Do you talk movies with women? How is their taste?
Do you talk movies with women? How is their taste?
>Do you talk movies with women?
No because I am so profoundly unattractive+undesirable+uninteresting to women that they do not want to talk about anything at all with me.
wallowing in self pity won't help either. You're not as bad as you think.
>talking about movies with women
You only call it "self-pity" because you cannot comprehend being so immensely bottom-of-the-barrel. To me, it's pragmatism.
Save some money go to asian country and find out what its like to have girls falling over themselves trying to get you to fuck them.
No. He really is. If he thinks hes that bad, then he's worse.
I'd rather wallow in self pity, too much work
>no LOTR
who the fuck did they ask?
Asian women do not find me attractive because I am not white
All that image actually shows though is that both sexes are plebs, women are just even worse
Most of the films on the men's side don't even make their top 100
are girls that let you fuck whenever you want rare? both my college gfs were super uptight about consent and other bs but maybe I just had bad luck
Dios mio...
In terms of the level of maturity required to fully enjoy the genre, and not just from a pure emotional standpoint, romcoms and chick flicks in general are akin to capeshit. It's all garbage.
>reading comprehension
its listing movies with the largest rank discrepancy between genders, not their favorite movies
if youre dating a girl and arent fucking daily theyre ether cheating on you or you suck at sex
Yeah, my gf. Our tastes overlap 80%, so hers is pretty good desu.
I dont even have time to see her daily and shes also busy with school and work
She is cheating on you then. All girls are clingy. If they are being faithful then they will be trying to make every minute about you being with them. If they aren't, then you are a side piece or they are getting it from somewhere else.
When a man is with a woman, the only thing that should be on their mind is sex(obviously doesn’t include family members). There’s no point in trying to have intellectually stimulating discussions with females when you can have those same conversations with a man and actually get something out of them. Women are just meant to be fucked
I meet few to pretty much no one who has taste I respect.
It's not a gender thing. Everyone's a pleb
I hate my fucking life
maybe but I doubt it. she's just weird in the typical female way. like she complained that all I want from her is sex because we always make out when she comes over
Ah the famed women experts of
most people don't get what they want, some of them just try longer
Girls are just big dummies who don't know anything. Most of their preferences come from their father or boyfriend.
My girlfriend is 19 and I’m 27. She’s so naive she’s like a blank canvas and looks to me for recommendations and approval on basically everything. So when it’s movie time it’s mostly me picking something out for us to watch. And when she picks something out, it’s usually dumb but it’s funny to watch a bad movie with her. But occasionally, few and far between, once in a blue moon, she picks out certified kino and I fall in love with her all over again.
based pedo
Most haven’t watched the Matrix; make of that what you will
>women only watch modern movies that are popular at the time
>men watch good movies and ignore trends
Dear Lord in heaven, I may be human trash, but thank you for not making me a LADY
19 bro!!! its awesome
>BR2049 makes it
That's most women
how did you get a 19 y/o gf??
I’m at the point where I’m turned on by a girl that can scratch my intellect itch. I’m not saying I’m super intelligent but when me and a girl are on the same wavelength their attractiveness goes way up. It’s pretty much why I went after my boss
maybe your taste is just shit
2005 pride and prejudice is kino af. at least women got that right
she cashiered at the liquor store I frequent and I chatted her up a bunch. she is pretty much exactly what I wanted, no kids (crazy I gotta even consider that), relatively prude, wants to bear my children and be a loyal wife and mom. She can’t cook (yet) but that’s fine cause I cook a lot and I like it. She’s an incredible baker though. We live together and I make enough to support us both but she still wants to work while she isn’t doing anything which is fine by me. She still cleans the house and hands me a beer when I come home. Cuddles up next to me. Sucks my dick. For what it’s worth though I don’t think she would’ve been as receptive to me if I wasn’t the bread winner I am. But that’s fine with me
nice man, quick rundown of how you chatted her up?
How chadly do I have to be to get this kind of relationship? I'm willing to do as many steroids and amphetamines as I need to at this point if it means i'm not fucking lonely anymore
Same user. I'm 26 and mines 18. She calls me daddy and I pick the movies.
>How chadly
not at all, just be at least average looking while having money and being pathetic enough to want a younger gf so you have someone you can have a hold over
Carried by this lady right here, it was ought to be good
>just be at least average looking
>while having money
Not possible. I make $30k/yr and work full time in construction so I have no energy to go to school and become a STEMchad.
Unironically based. People will call you pessimistic for calling it as you see it.
I honestly don’t really know. Just casual small talk when I walked in and then when I paid for things. The owners give me a discount so whenever I go to pay they would from the other side of the store “he gets hooked up.” I think I might’ve remarked on her working all the time or something like “don’t you have anything better to do?” Idk sounds cringey typing it out but it definitely would’ve played better irl. I can tell you how I asked her out though cause it’s a method i came up with years ago and had a high success rate with
>write phone # on receipt
>say something like, “i know this is out of left field, but if you’d be interested in doing something sometime, shoot me a text.”
>then just give her the #
And I figured when I came up with this that it’s totally low risk for the girl and pretty disarming cause you aren’t asking for her number which can feel awkward for her giving out personal info. and if she’s actually interested she will call or text. If she’s not then you won’t hear anything and it’s whatever.
I do have a home gym and got /fit/
>Rashomon, Raging Bull, BR2049, The Thing, Double Indemnity
>women don’t understand or don’t like a movie where a woman lies about rape
>women don’t like or don’t understand a movie where a woman stabs her husband in the back because he loses status
>women don’t like or don’t understand a movie about the modern man and his loneliness and disgust with women in a Clown World
>women don’t like or don’t understand a movie whose theme is that allowing paranoia and other emotions to run rampant destroys male organization and cohesion
>women don’t like or don’t understand a movie about a woman who weaponizes sex and kills her husband out of ennui basically
>pathetic enough to have a younger gf
you need to take the redpill user. having a girlfriend 7-12 years your junior is how you maximize hotness potential throughout marriage and your inevitable aging and they are the most likely not to have kids or a ton of life luggage
Maybe you should shut the fuck up
>I do have a home gym and got /fit/
I guess since you mentioned money twice now you forgot to mention I should become an auditor and work at home for Deloitte making $500k/hr like you do
Get into government work. It’s the easiest way to make money, start a pension, and get great benefits. Or take the time to master a trade and work for yourself.
I have 3 years to go before i'm a journeyman electrician. I'm already learning a trade but I dont want to continue being desperately suicidally lonely until i'm 31 and my chances of getting an 18 year old gf plummet to less than 0
>work at home for Deloitte making $500k/hr like you do
I thought everyone does this here. No?
I make under 6 figures but I have no debt other than a cheap mortgage. The home gym was 800 dollars from Titan Fitness. I clear about 4400 a month.
Good for you. Some of us deserve to suffer in life so people like you can feel better about yourselves I guess.
This list had to have been made by a millennial. So many on the list that seem so forced to be there to prove how masculine they are. Like this list is reeking of beard cream.
My gf and I have sex whenever we want. I feel bad if i turn her down and vice versa. We actually want to pleasure each other
I just dont watch stuff my gf picks out. She can watch it herself and ill watvh my own shit
I’m not a stranger to being broke, my man. I moved out when I was 18 and worked two forklift jobs back to back 90 hours a week. I didn’t have a life and I lost a ton of weight from not eating cause I was paycheck to paycheck. My typical day was
>wake up 7pm
>clock in 8pm
>eat free fruits and vegetables from produce store i forklifted at
>clock out
>get small black coffee and hash brown from McDonald’s
>clock in at pet store to forklift some more
>clock out 12pm
>go home
>run 5k on second hand treadmill
>pushups and pull-ups
>sleep like 4-5 hours
I didn’t have a life. On my one day a week off I would sleep forever and eat at my parents house.
Man I really need to start exercising
I must be low test or something because I have no energy to "dude haha chyeah work out and lift heavy shit like A MAN brah ride the FVKKIN TIGER lmao" after working 10 hour shifts in the construction trades.
Genuinely considering just risking my mental health by popping a bunch of modafinil every day so I can compete with the rest of you chads
I actually never had more energy than when I was doing that schedule. I think it helped I didn’t drink. Cause I couldn’t afford it nor did I have the time. Alcohol just saps all energy and motivation from me. But I look back on it now while at my current job and I’m like “why do I go home after 10 hours and crash? I used to come home from that and then work out.” It’s weird
I dont drink alcohol, Chad.
women try to talk capeshit with me and im like lol i aint watchin that shit
You can just get adrafinil it’s otc (take with milk thistle if you’re neurotic about liver enzymes)
But you might not respond to modafinil (I didn’t) so consider looking into Racetams because there are many different types so even if one doesn’t work or gives you a headache or something you’re not shit out of luck
alright bruh you ready for the bombshell then? I’m 5’6 Warwick status. but she’s 5’1, 5’2
Just my wife.
Her taste is okay, for a woman. She still doesn't understand male kino though.
desu my wife wants to fuck more often than i do.
hard life brah.
Literally every uk woman is a psychotic cunt who either ghosts you, unmatches you or some other rude evil shit
this. if she’s bored she’s basically forcing me to let her suck my dick so she can sit on it