Ehat’s the oldest movie you watched?

Ehat’s the oldest movie you watched?

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this one i guess

I honestly know millennials who only know Keanu as the cat from that peel comedy film.

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All Quiet On The Western Front(1930)

Metropolis probably

birth of a nation (also the best)

Now I've watched it too. Guess this is my new answer.

I know a millennial who only knew David Duchovny as the guy from Californication.

Do zoomers even like the matrix?

Metropolis (1927)
Well , now they all know him as "that e3 breathtaking guy" since he's spammed all over reddit.

This kino

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Dracula (1931)

i worked at blockbuster for over a decade. So i literally don't know. Probably a turbo old sci-fi from the 60's like Phase IV or godzilla.

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Better question, what's the movie that you have the earliest memory of watching?

Damn, we are so distinguished now, the true elites of cinematography!

Some movie about a guy turning into a red demon monster thing. probably around late 80's or so.

Likely The Thin Man
Iron Giant maybe

i cant see the point in watching anything before the 90s.

i cant see the point in watching anything after the 00s.


one with trip to the moon, and 1 old german vampire movie

pretty kino considering how ancient it is