Ehat’s the oldest movie you watched?
Ehat’s the oldest movie you watched?
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this one i guess
I honestly know millennials who only know Keanu as the cat from that peel comedy film.
All Quiet On The Western Front(1930)
Metropolis probably
birth of a nation (also the best)
Now I've watched it too. Guess this is my new answer.
I know a millennial who only knew David Duchovny as the guy from Californication.
Do zoomers even like the matrix?
Metropolis (1927)
Well , now they all know him as "that e3 breathtaking guy" since he's spammed all over reddit.
This kino
Dracula (1931)
i worked at blockbuster for over a decade. So i literally don't know. Probably a turbo old sci-fi from the 60's like Phase IV or godzilla.
Better question, what's the movie that you have the earliest memory of watching?
Damn, we are so distinguished now, the true elites of cinematography!
Some movie about a guy turning into a red demon monster thing. probably around late 80's or so.
Likely The Thin Man
Iron Giant maybe
i cant see the point in watching anything before the 90s.
i cant see the point in watching anything after the 00s.
one with trip to the moon, and 1 old german vampire movie
pretty kino considering how ancient it is