Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?
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No, does some things right and has more nods to the original films, but the story is a complete mess and spoils the monster fights.
it's terrible. can't believe i got memed into watching this. such a step down from the previous movie
>a giant fucking lizard floating in the ocean
absolute shite
if you turn your brain off anything is kino
Have sex
Not great, not terrible
It's a trope of the previous movies. Godzilla's always floated upright and fought in the middle of the ocean.
Disappointing fights. Everything covered either by clouds, snow or shit explosions. And let's not forget to cut to barely relevant people each time monsters are in the scene.
Say what you want this would be more enjoyable with mostly monsters rather than this mess.
I agree with the human stuff, but i think that the fights enviroments only added to the feeling of power to them, and the fact that ghidorah was cover by stuff in mist cases was a rather good thing to be honest, but im glad to hear other peoples opinions
it was almost kino
if it didnt cut away from the fighting and didnt use so much shaky cam + blinding explosions we could have had kino
Fuck no. The only people who hype this up are genuine retards and memers.
It was better than the first American Godzilla but that isn't saying much
and holy fucking shit is it infinitely worse than Shin Godzilla which is easily in the running for being the best film in the entire franchise and even genre.
The monster fights themselves were pretty kino but the human backstory just felt like filler garbage. I was irritated every time a scene cut back to characters I don't care about doing irrelevant things.
Pleb tier opinion. Obscuring the monsters is horror 101 you tasteless faggot. It added power and majesty to these god like creatures
It's the best american Godzilla movie, but it has tremendous room for improvement in every single category, and the human story and cast were even worse than the infamously boring 2014. I say it's a 2.5 out of 5 as Godzilla movies go.
Godzilla vs Destoroyah is infinitely more kino and you can see the monsters plain as fucking day
oh wait that movie was made by artists at the very height of their craft
>all human exposition scenes are replaced by rustic animated expositions and actual cgi flashbacks from Ghidorah past destroying civilizations and arriving on earth
>animated style variates depending where the monsters awaken (imagine pic related but moving and with kaiju
>only human scenes are the POV of bystanders
I loved it, but personally felt that no moment in it for Godzilla ever came close to the end fight from 2014. When he went nuclear was closest, but still didn't feel as iconic in my opinion. Having said that, I'm really looking forward to more.
Possibly the best giant monster movie I've ever seen.
Saw it twice, I thought it was fantastic.
Have you literally only seen this and Pacific Rim?
The human parts have always been tiresome in every Godzilla movie ever. How can this be fixed?
>artists at the very height of their craft
Kawakita became an alcoholic after Biollante flopped and stopped putting effort into the effects. The Heisei scripts could've been written by a computer. Destoroyah is highly overrated because of its strong appeals to 'member 54?' It is infinitely more kino than KotM though.
Not in the first and last Japanese ones
Stop being a retard. Plenty of films in the series, mostly showa and Shin, have decent or better human plotlines and characters.
The script and characters was honestly so fucking bad. Probably some of the worst dialogue I’ve seen in years
And I really wanted to like it
Godzilla KOTM was literally the most "ok" movie I've ever seen.
Moviemakers need to understand that Godzilla is the main character of the movie.
>muh guys in shitty rubber suits doing a slapstick routine
boomer godzilla was always lame, face it Yea Forums
Godzilla 54 and Shin Godzilla have good human parts because the human parts are the actual movie with the monsters being a symbol for nuclear war and natural disasters respectively.
Also vs Destoroyah had a somewhat entertaining human element due to them having to fight smaller versions of the big bad, 2000 had a really nice human element with the insanely memorable arms dealer villain and collapsing building disaster film aspect, and Final Wars has literal live action Naruto fights. Hell in FInal Wars the human parts are more fun than the monsters.
I just got back from the kinoplex, it was meh.
I was entertained by the giant monster fights, I rolled my eyes through most of the human shit.
The casting left me really god damn confused. Why even hire Charles Dance if you wont utilize him well?
Fuck, they didn't use ANY of the cast effectively it was mind boggling.
I didn't expect some masterpiece and I got what I paid for. I went home and took a shit and proceeded to post this.
I thought Watanabe was used well.
This is how you make big G the main character,
I'm at peace knowing I'll never get another movie like Final War. It was too perfect.
They could have taken any old ass Japanese guy to do the retarded doomsaying, the character was dumb and stereotypical
Yes. And the human characters felt straight out of a Heisei film a.k.a. "tolerable filler."
The editing was really weird. The monster scenes feel disjointed in a way that's hard to describe. Like e.g. when Rodan crawls out of the volcano, the movie uses like 1/3rd of the frames it should have to show it. One moment a claw is emerging and digging into the dirt as he prepares to hoist himself up, then cut to humans for 5 seconds, then cut back and Rodan is standing on top of the mountain. It feels like half the sequence is just missing. Most of the monster scenes felt this way.
Also it doesn't linger on the good shots long enough for them to have the proper impact. The shot of Rodan and Ghidora hurtling towards each other in a thunderstorm was the most kino moment in the trailers, but in the movie it is over so fast you don't have time to appreciate it.
The director of King of the monsters, Micheal said he'd like to do a film taking place during an ancient time where people worshipped the Titans. Could be interesting way of keeping the humans just as much or if not even more fascinating than the Titans them selves and how they co existed.
I mean probably the best usage out of the cast but is that really saying much given what we had?
All the bullshit they did in Boston was retarded and served very little fucking purpose. I can suspend a lot of disbelief for giant monster shit but don't force me to watch a bunch of soldiers and a dad scramble around a disaster scene trying to find his hideous daughter while I could watch Godzilla and Ghidora fuck each other up
Having just watched it, yeah...I hadn't thought of that. But it did feel fucking weird.
Rodans whole section felt very disjointed and bizarre.
Biggest retard in this thread.
Go ahead and tell me how either of these NuGodzilla movies are fucking better than FW
I can't wait to hear you try and bullshit your way through that argument.
trash taste lad
FW has Godzilla actually fucking fighting monsters, the human and alien bits don't sour the experience, and its a fun experience.
NuZilla is bad writing for the human bits and minimal monster payout. Huff my nutsack
straight up boring, cliche and unninteresting human plotline, with dialogue that ranges from bad to terrible with some monster fights in between, they could just focus on serisawa as the main and only protagonist, but no, here is the stranger things girl being obnoxious for 2 hours, the score was great so thats something
godzilla 2014 beat 1954 at being a drama
godzilla kotm beat every other godzilla movie at being a monster battle royale shitfest with boring human sideplots
shin godzilla has beaten every kaiju movie in history by means of having decent writing
Absolute Kino
Goddam right it was.
Not a problem with that. Except when it obscures
almost every single interesting thing and switches right back off to those literally whos it doesn't look good.
this shit felt so out of place it sored the movie for me
and even the fights had very questionable editing and camera direction to properly enjoy them, but of course the contrarians in this shithole of a board will call it kino
>in the past they called it Gihdorah
>did she said gonorreah?
You need humans in a Kaiju movie otherwise all the sense of scale is lost and you're just watching costumed actors or CGI punching each other. You need something that anchor you to the universe of the movie otherwise you can't get into it.
And since you have all those humans running around taking time away from the monsters they must do something or at least have an evolution as the plot progress. In KOTM there is a sort of parallel between the father and the mother and Godzilla and Ghidorah (father wants to be left the fuck alone and for people to stop being goddamn retarded, mother wants to clean the board and start over without caring for who gets trashed while she does it), which is sort of interesting, but as they are still very classic characters arc it's perceived about as well as other godzilla movies.
Like the director said it could be interesting to have a movie set in an ancient civilisation because then when you focus on humans you can still entertain viewers with a unique culture to discover.
>Why even hire Charles Dance if you wont utilize him well?
so he can take on an important role in the next movie? god you are a fucking retard lmao
>godzilla 2014 beat 1954 at being a drama
now you are the biggest retard ITT
It was kaijukino, which might not necessarily be true kino but it was still good.
>One copy of Godzilla: Final Wars please.
Probably one of the worst films I've ever seen.
Not a joke.
>One copy of Godzilla vs. Megalon please
It bothered me the entire time that the CGI was so fucking bad. They had to film every monster scene with a dozen different layers of grit/dark/distraction to keep the CGI from looking as shit as it did.
>now that the dust has settled
I loved the first one, and just like every other thing I like it gets a different direction on it's sequel, not bad on their own but missing the things I actually liked. As Michael Dougherty said, It's the Aliens to the Gareth Edwards' Alien.
I'm cursed
hell no
MOTY 2019
Final Wars sucks dick. Most of the monster action incorporates rushed CGI that looks super dated.
You're just choosing to hate the human parts on purpose because it wasn't made in Japan
After that what chance does Kong possibly have in the next movie? Literally none unless they MASSIVELY play up his speed and intelligence/using weapons and shit. And even then that's just gonna keep him alive a bit longer. He's also a lot smaller. I expect they'll scuffle a bit then team up to fight the big bad guy. Who's it gonna be this time?
hopefully kong vs godzilla will fix that
I hope it's Gigan and Megalon
duuuuh too hard see, unga big bunga monstor fight should be in completely white void so my eye can see
It improved on many of the flaws president in Godzilla 2014, but still retains aspects that made it flawed. Whereas everything to do with Kickass was meandering and pretty stock, the new human characters were decent. They weren't as good as the highs of the Kiryu Films, Shin Godzilla, G.M.K., or even Final Wars, but they worked, and the Mom is one of the more complex "Villains" we've had in the franchise.
The next movie needs more daylight fighting, Kong proved how well that works. Also a stronger cinematography aspect to focus on the Kaiju, cutting away to ground perspective is okay, but not for every major fight scene.
Moving to include more Kaiju was good, and even with Toho being cowards the new creatures we got are fun and hopefully return in Kong Vs Godzilla. If this movie did one thing it completely conveyed the scale of the scenes, even if that's easy when everything is CGI.
The writing was just okay, and clearly hurt the performances, and the quips could have been reduced. Nothing was as funny as the button-up shirt scene in Shin by comparison.
Overall it's a fine film, and a good addition to the franchise. Nowhere near the best it has to offer, but definitely worthy of bearing the name Godzilla.
>Kong is growing
>infinitely more mobile than Goji
>able to use tools
>may get mecha enhancements
>may get buffed by lightning
>has one hell of a good right hook
Bad guy is either a setup for a regenerated Mecha-King Ghidorah, or maybe a forced Mecha Godzilla. Probably with some initial fight between Kong and Behemoth to setup Kong since Behemoth is fan favorite over in Japan.
There's only one kino G film
I also really loved the idea of surrounding the monsters in disasters or forces of nature like hurricanes, and having some like Mothra part those disasters. But the issue is, they never let us get used to it. If they'd just held on it a little longer we could have adjusted to the brightness and the storms and we'd be able to make out what it is, but then they kept cutting to much more bright people without any sort of obscuring covering. They just needed to stop cutting away and let us appreciate these things with the scale they are.
I don't understand the complaints because they can applied to virtually all other Godzilla movies and in fact I'd say this movie does them a little less so than most of the others.
>step down
Nigger did you watch the movie ?
He's confirmed he's not in Godzilla vs Kong so it looks like the joke is on you.
Pleb filter movie.
Nigga we just wanna see monster fight. Fuck you and you anchor
People hate on the story in this movie a lot but it had great world building. Maybe that's not the kind of thing most people care about but I felt very engaged by it. There were plenty of "oh shit the world just got way bigger" moments. I guess I am just a sucker for "deepest lore" shit.
The worldbuilding has been good in all three of this universe's movies, but worldbuilding is something that only matters when the rest of the movie is good. That's why writers generally consider worldbuilding low priority and often feel they can ignore it altogether, such as in the Star Wars sequels.
>Pleb filter movie.
That's actually Godzilla Earth