovsky or Tarr?


I watch movies to be entertained, not to "expand my consciousness" or "experience art". Done plenty of that shit with the help of ex and shrooms 20 years ago.

The electric car chase is absolutely hilarious. Unironically subverted my expectations.

Then watch conventionally done films that entertain you. Don't watch films where the director actually has a certain vision which doesn't conform to what your ideas about what's entertaining are.